Page 14 - TheGoldBug1936-37
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster. Md. \lJG I Station B-L-A-B I This is station of too often, pre- Books Reeentfy Addcd To Library ing on a frequency B-L-A-B broadcast- Official s~udent newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- On Hallowe'en, witches, spooky and senting Major Blabs Original Ama- day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, Green LU,U1'c!S, Donald Culross grotesque, ride on their brooms over teur Houz-! ! Peattie; If This Be I, Margaret Le- the corn fields, greet large orange The wheel of fortune goes 'round W:st~ro;t~;I~r:I~~~gC~li~~::nt~;~t~f~:r~~~rr:I:;y~a;~~Ua~'~te~!d t~: :!~~:;-~a~! land; Bsyond Sings The Woods, pumpkins, hide behind corn shocks, and 'round and 'round and where it matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Trygoe Gulbr-anssen ; Suvrise To Eve- and always have a rendezvous in stops nobody knows. Oh my! SUBSCRI?TIONPRICE $1.00 A YEAR ning Sta1', King; Walk H1~mbly, Ste- some ghosty dance hall. This year's First on tonite's program "Cab" vens; Autobiog)'aphy of Earth, John meeting-place is in the Girls' Gym- Calloway, a little lady from Blanche Hodgdon Bradley; Vein of Iron, El- nasium at 8 o'clock Saturday, Octo- Ward Hall will play her theme song, 1<}36 Member 1937 len Glasgow; The Last Pnritan, ber 31. "You Started Me Dreaming"-Do Associaled CoUetliale Press George Santayana; Al'ound The Sophomore ghosts are inviting all you Peck? World In Eleven Years, Patience, fellow ghosts to attend and dance. And now Charlie Wallace and Richard, and John Abbe; Romaratic Freshman spooks are to be guests of Pauline Nitzel will carryon with an EDITORIAL STAFF Copper, Ira B. Jovalemon; A'UI honor while all upper classmen and old but appropriate song, Lights Editor-in-Chie/. . J. RALPH LAMBERT,JR., '37 Gladly Teach., Bliss Perry; Prophets members of the Faculty are required Out"! Take it easy, Emil, don't give Associ.ate Editors. .EVELYN CROWN,'37, GEORGENEEDHAM,'37 and Poets, Andre Maurois ; Ancient to pay 25c admission. him the gong! Remember he's your News Editors SARABELLEBLACKWELL,'37, SHERWOODBALDERSON,'38 Copy Editor. .. .. . FRANK BROWN,'37 "'ish Fales, Cross and Slaver; Li-Po, Watch out fOI' the sponsors of this roommate. REBECCAKEITH, '39, AARONSCHAEFFER,'39 Chin.ese Poet, Obata ; The Nazi Dic- weird occasion: Dean and Mrs. Miller, Now, folks when you phone in your Proof Editor _..__ __ _ .._ _SALLYPRICE, '37 tu,to/'ship, Frederick L. Schuman; Professor Hurt and Miss Snader, Dr. votes remember in New York call Feat/we Edito/'s ETHEL KING, '37, MADALYNBLADES,'37, FRANK MALONE,'38 Hill csoo. SpOl·tS Editors. .. WALTERLEE TAYLOR,'37, ELEANORTAYLOR,'38 Gone With The iW,1d, Margaret Mit- and Mrs. Spicer. Murray In Westminster Exchange Editor... . JANE WHITE, '37 chell; White BU1l1161's,Lloyd E. Doug- But be not bewitched for some call the cops! las; Whiteoak Harvest, Mazo De La friendly ghosts are invited to provide We have here the application of MAKE-UP STAFF Roche. features for the visiting spectres: In- young man who calls himself Managing Editors ... BEVERLYHARRISON,'37, JAMES COLEMAN,'38 n vitation Committee, Miss Clemson; "Have a Chew" Taylor. He will give BUSINESS STAFF ON ANTHONY ADVERSE Refreshment Committee, Miss Hee- a talk on his favorite flower, Petunia. Business IIlunager . ROBERTA. KIEFER, '37 Will Anthony Adverse as a contri- Advertising 1I1un«ger JOSEPH OLEAIR,'39 bution of the twentieth century, be- man, Mr. Barkdoll; Decoration Com- The next number- is a little blonde AS8istant Adve/·tisiug Jl"fanag(Jj' ...._.._. .__..__..NAOMI CROWN,'37 come a piece of beloved literature? mittee, Miss Karow and Mr. Rousch; who will sing an old ballad, "Danny Circulution Managers _..__ JOHN CULLER,'37, ARLINE HUDSON,'37 Entertainment Committee, Miss Cop- Boy." (Well, folks, that sounded like Assistant Ci/'culation Man«gers MARYCLEMSON,'39, HILDA BIDDLE,'38, Anthony Adve/'se presents a study page and Mr. Bender. a lot of "Bull" to me.) 