Page 22 - TheGoldBug1936-37
P. 22
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. I Personality Pictures GOt II Thru The Keyhole I Ul'~i:~:y:~~l;~;~t~:u~ti~;t~~;~hs:yn:~ IVariety clothes, Miss Esther Smith has fonnd It wasn't told to me, I only heard- herself gently but securely thrust into Onion Sandwiches the top bracket of popularity. and so thru the keyhole, folks, we Hers is a certain vital, dynamic Official student newspaper of Westei'n Maryland College, published on 'I'hurs- bring you the talk of the town. quality, which coupled with an inex- I can barely sec to write-I just day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, haustible fund of good humor, cnpti- ate an onion sandwich. My eyes smart and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of The good old school seems to be just and tears are running down my Western Maryland College, Westminster, Mat-viand. Entered as second-class one big happy family now-or should vates those fortunate enough to come cheeks but I'm happy and contented. matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. we say families. Last year it was the into contact with her. She radiates SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 A YEAR O'Lcairs, then the Gompfs, and now charm-a sort of winsome, captivating Onion sandwiches make me feel that the Newmens. I guess the Martins charm that only those from the deep way. and the Coys have nothing on us. South know how to project with sin- My grandmother always said that I'lJ6 Membcr )937 cerity. Yet no trace of accent betrays if yon held an onion over the stove What was the score of Saturday's when cutting it, you wouldn't cry. I ~mcided Colie6iate Pre::s her Southern background. She has, it BOSTON. SANFHANclScQ game, Gwen? What ? You don't held the onion over the radiator but LOsANGELE9 PORTLAND S~HTLa know! 'Vell, all we know is that a seems, a Southern warmth giveu lus- it didn't work. That is what these certain sophomore cooed didn't travel tre by a Northern polish. EDITORIAL STAFF Her ideal in speech is the cosmopoli- modern conveniences have done for Editol'-in-Chicf ··_.. J. RALPH LAMBERT, JR., '37 all those miles just because she was a the onion. Associate Editors ... ,............... EVELYN CROWN, '37, GEORGE NEEDHA~f, '37 football fan. Seems as if she made a !~~~~:!~~~:~ve~~:~~~e~~~~~cJ~~r, ~:~~ An onion sandwich always helps News Editors .... SARABELI,E BLACKWELL, '37, SHERWOOD BALDERSON, '38 rmger, though? How about it, lieu- Copy Editor . . ._ _. .. _._.__.. FRANK BROWN, '37 tenant ? :~~.'~e~~:l:~~~l~: ~~ec~:~l~k:~~l':~~s~~ ~~:t~~.:!~d~y A\~'~~~~~e!:i~l~w~~~e~~~ REBECCA KEITH, '39, AARON SCHAEFFER, '39 Proof Editor _ __ _._.._ __SALLY PRICE, '37 th~vear~.~·~alve~~~~eeas~u:;/~I~:i~~~ help them achieve good diction and ;:;~Ot~\~~'i~: ! ~Voh~~eI'I~~::~~ Fcat.u?·e Editol'8 ETHEL KING, '37, MADALYN Br,ADES, '37, FRANK MALONE, '38 Sports Editors........... 'VALTER LEE TAYLOR, '37, ELEANOR TAYLOR, '38 Eleven eleven o'clock, elev- :::~.o~:;: :~!~!:~~I S:~~i;;h!~ee ~)I:~i;c~ to talk-they get one whiff of the Exch(l,1!gc EditOl·... . JANE WHITE, '37 :~:h p:~.t of this fish ~t:~)h;oto.iS FO:~~ example. ~~i~;;ll:~;~b It~:il:'t l:~:e~vh:n~he:hli:~~ MAKE-UP STAFF She is an artistic storehouse Managh!g Editors BEVERLY HARRISON, '37, JAMES COLEMAN, '38 Dr. Petunia Enfield reports eight ed full of in.formation ~nd plans. chock- in so---l can't smell anything. I can always eat onion sandwiches on the twelfth. more offspring Are BUSINESS STAFF you by chance competing in the Baby embryo. WIth the l~atlence of Sisy- undisturbed. The usual food-scout, Bneinese JI'/anager ..ROBERT A. KIEFER, '37 Del'by? Also we might add that our I phus she keeps pushing the. ~ollege who can tr-ace food like a bloodhound Advc)'tisillg Jlfanagcr . JOSEPH OLEAIR, '39 new finny friends are being sponsored Players onward to better artistic nch- on a hot trail, do not seem to be at- Assistant AdvC?