Page 42 - TheGoldBug1936-37
P. 42
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. COL I P asslng n GOC",E'G I Stradivarius Quartet I This Collegiate World I . I R .' evrew To Appear OnCampus (By Associated Collegiate Press) By Aem, (Cont. from page 1, col. 3) That "big sister" feeling caused a As the tide of battle ebbs and flows University of wtsconsrn sorority girl Official student newspaper of western Maryland College, published on Thurs- about Madrid, there is once more pre- "Lord Mac Donald" Viola, played by a lot of embarrassment recently. day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, sented to the world the spectacle of a Mr. Dick, is considered by experts to and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of nation rending itself in two. It is be the finest example of this insta-u- Before a lecture class began she no- Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class now eight months since the rebel mili- ment in existence. Mr. D'Archam- ticed a small boy sitting next to a matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. friend of hers. She assumed that the SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 A YEAR tarv junta raised its standard of re- beau plays the beautiful "Servais" lad was a brother and was visiting volt and attempted its now-abortive Guanai-Ius 'Cello, also from the Wur- EDITORIAL STAFF coup d' e'tat. General Franco is no litzer collection. the class with his sister so she chat- Editor-in-Chief . . J. RALPH LAMBERT, JR., '37 nearer acccmpfishing his aims than To these perfectly matched insta-u- ted with the young man in conversa- Associate Editors . ....... EVEI,YN CROWN, '37, GEORGE NEEDHAI\I, '37, tion slightly above the "Little Red BEVERLY HARRISON, '37 he was in July, 1936. The loyalists, merits, the Stradivarius Qualotet has Riding Hood" plane. Junior Associate Editors ................ FRANK lIIALONE, '38, ALFRED GOLDBERG, '38 with the majority of the civilian pop- added the skilled resources of flawless Suspicion started to itch her when News Editors . SARABELLE BLACKWELL, '37, JAI\1ES COLEMAN, '33 nlat.ion behind them, have shown their unity in ensemble playing, each mem- Copy Editor . ........................................... . __JANET MACVEAN, '38 determination to hold on to Madrid, ber of the organization having wide the class began and the lad started Copy Readers ........ MARY EMILY MATTHEWS, '37, TRAGO BRUST, '39, "come hell or high water." The war and extensive niusical experience. taking notes. He seemed to be such PAUL BURTIS, '40, E"IELINE NEWMAN, '40 a gentlemanly little fellow-so well Proof Editor . SALLY PRICE, '37 in Spain is savage, merciless, and to The Quartet has toured Europe as Proof Readers..... . REBECCA KEITH, '39, AARON SCHAEFFER, '39 the death. Both sides are determined well as America with the most bi-ll- behaved. As the class progressed she Feature Editors ETHEL KING, '37, MADALYN BLADES, '37 to either win control of the govern- linnt success. read some of the notcs and gulped Sports Editors...................... \VALTER LEE TAYI,OR, '37, ELEANOR TAYLOR, '38 when she saw that they were well Assistant Sports Editors LAWRENCE STROW, '39, MARY CLEMSON, '39 lllelit or die, that is unless they can I Now in .their eighth year. these sea- written. FRED COE, '38 run faster than the other side can Boned artists are regarded as one of After class she rushed up to her Exchange Editor .... .. JANE WHITE, '37 BUSINESS STAFF Sh~~~~hspring (in Spain) once more I th~i::;~:'sf!~·e:~e e~:~~:;:s~nce, free soror-ity sister and said: "Say I Business Manager . ROBERT A. KIEFER, '37 oonuno- into sight as it always does I to students and faculty members, are thought he was your brother. r .. " Advertisi1lg Manager . JOSEPH OLEAIR, '39 ]lrosp:cts of rebei success grow dim~ , t~ be obtained in the. office of Dean "Yes, I know but how could I have Assistant Advertising Manage)' . NAOMI CROWN, '37 mer and dimmer. Despite aid in the I Stover. All seats are reserved. told He's the 21 year old midget Circulation Managers JOHN CULLER, '37, ARLINE HUDSON, '37 in the School of Commerce!" FRANK BROWN, '37 Assistant CiTCu/ution Managel' HILDA BITTLE. '38 !