Page 35 - TheGoldBug1936-37
P. 35
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE CATHOLIC U. DEFEATS ,------, I MOUNTMEN AGAIN Tep TERROR BOXERS BY5-3 SNAPSHOTS HOW THE TERRORS TERROR CAGERS, 35-31 WALTERLEE TAYLOR RING THEM UP Carnage In The Five Lighter Divi- Below are listed the scoring MARYLAND COLLEGIATE sions Causes Loss of Match figures for the Western Maryland LEAGUE w, L. Pct. Sweeping the five lighter divisions, Mr. St. Mary's Has Made Runaway Race Of League baskctcers. These figures include Mt. St. Mary's .875 the experienced, hard-hitting Catho- With the Maryland Collegiate League season almost over, Mt. St. all games played through 13. the week Washington College .571 ending with February lic University warrior-s defeated Mary's bas. clinched the title for the third time in five years and has St. John's .500 Western Maryland in boxing by a withdrawn the trophy of the league from competition. The Upstate Player G. FG. F. T'l. Western -Mai-yland .429 score of 5 to 3 last 'I'hursdav night at has been at the top of the league standing since the beginning of Benjamin- 14 56 13-21 125 Hopkins .429 the Catholic University gym in Wash- season and have really made a ruunwuy race. Jo Jo Lawlers boys Uvanni 16 42 17-32 101 Loyola 1 .143 ington. A crowd of 2,000 fans saw proved themselves the class of the loop by crushing all opposition Tomichek 16 26 12-23 64 RECENT SCORES the meet. ease. Probably the sternest test the Mountmen faced this year in Adriance 16 22 20-37 64 St. Johns, 39; Washington College, western Maryland's points were league competition was their overtime win from Western Maryland. Stropp 13 18 18-35 54 38_ scored by Clint 'Walker and Joe Edmond 13 9 4-8 22 'Washington College, 38; Mt. St. Q'Leair, middleweight and heavy- Coo 8 5-6 13 Mary's, 37. weight fighters who won by decis- opened, it was generally conceded that Drugash 'A!"'5 5 . l:t£0pkins, 53; Loyola, 44. ions, and by a forfeit to Captain Tony would be between Washington College, Sherman _'1- 2 -3 Mt. St. Mary's, 35; Western Mary- Ortenzi in the light-heavyweight ing champions, Westr-rn Mai'ylnnrl, the land,31. class. and the Mounts. 'rhc last-named II'Ne St. John's, 30; Loyola, 14. consideration at. first been use it TERROR MARKSMEN TRIM Mt. St. Mary's strengthened its the of Joe Segadelli, Bob Leahy grip on first place in the standing of Reilly, all regulars of the 1936 team, HOPKINS IN CLOSE MEET the Maryland Collegiate League by Sam Grimsey in the bantam 'rhe Terrors, despite their and Hyde Dooley in the lightweight defeating wester-n Maryland in a season class. Catholic U. supplanted Joe early in the circuit games, have Six Point Lead Breaks Tie As Last fast, close game, 35 to 31, Tuesday have and Bunsa, junior middleweight, with against State teams. Target Is Turned In night at the Armory. Bob Stant, and the slugging Sully The contest was closely-contested Greco, middleweight, with Bob 'I'ur- But. the Mounts forged into the lead-a lead Western Maryland's rifle team de- and hard-fought all the way. Neither relinquished. Washington College feated the marksmen of Johns Hop- team ever enjoyed a lead of more thnn In the 115 pound class fight the ex- WALTERLEETAYLOR the ball it was capable of producing. kins in a low-scoring match, 1290 to four points although the lead changed perienced Dave Bernstein of the Car- lost an upset tilt. to 11 Hopkins five that was playing miles 1284, last Saturday on the Terrors' hands a number of times during the dinals easily defeated Osteen, fight- and after tripping Wcstcm Maryland, lost decisively to range. course of the game. ing his first intercollegiate battle. at Emmitsburg. 