Page 15 - TheGoldBug1936-37
P. 15
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE SADOWSKI AND BENJAMIN ,........---------------, i Villanova Hands Terrors First Defeat STAR IN TERRORS' WIN S NAP S HOT S By Scoring Impressive 13-0 Victory By ·WALTERLEE TAYLOR Green And Gold Batters Through Raimo Tallies In Final Half Minute Of Game To Complete Terror Rout. Providence Defense To Triumph, Lathrop Is Offensive Star For Havensmen 13-6 J Villa;,7~:n~::r~:!e~:~ ~::re~u;;a~~l:~e,:r::~ord last week wit.h a 13-0 Dispiaying a potent running attack victory oyer the Havensmen, but as is often the case, the real story of COLORFUL TEXANS TO BE Two touchdowns by Frank Sadow- and keeping its rivals bottled up the ski, the second one being the last play the game is not told in the score. NEXT FOE OF HAVENSMEN entire time, Villanova's powerhouse of the game, enabled Western Mary- The Terrors put up a whale of a fight against a stronger opponent. toppled Western Maryland from the land to win its third straight game of 'l'hev were outgained and outplayed but were not outgamed. Clipper ranks of the undefeated teams by the season by beating Providence Col- Smith had too many guns for the Terrors to handle and he used th.em SL Mary's of San Antonio Faces scoring a 13 to 0 victory last Satur- lege 13 to 6 on October 10 at Provi- to advantage. Substitutes poured in and out in a steady stream during Green Terrors Saturday at Stadium day at Shibe Park, Philadelphia. the dence. the second half, and·whom reserves were just as good as the regulars The Terrors played good ball on a A punt blocked by Stan Benjamin they supplanted. Wester-n Maryland used One of the nation's most colorful muddy field but were simply outclass- and a Sb-vard dash by Sadowski were fel\" replacements and thus was unable to success- teams will be the opposition Saturday ed by a superior team. Villanova's the means by which the Terrors earn- fully resist Villano"a's last minute drive climaxing when the Rattlers of St. Mary's U., hard charging line ed their scores. In the last minute of in Art Raimo's touchdown. San Antonio, Texas, face Western and its myriads of the first quarter Benjamin broke I Villanova lined up so fast and went into its Maryland's Green Terrors on the excellent running through the Friar line to stop Ham- shift so fast that at several times it was difficult to turf of the Baltimore Stadium. backs were too mond's punt on Providence's 12-yard follow the ball. Yet the backs handled the pigskin The visitors, who travel more than much for the stub- line. Lathrop smashed through guard cleanly and drove with terrific force through the 10,000 miles during the course of one born Terrors to twice to put the ball 011 the two-yard line and m-ound the ends. football season, will create something stripe before the quarter ended. On of a sensation when they appear on The Wildcats the first play of the second period i Lathrop And Campbell Shone For Losers the field clad in uniforms the color of tallied once in each Quarterback Sadowski went over for WALTERLEETAYLOR Cliff Lathrop and Sunshine Campbell were the the American flag. half, making the the SCOl·e. Lathrop kicked the extra St. Mary's players will wear jer- first on a 16-yard point. lone bright spots in the Western Maryland offense. Lathrop did almost seys with one red arm and one blue pass from Harv In the final minute of the game all of the ground gaining for the team and played a stellar defensive arm while the trunk is red and blue Buek to Francis Frank Sadowski again broke through game. He was the only back the Terrors had who could get any place with white shoulders. Their pants L.ATI-IROP Nye who caught the Providence line near midfield and with the leather. will have one blue leg and one red leg the ball deep in the raced 35 yards for a touchdown. La- Campbell turned in an excellent reb punting. He handled this de- with white stripes down the rear and end zone and in the right hand cor- throp's try for point was bad as the partment entirely for the Terrors nud never failed to get his distance, a white belt. Their headgears have ner. The kick for point was