~~:~6el~~~~~ym~71~"I::I~, n~;!~~;: I REPORTERS chances of. carrying Madrid and On March 17, Father Russell of St. Coeds at the University of Califor- Reporters contributing to this issue: Sue Smith, '37; Sue Price, '40; Alvin thereby establishing a Fascist dicta- Martin's Church, Baltimore, lllet the nia are sure now that Stanford gals Newton, '40, William Melville. '40. torship are now smaller than ever. ' Y. I'lL and Y. W. at a joint meeting can't take it. During the recent cold The Old Order Changeth Bolstered Support from France and I Hall. snap many Stanford coeds abandoned up by moral, and, perhaps, I il~ the Y. M. C. A. room in Alumni material "I'was the last Bug of our wr-iting, and through the staff other nations of the world, the loyal. I their silk lingerie for funy red flan- nel underwear. 'Palo Alto merchants Not an editor murmured nor ventured a ists are. putting up a tremendous bat-I r-r- , completely sold out and claimed that Some stories were laid ill the basket with care, Stanford women had been the heav- With fond hopes that by :Molldny they all would be there. ~ The inter-national aspect of the war I iest buyers. The sluggards were dating or taking their ease, carries with it the most ominous im- R S But did the University of Califor- In private seclusion 'mid back-campus trees. plication. Frequently, during the last nia females go in for the "scarlet While rna in her kerchief with cohorts in tow, eight months. the world has become scratchies ?" Not on your life. When Sought to urge our young things 'long the WHy they should go. tense as some warlike acts of the of Berkeley stores were The maidens, enraptured by Morrison's tome, countries connected with the situation if they sold the brilliantly-hued \Vhen the hour approached nine prepared to go home. have been blazoned forth by the press. uudez-wear-, they were taken aback. And soon from above came the awaited" Beware! Russia and France, favoring the loy- "Red flannels?" cried one propri- Lights going out; do you hear me down there?" alist government, have had to con- etress, arching. her- eyebrows, "J But the editors foxed them as they closed up belcv tend with the menacing attitude of didn't even know they were on the "Yes, ma'am, we're coming. Phsst ! Open the window." Germany and Italy who have aided market anymore in California." Once out of the front door they troop 'round to the side. Franco at every turn. Many times EVELYN CROWN Another admitted that she had just "Ssh, just wait a minute. Now, hurry inside!" has the situation appeared likely to one steady customer for "wooltes", The lights are snapped on, once more pencils fly, result in wai-, only to be averted by That oft used word "versatile" ade- but "she is a lady well over 70 years But the editors, laborin~ d~ze ~ff bye find bye. some compromise. quately describes "Ev." Her out old." Unpreparedness is the answer standing interests ranging from phil- SOOll at the side window there is a light tap, Just sufficiently loud to disturb their brief nap- :.~p:h~Od:~~ce G::m~tnye~~st~usi; c~~~ ~~:;';ea 1~:;:~Yoft~~a~~!~ "I've received a lot of unusual re- The window :;:;wings open, and out of the gloom ing to the point where it is beginning tel' and breadth of knowledge which quests, but this one beats them all," Troop 1'1 number of shadows to people the room. Hops in Frankie :Mitchell, close by him Sue Strow, ~~p:~~~~c:h~;h~~gl;:e o~~ :~O~~:li:~:~ ~:~.~~el~:~~:eo~~ve~~n~e~~I:!~S~:~~~~ i ~:;.; 0~e;heS~~7~~I~;;~ye:~c~~~:~e::~~~~ TIle first editor·crackpots we were destined to know. tenets of the Nazi party. England is ~::~.~:~ ~~:e';::~el;~t~Ct~ei,~s.he~o:h~~~~ Y.:l~~ih~:" worried about her fresh. And urbane Dennis Brown! He \\'110 startcd the Old "flIng And soon came to bc known as our own :Mr. Gold Bug. ~:~~~g~~li~~~~ap:~:;;~n~ll!