Page 28 - TheGoldBug1936-37
P. 28
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. TERRORS DEFEAT MARYLAND I Alpha Gamma Tau h'ld it, annual I WOMEN'S STUDENT GOVT TO WIN CHAMPIONSHIP smoker on Wednesday evening, No- • Mackenzie's Drug Store Cont. from page 3, col. 5) ~:~~~:e~~rel\:~~~::!ct;:::es~~rC~~:I TO THROW XMAS PARTY A West Main Street ver. The smoker was largely attend- Charley Zulick, senior tackle and ed, both by students and fraternjt~' Santa Claus To Be Guest At Get- PRESCRIPTION game captain, stood out. Time after together Wednesday Night, Dec. 16 Good DEPARTMENT time the veteran stopped the hard- We guarantee the quality of charging Lathrop and the elusive Sa- The third meeting of the newly or our Medicines regarding Pwr- dowski after those two jugg ernauts ganized Art Club was held in Mtaston Following the Christmas banquet Store ity, accuracy and as being of the Terror offense had wormed Parlor last Thursday evening. Fol- Wednesday evening the Women's stu- strictly in accordance with the their way precious feet with a tuck- lowing a discussion of club business dent government will hold a Christ- Physician's order. IeI' or two hanging onto thighs and the president, John Simms, reviewed mas party in the girls' gym from 8 to -FOR- legs. the current art needs. 1(1 o'clock. Sadowski turned in an excellent job The principal speaker of the meet- as field general of the team, choosing ing was John Myers, Jr., of West- Christmas his plays well and mixing passing minster, who talked on the history of Christmas Cards and running attacks effectively. art as evidenced in the different C~ff;eMASh;~ It was a bitter blow for the veter- schools of painting. Shopping FOR EVERYBODY ans of the Maryland team to suffer, but Saturday was not their day. The 1c to $1.00 revenge that the Terrors sought for H. E. REESE AND RESTAURAN~P I last year's 22 to 7 defeat was swift TAILOR Buy now and get your and sure, sweet to the Havenemen, CLEANING • T.W.Mather & Sons selection and bitter to Frank Dobson's boys. PRESSING REPAIRING SODA The Terrors felt that it was more fit- 94 East Main Street SANDWICHES P. G. Coffman Co. ting for their star co-captains to end SUITS !\fADE TO MEASURE LUNCH their careers with a victory over Maryland than to suffer defeat. And • DINNERS so the fine unit that Havens worked so hard with all fall came through in The Green and Ivory J. F. MOORE, Manager its greatest test. "Good Food-And How!" "Always An Appealing Menu" The usual functions prevailed at Beauty Shop the half, with the Terror band under 121 E. Main Street Never Closed BEARD'S RESTAURANT the angling baton of Frank Brown sharing honors with the music-makers Offers during the month of from College Park. The floral foot- December to the school girls John W. Beard, Proprietor ball that was presented to Dr. Hollo- only way was a beautiful affair, showing a END PERMANENTS gold "WM" in a green setting on one $2.50 COMPLETE STUDENTS Catering To half of the oval, and a black "1\1" in For appointment call 377-J a gold setting on the other half. PRIVATE PARTIES BANQUETS - CARD PARTIES For 17·19 East Main Street PRIVATE DINING ROOMS Phone 427 SECOND FLOOR MAGAZINES NEWSPAPER SERVICE BILLIARDS AND BOWLING IN REAR CANDY thai so fine $24 ICE CREAM The GRAMERCY-Remo 75 FOUNTAIN SERVICE a watch be priced so low. Yellow gold filled. Guild\le bock. CIGARETTES The most complete line Columbia Jewelry Co. Drop into -OF- 34 WEST MAIN ST. HERSHEY'S Westminster, Maryland College Seal - I JOHN EVER SANTA CLAUS I never saw a finer Gift selection. GIFTS we have ever carried are Choose from this List of Distinctive Gifts now on display at our store J. D. KATZ For HER Fo~-HIM QUALITY DIAMOND RING SCHICK DRY SHAVER SHOE REPAIRING COMPACT Special Rates to Students ELGIN WRIST WATCH ELGIN WRIST WATCH For Him For Her DRESSER SET RINGS BROOCHES MILITARY SETS PENDANTS PEN AND PENCIL SETS Christmas Cards STERLING OR PLATED CIGARETTE CASE Belt Buckle & Belt $2.75 Bracelets $1.25 - $4.00 SILVERWARE FOR EVERYBODY Wallets $2.50 - $3.00 1c. to $1.00 lighters $2.50 - $3.75 Rings $1.00 - $5.00 Buy now and get your ~ it Key Chains $1.25 Compacts $1.00 -$3.75 selection J. WM. HULL, Prop. . Pen Knives .75 w. M. C. Seals $1.00 P. G. Coffman Co. 51 E. Main Street WESTMINSTER, MD. Paper Knives $1.25 ~I Cigarelte Cases W. M. Pins $1.65 $1.50 - $2.50 Paper Weights .75 Margaret and Earle The Baltimore Alumni Chapter of Gamma Beta Chi . A NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE Take home a gift with a Western .of the Rainbow Inn THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31 Maryland Seal, it is distinctive Arabian Nights Room, Congress Hotel EXTEND and will be appreciated CHRISTMAS GREETINGS Limited to 200 couples, $3.00 a couple TO THE STUDENTS Dancing from 10:00 'til 4:00 BONSACKtS OF or Kale Mathias and Arlee Wampler, The College Shop =-=-=-~W=-E~ST~E~R~N=-=-=-dll 111.b=-~T~i_'k~O<~'~f,~o~m_'_O~.~M~.~R_,Y_n~O[~d'=.~6~23~A_[_['_nd~.~I'~S~'~.'_B~.I~cim~O~'~'-=~1 Westminster, MARYLAND Maryland. 11
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