Page 23 - TheGoldBug1936-37
P. 23
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE SOPHOMORES WIN GIRLS' Boston College Ends Two Year Famine HOCKEY TOURNAMENT SNAPSHOTS With 12-7 Triumph; Terrors Tie Albright By WALTERLEE TAYLOR Juniors and Seniors Tie in Fast Game Lathrop Plunges Over In Last Period For Terror Score. Boston Coach And Official In Dispute A determined Senior hockey team that. held the Junior A team to a 1-1 Terrors Showed Up Well In Boston College Game Boston College ended a two-year tie last Friday prevented the latter Although they were defeated by the Eagles of Boston College last from gaining a first place tie with the Saturday in Boston, the Green Terrors made II very creditable showing. LEADING STATE SCORERS footbal famine last Saturday when the Sophomore A team and gave the class The score of 12 to 7 WIIS fill' better than most Western Maryland adher- Eagles of Gil Dobie finally broke the of 1!:l39 the championship. The win- ents would have dared to hope for. Indeed, many sports writers thought Cliff Lathrop, Western Maryland Western Maryland jinx and defeated ners won two out of three games and that the superiority of the Eagles would be reflected in a large score, fullback, has assumed the lead in the Terrors 12to 7 at Boston. tied the third, while the Juniors won but such was not the case. It is true that Boston the race for scoring honors of the Not since 1933 when the Eagles one game and tied the other two. behind during the game, but the Hav- state, taking the position from a managed to eke out a close 12 to !:l The final standing of the A teams the Hub City boys on their toes team mate, Ted Mujwit, who has win over a stubborn, Harlow-tutored is as follows: entire sixty minutes of play. dropped into a tie for fourth place. eleven has a Boston College team been w T Bill Guckeyson, Maryland star successful in tripping \Vestern Mar-y- Sophomores Boston was for+nnate this year in having one who has played sensational ball land. Juniors of the strongest teams she has hnd in recent years. since his return to active duty, has One highlight of the game which Seniors The Dobie-tutored Eaglets lost only to Pop Wa r- taken over second place and trails was not previously scheduled was a Freshmen ncr's Temple team early in the find were Lathrop by eight points. short, heated argument between Because of the keen compctition ! tied by 11 Miehigau Stnte All the Those who have scored foul' Gloomy Gil Dobie, the Boston coach, which resulted from an even division other games been triumphs Boston touchdowns or more follow. and Head Linesman J. R. Gilroy re- of the competing troupes there was no garding a ruling which gave Western outstanding team. All the games WALTERLEE TAYLOR teilll~n DiNatale, Gintoff, Guinea, TTorsfnll, Jtvalt- Player g td patfgtot. Maryland its score late in the final were fiercely fought and resulted in kian, and Perdenai, the Engles had 11 bnokflelrl troop thnt showed the Lathrop, W. 1\1. 768044 quarter. low,closescores. visitors plenty of fnney stepping and r-unning. Guckeyson, Navy Md. 60036 Boston College scored in the second Ingram, The scores of the season are listed 44 31 period on a sustained 73 yard drive below. Catholic U. Looms Large In Path Of Terrors l\1ujwit, W. Md. 30 down the field with Ira Jivalikian Antrim, Navy 30 climaxing the march by sweeping Sophomore A 1; Junior A 1 There will be 110 respite fOI' the Green-clad warriors 01' the striped Scesney, M. S. l"II. 6 4 24 Senior A 3; Freshman A 2 field this week. Saturday will find the Havcusmen in Washington do- Young, Wash. Col. 6 4 24 around his own right end from the Sophomore A 3; Freshman A 1 ing battle with the Cardinals of Catholic U. coached by Arthur "Dutch" one yard line to score. The Eagles Freshman B 3; Freshman C 0 failed to convert the extra point. Mixed Team 