Page 10 - TheGoldBug1936-37
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. COL Personality Pictures GOLD BUG SPONSORS PRESIDENTIAL POLL By Art Penner A Bach fantasy and fugue, Students to Show Political Preferences Beethoven sonata .. how often a In Straw Vote Swing it back in time gang!! Inti-c. passerby in the vicinity of McDaniel Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- duct.ions are over-we're all western day, semi-monthly dur-ing- October, November, February, March, April, May, Hall pauses to enjoy a passage of mu- W. F. MALONE IN CHARGE Mm-ylandars now-and Frankie and I and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of sic played beautifully by sensitive hope to see you all (freshmen includ- Western Maryland College, Weetminstar, Maryland. Entered as second-class fingers in perfect mastery of the key- ed) helping this column out in your matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. board! Miss Gesner's piano can be Americans are very queer ducks. usual patriotic spirit. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 A YEAR It seems that for many years they' heard at all hours and her energy is have never been content to let nature According to Mr. F. L. Brown, who the envy of all her pupils, tore Member 1937 take its course in a presidential elec- has taken an apartment at Levine Although most of us know her tion, but have used every means and Hall, things are well under way. Gen- r:Bsociated CoUe6iate Press playing, few of us are fortunate gone to every expense ill attempting eral Brown states that the inmates of enough to come into intimate contact to determine the winner a few days the dormitory including social seniors, EDITORIAL STAFF with the patrician figure we see stroll- Editor-in-Chief.. .......................... J. RALPH LAMBERT, JR" '37 ing around the campus or sitting con- beforehand. varsity juniors, and scholastic sopho- Associate Editors. .................... EVELYN CROWN, '37, GEORGE NEEDHAM, '37 At first poll-conscious, they are now mores are at present considering a News Editors SARABELLE BLACKWELL, '37, SHERWOOD BALDERSON, '38 templatively in the summer house, poll-crnzy-c-and so is the Gold Bug, W. P. A. project-probably resulting Copy Editor .................................. .. .... FRANK BROWN, '37 She admits she is one of the most in- Modestly admitting that the Baltt- in some more of those attractive signs REBECCA KEITH, '39, AARON SCHAEFFER, '39 accessable of the faculty members, but out front-have you seen them? Any- Proof Editor SALLY PRICE, '37 emphatically denies that she is one of more Slm has nothing on us, we wish way we've got to say that the boys Feature Editors .. ETHEL KING, '37, MADALYN BLADES, '37, FRANK MALONE, '38 the unappronchahle ones, to announce in the same breath a Sports Editors.......... \VALTER LEE TAYLOR, '37, ELEANOR TAYLOR, '38 presidential poll which will be fully make a splendid showing in chapel-c; Exchange Editor.. ....JANE WHITE, '37 Indeed, her- cultured reserve eva po- the equal of their's. For as they are both of them. MAKE-UP STAFF ~;t;:n~~~:e~!;:;~~t ~~ ~:;. r~l~fnl;S;~:~ canvassing the entire electorate of the W~~:i~;~e:nda~:at~~efort~~igh~li~si:~ Managing Editors ... BEVERLY HARRISON, '37, JAMES COLEMAN, '38 sion-music. Bach, Beethoven and :~~:n:oo;V~~~~:r~ol\::I~;~af~~I~o~~~:. prints in the previous issue, Those BUSINESS STAFF Mozart are her favorite composers roses Carolyn got sort of made up for Bneineee Manugol' .. ROBERT A. KIEFER, '37 Adv01·ti8ing Manager .. .. JOSEPH OLEAIR, '39 ~~~e~,h~i~I:.stheir major works at her\~~~:~s ~~l·s~~~~e~~~I~~il~7s ~~~ ~~:t::n;~~~k~d::~v!h~~~~. t~n~n~~vI:~~: Circulation Managers.................... JOHN CULLER, '37, ARLINE HUDSON, '37 . , . I tcnsive red-bai ting program, It WIll that Kay Spies was the one meant in Assistant Cil·cu./ation lIfanugers BETTY RILEY, '38, HILDA BIDDLE, '38, CHARLES SPANG, '38, TRAGO BRUST, '39 ViS~~:~~~~'~~s~~s iSac;~~;~:t~~:e~:se~: ~~ui;te~~:~~~t~O n~!~l:~a~:t a ;::~::~::. I the "just-man:ied" group: but she does it all in her mild and un- will receive. CongratulatIons are m .order for REPORTERS assuming way. Generously she mini- . the new cheer leaders, and Reporters contributing to this issue: mizes her par-t in the performance, . We a.1'eboth hur-ried and hampered. Insley, Pep it up boys! Gi-imsey had Insley Louise Nickell, '37; Margaret Burns, '37; Naomi Crown, '37; thereby giving the soloist a complete In. taking a ~oll, and the method I some bad luck in his social adven, Lawrence Strow, '39 I personal triumph. ~::~h ~~~o::k l~h:~e t~:stst:~e~l~~ ~~~ ) ~~l~esp~:e~n I~es;:~~:e:ha~a~~;s ~:~:~ The esteem in which her fellow rae- t . t Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. ulty members hold her is attested to op;~: eb:~IO~v::yb~e:~::~ed is located , ~~!:e ~~:n 1~:I~ni~;s ~!!