'WILLIAMCOLEMAN,'38, TRAGOBRUST, '39 of nature in various phases of its Come and dance a ghostly jig. And now we have something differ- beauty. Rain pouring constantly for REPORTERS ent. Miss Betty Helm and Mr. Elder Reporters contributing to this issue: months on a sultry earth concealed in COLLEGE CALENDAR will do a specialty' dance number. Mary Emily Mathews, '37, Naomi Enfield, '37, Sue Smith, '37, Helen Boughton, dense luxuriant the forests rainy suggests the of Ooops, just don't get excited folks and of humidneas season '37, Fred A. Tyrell, '37, Charlotte Coppage, '38, Charles Baer, '38, Franklin Africa. A cool stream and a rustic Oct. l6-24. Art exhibit - Mo n., keep your seats. That was only the Stevens, '38, Kenneth Adriance, '38, Lawrence Strow, '39, Betty Helm, '40, Wed., Fri., 6:30-8 P. M. scenery falling. Margaret Scarborough, '40, Peggy Stewart, '40, Rosa Barrow, '39. bridge in a little shaded wood fulfill Oct. 23-Speech Recital by Miss Es- Radio listeners, I beg your indul- much of one's fantastic picture of a thcr Smith-8 P. M., Alum- gence for a few moments. Due to a Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. lover's tryst. The simple fountain ni Hall. slight accident we will transfer you which skillfully presented in its mir- to our powerful little 40 watt station rored surface a playmate for An- Oct. 24-Western M a J" y I a nd - St. Communism and Collegians thony, stands as a symbol of the lone- Mary's football game-2 :30 at Mt. Airy, where Cousin Lulu will canyon with the weekly news flashes, ly existence of a secluded childhood. Oct. 24-W. P. M., Baltimore Stadium. and her homely sayings: W. Rush Party. ings~h~~~ t" ~o~\~~:ti~~~l~~nia~~.e~~l~~~~lil~op~l~:~~~e ~~~~~~Uf~l~t~~i~~~t~ Fate interweaves strange charac- Oct. 27-Tri Beta Meeting 7 P. M. Give her a toot on the tooter, Sam- - Sophomore of the big problems of teachers and parents throughout the entire United ~:::. int;il~~i,S ::~e C~il~~O:dnf~~~~~~!: Oct. 3I-Freshman Party - 8:00-11 :30 my. Well, folks, we had a lot of rain Hal- ~~~~~t\~2~~§E1~:~~~::!:i:~:y~;~~~;~:::~I::~:\~~:.::I:'::;:~:::o::::~~t~~~~:~¥;;~:i;t:if~~~::; to come in or lowe'en ~i~l~~s~r ~;~~: Brooks doesn't ;~~i~~en;~~h~~l:~; ~r~~~~i~~f~~~l\~~~e~~~ ~:~l~e~~l~~i~~ between Angela this week and "Ducky" reveals and Anthony P. M. seem to know when 2-W. A. Nov. Meeting-6:30 A. maybe he's been bit by a bug. P. M. I sure do like to see young love bud- Nov. 5-Edgar Raine, Travel C. seen a lot with a cute little freshman these meetings as we entered, with an open, unprejudiced mind. \Ve place in the artistic world. She wants Talk, Alumni Hall ding and Sidney Herman has been Miss. that girls I hear ::~~~~~3;,:W~::dd,::';:'::n:::P,::;,::,'t:: :n:,::i~l~::::: :~:'i::l ;£;:':hW~,'t~h~'~~::;'JS:':n':~~~~: CAMPUS almost panicked line of freshmen other boys the the LEADERS night. Don't let them throw a scare ~~~a~~o'un~np~~~)l~r~~t~~~:.~~~:\:~yi~~~stl:i~~~ ~I~.~t;~lte:n4°" ~~~{ndB~~~c~~~: Then the real native African girl into you, boys .• They've got more is seen in Neletn. She is a brutal lines than that one. :;:~:Y~f~~~~~:~~e2isd~l1e~~1l~)~~;~1nal~~h~a~~~~~rc!I~I~~1t~~oft~~ei·!c~l~ conjurer nfter the soul of Anthony. Speaking of lines, Cliffie Lathrop who denies it. ~:aern~;t;l~~c:~e :ii~llO:t s~~~s Ph~~S!~~~ seems to be dohl' all right by himself, Now, we do say t11at college people are misunderstood. With the i1ized self. ! ~~~, d;~.'I~.believe everything he tells ~!~~i:::lh~::;~£,e~n{~e:;~:,;;'~~~r~::;:,~:~£r~;~;n~:;'::~;~~r:~£~~E~:i~;:~~;;::~:i::tS:~':::~~; I hamburg sandwich just drop into the Listen, folks, when you want a nice connected with radicalism on the campus. But caD not our critics sec life serves to blot the character of I ~~:~g:n!r~a~~~f::e~'i:~t o:~o!~r :~:I: that we really don't favor them and their ideals? \Ve aren't com- the hero. mnnists, really we
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