Page 11 - TheGoldBug1936-37
P. 11
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE TERRORS OPEN SEASON ! PROVIDENCE TO BE UPSALA IS DEFEATED WITH 38 TO 0 VICTORY SNAPSHOTS I TERRORS' NEXT RIVAL BYGREEN TERRORS 28-6 By WALTERLEE TAYLOR 'Mujwit Tallies Four Times As Hay- Rhode Island Team Is First To Offer Lathrop and Sadowski Lead Terror ensmen Score In Every Quarter Strong Opposition To Havensruen Assault. Mujwtt Adds To Scoring Terrors Must Get Down To Real Work Now Lead By Tallying Once Led by Ted Mujwit, sophomore full- western Maryland's two early season tests arc now a thing of the Western Maryland's Green Ter- back who personally accounted for past, and beginning this week, the Ter-rors must get dO'H1 to real work. rors, victorious in their two early sea- four touchdowns, western Maryland's 'fhe big teams of the schedule are starting to appear, and all available son starts, will meet the first of their Green Terrors opened their 1936 foot- must be mustered to stop them. Shenandoah and Upsala were good higher class opponents when they LEADING STATE SCORERS ball season by easily defeating Shen- "breathers" although the latter team was more diffieult to subdue than tackle Providence College at Provi- andoah 28 to 0 on Hoffa Field Satur- it, was supposed. The Vikings of the New Jersey dence Saturday. Scoring four touchdowns against day, September 26. school surprised with a veteran team, yet the mar- Shenandoah and one against Upsa- Providence will be the first of the Mujwit, playing bucking back in gin of victory was about what it should have been. tartars the Big Greell Team must de la, Ted Mujwit, Western Maryland place of the injured Cliff Lathrop, was Upsala has yet a long way to go before it gets in feat before the 1936 season can be fullback, assumed an ear-ly lead as the spearhead of the Terror attack Western Maryland's class. called a success. The Havensmen can high point scorer of the state. which penetrated Shenandoah's de- be measured to some extent by what Those who have scored one fense with ease to score in every Beginning with Providence the Terr-ors now they do Saturday against the Friars touchdown or more follow: quarter. have all tough games staring thorn in the face with because the New Englanders are 110t- GTdPtFgTI The other hero of the game was the Thanksgiving tilt against lIH. St. Mary's the ed for the stubbornness of their de- Mujwit, W. Md. 2 5 0 0 30 2 3 0 0 18 Antrim, Navy Charley Rinebeimei-, substitute half- }easiest one of the lot. And who said the Lawlor- fense. If the Terrors can unleash a back who was out during most of the men were easy nuts to crack? 'I'hat sophomore team potent running attack against that, Lathrop, W. Md. 2 2 3 0 15 1935 campaign with an injured shoul- WALTERLEETAYLORat Emmitsburg will be no soft spot. they will have a good chance against Rineheimer, W. Md. 2 2 0 0 12 Wash. csu. der. He scored the other two touch- Villanova, West Virginia, Albright, Young, 1 2 0 0 12 downs, while Hansen and Lathrop ac- Injuries Are Jinx To Havensmen and the other tough teams on the Kura tnick, Mt. S. 1\1. 2 2 0 0 12 counted for two points after touch- While the Green Terrors have potentially one of the best teams of schedule. Benjamin, W. Md.; F. Apichella, down. recent years, they have more than their opponents to combat. It seems The Friars have a powerful line de Mt, St. Mary's; Thomas, Ingram, Shenandoah exhibited a stubborn thflt the injury jinx that plays havoc with athletes and teams in 0111 spite the loss of several men from the and Reiman, Navy; Ellinger, Bry- defense in the first quarter, but as the sports is doing its best to cripple Havens' stellar aggregation. In the 1935 team due to scholastic difficul- ant, and Meade, Maryland; Buck, heavier and more experienced Ter- first month of practice and in two games three ends, three tackles, two ties. The freshman team of last sea- I St. John's; Huffman and Evans, rors began to click, that defense wilt- guards, two centers, and t.en backs have suffered enough injuries to keep son sent enough promising reserves to Wash. Coli., one touchdown each. ed as l\1ujwit twice bucked over the them eit.her out of games or out of practice for several days. 