~r\:~~~~ Se~~~ ;:e i;~:ll:;t~~b~o the presidency of on this page, Candidate Lemke's tain. "Now Is The Time ... " Always ready to lend a helping name, which will not appear on the Lathrop was thrown for another hand when the occasion arises, her official Maryland ballot, has been ad- "No Gain" last week when he tried to "Now is the time for al! good men to come to the aid of their friendliness and sincerity, her gentle dod in order to cover the entire field. date a senior girl. However the party," At present this is the politieal ballyhoo being poured into the wit, and the delightful twinkle in hei- The ballot is to be marked as indicated, "Stooge" and "Buttercup" Sherman ears of every American citizen. Yet here on the Hill, whether we be- eyes make knowing her a genuine and clipped out, and deposited in the Gold did some fancy picking when they Bu.g box under the Slllith Hall porch, lieve in one political idell or another, the 1ime for us Westcrn Mary. lasting pleasure. from which it will be collected and came through with Jean Scott and landers to "stand by" is at the present time more than ever before. tallied. Kitty Jockel. Frankie said she thought they went on a picnic in the Although we may be so involved in Ollr own private difficulties, we CONCERT OF It is asked that this be done as soon Summer house. Nice going, boys! must not forget the greater problems that our grand old school faces. RECORDINGS PLANNED as possible, as the final results will "Squinty "Thomas and "Doris" Phil- in the next issue of the Gold No mnttel" what we may say about individual liberty in speech and appear Those not wishing to vote are lips seem to be under disabling handi- Bug. action, every student owes loyalty to the institution which he claims as On next Tuesday evening, October I requested to place their unmarked caps this week, but everything was his Alma Mater. We IU.l\'e only to glance around to see all the things on reported improving. Thomas claims onr own campus to whieh we can point with pride, Of course everyone ~:.~:~:lllfisrs!fo~.e:o~~:~s ;~S~~-~:i~lth~: I ~~::o~:':v!~~ b;~s~:~:li~~ l:~~.t~:~: one arm is sufficient, anyway. will select the one phase in which he i~ most interested but certainly presented in the Faculty Parlor, Main will be counted apart. We've been keeping our eyes open Building. All those who al'e interest- No mailed-in votes of outside sub- for strutters and find sOllie of them all of us can agree on the recent growth toward a Greater 'Western still together; the freshman 'I r.lnryland. ed in classical music are invitcd to be scribers can be recognized, as this is present. The first progl'am will fea- strictly a college poll. don't seem to be doing so badly ture Mozart's Symphony in G. Minor. Please mark with ink. \Ve snbmit: But do all of us truly apprcciate these increased opportunitics~ Lytton-Enfield \Vhell we're asked a question lil;e this, we all protest most vehemently; The time is 8 o'clock. Slaysman-McKenny but the sort. of assurances that are expressed in loud cheering nnc1 no Coe-Fennell action arc not the kind wanted on the Hill. If, instead, we try trans. GOLD BUG Malone-Blades lating 0111' affections into a daily program of netiOn in support of the PRESIDENTIAL Coleman-Corkran college's policies-that's the time when we're helping our college on to POLL Bare-Harlow Fallin-Wolfe its goal. Maybe we'll not nil choose to support the same phases of Kiefer-Rudolph Vote for one candidate by plac- campus life, but at least we can all support the general idea-"This Reckord-Wigley cross cross-mark opposite is my college and T'm going to help it. all I call." That's what we need his name Bender-Harrison to make it a truly "Greater Western Mnrylalld." AIKEN .[ Klare-Harwood (Labor) Barkdoll-Barrow BROWDER Green-Scarborough Wallnce-Lippold (Communist) Walker-Dixon Where Does It Get You? LANDON l\1ujwit-Twigg (Republican) Edmunds-Nitzel BEVERLEY If ARRISON LEMKE The question wJlich has been prying on our minds for quite a "Busy, busy, all day busy"-brown (Union) (All omissions to be carefully in- while now is, "Is the work which we, the members of the Gohl Buy hair and coat tails flying in the wind, ROOSEVELT cluded next time.) staff, put into getting this paper ready for publication every other week, Bev is rushing to fulfill one of her (Democrat) Discovered! Western Mal'yland's appreciated at illl by the students of 'Western Milryland College~" As I many I'esponsibilitie~,. Scholarly, uth- THOMAS most exclusive organization. It's ex- it seems to us now Illt thilt 1) Gold Blt[! meallS to the avevage man or letic, sociable-she IS all of these to (Socialist clusively a football players' ol'ganiza- tion known as the Honk Donks. Lead- woman upon the nill is a eJlallCC to read the dirt column and the sports 1 !