~~;hd ;Sl'~;~ be sure of a sympathetic audi_ man son, wrote him the following let- There is Rosalie, too-better knmnl as onr "Boots" t d t h r hIt I "Ev" She IS the college con- I tel And lovable "T. T."-thc two in cflhoots ~~c ~y °th:v:n: :;m~9~;.y g~::~~~'~fi.dante-one who IS entlusted With \n_: "I am sendlllg you tlllee SUItS of \Vriting features together with rare. subtle humor mechanization of its land forces and llmate secrets, and from whom one 1IV00ien underwear t~nrler separate Or columns of gossip from mcrc campus rnmor. greater speed of movement is the ob- may get excellent words of advice, cover. Please see to It that .my b~y And "Haggard Hng" Miriam and "Bouncing Bet" TTflf!en ject of the French armament spend-I particularly concerning affairs of the' wears them ~,s he should durmg thiS Follow volatile Stevie at his "Pall Fodder" peggin'. ing program. Russia has been in- heal'U Her sense of justice and fair I cold. weat.h~r. . . Emotionally distrait, "'e say with some spirit. creasing its armaments for the past play and hel' ability to see things Slllce It s the ngh.t bme of the (Unpleasingly snappy to any who hear it) tl'n years and is now going at a faster i f]"on~ all angles makes her counsel school year to tell stories about fl"esh- "\VllY inVAde you onr sanctum, you has-beens rate than at any other t' e. I parhculady -:aluable. men, Schmoker relates this one: Can't you "'flit 'til the cl1111rsof ns mighty arc The other countries Imof Europe But "Ev" I.Sn.ot only int~l"este? in nl~'~~~ lsoa~~,~~~na :~:s~;::;e ~~~iPn~~ Bllt the giants of those days upon us descend: ;{~'~ce:~CI:~:ini~ ~:ei:;l l~~: ::;.d t~:~ ! ~~~p~e-;:I~:tylS0fI~~~~;:t:~ t~nnt.t~i~'~~ in what building the campus is?' " "Come hither, ye upstarts, your actions defend! \Vhnt! files in disordcr, as they were in .our time? most of them are building fast- t and foremost, her scholarly abihty Carleton College students who dine Still old cuts in the corner, all covered with grime? est. Aircraft, as is being demon. I makes hel' an hOllor stud(.mt and an ~;is~u~'~~~/'~~I~ !~:~~t~~n~hetables on Will no one, they snort, take the matter ill lwnd? strated in Spain at present, will play! honorary member and. secretary of Can't the present staff do it before the? disband f a major role in all future wars. The i the Argonauts. An aptitude for for- When Miss Boyce lost her voic.e Comc, account for your misdeeds, and don't it. Spanish crisis, if it exists long I ~'eign lan~ua~es is a val~able. asset tempOHlrily, disgl"Untled goul'mets To explain your beh~n'ior, YOll'lI be hnrd put to enough, coupled with. the immense 111 her aspll'ahon to be a hbral"lan of seized the opportunity to berate her "\Vell," we meekly begin, "You see, it's this WilY, armament program of the various fOl:eign books. T~e sam: pI·opensi.ty for sel'ving certain dishes which they Columns hnd to be filled, tho' we'd nothing to say. ]lowel'S, may very well be the raison fOI v~luable adVice which she dls- dislike. \Ve've mndc serious attempts at n fine editorial. I d'etl'e of the neJ..i; European ·Wa]".1 plays .I~ matters as well as Since she is helpless to answer But it seems we're not destined for such a . The Spanish crisis has provoked so an a~lllt.V at qUick and accu.rate copy- [.hem, the voice-less Boyce is enduring Oh, our frosh editorial e"oked comment so r man.\' alarming situations that one. I'earllllg has. n!.ade her an Invaluable a lot of punishment. But she has the That it scemed for a while our regime was more may pass unheeded. That one, I assoclatc e(htOi of the ?old Bug and tipper hand even now, for she still has But 'The Night Before Christmas'-tIHlt howevel', ma.