Page 30 - TheGoldBug1936-37
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Westem Maryland College, Westminster, Md. I GOl OF A Prizes To Be ~::~;n:or Best Dress CHATTE~'N~ TRIALS ~IArtClUbsponsors '37 Fashion Show - 'N T RAN 5FER CHILLBLAINS _ L__ As long, r suppose, as there has Contest Rules Listed Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- been an mstitutton of learning, fresh- Well sprig is here-bud who can day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, Rules for the contest are as fol- idjoy id wid 11 commud coud ? and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of men have held a low position in the lows: Western Maryland College, 'Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class eyes of the other- students. They 1. Designs must be drawn on paste- A certain young man has just been matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. have been imposed upon and made to board [matboa'rd}. Suggested size is complaining of feeling badly. He SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE $1.00 A YEAR conform to many rules and regula- fourteen inches by twenty-two inches. says his nose for news is shot and he tions. But after a year of these per- 2. No elaborate backgrounds are to thinks he got his "coud" from his secuttons each freshman has found an be used. professors. He does lock a little 1016 Member 1937 individual niche which has been 3. Name of designer must be f-'moCic..:3d CoUe6iate Press carved for him by hard knocks. His printed on the back of entry with a quizzical but he says he's too weak to raise an eyebrow. virtues and accomplishments are by brief description of the outfit. Anyhow the weather for the first this time well known and shown off 4. Suggested size for daytime part of the month was spasmodically EDITORIAL STAFF Editol"-in-Cldef ..., . . J. RALPH LAMBERT,JR., '37 to their best advantage, and his views group is an eleven inch figure, even- wonderful, so who can complain. The Associate Editm·s . .EVELYNCROWN,'37, GEORGENEEDHAM,'37, and short comings are overlooked and ing group twelve and one-half inches. better the weather the more who join BEVERLYHARRISON,'37 excused. The lot of a freshman is 5. No more than three entries may the "mushroom act" at 10. Junior Associate Editors ......... FRANK MALONE,'38, ALFREDGOLDBERG,'38 not so bad after aIL be submitted in anyone group. News Editors .. .....SARABELLEBLACKWELL,'37, JAMES COLEMAN,'38 Some poor unfortunates, however, C(1)Y EditOl· ...... . JANET MACVEAN, '38 Committee Appointed Speaking of warm weather it was Copy Readel's .MARYEMILY IIIATTHEWS,'37, TRAGOBRUST, '39, find themselves in a much worse so Wal'111the other day that Kay Sau- PAUI. BUltTIS, '40, EMELINE NEWMAN, '40 plight than that of being a freshman. der i'an "panting" down the street. Proof Editor . . ....SALLy PRICE, '37 These are the transfer students. The moral to Kay's warm situation is Proof Readere..., REBECCAKEITH, '39, AARONSCHAEFFER,'39 Theil' lot deserves the and un- pit.y Feature Editors ...... ETHEL KING, '37, MADALYNBLADES,'37 deratanding of both teacher and stu- t':nd George. to look carefully before you raise Sporte Editors............... .......WALTERLEE TAYI,OR,'37, ELEANORTAYLOR,'38 your umbrella. .4.ssi.stant SPO?·ts Editors... .....LAWRENCESTROW,'39, MARYCLEMSON,'39 FRED CaE, '38 de;~e first obstacle which confronts ~::.giaC~~~~. . Reports of the vacation activities Exchange Editol" .... ...... JANE WHITE, '37 a transfer student is the finding of I All outfits n.l~deled at the fashion BUSINESS STAFF,. cla~s roon~s, .and books. in I ~~~we~;:in~d(~;~~l~eal be c~~tu~~~: have proved very entertaining if not wholly enlightening. B1(s·iness Manager ...ROBERTA. KIEFER, '37 It seems that Easy Gunn and Susv AdvC1·tisi71g lIlanage?' .. JOSEPH OLEAIR,'39 Assistant Advertising Manager NAOMI CROWN,'37 !~e t~:I~~:~s~:~,:nb~:~~I~: :~:o~;:;:~; J ~:t~~d~y'p~e~:u~l~y t~:' :; ..~n:t~~~~ ~; Hance spent a very quiet vacation Circulation 1I1anage1'S... . JOHN CULLER,'37, ARLINE HUDSON,'37 ~~~nc:i~g~o ,~~~e~~mh:n~i~sheaisf~i~~~ Smith Hall. rcading Inglis lectures. The swains FRANK BROWN,'37 of Southern Maryland must be slip- Assistant Circalat.ion 1I1a1JU.gers.....WILLIAM COLEMAN,'38, HILDA BITTLE, '38 adjusted to the new surroundings, he ----- ping to give way to men like Judd REPORTERS is lost and terrified for the first few SNAPSHOT CONTEST and Dewey. Reporters contributing to this issue: Naomi Enfield, '37, Anne Chew, '38, Sue days. Such friends are rare, and the Price, '40, Margaret Packwood, '40, Peggy Stewar-t, '40, Bob Coe, '37. transfer usually has to "go it" alone. (Cont. from page 1, col. 4) Janet MacVean seems to have ac- When he enters his first class the 4. The subjects of the pictures quired a Beau Brummel-she pre- Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct new.s. transer has high Will some must pertain to life on the Hill. Groups sented him rather formally in the one sit next to him seems more taken at football games, training Lounge the other night. like a human being and less like one camp, and school-parties are