Page 24 - TheGoldBug1936-37
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--- -_------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. INTRAMURAL FOOTBALL I Naomi Crown Given -n: I BOOTERS HOLD NITTANY TERROR YEARLINGS TIE SOLDIERS BY 13· 13 SCORE , N __e_w_,__ln__ B_r_ie_f__ ---' II A,S~~S~~a~~~~~uC~OfO~~~ IA:~::~w:~A;,~.p:::::ngI Rise to~~~~ t~~, :'~~~~t~~~ Stropp And Elder Account For Pursuing a custom established sev- season draws rapidly to a close, the In Clean Contest westam Maryland Scores eral years ago, the Washington Alum- Gamma Bets, defending champions of At a recent meeting of the W. A. A., ~: ~~~~ci~~iOt~t~:wa ~i~:~~a~a~c:t:l~ ~~~;.::~a~~u~~~fe~~~~,~~l~il::i~::~~ ~::::at~:::V~~a:h:\:al~~~:e~terof,,~~~ Playing one of the finest brands of In 11 hard-fought football game the 14th and M streets, N. W., Washing· mined band of Preachers has tried This letter is the highest award that soccer it has displayed in a long time, Fort Hoyle soldiers were held to a ton, D. C., this Saturday evening at often but without success to blacken the 'V. A. A. accords to any gil'i. It the soccer team of western Maryland 13·13 tie by the Western Maryland 6 P. l'II. their record with a loss. represents the accumulation of 1250 held the strong Penn State eleven to Freshmen gridders last Saturday at The dinner will be attended by the 3 Terror team, it is announced by Coach The Gammas, led by Billy Graham, ~;~~~:;=n':~;~. as ,,~~:;n~: t~e ~~~~ :t ~~n! t~~a~:.Saturday, November 7, :::t 1~~YI;~wT~~n~~sg ~;aih~a~:~: Havens. Paul R. Kelbaugh, the ~~o::I~c~h~it~·~~el;~~:ch~~.S~)~:~hi;lu~ member of the class of '37 to get this The game between the two boot- when Bob Stropp blocked a punt off- Washington vice-president, hopes that any students, alumni, or friends winning two games and tying one award. ~~!~~~lb~::~i~ne~:~; ~:~t~!t~~e;~~~:~ sict;~ein;!~':l~sd :~~l~e!Ol;l;~~~c~:~~:nd who happen to be in Washington for ~~~~e~o~h:tt~t~Ven·ho~:r:~~h~la~Z:n~~~ "W. M.'s", the award for having of the year. Both teams played i,:::: fI~!~~ui~le:l~r~~~.o;~,~~~se;ld~~'~ the Catholic University game will come to the post-game get-to gether. steam-rollered the Preachers into sub- won 750 points were presented to ~ae~da~~~:no;~~::.c~:~e~v:~d t~~o~:~~ Elder carried the ball over the goal. T'he dinner will cost $1.50. mission, 27 to O. ~e:;:r!:~iO~o;::h:en;;~·II~l~;:~~ar~~ for their excellent exhibition of the A blocked punt was likewise respon- The second round has not been com- Sansbury, Margaret Smith, Charlotte sport. sible for the Soldiers' first score. Af- ~~:t;~ty ~~:a~~:;I~:~:~s tt~p:::o~~e~~ ~:.~k, Hazel Gompf, and Eleanor 'Pay- wa~r:f ~~~t'T::'~~:~~ 1:~dt~:n~:S::l:~ !:l;laO~o:t~nU~:~I:d::~~eth:h~l:::: ~:~ Spain's present revolution was the topic of a very interesting discussion ~~!ns~:~ntdo:~! \~,ii\~:;' e~!e t~ro~l ~~: Twenty-eight freshmen who became Maryland team in scoring. He tallied i':l~ic~il~:t :t;:Ug!~.:c~~!!