Page 43 - TheGoldBug1936-37
P. 43
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE HAVENS ISSUES CALL BASEBALL TEAM HAS WALKER PLACES HIGH FOR SPRING FOOTBALL SNAPSHOTS 13-GAME SCHEDULE IN INTERCOLLEGIATES WALTER. LEE TAYLOR Gridders To Start Immediately after Team Needs Bolstering In Batter y, Syracuse Dethrones Penn State, 26 To Holidays. Havens Needs Two Infield and Garden. Skinner 25. Terrors Score Three Third Ends, Bucker Syracuse Victory In Intercollegiates A Surprise And Coo Already Working Places. Goodman And Richter Only 1936 Champs To The thud of the pigskin will vie The thrilling one point victory over Penn State in the Intercolleg- An attractive schedule of thirteen Retain Laurels wit.h the crack of bat against ball and iates by Syracuse University came as a distinct surprise to many Iol- games has been arranged for the the crunch of the spike in cinders as lowers of the collegiate ring game. While it was definitely conceded that horsehide tossers of Western Gaining one second place and three soon as spring vacation is over. the Orange warriors would be the biggest menace to the Nittany Lions, it land by Charley Havens, Director thirds, Western Maryland scored six Charley Havens, head Coach, and wns thought that Penn State would rebuff with ease the challenge of the Athletics. points and finished in fourth place in his assistants, Bruce Ferguson and New Yorkers and emerge with her third consecu- the four-teenth annual Eastern Inter- Bull Draper, will inaugurate the an-. tive team championship. Those who saw Penn collegiutes held at Syracuse Universi- close. The Terrors meet Georgetown nual spring football practice hnmed-I State in action thought that the stellar array of ty last Friday and Saturday. iately after the holidays, weather be- fighters would win the Baltimore Sun Trophy on the latter's field, and from then Syracuse Univcr-sity, which contrib- ing favorable. The spring training hands down, and close observers said the Pennsyl- uted three individual champions, de- will last approximately four weeks. were probably the strongest college ring un:~ !~~~t~O~lt~~~:sv:;.~\t~e throned the defending titleholders, Havens has held several skull ses- tuam ill the United States. . a game with Gaithersburg High School Penn State, nosing out the Nittanv stons prior to this time, and one day , has been arranged for the freshmen Lions, 26 to 25. Army scored 7 did have the team out in uniform, but Syracuse had what it took to not only and reserves. The lads from the vi- points ; Villanova, 5; and Pennsylva- 01' Man 'Weather intervened. and crown from the head of Penn State but cinity of Washington will appeal' here llia,3. Charley gave up the attempt, prefer- prevent the Lions from doing what only SY1'n- on May 19. Clint Walker, who lost in the finals Home and home games have been (;f the 165 pound class to Ord Fink of ri~h:otS~~'i~~mt;~~~i::lei:e::::y im- team l~~;~l~l~:i~n~~i~lst~nd~l\~~~~Sl;O;l~t~~-;~~~;o;~r~~ scheduled with George Washington, Syracuse, won the second place for portant because it gives the Terror Tony Sal a of Villanova over Nestor Koeiubinsky of Loyola, Catholic U., Washington Col- the Terrors, whilc Bill Bendel', wel- coaching staff a chance to look over Penn State in the light-heavyweight title fight definitely assured Byru- lege, and Mt. St. Mary's. The Ter- tenveight; Ellwood Andrews, 155 the freshmen who will be sophomores cnse of the title despite Jim Brown's defeat by Izzy Richter. rors' tiffs with the Greyhounds, pcunder-; and Joe G'Leair, heavy- in September and see just who will And so the Iutercollegiates will rest until 1938 when the varlouĀ« Mounts, and Sho'men are Maryland I weight, gained the thirds. League fit into the plans for another potent teams meet again, this time at Penn State. And both Penn State and Collegiate League is tilts. of the Bender and Andrews gnined their The composed football machine. Syracuse will be after that elusive fifth win-the win needed to with- same colleges which made up the bas- points automatically, there being but With only Cliff Lathrop and Lou draw from competition the Baltimore Sun Trophy. three entered in each of their classes, ketball circuit with the exception of and O'Lcair won by default in the ~~~s::~ l~:!nt~!