Page 25 - TheGoldBug1936-37
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HAVE A AND A MERRY HAPPY CHRISTMAS! NEW YEAR! Vol.14, No.6 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. December 10, 1936 TERRORS DEFEAT TERPS Western Maryland Wins State Title Gamma Betes Offer Juniors Preparing HOLIDA Y REGULATIONS By Scoring Impressive 12-0 Victory "Holidays Eve" Dance Pre-Holiday Dance has Just in case some negligent the fact, the overlooked And Lassahn Close Careers call to Lathrop Thursday, Dec. 17 For Class of' 40 Bug wishes recess to which attention Fri- I men To Hard-earned Triumph; Quarterback In Blaze Of Glory, Leading Havens- Sadowski begins Christmas Shares Honors With ~i~~e:f~e~~~OoUonh~;~~l~:~~r J:n~~~.1 c~~- t Senior-s B:' Tall:ing Second Touch~lown; LathI'OI)'S Score Early In Second , g :I, . Y I Quarter Ctves Him State Honors; 11111Guckeyson Is Stopped Cold As Terrors Fraternity Sets Precedent With Plans Annual AlTair To Be Held In Hlauche Running Attack. For Dance On Last Night of School Ward Gymnasium Next Saturday mi;l~et~ol:~n~::\'~~~~t'~:~:~l::l'l:~ t Put Crimp In Old Liners' Greatest Evening and January 4 have been pla~'flllIy days." ALUMNI PLAN NEW YEAR'S HOP ROYAL ACES TO PLAY dubbed "five-dollar "a 'student The cata- .MARYLAND GIVES DR. HOLLOWAY FLORAL FOOTBALL that logue states who IS absent from stated exercises immedi- Setting a new precedent in campus The Yuletide season, with its gay Christmas entertainment, Gamma Be- colors, is here, and to usher it in the uled holiday or vacation period is ta Chi, the only social fraternity on juniors will act as ~o.sts to the ~resh- subject to a fine of five dollars a the hill with more than purely local men at the tr-aditional Chr-istmas or fraction' thereof, unless connections, will give their annual party in Blanche \Vard Hall gym-I permission for the absence has dance this year on "holiday's eve." nasium on Decem- previously granted by the Committee The dance, a solution to the "well, bel' 12, between the and on Absences" Seniors In Speech The victory not only netted the Ter- what is there to do on the night be- ~~'~~e~:y!l:~sti~~t~, ~:i;\d~~ t~~i~!y:~~~ Therefore. rors the State championship, the May- fore we go home ?" question, should, of the occasion. _ To Have Recital or Jackson trophy, and a beautiful according to general chairman Frank floral football presented to Dr. Fred L. Brown, "be a knock-out", what Charles Beer, chairman of the C. Holloway at the half by Mary- for the pro- with Joe Stephens and his orchestra committees, has arranged which will fea- Stringed Ensemble First Group To Appear In Smit.h Hall land, but also the south goal to furnish the tunes. gram of the evening Friday Night, Jauuarv Hi posts which triumphant Western ture the dance music of the "Royal Aces" of Hanover, Pennsylvania. To Present Program Maryland supporters razed soon after Dance Committee Named the referee's whistle capped the spark- Everyone Invited Senior students in the department ling performance of the football team. The dance committee-Frank L. According to custom, the Eresh- of speech will the first of a Brown, George F. Spiegel, William men, in whose honor the party is be- Stradivarius Quartet Is Rooked To series of three recitals The Terrors rose to the heights Coleman, Frank Malone, William ing held, will be admitted free of ad- Appear Here 'March 23 on Friday night, January J5, in Smith they have been capable of reaching Klare, and Hyde Dooley-are reluct- mission. The members of the Senior Hall. all season as they not only rebuffed ant to give out any of their enter tuin- and Sophomore classes will be Considered by critics one of the Those students appearing on the first every attempt of the black-and-gold merit secrets other than the state- charged the usual fee of twenty-five finest musical organizations of its prcgrnm are Ralph Lambert, Eliza- clad Terrapins to cross the goal line ment that lighted columns will again cents. All faculty members are cor- kind, the Stradivarius St.ring- Quar- beth Harrison, Jean Harlow, Janet for a touchdown, but marshalled their two scores aCI'OSSt.he be used. . dially invited to attend the party, tet will appeal' in Alumni Hall, Smith, Berniece Robbins, and Clinton tm-cea fo in the second quarter. enemy Juniors Requested To Pay Up March 23, 1937. Walker. Mm-yland went into the