'Washington has played ill-and-out ball The closeness of the match was evi- Western Maryland jumped into the 'I'ex Guinan, star Cardinal feather- year definitely not been of championship calibre. denced by the fact that a tie existing lead by scoring two field goals, one by weight who has had a tough time this The Terrors never did get going in full stride. Although after the between the two teams was not, Bob Stropp and the other by John year convincing referees and judges defeat I1t the hands of the She-men Ferguson's men did take St. John's broken until the last target had been Tomiehek. But Stan Kokie and Frank that he is a winner, took the only al- and Hopkins at the Armory, thny then proceeded to give a miserable turned in, giving the Tcrroi-s the sunk the next two scores to let-native to prove that he was better display of the eage game at Evergreen 1111(1 lost to Loyola, a team which match by a mere six points. the issue, and then a fast than his opponent. A looping right scarcely belongs in the league this rear. This was the game that put the Guild of the Jays was high scorer and furious struggle ensued the rest to the cheek of Paul Brengle knocked Green and Gold out of the running. The only atonement for the defeat for the match with 273 points, but he of the game. The score stood 16-16 out the Tenor fighter completely in was :'I victory over the Mounts at. Emmitsbm-g, and the 'ten-ors were was closely pursued by Rowland at the half. one and one half minutes of the open- not equal to it. Aftel' their third loss 'Western Maryland was practically high man for western With less than a minute of game ing round. through as a title eon tender. who turned in a 271. time remaining- the Terrors led, 31 to Martinez made it three straight for 29, but foul shots by Apichella and Catholic U. by scoring a technical Terrors Have Failed To Hold Leads Kokie knotted the count. Then th"" knockout over Dooley. The latter, an fact I\"as brought to light in the last. two games. The deciding tally was scored by Joe Kar- inexperienced rookie, could not stalld run up snbstantial leads in the first two thirds of the pinski, and in the last few seconds up against the rain of blows his foe Apichella quenched any Terror llOpes . packed. at .Emmltsburg blo\l'n them in the last ten minutes. This happened of a last minute tie by sinking the eleven ,Yestorn blew Maryland sure a seemingly Red Bender of the Terrors and Bill P?lllt lead in the last nine minl1tes of play. 'rhe Mounts came from be- mg. final goal of the game. Mix of the Cards put on the closest lund to tie the score and then went 011to win in the extra period. Count- Apichella of the Mounts and 'Vest- battle of the evening with the former The results: ern Maryland's Joe Uvanni led the losing a very dose decision. Bender's ing the overtime period in that game, Western Maryland made exactly W. Md. p- K S. T. scoring, each with 12 points. Bob three made sixteen minutes. l\H. St. !\fan"s points in the last foUt·tecn best round was the third, but he Th:'lt is why they helld the league. . Armacost 99 95 77~271 Stropp, the Terrors' fine guard, was couldn't drop Mix or overcome his Myers 99 83 83-265 runnerup with 11 markers. Kokie of early lead in points. Just last wcek the Terrors blcw n lead of sev~n points to the weak Parker 99 85 77-261 the Mounts. was next with nine. Stephen Andrews' long left didn't Loyola Greyhounds, and the decision of the referee was needed to award Hoffa 91 88 71-250 Mt. st. Mary's FG. F. T_ help him much against tough Bob the game to 'Vestern Marvland after Lovola claimed that 11 last-second Lumall 94 85 64-243 Apichella, f. 5 2- 3 12 Stant. The hard-punching Stant got field goal.had left t.he hand of their play~r befol'e thefillal whistle blew. -, Kokie,f. 5-6 a punch in close early in the second The' best the Tenors ean 00 now is to gain second place. Should 1290 Savage, c. 2- 2 round and stopped Andrews for the