~e~lo~~:: presented by Alfred Goldberg at the Black and Whites, 32 to 0. members were awarded their numeral once via the penalty route and booted the kick and Fort Hoyle crossed the meeting of the International Rela- tions Club on November 9. The poli- After dropping their game to the ;:;,;Op' ~~~~l~:i~! :;~;~~:t::.e l~~:SS::,~ :r:,plclH:~~~ tOR~~~~~'~~f~l~s~~:o~~~~~~ goal line. ------ I h tical history of Spain from the World Gammas, the Preachers closed fast to members are: Grace Scull, Elizabeth s h ot t e other goal for the Green and 'Val' to the present time was summar- ~;~~~d °t~~~~atc:~~dB~~~~o::s273:0 ~~ Hobbs, Ruth Kimmey, Ellen Shipley, Gold. HOMECOMING QUEEN ized by Mr. Goldberg, who proceeded The Bachelors have won one s~cond Emma Williams, Grace Smith, Betty Captain Bill McEwan, All American to give a clear analysis of present ~:~!~::o~~\:rdi:f !~: conditions in that country. Following ~~~f\~~;~:~ ~e;t~~gt:~~ ~:C:I~::eB::~:' ~~i~:.'e:lea;~:2;!~~~~r, RU~at:e~~~d~ ~i~~:~;~:o~~~ (Cont. from page 1, col. 4) his talk, M1'. Goldberg answered ques- tions in a discussion concerning the as mentioned, to the Preachers. ~f~~:'Ql\~:;..i:s~u~:I~O~~~:a~~:va;~:~: I ;:::i~goa~~!U~en~r;: ;;ie~~~~ ~~.: o~~~; ~~~:~a:~ ~~~:~ ~l;~;n'a::ill~:~eri; Spanish crisis. se~~~'e l:~~d~·em;~:s ~::~~::: O~l~~~ Carolyn Gompf, Eva Zentz, Ruth Penn State goal came from the toe of Harrison will conduct the election for At the next meeting of the club 011 Monday, November 23, M1'. Tyrell face the Gamma Bets, and an upset ~::~z;, M;;~;;na ~ae~:~:x,' J~~::~:; ~~:t~~~~~, sub for Osterlund at in- qU~~:r~hi:t:~:!~yisaf:~~:~~~ld to cast will discuss conditions in France. win for the former would throw the one vote for the lady of his choice. half into a deadlock with the Preach- Perry, Norma Nicodemus, Anna Mc· Luckie, Beulah Griffen, Ethel Barnes, From this group the five highest Will- Phi Alpha Mu held its annual fall ;::le, ~~~~l~vo~~~C~i~~m::o!~~:.the Mabel Fowler and Dorothy Witherup. BOSTON COLLEGE WINS ~v~~~t;~~ rush party on Thursday, November The second round standing at pres- LuMar Myers and Mary Virginia (Cont. from page 3, col. 5) structions lllay be learned at the bal- 12. Following a light lunch in the ent is as follows: Cooper were suggested by the Board . loting place. club room, the members alld guest-s W L Pct and elected by the association to fill fO,l' Wester~ Maryland. After DlCk The girls will cast their votes in went to the Hippodrome theatre in Gamma Beh .._ ._2 0 1.000 the positions of basketball manager Riffle, AlbrIght halfb~ck, had punted Blanche Ward Hall reception room, Baltimore, where they saw the picture Preachers 2 1 .667 and hiking supervision left vacant by lover the Terror goal hne and the ball the boys, in the Men's Lounge. Poll- "Wives Never Know" and Ben Ber- Bachelors. 1 1 .500 I Georgi.a Pl'~ce and KatheTine Spies. ::l~p;~~na:~~~~~ ;l::;:d t~~~.:~~:~~~ ing places will be open Friday from nie in person. Supper was served in Black and Whltes 0 3 .000, Mobon pIctures of hockey games, right side of the line and scampered 2 to 4. the Bubble Room of the Lord Balti- .Added intel.·est in th,e int.ramural I Homeco.ming Day, the Inauguration eighty yards down the sidelines for a ~~~~~~~~~~ more Hotel, where JohmlY Johnson plogram .has been Pl'ovlded In extra of PreSIdent Holloway, and of May touchdown. The try for point failed. rr and his orchestra entertained with de- lightful modern rhythms. Here many !~l~~~e;;~~e~~e t:a~~:m\:h~e~;e t~~~~~ Day were shown by Prof. Raver. Bu~ a weary Terror team failed to of the club alumni joined the party. The following girls were guests of fU~:f f~~s:~!in:e:~~a~~a~::. tried and ~~~dll~u::;e:~t~!