\' be the one which will Aloha. As honor chall"man of the ~ voice in the food choice. result in a general 'When continued next Christmas. should anothcr ·World War. European or even I Women's Student Government. "Ev" has fulfilled the trust placed III her .And the last two, as exceptions, are worthy by sticking up for those things which If the bUrglar who looted a frater- For some campus ills they proved antidote. * * * she believes to be to the best interests And the mailing list. Beauelulmp, pra:f, hllYC il look fit it, It is recommended that students, ! of the girls. She has eamed fOl"he1'- nity house at the University of South. prn California had been an olympic It's in better condition than 'hYfls when YOI1had it. e~pecially sopholllores, take the Cur- self the title of "financier", having, star he would have had some chance And loolr llere, Kale :Mathia~. /lnd yon, Dennis BI·O\\·!1. lent Events test in the February is- been treasurer of Phi Alpha Mu for I of getting away with his pilferings. "\Ve had a staff dinner and had it. in town. sue of Thne Magazine. The test is a two and one-half ycal'S, and treasurer He ran down the dark avenue as Went to the theatre, saw 'Dead End' in facL I foot- I fast as he could go, but faster Poor Boots could have had onc if your g,lllf! had tllCt. comprehensive one with special cf the SeniOI"class. pet likes and dis- j steps gained on him. BefOI'e he got a HEv" has on National and foreign af- her And your cOllservath·c Old J\'fugs, demoer:lticnlly likes-loves salted almonds and choc- block away, he was tackled from be- \Vere cast in tIle silade-\\'e \\'ent libelousl.y Red is ice-cream-a by Harold Smallwood, I'ecom. reg- sophisticated Fol' the .And we had a mascot-a cnt-for three days mended the test in the March issue of olate sodas-hates when it comes to sit- hind-tackled 400 meter champion . national ular night-owl 'Till her habits of hygiene forced a parting of \nl~·S. Scribner's Jlfaguzinc. ting up late to hear her favorite You say we're not wortll?, the Unholy Five, dance programs-an ai'dent sports \Vhyeven on moral pap we've managed to thrive. Thomas Mann's article on the Hit- fan. from keeping time at girls' bas- LAST WORDS We've put out the Gold Bug-the Aloha too, ler regime in the March 6 issue of the ketball games to sitting in the grand- Dear Dil·t Column Readers: That's more than another staff's ventured to do. Nation, should be of considerable in- stand of the American League Park No\\', we've shown Ollr truc worth, we hope ~'ou 'II Ilclmit. terest both to the history and liter- to witness a ball game at 98 degrees There comes a time in every col· Sorry we've bragged tlms and boasted a bit. ary-minded individuals. in the shade-favorite type of read- umnist's life when he gets an un- " .. But really, come help US; \\'e've all hacl Ollr fUll, ing is modern plays- favorable balance of tirade. Our Tho' the paper's not ready, it's way after one. B.RB. wishes to allnounce the ap- Whether it be making a speech, usual hUnting grounds having been act, we blanketed by an almighty ' of Dr. Julian D. Covington pearance Pens lightly fly as o'er pnper tlley (lash {l.f Washington College, at the meet- planning a dance or putting over a are content to let this colulllll sink nlsh party, "Ev" is always willing to until into new some obscul"ity "\Vit.h everyone worJ,ing', we're thru in fI flflsh. ing to be held April 9, in Room 22, help. Her cheerful disposition and blood-thirsty snoop bespies a maid- And all copy now ready, we close SIlOP with affectiOll, Science Hall. He will speak on "The warm smiles are a buoyant aid to any Turn Ollt the new ligllfs, then leave in dejection. Microscope Outside the Halls of undertaking. Never blue, always en's blush or love new-born. As flushed witll his labours, PInvins breaks into song'. Learning," a subject which he plans busy, always i~terested. her memory 'Till then, "Hail, new Gold B1tg staff; to the old ones so long!" to discuss soon at the Maryland , -Gewi1l1'i l.ll, State Teachers' Biological Conference. of ~~~:; \~~~ ~:~~\~~~~~sin the hearts i ANON. '----------
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