low. game ended. although one or two of his punts were nearly blocked. Monk also got white tops with red cross bars and a Villanova's second score was a Providence gained considerable off one or two good passes, but for the most part. lind trouble heaving blue base. heart-breaker for Terror fans. With ground and their touchdown via the the wet, soggy ball. air route. Moge, substitute fullback, Ba~~:;;:~n~~r,~;~:n~a~~~~!e:~.:~~::~ I ~:~m~ha~it h~:~t a t:~~~tea~~. ~'~n ~;~ intercepted a Terror pass on his own St. Mary's Comes To Baltimore With Fine Reputation thing more than just colorful pcr-." yards fo;· the touchdown .. BIll Chris- 22 and then bucked his way to the Saturday the rambling Rattlers of St. Mary's University come to formers. They already hold a 6-6 tie topher kicked the extra point, and the Terrors' Sg-yard line. the Baltimore Stadium to encounter the Terrors. The colorful visitors, with the powerful San Francisco game was over. On the next play Hammond whip- whose resplendent attire on the field makes a Mardi Gras fete look like Dons and beat Abilene Christian by a The Pennsylvanians dominated the ped a 35-yard pass to Ray Belliveau a funeral, come here widely heralded. They travel from coast to coast 14-0 count. entire game, outgaining the Terrors who shook off two tacklers and scored, during the course of one season, and never fail to attract considerable The Texans have a potent line fea- with ease. They made 11 first downs The Terror line blocked the try for attention. luring five tackles, every one of them to foul', and had several others called point. rt is doubtful if Bnltimore has ever seen a more colorful team than over 200 pounds in weight, and the back because of penalties. Although Leroy Campbell turned in a fine the Rattlers. The Texans are a fine drawing card with their barber- largest, Tiny Standifer, scaling a Andy Stopper, the Wildcat star, fail- brand of punting for the Terrors, pole uniforms ana their 303 pound tackle, "Tiny" Standifer. But they mere 303. There are a pair of broth- ed to show his usual form, the other easily holding his own with Ham- also Me fine football players, being excellent blockers as well as good er-a among these tackles, the one tip- Villanova backs made up for [t. mond, Providence's star booter. ball carriers and chargers. If you don't believe it, ask San FranCiSCO ping the beam at 283 while his young- Christopher, Nye, Buek, Ray Stoviak, The lineups: University. The boys from San Antonio only got a tie out of the game er brother is only a 233 pounder. Alex Bell, Raimo, and several others Western Marylan.d P'l'ovidence with the Dons, but they almost ran the Californians off the field. Although the line is big and will were just too much for the visiting Benjamin LE Gill outweigh the Terrors almost twenty I Terrors. Horner LT Bcusan "Tiny" And "Puny" Stand Out On Line pounds pel' man, the Rattlers have \Vestern Maryland missed a golden Ortenzi LG Pariseau James W. "'riny" Standifer weighs a mere 303 pounds. He is a several very light backs. Co-captain opportunity to score in the first qual'- Peters C Eichner regular tackle and a good one, despite his huge bulk which makes him Doug Locke, fullback and offensive tel' when Campbell's pass, which was Hansen RG Polak appear slow and clumsy. Emmett "Puny" Smith is Rnother tackle on ace of the team, is a mere 150 pound- over the defensive halfback's head, Lutkauskas RT Davin the visitors' roster who is also ,'ery good. But he is a mere baby, scal- er. Alton Gipson, quarterback, scales was dropped by Lassahn, who had It 'Ve8terville RE Hagstrom ing only 283 pOUllds. "Puny" is almost feared as much by ~isiting 165, and Buren Brown, Locke's un- clear path to the goal had he but Sadowski QB Belliveau tackles and ends as is his heavier running mate. Eaell of these bIg boys derstudy at the bucking position, is made the catch. Mujwit LH Hammond is a veritRble pO'\'erhonse which holels up the St. Mary's line. another 160 pound lad. The running star for Western Campbell RH Angelica "Puny" hns 11 little brother who gets into the game a good deal. The Texans boast an All-American Maryland was