Page 12 - TheGoldBug1936-37
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. I SNAPSHOTS I ThiS Collegiate World I (Cont. from page 3. col. 2) News Items TRY SOME OF THE FOUNTAIN SPECIALS AT I (By Associated Collegiate Press) Odds And Ends From Here And There Albright is still seeking a center to ~--------- GRIFFIN'S GOODIE SHOP Would you believe it? Here we had supplant its injured captain, Leo Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf, dean of thought that the literary lights had Obrzut ... Right now a fullback, Al- freshmen and professor of biology, OPPOSITE THE STATE THEATRE blown out of sports. Bill Shakespeare bert Oslisio, is filling in and is look- was operated on at Maryland General graduated from Notre Dame, and ing pretty good, bnt he still is not en- Hospital for appendicitis, Monday, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow left tirely satisfactory. Kelly Moan of October 5. The Gold Bug wishes to Northwestern. But no. Now "The West Virginia will be the man West- extend its wishes for a quick recov- CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW SUNDAE 10c Last of the Mohicans", James Feni- ern Maryland must watch when the ery. more Cooper, has popped up at Mar- two teams meet on October 31. .. The FROZEN FUDGE SUNDAE 10c quette U. California halfback is having his best THREE.IN·ONE SUNDAE 10c year and is the team's best back at Some of the students at the Univer- present ... At Boston College they al- The W. A. A. is having a hike on COLLEGE SPECIAL 15c sity of Kentucky go to great length most have to hogtie Dimitri Zaitz to Monday, October 12 at 4.30. All mem- BANANA SPLIT 15c for an education. Imagine covering make him wear the protecting pads bers of the club and freshmen are in- 11,800 miles just to go to school. during scrimmage. . The Russian vited. HOMEMADE ICE CREAM From China? India? No, they only giant played through two entire live about 30 odd miles from the scrimmages without them and without HOT TOASTED SANDWICHES campus, but they commute daily. One a headgear. He ripped the second of the fellows figures that he burns string line to shreds ... Even Ed Mi- Delta Sigma Kappa opened the sea- approximately 785 gallons of gas dur- chaels of Villanova, famous for his son with their annual supper in the SERVICE AND QUALITY AT LOWEST PRICES ing the school year, which amounts lack of equipment, wore the pads. club room on Oct. 2. This informal to. let's see .. maybe you'd Navy struck a real tartar in little supper has become a custom after better figure it out for yourself. Davidson of North Carolina last Sat- each school holiday and the summer ut'day... For three quarters it was a vacation. Each member of the club Maiden-Muncbausens are in a class badly worried Tar team that was on contributes to this supper by bringing by themselves. And here we had the field. . . The editor of the only something from home. thought all along that men were the Swedish paper in New England wrote greatest fabricators of fables and the college recently inquiring if Puffy STATE fancies. However-and this is the Forthman was a Scandinavian. WESTERN MARYLAND rub-the committee of judges at a Strangely enough Puffy denied it. Lydia Fogle, '35, and Paul Schwei- liar's contest staged at the Univer- ker, '35, were mar-ried .Saturday eve- sity of California, conceding that wo- CO·EOS SHOW ENTHUSIASM AS ning at 8 o'clock in Westminster in Coffee Shop THEATRE men are superior in this sinful art, HOCKEY SEASON OPENS the St. Paul's Reformed Church l;.y refused to let the questionably fairer the Rev. Nevin E: Smith. sex have the opportunity of ccmpet- The girls hockey season opened Beth Br-yson, also of the class of AND RESTAURANT WESTMINSTER, MD. ing against the men. Now they have Tuesday, October 6 when the juniors '35, was one of the bridesmaids. Rob- their own place in the "tie-ing-sun". and seniors reported on Hoffa Field ert Brooks, '36, was best man. Klee MON.-TUES.