contest with Alumni Plan Affair .Tames F. Coleman, president of the The logical successors to the noted Two outstanding contemporary au- a veteran line and a backfield combi- Junior class, and Hazel Gompf, treas- The Gamma Betes have requested urer, have requested all members of Fonzaley Quartet, now disbanded, thors will be represented. Part of nation that has been heralded all year that attention be called to the New the class to pay at least a part of these musicians have been enthusias- Robert Sherwood's "The Petrified For- as a star-studded aggregation, but Year's Eve dance being sponsored by their class dues at once, in order that tically greeted in every large city in est" will be used by Mi-, Lambert, western Maryland not only displayed the Baltimore alumni chapter of the all of the necessary arrungemente which they have appeared and have while Mr. Walker will give "The Still n superior line to the 20,000 fans who club and being held in the Arabian may be made as soon as possible. r-eceived much favorable comment Alarm" by George S. Kaufman. thronged to see the game, but also Nights Room of the Congress Hotel The heads of other committees in- from the press. The New York SlIlI The Immortal Bard will be repre- proved that its own backfield was bet- (Howard and Franklin). clude Virginia Calloway and Kath- says of one performance, "The pro- sented by Miss Janet Smith's selec- ter than that of its widely-publicized Tickets can be secured from O. i'II. leen Messinger, refreshments; Elea- gram served to attest the smoothness, ilf tion from "The Merchant of Venice". rival. unity and the good tonal quality Reynolds, 623 Allendale St., Balti- nor Taylor and Charles Bakel', decor- the Stradivarius ensemble." In the Thomas Bailey Aldrich's "Pauline Pa- Maryland's great Bill Cuckeyson more, or from Kale Mathias and At- ations; Ethelbet-tn Gosnell and Doro- lovna" will be read by Miss Harrison. was bottled up practieally all after- lee Wampler, Westminster. thy Vinup, invitations; Elizabeth Northwest section of the country, the Miss Harlow will present "Fourteen" noon, and save for n last quarter dash The dance is limited to two hundred Erb, publicity; and Sherwood Balder- Minneapolis Journal remarks, "One by Alice Gea-stenberg , and Miss Rob- of 25 yards, never got close to the couples; three dollars per pair. son, entertainment. of the finest quartets heard this sea- bins will give "Good Medicine" by J. Tenor goal. It is true that Guckey- SOlI rendered their program almost Arnold and E. Burke. (Cont. page 3, col. 5) flawlessly. The ensemble of these and skillful players foul' ardent is Df Many Graduates Of Class Of 1936 great excellence." established Annual College Christmas Service all Secure Teaching Positions In State artists players their are instruments and Will Be Presented Next SlInday Night The with have had much experience with the Numerous Others Have Secured Business Positions Or Are Doing Graduate stringed quartets. The two violinsts, Work According To Available Statistics. Mr. Wolfinsohn and !lfr. Pochon, College Players And College Choir Will Unite To Present A Program Of have been with the qnartet since it Carols And Tableaux was first o~ganized in ]!J29, while _ "The king's horses and the king's men Marehed up the hill and they ~a~eyt?l~vn'M:ld., Kflthryn Went?, Mr. Dick, the violist, and Mr. D'Ar- Combining' their respective talcnts SUl'e that something of the tableau marched back aguin." ,y eSVl e, :. .. I chambeau, the 'cellist, have been with the resources and sponsorships type is in store. The class of '36 marched up the hill Bai~i~l~;:'o~~~s ss.e~l.n~Oal~~~~I~~b;~~~~;playillg' with t~e group since 1035. ! of the College Chul'ch, the .College Whether the production takes the and now as alumni have marched out additional courses in lll<'lnual arts, The four lllstruments that ~l'e Pluyers <'Ind the College ChOll' have form of a play 01' a tableau, however, to face the world. Where do we find ·h·1 C R D k P R Sh' 1 used were constrncted b~' master 1Il- , been making pl'epal'ations and holding the following cast will be utilized: them? The following have teaching ~ll(; ;Viliian~ H~:ep:l~ies ~re 'all i:; :~ strument .m~kers. Stmdi.val'ills made' l'eheal'sals for the annual Christmas Mary, Louise Shipley; Joseph, Ralph positions: USA' the two vlOhns and the VIola that arc pageant, to