2; Freshman D 1 I~~~~1~:7~~.ttes~' t~;~:~~~~'~e~fl~~')~~~~ 5:~mf~1:.sfli~~\~·;~I;·:tll\I~~;:1~~il~~~~ot~ The Terrors held the home team Sophomore A 1; Senior A 0 on the gridiron. TERRORS FALL BEFORE during the third quarter, but early Freshman B 2; Freshman D 0 in the last canto Gil Dobie's boys Senior A 1; Junior A 1 The Tenors debt to settle with the Cards. They have not ROUGH ARMY ATTACK rang up another score. A pass inter- Freshman C 3; IIIixed Team 0 forgotten last to 6 defeat that was handed them by Irish Car- cepted in the latter part of the third Ninety-nine girls played on the va- roll and Co. anrl Gold will be out to avenge tl;emselves by quarter by Ralph Worth, Boston cen- marked In a game repeated rious class teams during the tourna- tacking just as a loss on the Catholic U. banner. rough tactics and fouling, by the Cadets ter, indirectly led to the tally. ment which consisted of twelve gamcs. If the 'l'er-rors have not forgotten the rankling defeat of 1935, it is of West Point defeated Western Boston's fine backs marched the The rosters of the A teams follow. safe to say fhnt neither has Cat.holie U. forgotten the "dipsv'doo" that ball up the field to the Western Mary- the Tenors pulled. '!'he Washingtonians will be primed to stop the Maryland on the pitch, 2 to 0, on land five yard line where Al Tortolini Senior A Junior A 'Western lUarylnnd aeriflL circus this season. Whether or not the '1.'error:> Wednesday, November 11, at West sub halfback, faded back and tossed M. Smith LW C. Smith can lllJCOVCI'another Yilrd-gaining,\'okiIlg pluy like that of last Point. a pass into the end zone to Atilio N. Crow]] LI V. Calloway season remains to be sccn. The Army team treated the visit- Ferdenzi. J. Murphy C S. Irwin ing Terrors in a that the golden- J. Corkran Rl M. V. Cooper clad Cadets of the would not The play which led to the Dobie- M. Sharrer RW T. Morris Terrors Stand Even Chance Of Trimming Cards even think of using on the hated Gliroy debate and the Tenor touch- M.Hoshall LH M. Edwards \Vestel"tl MfIl'yl;md, haning further injuries t.odny or tomonow, Ramblers of Notre Dame. Thev COll- down ocurred very near the end of the Tenor game. Sadowski, quar- Frank B. Harrison CR R. Gompf will stand an eyen chance of beflting the Cardinals Siltul'day. \Vith the I tinued to employ foul means all dur- ter back, tossed a pass which was E. Shank RH C. Cook backfield together again the Green and Gold should function as before. ing the contest. ilL G. Nock LF M. Wilmer It may be possible lhnt Louie Lassahn will don his uniform flnd sec Western Maryland's attack was con- meant fo~' Stan Benjamin, angular M. A. Wigley RF E. Taylor action again. sistently broken end. But Benjamin and Ferdenzi D. Hull G M. Wheatley At the beginning of the season nobody gave t.he Terrors much ter halfback of elashed and the ball was grounded ill the end zone. Substitutions: Seniors-E. Harri- in their game \\·ith C. U. The Cardinals on ]lapel' loomed son, M. K. Smith. Juniors-E. Chip- most potent aggregations in the East. But after the senson long Gilroy called interference on the man, L. Shaeffer. the Washington team did an nbout-face and proceeded to play and set the ball on Boston's two SOph0ll101'e A Freshman A high school team. For a team with the potent.inlities thnt The Cadcts scored once in each of yard line. From this point Cliff La- throp over for the smashed marker T. Yohn LW D. Witherup Catholic U. has played the sloppiest footbflll of any big-time the first two quarters. Inside Right lind proceeded to placekick the extra M. J. Honemann 1.1 R. Field Eastern section of the country saye possibly Ohio State. Lough shot the first goal past Goalie point. G. Hceman C L. Breeden The Cardinals stflrte(l off with an 81-0 win over Ilflpless Shenlldollh, George Spiegcl, and in the next period M. Yocum Ll