they sweep their remRil1ing three gnmes with 'Washington College, St. Hopkins p- K Petrini, g. 0-1 Cardinals' deciding John's, and Hopl(ilL~, they will wind up in the notch bellind the victor- Guild 98 93 8~2~3 Karpinski, g. 0-2 The best fight of evening oc- ious flfount~. Brown 97 90 76-263 curred between Clint \Valker, the Lindenmayer 95 89 70-254 13 9-14 85 Terrors' fine middleweight, and Bob Stropp Has Played Good Ball This Year Rossberg 82 74-252 Western Md. FG_ F_ T_ TU-l·nel". \Valker won on his fine box- Bob Stropp, who·has filled the gllard spot hcld b.v Sheriff Fowhle Leber " 87 5\1-242 Adriance, f. 2- 4 96 ing form. At times the bout was a last year, llas turucd in some excellent ball this season. Fowble was one Edmond, f. 0-2 -0 terrific slugging bee, and both bo~'s of the team's best players last year and \\'11Sthe guard on the 11OI1orary 1284 Uvanni, c. 2~ 3 12 were exhausted at the final gong. In seeond team selected by P11nl McntOlI. He W:'ISa good fioor man :'Ind 11 Stropp, g. 1-1 11 the third session Turner tried a llUm- fine shot. Tomichek, g. 0-0 6 bel' of wild, roundhouse rights but Yet Stropp, who reminds 011100kers of Fowble in seyernl depart- 31 could not hit the elusive "Nymph." ments of pll1y, lIas taken I1P wllere the Sheriff left off Ilnd has been all PROBST INCREASES LEAD 13 5-10 After Catholic U. forfeited to Or- imporhlllt member of the team's combinntioll. His floor play llils been IN STATE SCORING RACE Mt. St. Mary's 16 16 19-35 Western 15-31 Md. gcnerally good, and llC hns done llis share of scoring. Non-scoring substitutes: Mt. St. Bob has h;l(] more tongh lnck on his shots tlwl1 nny other membcr Mary's-Mitchell, f.; Kennedy, f.; finale. Vic Probst, Univcrsity of Balti- of the team. He shoots a high, arching shot, and many of his shots haye 1110recenter who has headed the State Western lI1al'yland-Coe, f.; Sher- found the iron hoop only to bounce ant. ngHill. Tll both the ?lIt. St. Mary's scoring parade all season, added to man, g. Referee--Dave Kaufman. last COURTMEN STAVE OFF game at Emmitsbnrg and tIle Loyola tilt found week. he was vietimi~ed his lead during the past 16 games. Uumpire-Benny Artigiani. week and not bounced the'bRsli:et so that, lwd his shots whieII really enough 219 points now has for neither gmne would LOYOLA; WIN 32 -31 out again, by the hoop lit. Emmitsburg 11aye been in doubt. Thrcc times he "'flS Mike Pellino, a teammate, is holding FROSH GIRLS CAPTURE gypped and at least twic!' at tIle Armory (!own second position with 172 mark- BASKETBALL LAURElS In a thrilling finish reminiscent of Basketballers Have Three Tilts Left, Ringsters Two ers for 16 tilts, while Mt. St. Mal'y's the Bucknell game of a year ago, In tell days the basketball ~easol1 for Western Maryland will end Frank Apichella is in thil·.d place with A detel'mined freshman team clinch- Western Maryland defeated Loyola The Green Imd Gold meets Hopkins tonight at Homewood. The game 148 points for 15 games ed the basketball championship by de- in a Maryland Collegiate League with Wllshing~oll College sehcduled for t.he Armory takes ncxt Stan Benjamin, Westenl Maryland feating ·the sophomore team 27-22 in game, 32 to 31, on Tuesday, Febru- Tuesday night. On Saturday, Februnr~' 27. the TelTol's close ece, who was right on Probst's heels[ a fast game Tuesday afternoon. Gain- ary 11, at the Armory. son against St. John's at Annapolis. for a time, rang up 125 points in thel ing·8. 17-8 lead in the first half, the befol'e quitting I he played 14 games Overcoming an eight point lead, the The boxers "'ill journey to 'Vest Point. all Sflturdll~'. Februar~' '27, freshman team held this lead al- Greyhounds set the cl'owd and officials to mect the Army pOlyerhonse. 