Cliff Lathrop who Lathrop FB Gaffney He is very. slllall for a lineman though; he doesn't weigh any more than end in Paul Buchanan, co-captain, played a fine offensive game and did Western MaryJand 7 0 6--13 our own Puffy ForthmRn. But "Puny's" little brother is just as good who is one of the mainstays of a fine, most of the Terrors' ground-gaining. Providence 0 0 6-- 6 as the gargantnan Emmett himself, although he is fifty pounds lighter. scrappy line. Buchanan and Clayton Campbell's passing was hampered by Touchdowns-Western Maryland: '1'here arc two other tackles on the sma.ll Rattlcr squad which will Holcomb, another veteran wingman, conditions and a hard-charging VilIa- Sadowski (2). Providence: Belliveau. come to Baltimorc. One '\'eighs in the neighborhood of 220 pounds. give the visitors a pair of ends who nova line, but he outpunted the Wild- Point after touchdown _ 'Vestern And then there is a I'eal littlc fellow who gets into the game every 1l0W will compare favorably with the Ter_ cat backs easily. Maryland: Lathl'op (placement). amI then. He is just the rr.gnlar for the post, albeit hc is a featherweight. 1'01' stars, Lassahn and Benjamin. Villanova used a double wingback of only'200 pounds. Sports writers on the Pacific coast formation and although the ball was who saw the Rattlers play there de- STATE FOOTBALL TEAMS Ends And Backs Must Be Watched clared that the St. Mary's team is a handled a great deal, there was only MEET WITH REVERSES Paul Buchanan and Clayton Holcomb, thc visitors' ends, are re- team of hard runners, hard blockers, one fumble the whole day. That was by Stoppel', and he recovered his own garded as two of the finest. e'nds in the Sonthwest. The former is an and excellent defensive men. fumble. Although the past two weeks saw All-American mcntion and Holcomb is not far behind him in prowess. the passing of Navy, Maryland, and Both Ilre veterans who know evcry phase of end pillY perfectly. The lineups: Western Maryland from the ranks of TOWSON SOCCERITES TRIP Western Maryland Villanova the undefeated, the football teams of In Altoll Gipson, John Willillms, Guy Todd, and Doug Locke the TERRORS IN DEBUT, 4-1 Lassahn LE Sala the state are still playing good ball Texans boast a "ersatile bael,field the 'rerrors mnst watch all the time Horner LT Rogers and showing good form. Locke, 150 pounds of dynamite, is the star runner of the quartet. just Wil- Scoring in each of the first three Ortenzi LG Missal' threats like two, wJlO are triplc liams is the blocker, while the other Maryland met a tartar in North Doug and Guy, help out too. All these mCIl are ,'eterans who hRve been periods and holding Western Mary- Peters C Galazin Carolina and dropped a 14 to 0 de- land safely throughout the contest, Zavada RG Rizzo cision to the boys from Chapel Hill, llnclel' fire before, and the~' Imow what t.he game of football is all abont. Towson State Normal defeated the Lutkauskas RT Oliver Green Terrors of the pitch 4 to 1 on Benjamin RE Fox ~~t ~~~e~U!n~h~hi;~:~eti;gi~~:~bt~: I West Virgj~ia Follows St_ Mary's Friday, October 9. at Towson. Sadowski QB Christopher o. The return of Bill Guckeyson, star 1 F'ollmnng the St. 1\fnry 's gam~, the. Tel'l'o~s .cl?se t!!e m.onth 0f Rain which fell before and during Campbell LH Stopper back who has been out with a hip in- October in Morgantown, W. Va., aga.mst West Vlrglllla Ull1verslty. ~he the tilt transformed the playing field Mujwit RH Stoviak jury, is sure to improve the Terra- I ]\fountaineers hRye a good team. thIS seRson, and they.figure to gn'IJ into a veritable sea of mud which Lathrop FB Earle pins. Guckeyson showed his usual I the Terrors a goo~l battle. ~t IS. a sophom~re team WIth only about made playing conditions almost im- 7-13 brilliant form against Virginia, scor-I th.ree or fOllr vets III th.e stal:tmg Imeup, bnt It has come along fast Ilnd possible. Villanova ing one touchdown and otherwise di~. , will be Ht tops for the lllvadmg Terrors. It was the first game of the season Western Md. 0-0 playing that he has recovered from' \Vest. Virginifl tlefellted 'Vaynesburg 7 to 0, Cincinnati 40 to 6, for the Terrors