·t·isillg Jl'/a?wQc)" . . NAO~I1 CROWN, '37 Circulation: II1anagers,. __ JOliN CULLER, '37, ARLINE HUDSON, '37 by their fond godmother, Ruth ievement and, by so doing, exhibits tr'acted to onion feeds. Sometimes I A8sistaHt Circulation ilJalwgcl'S MARY CLEMSON, '39, HILDA BIDDLE, '38, Howie. once more her tireless energy. have a select group of onion lovers in 'VILLIAl\I COLElIIAN, '38, TRAGO BRUST, ':39 We wish that Miss Clemson and No one will soon forget her master- to dine with me, but more frequently Mr. Peters respectively would please ly reading- of Susan Gaspell's A lison's I eat alone. REPORTERS Reporters contl'ibuting to this issue: Alvill Newton, '40; Paul Burtis, '40; :::~;r:in ~~'::il~;!:d:e::f:~ew~Vt~ ~~:~~ :.::(I:~····her incomparable r-s«: th~n;~:e~::~~~aIs:~~e ~~~u~~~o;r:~~ Mary Clemson, '39; Peggy Stewart, '40; Naomi Enfield, '37; Grace Mac Vean, '39. The Tea Dance on Saturday seemed ble is that it lasts too long. Ugh! :~o~e3~'~1~~hs;~c~~~~h_:ill:i~~eI~~~si~~~~ SN APSHOT CONTEST ~~~'n;~~~e i~,:~~~ li:~~~ o~~~nsn:~~ Worthy opinion; Model management~- Correct new.5. Baltimore every week-end-especially ate the llight before but more like the since the football team is on the gl). (Cont. page 4, col. 4) Russian army camped overnight. This Appreciation Now's your chance, boys! tography, Naomi Enfield, and Wi~o~~;e~~ot~~~;~Sh a !~~d :vp~~:;~:: Joe Uvanni seems to be missing a Bob Coe, snapshot editors of the with mouthwash, I feel much better. :More or less intoxicated by the wealth or sterling ent.ertninmellt tooth. 'We're terribly SOI'l'J'Joe-but Aloha. Sometimes I get tired of onion sand- which has been lavisl1ed upon u.s this past week first by "\Vnlter Hampden it is a pity you didn't lose it before 10. The pictures wj]J be judged on wiches alone, and I add the delicate amI then by the Nntional SymphmlY Orchestra, we haye begun to wonder Hallowe'en--:-it w~llid have left a per- subject matter, human interest, I fiavor of limbUl'ger cheese. On onc if student interest and enthusi11sm ha\'e been sufficie11tly large to walTant feet l)Ulllpklll sllllie. and clearness of the picture. piece of rye bread put several large the continuation or such fln ambitious How do the students We see that Peggy Stewart has I Hints For Taking Pictures I slices of onion. The other side of the reel about such entertainmcnt? This is a which no doubt has la~ded .and. her cargo seems to be i Here are a few helpful suggestions sandwich is spl'ead thickly with lim- been rrequently raiscd this past wcek don't propose 10 qUite RItchIe. Ouch! , for taking good, clear slJapshots: burger cheese. \Vhen ~~u put these answer it, we should. like to consider of this sitnation !~~~l~~~ ~;~t;::~ ,\·hich mayhflp havc been overlooked. 100~u~~~~on~ve~~,h~ig~~eSatth:bO~~m~~:I 1. Be sure the lense of the camera ~~~~tth%~;~oe~.ha;:u a Tn the first place, how mallY peOl)]e lil,e classic drama or.fine music1 minutes of ten? is clean. ly, tasting each bite carefully, chew- Does the average American like Shakespeare, does he listen to Brahms Answer: Date-1700. 2. :~~i~h~~=~:gth:x::~~:~in~n y~:~ !~\~hit:h~~::tf'1l:htn~ts,::~:;:in~~! with an emotional tln'ill, or does he nvoid both if possible or submit Place-New England. back or over the shoulder. martyr-like to the nnrort.llnnte periodic presentation or their works1 more! "\VllOl,eeps alive these men long since £lend, or rflther, who i,eeps nlive Act-An attack upon the white set- 3. Hold the camera level, straight N. E.