Page 29 - TheGoldBug1936-37
P. 29
G01 ROOT FOR THE ALOHA SNAPSHOTS GREEN TEAMS Vol. 14, No.7 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. January 21, 1937 Cadet Rifie Team Second Art. Exhi?it 1 Carroll County Plans Student Conductors Art Club Members . Now Beina Displaued Starting Practice Living Am,,":-:;- Sends Second Centenmal Programs Will Lead Orchestra MakeArrangements In New Gallery Group of Contempor-ary Prints. Preparations Are Being Made For I Next Monday !\Iorning Chapel To Be For Fashion Show Devoted To Music Majors Group two in the ser-ies of prints Gala Celebration May 30-June 3 I Student, conductors of the StilT Competition Evidenced As Fif- being shown by courtesy of Living teen Men Vie For Varsity Places American Inc., is now on exhibit Pageants, prizes, and parades will 1 ~~~OOilnm~~!c ~l~:~n\~;~ n~:~~ de- February 12 Showing To Be Made in Mission and will be open to be much in evidence this spring when, morning at 10 A. 1\1. when they Through Courtesy of Hoebschild, 1937 SCHEDULE NEARLY COM- the student body on January 22 and beginning May 30 and continuing direct the college orchestra. Kohn PLETE 25 n-om 6:30 to 9 P. M. through June 3, Carroll County will This is the second time that stu- WILL PROMOTE DESIGN Twelve pictures by eontemporm-y celebrate its one hundredth anniver- dents have appeared in the role of CONTEST Crack shots of the rifle team have ~~:~rican artists comprise the ex- ~~~~;on:\~,:c~~~: ~~~:~~l~t~~C~~le::e is"~~l~.'~f ~~:st:::~ been luttmg the bull on then new Students ate invited to cast then On Sunday, rrlay 30, colleges which gives students such an Smart spring styles will be on dis- range evei since school opened Pit- vote fer the print which most appeals mortal Day as well as the first day of opportunity. The program for the play at the fashion show to be spon- teen men, mostly veterans, ate III stiff I to them "Autumn Leaves" by Oeor- the celebration, there will be special morning will include: sored by the Art club on Friday, Fcb- competition roi varsity places and gm O'Keeffe, and "The VIllage services in all of the churches of Oar- Gloucester (Old American Dance), ruary 12, at 8 P. M. in McDaniel Hall ~l~~y:!~:;~ looking- forwurd to
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