eligible creatures cold distant Mr. Murphy We suspect What Does It Malter? of those no time for anything but who if all the members of the groups are another adventure of top of having the have hat college students. and Confronted with an international crisis such as we have dur- pleasures of their own set? His hopes 5. All pictures must have been tails. Guess you were there, Murph? the past few months and especially during the past few one soon die, for this isn't a' freshman taken since May 1, 1936. Remember, (Say, what's that about you 110t pay- above all stands out in bold relief: tile American college man or 'class where everyone is a stranger you must be able to supply the nega- ing Miss Murphy's bills? Coke, woman like the average American eitizen is, it \\'onld seem, still in a state end everyone is making friends. No. tives upon request. on I please l) . of blissful ignorance of what is happening' around him. Either because This is a sophomore or junior, or I 6. The pictures will be of bC\\'ildenncnt or just plain lack of interest, most students were eom- senior class where everyone already. subject matter, human and Of course "Kingie" comes through pletcly unruffled by a situMion which bids fair t.o be listcd historically has his or her special friends and no '1' clearness of the picture. with her adventures of Christmas us th~ third 1\[oroccan crisis. Nor do of them realize how close the time for any more. Poor transfers Eve. Nothing from the Tall Story torch was brought to the European barrel can smile until they grow wrinkles Club--but the truth, the whole truth But, as some say, what does it matter? \Ve aren't at ,rar yet! :~~~n:n~7:i~a:~~th~f b::e~o~~,a~~~~: I CAM PUS and nothing but the truth. What does it mat.tcd rrhere indeed is ~lportentious question 1 Ap- LEA D E R 5 ",Ve sincerely believe that the com- parently it lllntters not at all i£ eYCIl now we are marching into the long- :;u~.::e~c~t~~:~· ev~~to; :::~t~~is~~,e~~ poser of "In the Chapel in the 1'.10011- IH'l'aJded "cataclysm of race suicide" just. so long as we keep on ~ingil1g they ever think to give. light" must have known about ",Vest- hosanna,s o£ eternal peace. With teachers the situation is very em Maryland College. little better. The transfer is a Americans have a strnnge faith it would seem, ill the ability of stranger whose name they do not everything to "come out all right in the end." \Ve preach peace, we I By the way, there seem to be a read }leilce, We hcar about peacc morning, !loon find night from the day even know. Therefore the transfer is [number of our strong men of the ring the teacher called on so seldom that of our birth find "'ill probably do the SlIme until We have another wa ..' can have little idea of his true ability. with circles around their eyes. \Vhy to cOP;,with. AlI(l e\'en then that will be another Will' to secure "lasting give people such black looks-better , pcaee. To one who has never experienced save them for future opponents. it, the feeling of utter loneliness can 1 \Ve'\'e talked so mueh that truths IIflVe become platitudes. \Vhat never quite be explained. That los- has become o£ our sinCere resolVe to reduec armaments? What hilS hap- ing of the happy friendly side of Lost and Found pened to the security "i,'e felt in 1919! Where are we headed for l1ny- one's life is like losing a part of one's Lost-The art of dancing-some- It \\'ould certainly seClll that Stephen Leacock was right when hc soul. The ability to love life and look GEORGESPIEGEL where in the vicinity of the cOl'ller- "Americans are queer people: they don't give a damn!" forward to the coming day is gone. A soldierly command a quick if found return to "Dl'OOp" Elder. Freddie. without Lost-Elaine \\Te've sowed a crop of peace propaganrln but we seem destined to The day student has probably an comeback. . a quiet, pungent com- Found-Someone who didn't know reap another crop of Gold Star lUotllel'S, white crosses, find war debt.;;. easier lot than the boarder for the lllent a hearty laugh. It's back campus was taboo (and on the But who cares? \\That does it matted day student may go home at night "Dutch"-well known to ever~' fre- faculty too-interviews on Monday of and forget this utter aloneness. But quenter of the college grille as the next week). ITflS the humall race no more intelligence than a moth or a butter- the transfer student who boards goes ideal "soda jerker." fly? 1\fust we continually play wit.h fires which every time cOllie clOSer to meals alone, studies alone, and But this is just the least of Dutch's 'What's the matter Frosty? Don't to gi"ing us tIle full disastcr such a risk incurs? Like Don !I1llrquis' might as well be in the Sahara desert many accomplishments. As president you know that the course of true love motll in Archie and Mehitabel maybe ,,'e, too, wish to roll 0111' lives up as in a college with hundreds of peo- of the class of '37 for the second tim.:, never did run smooth? Neither does in a little bill! !1nc\ then shoot the whole bnll. Perhflps ,,'e, too, shall bc ple around him. Nothing is worse he is recognized as one of