who showed lack of Scoring: Touchdowns--Nye (sub his injury. The fine playing of Jim Wasllington and Lee 28 to 6, and. West Virginia Wesleyan 15. to 0 so coordination on both offense and de- for Christophel'), Raimo (sub for Meade, sophomore understudy to Bill, far, and ha,~ bowed to the strong PItt team 34 to O.. Of these WillS Wes- fense. However, they made a very Earle). Point after touchdown- has been a factor in the Terps' play leyan was the best team defeated by the Mountameers, although the good showing considering the fact Christopher. to date. others are also teams of good repute. that the team had worked out only Navy tripped Virginia 35 to 14 two Hal Lorenz, Kelly Uoan, either Glenn Carder or Dave Isaac, and three days prior to the game. weeks ago with young Bill Ingram Sam Audia will be the Mountaineers' starting backfield. Of this group, Henry Reckord scored the Terrors' (.Cont. from col. 1) in the feature role, but last Saturday Moan is the star, with the others rounding out excellent support. Audin, lone goal in the first period, while l>. powerful Yale team was too much the fullback, is one of the team's best prospects, while Carder alld Isaac Williams, Gordon, and Hewes planted to date, although he has been aided for them and took advantage of the are about. even in running and passing. Glenn's kicking gives him an the ball through the uprights for greatly by Ned Lathrop and Fred breaks to win, 12-7. This Ingram has edge oyer Dave. Towson before the half ended. A pen- Buck. Last week the Johnnies scored been stealing the spotlight from lllitstrated Ji'ootball Annual ranked \Vest Virginia 114tb of the ll/l- alty boot by Wheeler in the third over American U., 12 to 6. Sneed Schmidt, ace of the Tars' back- tion's teams for 1935. period ended the scoring. Mt. St. Mary's lost a tough one to field, and has been the best individual The lineups: St. Joseph's of Philadelphia by a 14 performer to date. Schmidt has been Odds And Ends From Here And There Western Maryland Towson to 6 score and then tallied against less effective than in 1935, but In- Jack :McNal1v has supplanted Bull Draper as coach of the Balti- Gompf G Hamilton Delaware. The Mounts suffered a gram has taken his place and togeth- more Orioles ... Bull will COlltinue with the team as player only, while Skinner LF Ubersax major loss when Frank Apichella, er with Bob Antrim has been the Jack masterminds from the bencll ... The biggest upset of the season was Martin RF Co> their star ball toter, was injured in backbone of the team. Schmidt, the Duquesne's 7-0 victory over Pitt last Saturday ... Dukes' coach got 11 Barkdoll LH C. Sinith the losing battle against the Joseph- Navy's ace, should regain his win- new contraet beforc the game started ... Just a little way of showing hi;; Newcomb CH Wheeler ites. Bobby Stevens has taken his ning form this week. appreciation ... Bill Guckeyson, Maryland's star hlllfback, is back in Cline RH Bennett place, but the team is not the same The play of St. John's nas been the harness ... Seored a touchdown against Virginia alld otherwise scintil- Jones OL Gordon without the stellar Apichella. talk of the state. The Johnnies have lated in well-known Guckeyson style ... Keep your eye on Herb Barna, Wallace IL Hewes Washington College looked good in been playing heads-up ball in their West Virginia's star end ... He's All-American calibre Hnd is going Belt CF Gammerman holding a much heavier Upsala team own class and are winning regularly. great guns for the Mountaineers ... And the Terrors will keep their eyes Reckord IR Williams to a 7-7 tie, and with the backfield Johnny Lambros, a fine natural ball_ also on Albright's running star, Dick Riffle ... He's the boy who makes Moore OR D. Smith rounding out some support for the carrier, has been the star of the team the Albright team what it is ... Ted Mujwit hasn't carried the ball ill Western Maryland o 0 0-1 great Gibby Young, the Sho'men may (Cont. page 3, col.-5), two' games, bllt he i~~till the leading scorer of Maryland. To:wson 2 1 0-4 aecomplillh II- good deal this season.
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