~~s ~~~~~n~~i~~:~~:;i~;les ~:I~SI~~V~~ ership of the club lies in the capable hands of "Blistering Blizzard" Camp- ;~:~efOl~'~;:'~~o~~:, ~~11~e:::I:~~n:~:1~~h1~1~1~~:~t!~:sf i:a:t~OI~:~~t~o~n\~:n;:~ ! ;~~~7c:~~~0;~a~~: ~~ss:e ~~; :~~:p~! bell, and "Gentleman AI" Lutt. Able out of it ~ It docs not even seem an honor, It mcnns extra hours of : of unfairness. Perhaps hel' most out- CONVOCATION SPEECH OPENS support is given by the "Stooges", llill'd work l!!ld perhaps a necessity of letting school work slide a little, I standing cha~'acteristic is hel" sense: 70TH SESSJON Further details furnished by the "Pnl- verizing Pachyderm", Forthman. But if the stafl' did balk nnrl refus~ to put out an is~ue, storms of pl'otest ~!~:s~~ll:;.ibi~~~ r:\~~i~;i~:l~~~do~~:; would shol\'er down upon our hcads, bowed but shll strong. of an her friends for she can efficient- (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) Lesinski and Fagan are surely get- \Vllcn lye think the matter over, what credit does II perSOn get £01' ly take care of all her duties and still good .s~ortsmanship from the ph~si- ~~~gt~: ~:~~':~:l~~: [~:~o~:s\:e ~~~ anything he does up here~ Presidents o£ all organizations get a smat- have time for fun. ~~~~ 1.1;~~gs:~~~~he:~c::~ta~oc::e~;~~:~ I :~~'~!:n~o;.h~a~:~~s:n~:te:a~ ~:i~d~! from I She is thl'ee presidents rolled into tering of fame and all t.he hard work. 'fhe .Aloha staff works quietly sponsl.bll,lty, and abandonlll~nt of llll- the freshmen with care! Club, one, fOI' she heads the French and hard, and reaps all the criticism which about five hunch'cd students the Argonauts, and the International prOpl"letles such as cheatmg, Our youngest snooper discovered the moral. can throw. The debaters argue to empty houses. Audiences of speech Relations' Club, Her efforts to unite Dr. Holloway closed his address a duel in prospect between Puffy and and music reeitllls should fill Alumni Hall, but do theyf The students the class of '37, of which she has been' with an urge to the students to begin Pugh over the affections of a certain do not eo·operate with the student government. .At times tbe operntion vice· president for the past three this year wholeheartedly, and not to young lady. Details as to time and years, and her efforts to make all its of such an organization seems almost farcical. accept the idea of getting along with place will be published later. undertakings successful have been no- "what you can get away with." If the size of the try-out line is any- What is the solution of all these problems? In a lot of them, tlw table, As associate editor of the Aloha He said "Perhaps no idea is so fatal thing to judge by, we predict an ex- facu"Ity as well as the students could help by getting behind the organi- and managing editor of the Gold Bug to the college student as the idea, 'If cellent choir this year. Personally hel' journalistic will be well talents zations and giving tllem a push once in a while. Give them a pat on displayed. you can get away with it, it's all we think the short of the matter is De- That is a kind of pUl"allel to right,' the back. Cheer them up. Support them. And do not always tell them But with all Bev's activities, her hu- the idea that if a tree were to fall in Long. how terrible they arc. A word of praise is a great help t.oward im- mor and friendliness are ever spon- the woods-and no one was there to Well, lots of old friends are gone- provement. The honors students have stepped out in the right direc- taneous and her contagious laugh, hear it-the tree would not make a leaving behind only a memory not to sandwiched in between a rapid flow of be forgotten. In the case of Sue tion. The establishment of the Argonauts was a distinct advallce. Per- words is frequently heard on the cam- noise. If you do something that's Hance fond recollections of "Ray the haps other honorary clubs would bring to the attention of the true pus, wrong-and no one catches you-it butcher" are kept alive by a pair of isn't wrong, The unfortunate thing students the fact that there are certain things up here to work for. Bev's unusual intelligence and her about it is that you may some day be scissors hnng gracefully over the door As a last thought may we ask a riddle·1 All famous men work untiring devotion to those lllany caught in the wrongest thing you've frame. things which claim her attention have ever done--to discover that you have But with a new class and a new many hours a day. John Doe worked three bours n day. Was John gained for her the distinction of being finally done the one thing in which the we hope to have year best Doe a famous man? one of the most outstanding leaders you find it impossible to redeem your- everything, so lets g:et into step, gang, of -A former editor of the Gold BU(J. on the Hill. self." and swing it!
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