~;a~i~mlo~~ :~':o~u:h 1 Spier Plans' Extramural Golf Tourney . St. John's. The Annapolitans will not consolation final from Fred Siemer of leaving school, Havens will not have put a baseball team on the field this Cornell. the task he had a year ago, that of According t.o word from Mr. Fl. B. Spiel' of the Physical Education spring. Hopkins, thc other team in Penn State tied the Orange fighters picking over a large group of future Department, an effort is being made to stage an extranlllral golf tall rna- the loop, does not mcet Western of Syracuse in the number of individ- sophs and trying to wcld different mellt llere some time in :May. 'rIle competing teams w01l1d come from the Maryland. ual titles WOll. The Lions wel'C su- combinations into various key pos- state of lIfaryland alld the District of Colnmbia and would include teams Although the baseball season is preme in the 135 and 155 itions. from Catl10lic U., Marylalld, Hopkins, alld the like. \Vestl'l'll :rITary- just about a month in the offing, in- classes and the heavyweight clement weather conditions have p1'e- 'Villanova's light heavyweight star, is ::~ :~elsahr:::;rt~t~fg~~~~'~n !I~::~~~~~I:so~~~~~~:~t~~~~?Si~\"~l~!d;oen~~o~~nAf;~~ the best of the local golfer;; vented any formal workouts. How- Tony Sala, and Clarcnce Bess, Army of the other football men arc known This move ',"ould bc of valuc to 'Vestern Maryland chiefly because it eve1', the snow and wintry blasts have bantamweight, won the other class quantities to the Terror coach. His wonld put an added emphasis on golf, a sport which is given little promi- not worried George Skinner and Fred I championships. main job at present seems to be find- nence llere and which is participated ill by only a few. It wonld deyclop Coe. Bess won his title from Lorman ing a pair of ends to supplant his interest in thc sport and migllt lend to similar moves on the campnses of The ace of the hurling staff and Coe of Pennsylvania, the lad stars, Lassahn and Benjamin, and colleges witll whom 'Vestcrn Maryland enjoys friendl? athletic relationi;. have been working out had previously eliminated 'Ycs- finding a bucker to take over Cliff All(i it would help thc illtramural program at the college which i!; rapid- warmth of the boxing room .Maryland's Sam Lathrop's job. I ly becoming wider in scope and more appealing to more men. the horsehide pellet back and Skinner has been pitching to Fred fOl' I Move To Have Interfraternity Baseball Excellent One two weeks now, and is beginning to man to win a championship, NET ASPIRANTS ANSWER Th, idee 'Qv,n",l in (h, meeting of (h, iuh',mnml oommittee to loosen up. He seems set for a banncr feating Allcn Tapman of Pcnn State by a very close decision. The third place went to Cadet Barksdale of the COACH HURT'S CALL ~~~:~;o~~~~~;cl~~i~n;~~f/;~\~l~~l~!r a~~~:~~~l t~;~i: l~~sr~~~ni~o~~~~d~~'c~lfnbt~! Army by default. last four years. This move, if carried throngh, would be of benefit to all Fl'ank Goodman of Penn State, Tennis Squad Work Out In Gym. the clubs on the "Hill" and "'ould 11rovide an excellent form of recrea- an improvised plate with his sharp lightweight king of 1936, Veterans Dominat.e Practice tion !llld a new and probably lastillg interest among t.he competing teams. hooks. retained his crown by decisively Sessions Of course the idea bas its limitations. There is t.hc chance tllat the Fl'om last year's varsity nine 'Yest- pointing Freddy Zucan'o of Syracusc. schedule ~or the intramural baseball league would conflict with games ern Maryland has lost the services of Goodman knocked the Orange light- Approximately sixteen aspirants fmd practice sessions of the varsit.y. Then too, time is an clement to con- Bull Draper, catcher and outfielder; weight down in the third ronnd. Tom were on hand last Thursday when sider. The games would have t.o be limited to five, six, or seven inllings. Frank Maholchic, catcher; "Jug-head" Shanley of the Army won all auto- Coach Frank B. Hurt issued first call for eyen tllnt short p:mne would require as much time fOJ' these clubs to Millard, pitcher; "Sheriff" Fowble, matic third placc. for the tennis team. The group in- playas a regulation gamc played in the major leagues. Only one game (Cont. page 4, col. 1) The big upset of thc tourney came cluded foul' varsity men from last could be played in an afternoon. 