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G01 HOMECOMING DAY: "THE ART OF BEING HOMECOMING DAY: BORED" \V.M.C vs m, St. MARY'S Vol. 14, No.5 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. November 19, 1936 Walter Hampden Art Club Organized COLLEGE CALENDAR College Band To Play Extensive Program Interprets Hamlet By Students of Design Nov. 19- In Chapel November 30 Is Being Prepared John Simms Elected President of the 4:00 P. rd.-Home Economics Mr. Philip Royer To Direct Student Before Students Group; John Myers To Speak Club---Blanche Ward Organization In Alumni Hall at For Thanksgiving December 3 Monday Morning Assembly Nov. 21- Lounge Noted Actor lIIakes Initial Appear- Newly organized on October 29, the 11:00 A. M.-Football, Freshman Results of growth in another phase Football Game With lilt. St. Mary's ance At Western Maryland Before Art Club has already become an ac- Team vs. Catholic Untver- of student activity will be shown the Enthusiastic Audience tive organization with numerous sity Freshmen at Catholic college on November 30, when the Ami Play By College Players To High-lights of the Be plans for the future. Univeraiby western Maryland Band, under the PRESENTATION IS NOVEL ONE The club was formed in order to 2:30 P. I11.-Football, Catholic direction of 1\[1'. Phil Royer, will pre- Day's Events runctionalize the aims of the art University at C. U. sent a concert at Monday morning PLANS lHADE FOR FORIUAL Walter Hampden, considered by classes by making specific contribu- Nov. 23- chapel in Alumni Hall. DINNER many America's foremost. Shake- tions in the way of lectures, exhibits 6:30 P. I'lL-International Rela- Band Members Named spearean actor, gave an enthusiastic and discussions. The club also hopes tions Club---Y. W. C. A. The band is composed this year of Alumni hall audience a program not to awaken a lively interest and appre- room the unusually large number of thirty- Thanksgiving Day will be Home- devoid of novelty last Friday night by ciation in our artistic heritage, with Nov. 26-- seven players, having been augment- coming Day again for the graduates reading for the first time in his career emphasis on contemporary art. J2:00 P. I'lL-Hockey game ed by the addition of sixteen fresh- of W. III. C. Recalling memories of an abridged version of Shakespeare's Officers Chosen 1:00 P. I1L-Ollen House Teas- men. their college days, the Alumni will saunter over the campus once again Hamlet. John Simms, the president of the Phi Alpha Mu, W. W. The band roster consists of the and visit with old fricnds. McDaniel Not that Hamlet is new to Mr. club, was chiefly responsible for its Club, and Delta Sigma following: trumpets: Stoner, Ingram, Lounge will, as before, serve as al- Hampden. The hundreds of perfor- inception. Other officers are: vice- Kappa Bee, Williams, (first lieutenant), mances which he has given this clas- president, Sarabefle Blackwell; secra- 2:30 P. lIf.-Football, Mt. St. Lesh, I. C. Myers, Mnore ; clarinets: umni headquarters. sic have made his name famous tm-y, Frank Brown; treasurer, Betty Mary's, Hoffa Field Smouse, Elseroad, Elliott, Cattington, Although no plans have been made throughout America. The method of Erb. The faculty advisor is Miss 8:00 P. M.-"The A1·t of Bcin,q Fogle, Carnochan, Brust (corporal), for an alumni dinner, Carroll Inn will presentation was, however, new to Florence Gaskins, the art teacher. BOl·ed"..,...Alnmni Hall wilson: alto saxophones: Hood (ser- serve a regular Thanksgiving dinner, him, but not ill-suited, if one may John Myers 1'0 Speak Nov. 28-- geant), Rausch (corporal); C melody and the tea-room next to the Grill judge from audience response. Programs of wide-spread interest 8:30 P. M.-Black and White saxophones: Thompson, Crosswhite; will serve sandwiches has and ice-cream. a arranged The administration Present Tour Is Limited and appeal are being planned. Out- Club Dance-Girls' Gym baritone saxophone: E. Cronin; tenor program for the day to promote the It was not, however, as a reader standing artists and art critics of Nov. 30- saxophone: H. Y. Myers; alto horns: atmosphere of festivity and enjoy- that he has established his reputation. Baltimore and this vicinity will lecture 6:30 P. M.-W. A. A., Y. W. C. I Erhardt, Skinner, (first lieutenant); ment. His first love was and still is the from time to time, the first of whom A.l·oom trombones: Lavin (sergeant), Buck- drama, this being bnt a limited tour will be John E. Myers, Jr., of West- Dec. 3- man (corporal), East; baritone: Beat- Many Activities Scheduled upon which he is now engaged. minster, who is a graduate of Mary- 6:30 P. IlL-Art Mission ty; basses: Hoke, Fleagle, Beck; bass During the season just closed, he land Institute and has traveled ex- Par-lor, John Jr., drum: Malone (first sergeant); cym- Activities of the day will begin at completed his 1000th performance of tensively abroad. He will speak at speaker bals: Sones; snare drums: Geiman, 10:30 in the morning with a soccer tym- the Al- game on Hoffa Field against