Page 27 - TheGoldBug1936-37
P. 27
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE TERRORS CARD 20 CAGE Havensmen Earn Mayor Jackson Cup TILTS AND 7 RING MEETS SNAPSHOTS Conquering College Parkers By 12-0 By WALTER LEE TAYLOR Fin Basketball Games Test Baek- Lathrop, Lassahn, And Sadowski Are Main Cogs In Decisive Win. boarders Before Christmas. For Guckeyson, Terrapin Star, Is Checked Boxing Meet Jan. 9 Terrors Close Succesful Season Wirh Sensational Victory (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) Now that the gridiron battle with The margin in number of ,first downs, in total yardage gained, ill son gained more individual yardage Mar-yland has written finis to the yards rushing, and in yards passing went to the University of Mar-yland LATHROP WINS SCORING than any back on the field, but he also football campaign of 1936, sports by a small plurality, but when tbov totalled up thc points at the end of lost more. fans of the college will turn to the the game, it was Western Maryland who had bogged thc laurels. TITLE OF MARYLAND two winter sports here, basket- Cliff Lathrop and Frank Sadowski not only proved ball boxing. 'I'he 12·0 victory was a fitting way to close a successful that they were as Because of the late football season season in 'l'errors won seven games out of eleven and tied Touchdown In Maryland Game As- good as the Terp Bruce Ferguson, basketball coach, has another one. injuries had not played such a part during mid- sures Terror Star Of Laurels. been delayed in getting his season, it is likely the Ter-rors would have bettered Guckeyson Is Runner-Up ace but proceeded in shape. There has been no opportu- thnir fine record. In those eleven games the pow- nity to practice, and the Tenors wont By scoring one of the two touch- into their first game last night with ~~/f 1:~~~t:ea~~1~~~~ i~~8fb1~rPI~1~~:1.gO;.I~~~f:~o~~ttl~~; downs in the 12-0 over Mary- only two days' work under their belts. nvernge of 18 points 11 game agmnst eight points land last Saturday, Lathrop, Prospects for a good basketball sea- fOI' the foe. Western Maryland fullback, clinched son look rather bright if the early sea- the scor-ing title of the State with 54 son showing of the Terrors is cltmina t- . 'I'he victory was well-earned, the 'l'erps put- points in ten games. The Terrors got ad and only the league schedule con- hng up 11 terrifie struggle before going down to Second place went to Bill Guckey- their first touch- sidered. It is a known fact that Wes- defeat. Western Maryland capitalized on the son, Maryland's backfield ace and the down early in the tern Maryland basketball teams never breaks of the game plus an ability to penetrate the runner-up to Lathrop for most of the second quarter. It start to really play ball until the WALTERLEETAYLOR3:1(~eL~~~r~;le~\~f~~,~et:;;i\e: . I 1e air, and thus set the latter part of the season. The Terp was the climax of a 70 yard march league begins or until February is almost nigh. :~~~.:::~:~, ~~i~;iJ~t~~o~i~~ltn~:~:~ r ~~~~:y~~~a~aodn ~~~lt;:l"l~~r ~~tl~;':~l" The Terrors are fortunate in losing Game Showed Terror Backfield Can Hold Its Own With That Of of touchdowns with seven. In nine plays the Terrors had a score, only two men from the 1935 ensemble, Maryland Frank Sadowski, 'I'ei-i-or- quarter- with Cliff Lathrop going the last Guard "Sheriff" Fowble and Forward There were two fine backfields that started against each other. 'l'hc back, nosed out a teammate, Ted Muj- three yards necessary for six points Walter Reinhard. Every other league College Park quartet starring Bill Guckeyson hud been a constant threat wit, for third place when he scored on a fake spinner. His try for point team was hard hit among its playing t.o opposition nil the year. They had everything from speed and de- Western Maryland's second touch- was blocked by Willis. ranks except Washington College, the ception to power and brawn, and they used it, Guckeyson, Coleman down over the Old Liners. Fr-ank Maryland's passing attack began to defending champion. Headley, and Charley Ellingcr had ridden to fame behind the excellent totaled 37 points and Mujwit, 36. operate, but not efficiently. It was The team will be built around Joe blocking of J im Mende and John Gormley. Navy Bill Ingram completes the not long before 'Western Maryland Uvanni and Stan Benjamin, scoring Western Mtu-yland has been proud of its backfield more than once