'fhcy II"cre originally scheduled to face the team and finally leaving college.: though the "sophs" outs cored thel\l in crazy by going ahead one point at the Miami's mittmen on February 23, but the meet. was cancelled because He is in sixth place among the State' the second half. The class of '4Q hav:e finish. It took fifteen minutes to de- of it.~ too close proximity to the Army meet. The Terrors wind IIp on their first class championship in one termine whether the goal had been :\[aJ'eh 6 against Villanova at. Villanova preparatory to going to the 'I'heleaders: of the best basketball seasons at scored before the final whistle had Intel'eollegiates. Player F. FG. F. T. \Vestern Maryland. been blown. The roars of the ex- Pl'obst, Baltimore 16 95 29 219 The line-up for the championship cited spectators drowned out the Odds And Ends From Here And There Pellino, Baltimol'e 16 71 30 172 g'ame was as follows: sound of Timekeeper Ted l\Iujwit's 'rop honors in tIle Free State for the beF;t bilsketball qnints mnst go to Apichella, III.S.M. 15 66 16 148 Sophomore "A" Freshman "A" horn. Baltimore, :Mt. St. Mat"y's, and Na,'}" The Bees haye the best record, Zebrowski, Wash. 12 55 32 142 Taylor, V. L.F. Fields, R. Stevenson, a substitute Loyola but Navy h:'ls met the best opposition The big)!est dis:=J]1]1ointment Pulvino, Baltimore 16 51 36 138 Yocum, M. R.F. Witherup, D. guard, caused all the trouble by inter- this season has been l\-[arylaud . The Terps h:'lve faltered badly in Benjamin, W. Md. 14 56 13 125 Wiesaar, A. C. Twigg, H. cepting a Stropp to Drugash pass late se:=JsonIlllc111(1"vemade a poor showing in the Sout.hern Conference. Siegel, Hopkins 13 41 39 121 Berwager, J. S.C. Morton, S. and dribbling half the length of the Frank Apichella is probably the most improved player in the League of Melvin, Hopkins 13 44 28 116 McKenney, M. L.G. Gompf, C., floor for the controversial basket. those left from lilst season . His marksmansllip this year is llnean- Ruge, Navy 13 48 19 115 I1fyE'.l"s,L. M. R~G Scott; ·B. Referee Paul Menton, after much dis- ny .. All his shots are from the floor, few eoming under tIle basket Thomas, Maryland 15 44 21 109 The game Thursday afternoon be- cussion, ruled that the basket was 'Maryland's most consist.ent player over the season has been the stellar Uvanni, W. Md.' - "1'6 42 17 101 tween the junior and senior "A" scored after play had officially ceased. lit.tle gnard, Knocky Thomas ... He should be All UarylmHl . Wayson, Loyola . 13 3\1 22 100 learns will close the season, the loser Stevenson missed being a hero by sec- 'Vashington and Lee's candidate for All American honOrs is Bob Spes- Lambros, St. John's 10 39 22 100 dropping in th~-:,c~Ual' position. The onds. sard, lanky eenter who has been going great guns in the South all year. McFarland, Nayy 12 44 10 98 teams al~e.;_ Captain Tom Carney, high scorer for Loyola, was injured in a collision ~~~~I~\~~t!e~!a~og~~eF?~~t~~. i~~~c~~:~ was ~~~~a~II~~l~~;Sh~~tl~l~d:h~~ ~~~!:/lL~::ia'~~~.~~:~~~~:~~:;~~'.-R.~,- '~~;:,r~'.A~'. with Joe Uvanni in the closing min- at that decision ... By the way, whero does that put Clint Walked Rasin, Hopkin-s 13 33 15 81 Corkran,.J. L.F. ,·.Morris, T. utes of the game and had to retire. He beat Edwards at Navy . Staniord, which had one All American Waters, Maryland 15 31 18 80 'Nock, M.. G. C. Taylor, ·E. Bob Stropp, Terror defensive ace, basketeer last year, may have two this season. Archie Stoefen, Shamel, Navy 13 33 14 80 Smith, M F. S.C. Cook, C. proved his versatility by leading the brother of the tennis stflr, Lester Stoeren, may join Hank Luizetti in the I These figules lllc1ude all games I CIO"rr, N 'R;G·. Gbinpf, H. scorers with a total of ten points. All-Star ranks. .played thlOUgh FebluRlY 13, Wlgle~', III A _L.G. Coopel', 111. V.
   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40