Brooks, R. Nelman, Bollinger; Cyrano de Bergerac, the romantic the next meeting on December 3, in pani: Brown (captain and drum ma- Rostand play whose principal char- Mission Parlor at 6:30 o'clock. jor). umni Team. The soccer team has acter he has made one of the most be- Charter Members Listed been doing well this season and a was meeting on held loved figures of the international The first November 12, at which time Editors Of Aloha Program To Be Given large attendance at the game will, no stage. His first allegiance has been, Thur-sday, March, "Stadium Triumph"; Novel- doubt, encourage the players. of course, to Shakespeare, to whom he the constitution of the club was adopt- ty, "Tunawunda": March, "Colonel If the weather is clear, there will devoted exclusively five years of his ed. A talk on Raphael was given by Arranging Contest Burt", "French Military March"; be a hockey game at 12:30, when the Post", "Washington "Alma March, career in Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, John Simms with illustrative prints. Mater". women's honorary varsity hockey King Lear, Riche.l'd Ill, The Mel'- The following are the charter mem- To Get Snap-Shots The second number on the program, team will play either an outside team chant of Venice, Tatn,ing of the bers of the club; Sarabelle Blackwell, 01' another school team, on Hoffa Shrew, COl'iolanus and Julius Caeear. Frank Brown, William Cronin, Mary Tonawanda, is an Indian novelty se- Field. Among his many other notable per- Edwards, Betty Erb, Elaine Fennell, 1937 Aloha Will Be Awarded To lection. But it is the third selection to the col- formances are, Capo7!sacchi, The Ser- Rebecca Keith, Ralph Lambert, George Winning Student For Candid that is of special interest copy of this Turkey Dinner Planned lege since an autographed vant in the House, Ibsen's An Enemy Needham, Sally Price, Sue Price, Shots composition, the army theme song, Arrangements have been made to of the People, Bulwer Lytton's Riche- John Simms, Betty Shunk, Martha was sent to Major Seveme S. Mac- serve two meals during the day. lieu, Edwin Arnold's The Light of Wilmer and Dorothy Vinup. PROFESSOR RAVER TO JUDGE Laughlin by the composer, Colonel Breakfast will be served at 9 A. M. Asia, Sir James Barrie's The Admil'- tJ accommodate late sleepers. At 5 aote Ctighton, and others. Come on folks! Get your Camera Burt, P. M. Thanksgiving Day will be cele- While Walter Hampden is an Amer- Black and Whites Then get some films and begin taking Homecoming Queen brated with a reg-ular Turkey "extras". England Discovered Hampden Dinner down from the shelf and dust it off. including all fhe customary ican, his acting experience began in Plan Dance Nov.28 pictures. Here's your chance to get At 1 P. M. the fraternities and sorori- England as a member of the famous your Aloha free. Will Be Selected ties will have open house for all of Shakespearean company of Sir Frank The snapshot editors of the Aloha the students, parents, faculty, alumni Benson. After leaving Harvar-d, he Bud Codori And IIis Orchestra 1'0 are sponsoring a snapshot contest. and their friends. Tea will probably went to Paris to study music. He had Furnish Music For The Evening Every underclassman is eligible. All Immense Football Rally Will Precede be served in the club rooms at this a fine bass-baritone voice and a love you need is a camera. If you don't have Thanksgiving Day Game Before time. for the cello. But thc stage called and Opening the social season for the a camera, borrow one, and snap some Alumni Hall Wednesday Night The outstanding feature of the day, he followed to London. year 1936, the fil'St club dance of the pictures. lIIaybe you can be the of course, is the football game with For three years he played with current program will be given in the lucky winner. On Thanksgiving whcn Western Mount St. Mary's on Hoffa Field at Benson, acting more than seventy girls' gymnasium Saturday evening, Rules Governing Contest Maryland celebrates another home- 2 P. 111. All of the color and fcstivity Shakespearean roles, great and small, November 28 by the Pi Alpha Alpha coming day, several new evcnts, in- of the day will be prcsent when the in the English provinces. Then came Fraternity, popularly known on the 1. All contestants must be under- cluding an immense football rally and student body, led by the augmented his opportunity, when not yet twenty_ Hill as the Black and White Club. classmen, Seniors are asked to a homecoming queen, will be on hand band nnder the leadership of "baton- alumni. to greet five, to stell into the place of H. B. The fraternity has been fortunate submit pictures but they will not Starting with the gigantic outdoor meister" Brown, ,Viu parade from Al- Irving, the latter becoming ill, and i,l securing for this occasion the mu- be eligible fOl' the prize. umni Hall to the grandstand. play in London the part of Hamlet sic of "Bud" Codori and his Pennsyl- 2. Pictures are to be submitted in rally Wednesday evening, the pro- This will be the first and only home and later Romeo, in which he achieved vania Ramblers, a popular eleven- groups of four. No one may sub- gram will get under way to a "rous- game since the opening of the col- . at Glasgow the remarkable run of piece orchestra. This same group mit more than one group. ing" start as the students assemble lege, the other home game being cleven weeks, a record never equalled played on the Hill last year when it 3. Pictures must be submitted in a before Alumni Hall for a large and played with Shenandoah before Oc- before or since. was enthusiastically receivcd. sealed envelope with contestant's loud pep meeting. tober 1. The students are urged to on the name and college address Honors Awarded Him Annh'ersary Celebrated outside of the envelope. 