'When compensate for the loss of these men goal. On both occasions Frank Sa- Their backfield of Belliveau, l\Iinicuc dowski failed to make the point. one realizes that most of these men are regulars and two of them are the Michaels, and either Vitullo or Led by Cliff Lathrop and Frank co-captains, it is not a pleasant thing to comtemplntc. Fortnnately Sadowski, Western Maryland's Green A dangerous passing combination Charley Havens has the reserves this season to supplant his injured will be a serious threat all sea Ter-ror-s defeated the Upsala Vikings was uncovered in the persons of stars, and they can carryon the varsity men have fnlly recovered. son as all these backs are triple 28 to 6 at Ashland Stadium, East Or- Frank Sadowski and l'IIujwit. With threats and hard runners, HOWeVel ange, N. J., last Saturday. the quarterback tossing short, accu- Always A Sophomore Star Uncovered At Western Maryland the Rhode Islanders lack sufficient re- rate passes to his fullback, Western serve strength to combat strong Upsala had a weight advantage, but Maryland made two more touchdowns Every season the Green Terrors seem to find one man at least who, rivals, and this may be a detriment to the power and experience of the Ter- years via the air route and lost another one in his sophomore year, rises to stardom. Several against ago Steese Ern- a.~ them all season. rors told in the scoring. The Terrors who saw action teams baker was a fine soph fullback such when they received a penalty for be- Boston College. Al Saduskv and Jimmy Dunn became regulars on Dick There is not much difference be- scored ill every quarter and never was the issue in doubt. ing offside. Harlow's J931. eleven and went on to win All-Maryland recognition. tween the two teams on the season's Coach Charley Havens started his Bill Shepherd shone ill his first year on the varsity although he did not play. The Terrors have easily brush- The Green and Gold scored a safety varsity men but they quickly gave reach the heights he attained ill 1934 when he was one of the finest ed aside Shenandoah 38 to 0 and Up- in the first period when Stan Benja- way to reserves once the touchdown backs in the country and yet was the forgotten man of football when the sala by 28 to 6. Providence opened min blocked Vito Miele's punt, the ball parade began, In the varsity lineup All-Americas were selected. And Louie Lassabn, a high school center, its season by trimming little Colby rolling into the end zone for two were four new faces. Paul Horne,', became a star end in his sophomore year and one of the cogs of thecun- 27 to 0 and last week dropped the de- points. tackle; Frosty Peters, center; Joe defeated 1934 team. cision to Holy Cross, one of the East's Two complete passes and two hard Fagen, guard; and Mujwit were the better teams. The Crusaders won by line smashes resulted in the four sophomores to crash the varsity set- Now an injury to a teammate has given another sophomore a chance a score of 21 to 6. touchdowns. The first Terror touch- to follow in the steps of Brubaker, Dunn, Sadausky, Shepherd, and down came in the second quarter Lessahn. Ted Mujwit, who stepped into the vacant fullback gap when On the defense, however, western when Lathrop tossed a flat pass to Rineheimer made the longest run of Lathrop was injured, looks like a rising star. Of COurse his early per- Maryland is ju'st as stubborn as Prov- the game in the second quarter. Sent formance against. a lower calibre of opposition will not "make" him, but idence, and a nip and tuck battle Ted Mujwit, half back, and the Big in to replace Campbell, he took the should take place between these' two Green Team's leading scorer went ball on the first play and hit left Ted has shown that he possesses the goods. He is a fine back and should teams Saturday, With his varsity over for the tally. tackle for forty yards and a touch- go places this year. team intact and sufficient reserves to Lathrop accounted