big five. The Tar halfback scored had its second and final touchdown aces who alternate at center and for- lhis season. The st.u-ting four, Sadowski, Campbell, Mujwit, and La- four touchdowns, kicked five points and it was thrown into the Terrors' ward, and John Tcmichek, capable thrall 111\\"ebeen poison consistently this season to ri"al teams. Paten· after touchdown, and booted a field laps by Charley Ellinger, the 'I'erps' gual·d. Reserves from last year who tially they '\'ere as good as the :!'I1aryland troupe, although they werc not goal to amass 32 points for the sea- All-American hothead. will fill out the team include Lee played up so mnch. The stage was set at midfield. Af- Adriance, Frank Lesinski, and Fred \Vhen the game ended, fans had been shown that the Terral' backs The leading scorers follow: ter a Terp pass, Guckeyson to Head- CO:le~~:l~:'~r~:'st year's Freshman 110t only could hold their own with the Terrapin runners, but could out-- Player G 'I'd Pt Fg Tl ley, had put the ball Oll the 50 yard pla.v them. On the defense their margin of superiority was more no- Lathrop, W.l\I. 10 7 12 0 54 stripe, Campbell intercepted a pass. team who will be striving for posts table than on the offense. Guckeyson, Md. 8 1 0 43 On the first rUllning play Lathrop ~:~~~:,J~:~~h::.:~~:,O~~t;I~~; ~h~~ Sadowski ami Lathrop, the two principal ground gaincrs, more Sadowski, W. Md. 11 1 0 37 made 12 yards and a first down. Then mond. than held their own with Guckeyson and Ellinger, the two running aces Mujwit, W. Md. 10 6 0 0 36 the sharpshooting Campbell faded League rules permit freshmen to of the Terps. Only _once did the Terrap!ns thrcaten to score, and thmr Ingram, Navy 9 4 5 I 32 back and tossed a long pass dOWl1 participate in league contests, and I touchdown was n.ulllfied because of an lllegal forward pass. And the Young, Wash. ColI. 7 5 1 0 31 the field to Stan Benjamin, his right Coach Ferguson is hoping the class of scorer of that vOI(l touclldown was Coleman Headley, fastest man on Antrim, Navy 9 5 31 eJld. It was broken up by Ellinger on 1!l40 will furnish one or two good men the field yesterday and 11 fine, dependable back. Ellinger, Md. 11 5 30 the six yard line, both men going to to fit into the machine he must weld Schmidt, Navy 9 4 26 the turf in the contact. The 'I'erp for the coming campaign. Terror Team Should Come In For Some Bouquets Scesney, M. S. M. 7 4 0 24 quarterback then lost his head and aimed a boot at the head of his rival. The schedule follows: Nm\' that the 1935 football season is history, the time has come to Hammann, St. John's 7 4 0 24 The action was detected by an official and Benjamin Stan Dec. O-West Chester, away. give the playcrs thc ercdit that was denied thcm during tJlC cllmpllign. each scored 18 points; Lou Lassahn who ruled it unsportsmanlike conduct. Joe Drugash, Dec. ll-Villanova, away. Lookillg bllck over a successful yenr, we find t.hat there was plenty of 13; Charley Rineheimer, 12; Leroy The ball was placed on the two yurd Dec. 12-St. Joseph's, away. good work among the Terrors that deserves hmding and commendation Campbell, 6; and Hal'old Hansen, 1 line. Three times Frank Sadowski hit Dec. 14-Georgetown, away. So, without further ado, we present palms of award to the following: tu complete the Terrors' scoring col- the Maryland line. The first time lIe Dec. 17-l\1arshall, home. First, to Co-captains Cliff Lathrop and Louic Lassahn, who not gained one yard. The second time only experienced the best. year of their respectiYe careers, but also servcd Jan. 9-Washington College, away~. as excellent co· pilots and by doing themselves, inspired the team to do they held him to half a yard. But Jan. 12-U. of Baltimore, away. with them. HOPKINS TRIPS TERRORS the third time he was not to be halt· Jan. 13-Navy, away. Second, to Franl, Sadowski, whose quaderbacking combincd braill8 IN SOCCER FINALE, 6-1 ed and crashed through the stubborn Jan. 14-Maryland, away. and power and whose stellar defensive work saved thc coaching de- Ter]l defense for the touchdown. Campbell tried to throw a pass fo)' Jan. 19-5t. John's, home·. partment many headaches. A goal by Center Forward "Peck" the extra point, but th.; play was Jan. 21-Hopkins, home·. Third. to 1\1onk Clllllpbell, who not ollly starred ill his passing I'ole Martin in the waning minutes of the broken up by C~)lcman He
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