500 Rooters Expected pal'ticipate in the parade, the songs Bud Brown promises He returned to New York with the Louis Lassahn, Alpha of the fra- 4. All prints submitted become the l'agged lions there in to have his and the cheers to make the team feel trim; good script of The Servant in the HOl!se ternity, announced at a recent meet- property of the A lolta. Those not Charlie Havens will see that his man- that the school is standing prondly and issued upon his full career and ing that the committee in charge of published will be returned to the mountains aye there, and the Hill behind them. The students, of course, real life-work as actor-manager. the dance would consist of Robert My- contestants. tukes for granted that you will be will be enjoying the pleasures of a Honors and decorations have come el's, Milton Hendrickson, and Charles 5. The subjects of the pictnres must there. "home game" and the alumni will get to him from many universities and Baker. pertain to life on the Hill. Groups Fired with all the pre-game enthu- first hand information on the perfor- institutions. For his Cyrano, the This fraternity celebrated in No- taken at football games, training siasm, approximately five hundred mance of the team. Alliance F'rancai8e presented him wi~h vember the fourteenth anniversary of camp and shore parties are eligi- students are expected to Jend their its silver medal for service to the its founding. Since its beginning, the ble if the members of the group voices in one mighty cheer. There Queen To Be Presented cause of French literature and drama. fraternity has contributed much to the are college students. will be music by the band, cheers by Between the halves there will be a The National Institute of Social life of the college and has stood out 6. All pictures must have been tak- the cheer leaders, and speeches by thc display by the college band led by Sciences awarded him its gold medal as one of the foremost organizations. en since May 1, 1936. YOI! must Terrors. Frank L. Brown. A novelty will be for distinguished public service in Sponsors Named be able to sU1Jply negatives upon Committee Named the presentation of a Queen for Home- presentation of the classics. The Among the members of the faculty 'request. A special innovation of the Thanks- coming Day to be elected by a vote of American Academy of Arts and Let- who have been asked to act as spon- 7. All prints must be submitted by giving celebration will be the presen- the student body. te!'s awarded him its first gold medal SOl'S are Dr. and Mrs. Fred G. Hollo- March 1, 1937. tation of the Queen of Home-coming The climax of the day will be the for the pul'ity of his diction and quali- way, Dr. George S. Wills, honorary 8. The first prize is all Aloha. Sec- Day. The queen will be paraded thru comedy presented by the College ty of his speech on the stage. member of the club, Mr. and Mrs. ond prize, and honorable mention town with an escort of students and Players at 8 P. M. in Alumni Hall. An honor which he treasures above Charles Havens, Major and Mrs. Sev- snapshots will be printed in the bandmen. The parade will terminate The A1·t of Being Bm'ed by Edward all others is the presidency of the erne S. MacLaughlin, Major, and Mrs. Aloha. In case of a tie, both win- on Hoffa Field where the queen will Pailleron will be given as the annual Players club, founded by Edwin Tryon Shepherd, and Mr. and Mrs. ners will l'eceive an Aloha. The preside over the game from her spe- autumn production. In spite of the Booth and which has had but four John D. Makosky. decision of the judges will be con· cial box. During the half she will be implications in the title, the audience presidents: Edwin Booth, Joseph Jef- i The dance,. a program affair, will sidered final. presented to the spectators by Dr. will receive no instrnctions in this so- ferson, John Drew and now \Valtel' supply a festive touch to the Thanks- 9. The judges are: Mr. Raver, who Holloway. called "art", considered by many peo- Hampden. Custom has made this a I giving week-end.. It is open to all has had much experience in pho- The Home-coming committee CQm- ple as a natural sequence to cel'tain life incumbency. students and faculty members. (Cont. page 2, col. 4) (Cont, page 4, col. 5) ccllege courses.
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