'in the 145 pound class when Penn season, four holdovers from the 1936 Yet the move would help to develop illterest in bascball OJl the State's Sammy Donato, defendin.!:'." squad, and about eight fl'eshmell. campus. Baseball, flS 11 college sport, does not h~l\'e much interest llere. TRACK SEASON TO START champ, was trounced by John Mas- The prospects for the 1937 team Yet \ Maryland is like man~t other colleges ill America. The ap- hella of Syracuse. The Syracuse lllllll shape up brightly, according to Coach pelll of college b(lf;eball is not strong. 0111y in the Big Ten amI in uni- AFTER SPRING VACATION gained sweet revenge for the licking Hnrt. The Green and Gold have lost versit.ies like Prineetoll. Fordham, Holy Cross, Yale. FIan'aJ'd, ctc .. does handcd him in the Intcrcollegiatcs but one varsity racquet.cer from last baseball go over in a big- way. By introducing tIle sport. into the intra- Ferguson To Coach. Succeeding lust year by Donuto. Mastrella beat year, Captain Rodman Haynes. The mural program, natural illterest in baseball \,"ould pick up, if olll~' in tllf' Doughty Red Bendel' of 'Yel;tel'll Maryland, the team also lost the services of Curtis results of the intramural hasebflll tcmns. onl:1' othel' entry, in his way to the Thomas, 1936 manager and a reserve Then too. intrmnurnl baseball wonld be all outlet for those who like finals. doubles player. to jl1lly the sport but who, for various reasons, cannot play wilh the With the advent of :;wring, tl'ack Penn State gained hcr second indi- Retu1'lling varsity men illclude Cap- vllrsit~-. There nrc lllan~t sueh mcn in thc college. and the,\' would wel- candidates will begin to appeal' on the vidual titlc when the deadly, dynamic Grecian lJath, as the ancient tain Pershing Volkart, who will step come tIle opportunity to indulge in n game 01' two bcfore college closes. cinder enters its second year of reju- Billy Soose WOllfrom Art McGivern sport into the No.1 slot this season; Bud There is ah"ays tlle possibility that futUre "arsity material may be 11n- venation at Westel'll Maryland. of Syracuse. The once-dcadly Mc- Brown, John Elliott, Alex Ransone, covered in the infield of n fraternity. Bruce Fcrguson will coach the tmck Givern was disqualified in 1.35 of thc third round when he fell to the canvas and Wort Belt. This year it would be only an experiment, but it is well "'orth aspirants this year, succeeding In addition to them Hal Wright, ing. The Gamma Bets llave fostered the idea. 11Ild the othcr clubs "Goose" Doughty who handJed the job without being hit. McGivern pl'cvious- Bob Snow, George Grier, and Trago do well to fall in line and support it. ' last season. Iy had beaten Andrews of Westcrn Brust, upper classmen who formed Dual meets with Hopkins, 'Vash- Maryland, the third entry in the class. part of the squad last year, will try Western Maryland Has Extensive Spring Program to break into the select six of singles ington College, and Catholic D., have Clint Walker, the TelTors' 165 play. r 1)0"ers of spring sports will be glad to find ont that. the eompetitiYC been scheduled, and Ferguson pounder, faced Ord Fink of Syracuse Included in the group of freshmen sports of tIle college wi]] be on a~ evell more extensive_ scale t.han last to enter men in the Mason and iii the finals for thc title. 'Yalkel' had aspirants are Lenney Bce, Frank i y~ar. Hnd :ast yeilr \n~s il llotable lmprOVement oyer 193b. Tbrce. team:'; lIIect at Homewood. The meet with drawn a bye in thc semiĀ·final round Mather, Dick Sprouse, Wilbur pren-I will be ~ctlve'nll the tllne .. and tho.~e fans ,,:110 favor basebnll, tenms. am1, the Cardinals fl'om Washington is the \';hile Fink had outpointed Lou Ritzie tiss, Charles Horan, Frank Shipley, track will have plenty to mtercst t.hem durmg the last months of college only one arranged for Hoffa Field. of Penn State. The host fightel' As a nucleus to build around Fer- packed too many guns f01' Walker ~11:~nt~s~o~asB~~:p~:'yedO:het~::~ f~l~ I cnln~~~~b~~le l~~'~e~~;lee~I~a.