for two scores down. The comeback of this junior Mujwit is not yet. ready to crowd Lathrop to the sidelines when call upon, Charley Havens should in the second half, smashing through back who was a mainstay of the frosh Cliff is in his best form, yet he will not sit idle on the bench all the time come home with the Friars' scalp. the Upsala line to plant the pigskin team before he hurt his shoulder was while Lathrop plays when he has fully recovered. Ted is the best of the across the goal line. The final touch- football him with a feature of the game. sophomore backs and Maryland have labeled fans will follow And expect inter- down came on a pass to Benjamin. est this fall. to see Sports him a comer writers Shenandoah threatened once in the him make a name for himself on the gridiron this season. STATE TEAMS LOOK GOOD The Vikings blocked Olle Western first quarter but failed to cash in on Maryland punt and at another timc the opportunity and never again was IN EARLY SEASON TEST received the ball deep in Terrol" ter- even close to the Terror goal. Mitrus Providence Will Give Terrors Plenty Of Trouble ritory when a punt rolled out of and M. Johnson bore the brunt of the. When two evenly matellcd teams get together, a good game results bounds, but on neither occasion could Virginian's attack, the fOTmer mak- and the fur flies. That if; what should happen Satm-day at Providence With two weeks of the cunent foot- they score. The Upsala touchdown ing some nice run backs of punts. ,,,hen ChaI"ley Hilvens' men mect the Providence Friars. Providence ball season already gone, the various The Tenors suffered a loss in the has the same sort of tellln that the Terrors have, They have a strong college teams of the state are begin- was scored by Vinnie Albanese, a sub- third quarter when Co-captain Lou defense and a good passing attack. ning to show definite form. stitute, who capped a midfield attack Lassahn bruised his hip blocking a J..Iast year thc Friars held the opposition to 44 points all year. Then At College Pink Maryland has by going over the goal line late in the Shenandoah man. Lassahn retired they lost four mainstays of the line and om backfield ace. Yet this shown that it will be a tough nut to third quarter. f.:-om the game and was on the casual- year they arc stronger than ever. Their squad is small but every man crack, especially by the time the Ter- Co-captain Lou Lassahn was una- !y list for more than a week. is a picked player. It is the type of team Harlow hnd in 1934 and rors meet the Terps at the BaltimoTe ble to play because of injuries suffer- The visitors also had casualties re- Havens had in 1935-an Iron 1\'fan eleven. Stadium. Maryland scored easily sulting from the game. In the first The football annual ranks Proviilence in 91st position for the 1935 over St. John's 20 to 0 and last week ed in the Shenandoah game. Bob half a Shenandoah man was carried season, ten points below the Terrors. The Friars won six games and tripped V, P. I. 6 to O. The Terrapins' Dickson and Al Lesh alternated in his fl'om the field with a dislocated arm, lost two, bowing to Holy Cross in the season's opener by 12 to 0 and to line is still the question at College position and turned in a good job. and in the second half the man Las- Boston College 20-6. The Terrors won six and lost the last yenr but Park. sahn blocked failed to respond to played better teams than did the Rhode Island boys. Navy victorious over William and Although he did not figure direct- treatment and so saw no more action. 