B. Griffin amI then proceeded to snare the laurels from LflSalle and DePnul. '1'h0n Rutherford, outside left, found the Westel'n Md. Boston College V. Taylor RW V. Claggett came a reversnl in form nud quick losses to Mississippi, Lorol;] of the wooden uprights a perfect target for a Benjamin LE McFadden LH H. Twigg South, and \Vest Virginia \Vesleyan. Last week the Cardinals eked out well-directed boot. Horner LT ~:~:l~~:;:l~y CH C. Gompf n slippery 7·6 triumph ovel" North Cal'olina State, a team that has not Several of the TerrOI' mainstays Ortenzi Dominick L. Myers RR M. Packwod been at full strength once t,his season. were injut'ed in the rough game, chief LG Kissel F. Stout LF E. Shipley llhlsimled F'oolba", Linn·uo/. nmked Catholic U.'s great team of last among them being Luke Phillips, full- Petel's C Worth A.l\Iaxweli RF R. Kimmey season 19th of all the tcams of the niltion. As mentioned in this column back, and Wort Belt, center forward. Lutkauskas RG Giman L. Timmons G M. Quarles before, the '1'errors l"I111kedSlst. '1'he Cardinals lost bnt tw'O mainstny:> Radatovitch fiT Janusus The Freshman B team is well out in tllis year from their 1935 eleven, Capt. Ed Knt"powieh nt taelde, and Western Maryland Army Westerville RE Pel"l"ault front in its division and needs but one Bill Lajousky, a guard. To reinforce the \'nrsit.y clime n sqund of undc- Spiegel G Rhine Sadowski QB DiNatale more triumph to clinch the title of the rented freshmen. Nincteen lettermen returned, headed by Irish Cllrroll Phillips LF Lahti Bloop. and Bill Adnimitis, Lacks, and Hermlln Schmilrr nnd Joe Yanchulis, Elsel'oad RF BI'ondhul"st Rineheimer LR Gintoff The Freshman class wins distinction linemen. Barkdoll LH Stegmaier, C. K. Adriance RR Guinea because fifty-three girls are compet- Yet the great teilm nt CMholie U. lost to Loyoln of New Orleans, a ~~~~!in (co-capt) i~ 'J'ruxtun Campbel FB Horsefall ir;g 011 the various divisional hockey team which in 1035 \\'on two games, tied one, and lost six, l"illlking 243rd Davis Westerlll\Id o teams. of all the teams of tile country. '1'he Southern ,Volf Pack not only lost Wright Or. Rutllerford O 0 7-7 its backfield ace of last year, bnt is weak this season in the leather·lug- Wallace IL Lough Boston College $ 6 0 6-12 ging departments. All Loyola has is It good Jine with good ends and Belt (co-capt.) CF Odom Scoring: Boston College-Touch- HOCKEYTBAMTOMEET A.U. tackles. Yet this temll took the Cnrdinals. Reckord JR OR Pickard downs-Jivalikian, Ferdenzi. Westem Major Newcomb - Touchdown Point after Mr. St. Mary's Here On Turkey Day Western Md. 0000-0 Maryland - touchdown-Lathrop. Lathrop. Ho;orar~ ~a.rsitY'tt~ C;ml)ete in. Play The so])11Otnot"es \\'ho compl"ise the Mt. St. Mary's team will Army 1100-2 Badly crippled by injuries that aya nlverSI Y S ome-commg I on Thanl;sgiving Day to play tIle '1'errors: It will be ,Vestern Goals-Lough, Rutherford. Substi- kept three varsity men from even -- land'8 Homecoming Game, and the hoys WIll have a stern bit of tutions: Westem Maryland-Gompf making the trip to Reading, a make- ~he honorary. hockey .tean: has been tion. The :Uollnt~ arc no slouches on the gridiron. Last for Spiegel, Messler fur Phillips, shift Western Mm'yland team failed inVited to Amel"lcan Umverslty Home- I Terrors onl\" beat them 7 to 0 at Emmitsburg. Jones for Messler, Parker for for Reck- to play an impresive game and was Pickard, ol"d; AI'my-Duncan c(lmin~ Day on ~~lturdaYi tNOven:be~ I The U~staters' attael, is built around Frank Apiehella, All i'lfary- Lehr for l\Iajol', Gray for Broadl1Ul'st, tied by an ordinary Albright College 2.1. . T. e teams W.I CO~t ~t adgams i1nnd fnllbaek of 1935, Illlcl 1\'fike Scesncy, 1001g-punting fullback. Api- Cnlllpbell for Rutherford, Traeger for f.{>am,6 to 6, 011Saturday, November d te,~n~ flOl_ll alya~ 1"0III I cheBa is now playing at wingbnek position. 