-WED. tor the first official practice. Because Grumbine and Allen Dudley, both October 12-13-14 You've heard it a hundred times if of the increased enthusiasm in the members of class of '36, acted as ush- not more, but here it is again in its hockey tournament this year a larger "Anthony Adverse" new fall-model guise: "Boy Bites number of freshmen are expected to Lydia and "Schweik" are making SODA Beast!" tryout for teams than ever before. their home in Nutley, N. J. Featuring It all happened near the state train- will be I ;:::::::::::::::::::;; Frederick March, Olivia de probability several of the ing school of Red Wing, Minnesota- An incentive for all players trips to SANDWICHES Haviland and big Support- this dramatization of the Methuselaic nearby colleges for hockey matches. ing Cast "man-bite-dog" gag. The schedule for class practice is LUNCH Ray Billy gave rookie Joumaham Seniors and Juniors-Tuesday and . BATHROBES THUR., OCT. 15 instructors the latest version when he Fridays 4 P. M. Sophomores-Mon- DINNERS tried to capture a liberty-loving wea- day 4:30 P. M. and Thursday 4 P. M. $2.95 "Yours for the Asking" sel. As all good weasels will do in Freshmen-Wednesday 4 P. M. and $PS With similar circumstances, this one wrap- Saturday 1 P. I'lL • ped its mounth around Billy's right On Wednesday, October 7 the girls George Raft and Delores hand. When the "fur-fang" showed junior and senior coaching classes Splendid values Costello mule tendencies, refusing to be pried were taken into Baltimore by Miss loose, Billy bit him hard with his Parker and Mr. Spier to see a hockey J. F. MOORE, Manager FRI., OCT. 16 strong teeth until the animal passed match between the All-England Wo- LEATHER BANK NIGHT out. men's Hockey team and an All-Bal- Journalism doffs its hat to you, sir! timore team. ZIPPER JACKETS "Good Food-And How!" " Jail Break" The poor coeds at German universi- OCT. 19·20 ties and colleges acquire their educa- I $5.00 tion by degrees, and at the end of ~ MACKENZIE'S DRUG '" STORE Never Closed "Rhythm on the Range" their courses most of them can't get Announces a Complete With Bing Crosby their diplomas anyway. PRESCRIPTION Price special for October only Only a limited number of women- DEPARTMENT enough to fill vacancies in special We guarantee the quality of our professions, are given the chance to medicines regarding purity, ac- write exams for their degrees. So curacy and as being strictly or- in ~Jf.JlMMrqSom accordance with Physician's Gretchen can't finish her schooling der. :J and expect to search fo), a position. 50 W. MAIN ST. WESTHINSTOOS LEADING STORE If she isn't offered a job and with Next To State Theatre It's New! it the opportunity to pass the final test, she has to be content with say- ing: "Heck, I didn't want the darn It's Good! old thing anyway." Ja, so getht's. JOHN EVERHART THE COLLEGE BARBER II ~. __~~~~~~_ II AND BOBBER It's Great! AT THE FORKS I~I The Banana Skyscraper 15c "No patriotic teacher should object COLLEGE TEA ROOM to taking the oath of allegiance. It is an honor, not a reflection, upon char- LUNCH WITH YOUR FRIENDS IN A CONGENIAL acter. It does not carry with it in- ATMOSPHERE tei-fercnce with the right of educa- An old favorite in a new formula tors to determine the courses of study. SODAS SANDWICHES Courses of study will be safe in the ICE CREAM LIGHT LUNCHES hands of loyal teachers." But the D. Only the KO-ED KLUB can make it A. R.'s !'Ill's. William Becker forgets THE GRILLE that those who promote the oath also promote interference with studies. Opposite McDaniel Hall f'_ir·:·E~·RErsE'+'i "Always An Appealing Menu" TREAT YOUR GIRL FRIEND TO THE BEST ~ CLEANING-PRESSING ~ :t REPAIRING :&: ,f. 94 E. MAIN ST. + BEARD'S RESTAURANT AT THE WESTERN MARYLANDERS' RENDEZVOUS .:.~.:. ~••:.~••:.~••:••:••:-:••:••:-.:••:••:.++.:-.:-.:..;.+ ....-:- John W. Beard, Proprietor '.'Y·:::;~~;:~'::DS ! Name ORDER EARLY PRIVATE PARTIES Catering PRIVATE - DINING ROOMS THE KO...ED KLUB To BANQUETS CARD PARTIES Special FOR $1.00 50 CARDS Imprinted on each 17·19 East Main Street Times Building IN REAR BILLIARDS ~ P. G. COFFMAN CO. Phone 427 AND BOWLING SECOND FLOOR -Just This Side of the State WESTMINSTER, MD. ...................................................II-'=================='J )
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