'l'he 'l'er.rors hope that the 21 to 6 lacing handed tIle Friars last Mary 18 to 6 and over Da\'idson 19 to ly ill the scoring, Frank Sadowski Western Maryland's reserves saw week by Holy Cross has softened the New Englanders up a bit, but 6, possesses a fine running attack and played a majo!" part in the assault, action during most of the second half I Head Coach Joe MeGee of Providence will probably have his boys will be hard to stop when the Army his generalship and passing being a and held the SoutheTners with appar- i trained to a "T" for the invading Havensmen. game rolls round. The Navy line is feature of the Terror's play. ent ease. III will be interesting to see what happens when Ted l\fujwit, the playing in midseason form already This game was Upsala's debut into The lineup: I 'ferrors' sophomore fullback star, meets up with Leo Plosiri, Provi- and with plenty of good men, Lieut big-time football and resulted quite Western Md. Sh I dence's brilliant sophomore halfback. He is rated as the Friars' chief Tom Hamilton should get good re- enandoah threat although Vitullo and Moge are probably the best ball carriers in suIts. disastrously for the Vikings. The Lassahn (C) LE Powell I the pineh. !\It. St. Mary's sophomore team Jerseyites were widely heralded and Horne!" LT Stewart leoked good in trimming Davis-Elkins were regarded as a formidable oppo- Ortenzi LG Kearns Villanova Will Be Opponent On October 17 12 to O. Jo Jo Lawlor has shifted nent, but they failed to live up to the Peters C Pride Saturday a week the Tenors meet Villanova at Villanova. They Frank Apichella from fullback to nice things said about them. Fagen RG Kokoski "'ill be out to a"enge the 20-0 shellacking handed them last year by half back and put Mike Scesney at The lineup; FOI-thman RT Zajdzinski Harry Stuhldrehcr's Wildcat.s. Stuhldreher has moved to Wisconsin full to utilize the latter's punting Western Md. Upsala of Maurice hands "Clipper" Benjamin RE T. Johnson nnd tIle reins star arc and in the last year head coach of Santa Clare. Smith, former ability. The change has worked well Dickson LE Lally Notre Dame Sadowski QB Mitrus of 1935. to that have Brown Campbell LH Wilhelm (C) their The Wildcats will will be Dave a team comparable Raimo, two backs who In Stan Kokie and Mike Kuratnick Horner LT Scherer and Art backfield Stopper LG Ortenzi backfield which round out a versatile K. Adriance RH M. Johnson spelled doom last season, while John Melius, tackle, is the star of the functions smoothly behind a good Peters C Nystrom (C) nujwit FB Dubois line. Capt. Tony Sala, end, is a dependable flankman and leads a veter- line. Fagen RG Knox Western Maryland ]2 771238 an team. St. John's, after dropping a 20-0 Lutt RT Graef Shenandoah 0 o 0 0 0 lllwJtra-ted jl100tbull Annual ranked Villanova 28th among t.he teams Benjamin RE Tortorella Touchdowns - Mujwit (4), Rine- of the nation for 1935. verdict to Maryland, looked good as Sadowski QB Wilson heimer (2). Points after touchdown Intramurals To Start Soon it trimmed Drexel, a team in its own Campbell LH Bonanno -Hansen, Lathrop, Substitutions- class, 6-0. Johnny Lambros, FTC::! Shenandoah: Cichoski, Black, Sybin- The intramural football program fo], men will start in the very near Buck, and Ned Lathrop are the John- !\fujwit RH Stanziale ski, Bright, Stancel, Rosenbloom, future according to word from" Dud" Ritchie, intramural manager. nies' hopes for a good season. Lathrop (C) FB Miele football Gainer, Osborne. Western Maryland: Now that college is in full swing the next week. schedule should begin Washington College got off to a Western Maryland 2 7 6 13 28 either this week or at the very latest, Westerville, Lesinski, Lesh, Reinhart, The Gamma Beta Chi fraternity, intr~mural football champions good start by tripping American U Upsala 0 0 6 0 6 L. Adriance, Edmond, Lutt, Radato- for the last three years, will be out to retain its title and promises to 25 to 7. George Ekaitis has built up Western Maryland scoring: Touch- vitch, Olea iI', Balish, Green, Hansen, have a strong club on the field again this ycar. Practically all of thc a hard-charging line at Chestertown downs-Mujwit, Lathrop (2), Benja- Sherman, Elderdice, Slaysman, Uvan- men who saw action in 1935 will return and the Gammas will be a hard and has a star in Gibby Young, fleet min. Points after touchdown-Lath- nie, Rineheimer, Thomas, Lathrop, team to beat. quarterback. The Sho'men should go I rop (2). Safety-BenJamm. Upsala Bender, Lanasa, Coe, Tomichek. (Cont. page 4, col. 2) we]] in their class. scoring; Touchdown-Albanese,
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