Page 16 - TheGoldBug1936-37
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. The Home Economics The W. A. A. held a supper hike on Kindler To Conduct PREACHERS AND GAlIliHAS SEASON Monday, October 12, at 4:30 P. M. in tea Thursday, October 15 in McDaniel Club held a NEW INAUGURATE Harvey Stone Memorial Park. After National Symphony the intramural touch football season News Items supper Miss Todd led the girls in sev- Hall Lounge in honor of Miss Avery After gettiJlg off to a flying start, and all new Home Economics students. songs. novelty An explanation eral was curbed definitely by weather con- of the point system was given by Bev- Former 'Cellist to Direct Alumni Hall ditions which made playing impos- Phi Alpha Mu formally initiated erly Harrison. Each of the managers Peformance sible. Berniece Robbins, Julia Ward, Doris of the various seasonal sports made a WESTERN MARYLAND Of the games scheduled for the Phillips, and Dolly Taylor Sunday brief speech and each officer was in- (Cont. from page 1, col. 3) week of October 12 one was played night, October 11. Following the rit- troduced to the new freshman mem- the Berlin State Opera at the age of and one was forfeited, while the oth- ual, refreshments were served. On bers of W. A. A. by the president, Coffee Shop eighteen, he came to the United SLates ers were rained out. Tuesday evening Georgia Dixon was Naomi Crown. in 1914. After the outbreak of the The season started with the Gam- pledged to the club. AND RESTAURANT war, he remained here and continued ma Bets, defending champions, meet- The girls in Blanche Ward Hall his performances in his adopted coun- ing the Preachers, and the latter came The W. W. Sorority will hold its an- have just recently had a new radio • try. He made his greatest contribu- from behind to hold the titlists to a nual football rush party on Saturday, installed in their lounge. Not to he SODA tion by the establishment of a sym- 6-6 tie in a hard-fought contest. The October 24. outdone, the girls in McDaniel have SANDWICHES phony orchestra in the nation's capi- tilt was exciting from start to finish The sorority members and the fol- been given the privilege of using the LUNCH tal in 1931. as the underdogs strove valiantly to lowing rushees are planning to see radio in McDaniel Lounge when they DINNERS Although he is still a young man, overcome the highly touted cham- the W..M. C.-St. Mary's game. wish, if they ask for the key at Miss • '01'. Kindler has made many notable pions. Rosa Barrow, Lucretia Day, Kay Shriner's office, achievements. He conducted the Phil- It was a second half offensive drive Cissel, Gwen Heernan, l\lary Jane J. F. MOORE, Manager adelphia Orchestra for Leopold Sto- resulting in a pass from Volkart to Honemanu, Julia Berwager, Virginia "Good Food-And How!" kowski in one of its regular series of Andrews which enabled the Preach- Karow, Winnie Harward, Dorothy Everything for Hallowe'en concerts. In addition, he appeared on ers to gain a tie, after Graham had Vroome, Anna Stevenson, Virginia Never Closed the radio in a ser-ies of broadcasts, tallied for the Gamma Bets in the Taylor, Martha Yocum, Marjorie Me- with such well-known conductors as first half. Kenney. where they will be COFFMAN'S Stokowski, Arturc Toscanini, and Graham and Ritchie stood out ror After the game they will have din- PLACE lac Igor Stravinsky. the Gamma Bets, while Volkat-t and ner at "Huyler's" Program Mainly Classical Riefner were the stars of the Preach- joined by the Alumni chapters. 