~;.;~d Cn~~~vo~.~~~~l~ the club: Katherine Cissel, Mary failed, .t~e Gammas S:learing the fu- The French Club, meeting in Mc. ~~~~~~nS~~:~lt~~: ~:~~b::k, t\::Oktr::se Clemson, Lucretia Day, Gwen Hee- ture mmlsters by 39 to O. Last week Damel Hall Lounge on Monday, No- Aftel makmg a 35 yard lun and be- man, Virginia Karow, Marjorie Mc- an AI_J-~tarteam from th.e league tied vember 16, had a SOCial evenmg of mg stopped on the \Vestern Mal land Kenney, Lu'Mar Myers, Katherine Ru- dolph, Betty Shunk, Anne Stevenson, ~l~:t~~~l~~~; i~ a\:t:~.:se:;:;~~e~! ~~~e:tsa;~n~:~~;Fet!~: ~~:l"l~o~l~~~ ten YaJ~t hn~, f Chobolda skllte~ hls Virginia Taylor,. Dorothy Vroome, this week. December meetmg I ~~:~ llg en 01 a SCOleon the next and Martha Yocum. Miss Robb, the Compliments club's advisor, and her guest, Miss Mudge, were also present. Delta Phi Alpha fraternity announ- eo, th' foem.1 initiation of Bob EJd,,- the JOHN EVERHART II J D . KATZ III' . of - BARBER THE COLLEGE dice and Harry Balish, both ' of Delta Sigma Kappa held its annual class of '38, and Joe Parker, '39. The AND BOBBER QUALITY theatre party at the Hippodrome thea- fraternity smoker was held Monday, AT THE FORKS SHOE REPAIRING tre in Baltimore on Wednesday, No- November 18. Special Rates to Students vember 4. After the picture, Kath. erine Hepburn in "A \Voman Rebels", the club adjourned to the Arts Club STATE for a light supper. The evening was VIRGINIA DARE particulaTiy enjoyable because of the Thanksgiving number of alumni who were present. Chocolates, 40c Greeting Cards C~ff;eMASh!l The guests of the club were: Martha THEATRE Yocum, Virginia Karow, Virginia Daily Fresh! None Finer! NAPKINS and TALLYS Taylor, Gwendolyn Heemall, Marjorie I McKenney, Julia Berwager, Betty . ,i, 50 Christmas Cards for $1.00 AND RESTAURAN~P Shunk, Lucretia Day, LuMar Myel's, Name put on each card • Westminster, Md. Rosa Barrow, \Vinifred Harwood and GRIFFIN'S SODA Anne Stevenson. Miss Adkins and P. G. COFFMAN Miss Brown were the chaperones. Opposite State Theatre SANDWICHES LUNCH H. E. REESE .. DINNERS TAILOR CLEANING CASSELL'S J. F. MOORE, Manager PRESSING "Good Food-And How!" REPAIRING Carroll County's LEADING and MOST RELIABLE JEWELER 94 East Main Street tor nearly half a century Never Closed SUITS MADE TO MEASURE EXPERT WATCH CLOCK JEWELRY American Legion Dance "nd REPAIRING OPTICAL The Baltimore Alumni Chapter of Gamma Beta Chi Westminster Armory ]. WILLIAM HULL, Prop. THANKSGIVING NIGHT 51 E. Main Street WESTMINSTER, MD. NOVEMBER 26 A NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE Music by Oriole Entertainers of Baltimore "Always An Appealing Menu" THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31 $1.10 per couple BEARD1S RESTAURANT including tax Arabian Nights Room, Congress Hotel John W. Beard, Proprietor Lowry Beauty Catering To Limited to 200 couples, $3.00 a couple Shop Dancing from 10:00 'til 4:00 PRIVATE PARTIES BANQUETS - CARD PARTIES Adjoining Post Office Phone 395 17-19 East Main Street PRIVATE DINING ROOMS Tickets hom: O. M. Reynolds, 623 Ailendale St., Baltimore I Phone 427 SECOND FLOOR or Kale Mathias and Adee Wampler, PERMANENT WAVE Ii Westminster, Maryland. SPECIALIST BILLIARDS AND BOWLING IN REAR ~==================~
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