-'37. their art? A generation ngo someone wonld have immediately answered tIel'S. Indialls coming from behind and steady. Hold your breath an "society" and his rererence would not have been to societ.y at large. every tree. instant when snapping the picture The General Attitude Towards We understand that Winnie and because the least jar will canse a College Studies But is this case todayY Haye not the Russians shown that high Ginny are taking in the night life of blurred negative. What's the use of studying? If you art belongs to masses as ,,·ell as to the classes~ Study the Russillll Harlem now. Maybe that's where 4. Be sure the unexposed film is in can bluff your way through college, theatre? Ovcr-rntcd it. may bc, but more shows arc prodnccd, bcttcr at- they learned to swing it. Yes! Yes! position so that you will not make why study? T his, unfortunately tcnflllllCc is shown, morc innovations are made ill the present-day nus- All this cold weather makes us won- a double exposure. seems to be the general attitude of all sian theflh'e tllllil in OUI' own widely tooted New York. der-if Philips comes can Snow be of us college students. 'Ve don't seem far behind. to realize that we are cutting off our Prlli~0~1;1][j~0~Il~iS~~~JI~a~~~~~:;~si:l~{~1:1~;~~~1~1~~1~:~~e t~ll~~~ ~~f~~~·a~~i~; Ttoe~l ~o~ t~iS~lssue, with apologies: Pledging Regulations ;~~l:nt~p~~~:eU:i~~, f,~~eS~reG~~~nI~~; ~1~~o~~\~~~fll;O'\:I~~i:l~,~~s:~~~~~~~~;s~l~'l\~~~II~~~l:f~:I~~l~~~i;~~f:(~l~~p~~.I;e~:~ An~ \:~\h:1l \a:;v snow There shall ~odc of Honor and stupid to clear off the tarnish so institutions considcred b~' too ill1ll1Y Americans as the poodles of higll And p~~~.a~h~::I~?the couples do then, which shall bind each active and ~~:t ::.: ~o~;te:ete::ed~~i;i~fo:;r\:i~~ society From back ca~lPus they'll come, I alumnae club member and to the tide alld perhaps sooner or later It is strangc that so many people should llaye the misconception With a hop, skip and jump, keep. club mat~ers a ~lo~ed questIon at be wafted onto the shore, just like a that only the VaJlc1el'bilts support opera, symphony, or the legitimate And sit in the lounge until spring, all tImes. ThIS restl'lCbOll means that jelly-fish. stnge. ~rrne, wenltlly people give tllcir support and it. is gratcIully oc- poor things. there is to be no statement made to a To be sure, the college atmosphere cepted, .but. h~ve you ever gone ~o fl thcatre flll(J "'lltclled ~hc "standees" The sport of boxing looms close on non-club girl by a club girl, concel'n- seems to discourage rathet· than en- wh? rum thell' fee~ bnt not til ell' temperamf:nt by sb.mdlllg tIlrough an the horizon. But it looks as if Willie ing any individual club's traditions, courage study. The student is freed entJre program? l'here ~'OU find the enthusiasm wloch means more to Willoughby will have an edge on the regulations, or bidding. p!~:~~~ 1I.narti~t than the presenee of SOIllC be-trimmcd dowager. And then nO-I rest of you fellows. Freshmen and sophomores shall not :~~i~}~JS~n~\~c:a~~~fi~~~~~~nl~~~l~~~~~~al~~r~rli~~let~eCt~l;l~gflO~~~I(~~n!sfP~~~~~ It's all right, EI~vood, even ~ sh~ be bid to any club until they have at- ~~~it~e~~he::lll~~~;mno~:;,e at:~ ~!~:;~ ing art apllreciAtion in America tod;tudent to give his SU]J' We have reports that those boys on Woops! They've put the key in the the wool over our own eyes and keep- port. No "duty" exists ill pleasurable pursuits. Interest, pleasure, ap- the Boston trip must really have had keyhole, so I guess that's all for this ing out the light of intelligent, whole- preciation are the results sougllt, not conscious effort or forced attend- a nice time (nice with a z) last week. time, folks-anyway this is an awful- hearted living. Whoops r Iy awkward position! N.E.-'37.
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