'While the mainstay of the program arsv attack. Miss Esther Smith, sponsor of the here will be drawn from the great The Bachelors defeated the Black sorority and Miss Roselda Todd, a CANDIES, CARDS, TAL· classical compositions, some present and Whites hy the forfeit score of 1 former W. W. will accompany the LYS, MASKS, LANTERNS, day composers will also be represent- toO. party. ed. Dr. Kindler believes that one of CANDLES the main functions of a national sym- ========== I Lone Eagle, 17 jewels, $39.75 phony orchestra is to give an oppor- i':''':'i1:<'E:'':Ii'EEsIt':'1 tunity to the rising young composers JOHN EVERHART Trade in your old watch and get of the times, As he says, "It is the THE COLLEGE BARBER :1: CLEANING-PRESSING :i: A Tradition With W. M. a new BULOVA! obligation of every contemporary ar- AND BOBBER t REPAIRING + Students The prices on OUl" Bulova watches tist or organization worthy of the AT THE FORKS :,: 94 E, MAIN ST, :j: stay the same-they are still the value we have offered in name, to put himself, 01" itself, in the ':'¥':"i'+':'':'':'':'':''i'.: ••:-+.:-.: ••:.-:.{ •.;..:-.:~{.+{ ••:- "Dad" Smelser's greatest III addition you receive a years. service of the contemporary American liberal allowance on your old composer 'who has certain artistic -For- watch, depending on its value. value." Don't miss this opportunity to get For the past two years the students CASSELL'S Sandwiches Ice Cream a new Bulova ! of Western Maryland have been for- Carroll County's LEADING and MOST RELIABLE JEWELER Cold Drinks COLUMBIA JEWELRY STORE Lunate in hearing annually some re- for nearly half a century Open every night until 11.30 "The Leading Jeweler in nowned musical organization. This EXPERT WATCH Westminster" year the music lovers of the commu- CLOCK nity as well as the college meurbet-s JEWELRY have an unusual treat in store for ..................................... 01'. "' .".. .I'rI'J', them. and All seats in Alumni Hall have been OPTICAL REPAIRING SPECIAL FOR HALLOWE'EN PARTIES reserved. Tickets will be one dollar J. WILLIAM HULL, Prop. for all excepting college students to 51 E. Main Street WESTMINSTER, MD. VIRGINIA DARE CHOCOLATES AND BON BONS whom the special price of twenty-five Packed to Your Taste, 40c a pound cents is made. VIRGINIA DARE CREAM MINTS Please Note "Always An Appealing Menu" Orange- and Black, 40c a pound. Students are requested not to applaud between movements of a BEARD/S RESTAURANT SALTED NUTS AND POP CORN symphony or parts of a tone poem. Homemade Ice Cream 25c a quart John W. Beard, Proprietor CIGARETTES J. G, C. held its monthly meeting Monday, October 13 at five o'clock. Catering To Chesterfields, Camels, Luckies, Old Gold and Raleigh, This club was organized in 1894 for 13c, two for 25c Junior and Senior girls. PRIVATE PARTIES BANQUETS - CARD PARTIES TRY A SPECIAL HALLOWE'EN SUNDAE ..__ .__ 10c 17-19 East Main Srreer PRIVATE DINING ROOMS l Phone 427 SECOND FLOOR GriFFin s Goodie Shoppe BILLIARDS AND BOWLING IN REAR Opposite State Theatre ..................................... .I'rI' J'••••••J' ~ STATE COMPLETE LINE AND OF HALLOWE'EN CANDIES LUNCHES DINNERS FAVORS THEATRE WESTMINSTER, MD. New Line-up at Our Fountain _. FRIDAY-BANK NITE MEET YOUR FRIENDS "Spendthrift" WALNUT SMOOTHIE Henry Fonda, Pat Paterson AT SHORT AND THICK SATURDAY, OCT. 24 WALNUT MARSHMALLOW Dick Foran in "Trailing West" SPECIAL BANANA SPLIT RAINBOW INN Cartoon-News---Comedy BANANA SKYSCRAPER MON,,-TUES., OCT. 26·27 HAWAII PARFAIT "The China Clipper" IMPERIAL SUNDAE SUSIIE'S TARTS ARE DELICIOUS! Pat O'Brien, Beverly Roberts and good supporting cast WED,,-THUR., OCT 28·29 The Ko....ed Klub "To Mary with Love" EARL MARGARET Warner Baxter, Myrna Loy "Your Off Hour Rendezvous" Good Shorts 54-56 WEST MAIN STREET I I-=============:::::JI.!'=============~
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