be presented this year as Lambert; King Herod, Clinton Walk- Edward L. Beauchamp, Pocomoke, ·Edga:.Jniiollis is doing graduate used; the vioJin~ello was made in formerly in Alnmni Hall, Sunday, De- er; Angel of the Annunciation, Eloise Md" Carl Bollinger, Glen Bumie, Md., work at the U. of M., and Aubrey ~~~12de~.Yoi~1~~~:~~~eS~t:.notherfamous cember 13, at 5 P. 1If. Gunn; Tnn Keeper, Clinton \ValkeI'; J. H. Cockey, Baltimore County, Schneider is doing graduate work at The program this year will deviate Wise Men, Rufus Simms, Franklin Thomas Eveland, Marion, Md., C. H. Johns Hopkins. Two members of the Program details will be announced slightly from that given in the past. Stevens, and Ralph Lambert; Angels, Griggs, Fort Hill, Md., J. Pilson, class have positions at the college, as soon as they have been arranged. In the first place, the college Choir Mary Emily Matthews, Dolly Taylor, Glen Burnie, !'lId., Andrew Riley, Hel- Cora Perr}', assistant to the registrar, i~ working on a completely new group Elizabeth Harrison; Shepherds, Har- en, Md., Reynolds Simpson, Pooles- and Anna Bakel', assistant dietitian. of Christmas carols. Mr. DeLong, in old Bell Wright, Walter Lee Hoke, ville, Md., 'Vayne Strusbaugh, Cam- Catherine Reindollar is working in FETE DE NOEL a recent inteniew commenting on the Roland Watkins. George Needham is bridge, Md., Edwin Zimmerman, Mil- a Baltimore department store, and program, stated that while both he chief electrician. Icrsville,lIfd. Mabel Steger is managing the Col- and the choir still were fond of the The choir will sing "A Joyous Jean Baer, Fort Hill, Md., Margue- lege Grill, while Elinor Tollenger, The traditional "Fete de Noel," old familiar carols, they felt that Chl'istmas Song," from the Collection rite Carrara, New Jerse~', Mary Bar- now Mrs. Peter \Vilke, is living at sponsol:ed each yeur by Le Cercle i some newel' ones would lend variety de Choenrs of F. A. Cervaert; "Bring bour Db::on, Newport News, Va., Hel- Sparrow's Point. Allen Dudley is do- Francals as a part of Westem l'IIary- i and interest to the program. With A Torch, Jeannette, IsabeJJa", an old en Ewing, Elkton, Md., Rosalie Gil- bert, Federalsbnrg, !'lId., Ethel Gor- ~~~ ~:;~~ip;:)~e~r~~i:: ie:~~~:~Ul~lt ~e~;\h~:r~::,asonce~~:;dt~;n e~~~ill~~ i ~~':Xi~l~~teil;~~:\:l:ol~a~r~~los:;Ve~.~; ~~~~nc:"c~~~~i~i::S~! C;:;l: ~;:; ~:~l~ sllch, Poolesville, Md., Elinore Grier, Helena Rubenstein's salon in Balti- December 14 in McDaniel Hall Lonnge ! countries. Haiti, arranged by Clarence Dickin- DeJmar, Md., Elizabeth Hagen, Elk- at 8 :,'clock. . i Miss Smith has been steadfastly son; "Lo, A Rose E'er Blooming", six- ton, Md., Catherine Hall, Anne Arun- Two students in tl1e graduate school del, Mildred Hammond, Prince Georges have assumed new dnties. Preston re:!~g y::\:~e C~~:~~:::: ~~~r:ein~ refusing to ~'eveal detailed plans. of ~~~~:ete;~::io~:~0(~7hl~~~201~i~~,~~~ County, Mary C. Hill, Laurel, Del., Lee Grimm has entered the army, and terspersed by the singing of Fl'ench the play whIch the College Players 01 of the Russian Children'~, frohl Elizabeth Houck, Grantsville, Md., Thelma Chell is now a student librar- Christmas carols. The 101111gewill be are to present, other than the fact White Russia; In Dulci J1!bilo, Ger- :Margal'et Lansdale, Silver Spring, Md., ian at Pratt Library. lighted only by candles. , that it will be religious in nature. In man cal'ol (16th century); "Stars Martha Miller, Accident, Md., Jessie Five W. M. C. graduates enrolled In the event of the Seminary Re-' past years these performances have Lead Us Ever On", Sioux Ti'ibifl car- May Morris, Aberdeen, Md., Margue- this year in the U. of M. Medical ligious Pageant conflicting with the been either. a play or a sel'iesof pan- 01 arranged by Harvey Galli; and rite Ringler, Lewes, Del., Virginia I School: Harold Biehl, Carlton Brins- Fete do Noel, tre Franch program tom.imic tableaux. Inasmnch as last "Deck the Hall", traditional 'Velsh Roberts, Towson, Md., Charlotte Spi- I !'iE,ld,'35, Donald Roop, Simeon Mark- will be postponed until after .the pag- ~'ear, the play A Night At The .hm Christmas :carol arranged bY' F,·eder- eel', Federalsburg, Md., Helen Stump, lir.e, and Webster Strayer. eant. Everyone is- invited. was presented, one can be r~asonably ick Erick.son.
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