t.he leaders bad "spirits." (Careful Shirley, you immolflted on the aliar or OUl' o\\"n d!1ring. thai} being alone in the crowd. I on the Hill. A socialite and vice- don't want to be a kindred spirit, do Much has been written of the ad- you? "Its not fail', Judy" some say. But. it "'ould seem futile to ]lreacll. Tn such circumstances we are beta of Gamma Beta Chi, he is also No, he isnt He's decidedly dm'k. We faced with the inadeqnacy of words. We may as well have il phono- vantages of a junior college. But one of the senior representatives on hope you don't mind being called by friendships?; graph record made so that only those WllO haye ears to hell I' Cfln be an- what of the broken which is lost at! the men's student government, Ihe first syllable of your last name, noyed with countless repetitions of pcace-talk. What of the talent His many-sided personality is Bob. the end of these two years because of shown in his keen interest in athlet- As far as sHch tllings flre concerned, both Sherman and that Roman the student's inability to crash the ics. He holds down the position of Archie and the Nymph are plainly "dope" who said EXJJCI'ient·ia. aoed wcre all "·et. Experience doesn't barriers that students of four year gDalie on the soccer team and boxes figuring in the Georgia affair. teneit,llS much OJ' elsp "'e don't, agr('e \\·ith Sherman !lwt. "\Val' is hell." colleges erect? What of the divided in the 155 lb. class. And then, beside .Ameri'eans will lID dOllbt kecp on decrying the horrors of the last war ~chool spirit that naturally arises? Dutch the athlete, there's Dutch the until a new war with more horriblc horrors comes to take an nnim- Let me advise all students of foul' mJitary man-Lieutenant Spiegel nia? 'What are you trying to do, Petu- Make the Dining Hall boys dis- portant place along witll 1\[1'''' Smith's operation in the mixtlll'e of gos. year colleges to stay where they be- Company A-who booms forth COIll- sip and small talk whicll they call conversation. But "'hat docs it goin. It's bad enough for students of mands so even the dopiest freshman satisfied? Remember what you did matter? junior colleges. Think a long time can hear. to Big Jack. before you leap into the shoes of a But most memorable of all is And tIl ere are Olll' so-called p!1cifists-those who glorify "'ar itself transfer student. Spiegel's deep, rich bass voice. The When orchids bloom in the moon- by eheilpening true pllcificism with their selfish, cowareUy motives. light, they seem to bloom for Dan. Pacificism is pacificism only when one is more interested in saving the -NANCY liETTY, '39. Gerlllan boomer is a "natural." When By the way, Whiteford's preliminary skins of otllCr people than in sll\"ing his OWJ]. But these are mere use- t.he other bassos have reached their roses materialized into a watch. less words and, as such, what is tllOir importance' ESCAPE depths, Dutch goes them several notes "Butch" Robbins cut the preliminar- better-and clearer. lower-and 'What dOeS it matter if nations rearm to astounding, yet limitlef>s, That is his way; in a quiet, unas- ies and sports a new Gruen, also. figures~ Why botller about such morbid things flS future ,,'ars, im- How pleasant to bask in the flood of suming manner he fOI'ges steadily pending deat.h? \Vhy read about. the present when the past 11as been complete nothingness; ahead and succeeds where his less Seen Together-What a Scene! so nicely worked up info histories Illlel history courses which can he swal- To lie in still, stark blackness conscientious, more ostentatious fel- Mel"l'it-Cade-fresh romance. 10\\'ed, pill-Jike~ \Vhat cnn it. profit us if "'e learn Ilhout tlle snccesse'> and let no thought pass through YOUI' lows fail. Sherman:Gibson-fair and warmer. and tIle failures of thc PflSt witllOut relating tllelll to similar present head; Colman-Coppage--- trends! Knowledge is po\\"er only when it is use{l. But why lise it1 To forget all agitation, noise, strife, To be a piece of the still darkness; what success with C's! \Vhen, wilen, WC ask, will men Imd women wake up to what j.,; and men; To escape any discord and battle; Dobson-Helm-what about Fagan? going on arouncl them! When eomes this millenium! \Vhen "'ill there To be a blank, see a blank, To feel a drowsy, smoky, smotherill!~ Shreeve-Long-so long, Shreeve. be eternal peace? Sit in a stony, felted stillness; hand Ransome-Jamieson---congratulations. To let absolute peace and nothing Close your eyes and ears and heart There is bnt one answer, and it's not satisfying. It places this time Steal over you; flow about you and very soul. Ward- Walters-substitutes. far in the future. It says simply this: "Peace will come to man when On carpeted, muffled ways; Row pleasant to bask in the flood of CDleman-Corkran-design for living. man finds peace in his heart a.~ well as in his head Peace i$ of the emo- To be a nobody; to be untouched, un- complete nothingness! Drugash-McWilliams-all settled. tions, as well as of the intellecL" heaTd, unnoticed, M. PACKWOOD,'40. (Cont. on page 3, col. 1)
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