1\Tike Kuratnick and Stan Davis. Referee-John Hume. 7, at Reading. ~~ ~;=;J~l~;.ester III a roun Kokie round out 'thc Emmitshnl'g starting backfield. Both of the co-captains, ClifT La- throp and Lou Lassahn, were left at All-Intramural Team Is Selected By Gold Bug hume as was Ted l\Iujwit, varsity half TRIBUTE PAID TO SENIOR TEAl\! \Vith the clOSe of the intramlll"al footbilll season, the Guld HII{/ G. W. FROSH SLAUGHTER back. All of the men were recovering AS BEST LOSERS comes forth with its honorary All-IntramUl'nl team. In addition to the TERROR FRESHMEN, 59·0 slowly from injuries received in the nve men wl10 ordinarily comprise the selecting board of the publication, \v'est Virginia game. Since the seniors have played theil' representatives from caeh of the competing clubs have also handed in Albright outplayed the Terors most last game of hockey at Western Mary- their selections fit the request of the writer. All in fill eight selections The Baby Terrors were swamped oj the game, holding a decided advan- land College and have the distinction formed the bllse from which the eOllcensus team was cl1Osen. to the tune of 59 to 0 by an overpow- of being the champion losers-that is, Of thc first team men Ed ,Vaters, John 'Warman, Bob Coc, and ering George Washington Frosh team tage ill the first half but was unable they have never won a championship . Billy Grahnm were unanimous choices for the posts of end, tackle, cente~', on Hoffll Field on Saturday, Novembel to score. Several lucky breaks and a in any sport during their four years and hfllf-back respectivel~'. Second team unanimous selections includc 7. vastly tightened defense within the of competition, this seems a fitting op- Bill Klare. "Kook" Riefncr, and Carroll J\-[addox, end, center a.nd half. Power plays and passes by a pair of ten yard line kept the savage Lion portunity to declare them champions back respectively. George Washington backs, Richardson roaring valiantly but vainly around in loyalty, perseverance, and kindly and Hockenbury, kept the Green team the Terror goal line. spirit. 'fhe first and second te;-ms follow: entirely on the defensive. Outweigh- In the second half the visiting Ha- The same group of loyal work- First'l'eam Second Team eol fifteen pounds to the man, the Ter- v('nsmen found themselves and began ers and players has come out for .Ed \Vaters, Gamma Bets hE. "Itchy" Andrews, Preacherf'.~ ror line held up well, especially in the to click. It was ill the third period every interclass sport every sport sea- Bob Snow, BachelOrS L. T. Bill Bryson, Preachers second quarter after blocking a and in the first pOl·tion of the fourth son, and they have won something Bob Coe, Gamma Bets C. "Kook" Riefner, Preachers George Washington punt. that they amassed the necesary yard- morc valuable and lasting than pos- John Wnrman, Gamma Bet.s RT. Lee Hartle, Bachelors The outstanding play of the game sibly the highest score. Their coach- Bill Skeen, Preachers R.E. Bill Klare, Gamma Bets was a 98 yard dash by G. W.'s half- age to tie Albright in first downs at es and the members of the other class- "Dud" Ritchie, Gamma Bets Q.B. Persll Volkart, Preachers baek, Nowaski, in the last quarter. ten apiece. es have learned many things about Billy Graham, Gilmma Bets H.B Ca.rroll J\faddox, Preachers Frank Sadowski, who replaced Joe sportsmanship, and they will long be Clint Walker, Gilmma Bet.s F.B John Elliott, Bachelors Score by quarters: Uvanni at fullback for the Terrors in remembered for that-a thousand Captain-Warmfln. Captain-Volkart. West. Md. Frosh o 0 0 0- 0 I the first quarter, was the scoring hero cheers for the class of 1937. Best Bet-Graham. Best Bet-Volkart. I G. W. Frosh 14 6 26 13-59 (Cont. page 4, col. 4)
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