~et:tk:~~l~~ef~l~;a~~~p a:odll~I}~~lreg~S~d1~~7:;'el~r guson has seven varsity men left from and outpointed him for Syracuse';; 1936. Lou Lassahn, javelin heaver; third and last individual champion- in the short time the squad has been Baseball can go oYer. b.i~ a~ Western J,-raryland. All the team n~eds i.s ,] working out, according to Hurt. coach w110has some lmhflflve .. If HaveJl~ halldles the tossers thIS Sl!l'mg Al Lutt and Frank Lesinski, discus ship. Ritzie gained third place, win- Thc No.2 post which Volkart held as has been reported, ~h? natJollal past~me should go fo]'wal'd WIth a tossers; Harry Balish, who tosscs ning from Jim Luper of Army by de- last year will be the object of conten- hallg. Ch.arley can do It. If he Cfln take hme out from football. l;oth; Red Bender, dash man; Bob fault. McKnight, distance runnel'; and Lee Tony Sala of Villanova, defending- tion. John Murphy, transfer student SChea~~~n~~r~\~Sg'e~;lS~,y~~~eh~~:~~\~o~i:'i~gea~~J;~n!!~rb,~~7S~ro~\:~, ~~~~fl~C~~; Adriance, pole vaulter and javelin champ in the 175 pound class, retained from Hopkins, may give stern compe- ~ thrower, are the men who havc had tis title in a thrilling battle with Nes- tition to Brown and Elliott, the mid- ihe nctmen busy all during April and May. BrO\\'1l has compiled such ]ll'evious experience here. tor Kociubinsky of Penn State. In dJe position varsity men. If Murphy an ambitions schedule that the rncflllctCf'l'.'! will perform Oil an averflge of To date Ferguson knows of fifteen lhe semi-final round Sala had beatell cun win the post, the team will per- every other day. \Vith increased illtercst in this sport, a gmne espeeial- more aspirants, most of them track George Regan of Syracusc. Kochl- form in the same positions as last ly enjoyed by the female element of the college, Western 1\faryland will men. Phil Lanasa, and Charley Rinc- binsky had kayoed Tony Orten7.i, the yEar except for the first two mell. have a broader, more interesting program than it had in 1936 heimer are the only field events men Terror entry, in 30 seconds of the Murphy has shown up well in the ----------- <>fthe new group. second round. workouts, and Coach Hurt is figuring American U. on April 9, and then al'e ! April 30-Delaware, away Others who have signified theil' in- Regan was accorded the third place him in strongly in his plans. constantly bnsy until the end of May I-Washington Coil., away tention of trying out for the team when Ortenzi defaulted to him in the The team has been working out school. May 3-Elon College, home are Art Bradley, dash and middle dis- consolation finaL daily in the gym for the past week, The schedule as arranged by 1I1ana- May 5----Catholic U., away tance man; Milt Crosswhite, relay and The heavyweight bout was a rc- and will continue to hold indoor work- gel' Brown is listed below. Matches May 7-Loyola, home dash man; John Potter. John Tomi- newal of an old feud. Izzy RieMer, outs until spring vacation. Practice with Juniata College and Mt. St. May 8-St. John's, home ehek, Bill Klal'e, and Bill Graham, dis- Penn State heavyweight and defend- in serving was begun Monday, with Mary's arc pending. May 12-Gettysburg, away tance rnnners; Don Humphries and ing champ, faced Tiny Jim Brown of only varsity squadmen displaying April 9_American U., away May 14-St. John's, away Jimmy Stoner, dash men; Mason Syracuse and emerged from thc scuf- their wares. April 17-Elkridge C. C., home May 15-1'0 be filled Sones, pole vaulter; Fl'ank Mathcr, fie still the ruler of the big boy;;. Bud Brown, manager of the team, April 20-Univ. of Maryland, away 'May 18-Delaware, home Frank Shipley, and Howard Link, Joe O'Leair, Westel'll Maryland has arranged an enterprising schedule April 21-Gettysburg, home May 20-Washington ColI., hOllle quarter milers. heavyweight who had lost to Browll of twenty-one matches, and is still April 23-American U., home May 22-To be filled To stimulate interest in track this in the previous round, won third plflcc dickering for two more. Most of the April 24-Bucknell, home May 29-Catholic U., home year the athletic heads will recognize from Cornell's Fred Siemer, defeated teams met last year have been re- April 28-Catawba, home June 5-Univ. of Baltimore, home the sport as a major sport and will I by Richter. scheduled. The nctmen open with April 29-Hopkins, home June 5----Alumni, home. i award letters accordingly. (Cant. page 4, col. 1)
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