Page 9 - TheGoldBug1936-37
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GOt YEA BEAT TERROR PROVIDENCE TEAM! SATURDAY! Vol. 14. No.2 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE. WESTMINSTER, MD. October 8, 1936 "AI" Dunstan Named I Prof. DeLong To Give DEAN'S LIST G-Man to G_i?e Lectur:e President Opens I Vocal Recital Friday Head of '37R.O. T.C. New Faculty Member to Make Local Seniors On Futility of Crime S h I h· D· At Convocation Ry Military Dept. Debut in Varied Program Lambert, John Ralph Inspector T. O. Quinn to Speak Under C 0 ars Ip rIVe George Fisk Needham, To open Western Maryland's winter Riefner, Carter William Ausnices of westminster Rot", concert season, Professor Alfred De- Blades, Ruby Madalyn Escapades of real-life cops and rob- New Head of College Unit Is Promi- nent Both On Drill Field and Long, graduate of the Om-tis Institute Boughton, Helen Virginia bers will no donbt be told in Alumni Dr. Holloway Pledges His Administra- In Class of music and recently appointed mem- Crown, Frances Evelyn Hall next Wednesday evening when tion to the Improvement of bel' of the music faculty, has nuranged Harman, Margaret Virginia the Westminster Rotary Club in co- W.III. C.'s Scholastic Level :I varied program of English, Italian, Harrison, Beverly Loraine operation with the college yonng peo- APPOINTMENTS MADE German, and French songs. McCardell, Helen Wilson ple's Christian associations present to OPENS 70TH SESSION Commanding the battalion of R. O. The program, which is to be given Matthews, Mary Emily local audiences Inspector 1'. D. Quinn, T. C. at Western Maryland College in Alumni Hall tomorrow night Moore, Lillian Rebecca a sure enough "G-Man." Western Maryland College sounded this year will be Albert I. Dunstan, promptly at 8 o'clock, will give Mr. Shank, Ella Nora Mr. Quinn comes well recommended a call to students and faculty Monday new lieutenant-colonel of the unit, DeLong ample freedom to exhibit his Smith, Margaret Frances by the Department of Justice in which morning at its seventieth convocation Lieutenant-Colonel Dunstan has been bass-baritone range. Juniors bureau he has served since 1927. Here held in Alumni Hall. selected to head the battalion this MI'. DeLong will be accompanied at Baer, Charles William under the guidance of his chief, T. Ed- Dr. Fred G. Holloway delivered the year because of his excellent record the piano by MI'. Oscar Eiermun, also Goldberg, Alfred gar Hoover, Mr. Quinn has had many address, which took the form of an both in the classroom and at Fort of the Curtis. Nelson, Paul Amos varied and exciting exper-iences in appeal for scholarship. Meade during the annual summer en- Concerts by Cui-tis artists have in Harwood, Sprigg dealing with the nation's criminals. "Convocation", said Dr. Holloway, campment of seniors in the R. O. T. C. the past formed an integral part of Chew, Ann Agnes Without doubt he shall find it ex- "comes from the Latin and means a At camp during the past summer the program to provide Western Henze, Eileen Claire tremely easy to line up a formidable calling together. .. This calling to- Dunstan exhibited his qualities of Maryland students with music of fine Johnson, Alice Lillian list of reasons why crime doesn't pay. gether has a purpose. It is the coun- leadership by being Western Mary- quality. Macvean, Janet Emma In fact, "The Futility of a Criminal terpart of the commencement. We do land's honor man in more than one Mr. DeLong's program follows: Moxley, Allie Mae Career" has been announced as the not do away with the latter, because phase of camp activity. i. Taylor, Ruth Eleanor topic of his lecture. it brings to cnlmination the objective President of the Preachers Club, (a) "Hear n«, Ye Winds and Wilmer, Mary Martha Inspector Quinn is no commonplace' of college life and this should not be "AI" is as popular in social activities \Vaves" Handel "flat-foot." Born in New Hampshire, lightly passed by. as he is in the drill field. (Air from the Opera "Scipio") he studied at Georgetown and re- Stresses Ultimate Goal Rowland Armacost has been ap- 2. ceived from that institution his col- pointed major of the local cadet staff. (b) Invocaaione di Orreo · g Is G· n an He has been in charge of lege degree. Robert Sharrer is the captain adju- Invocation of Orpheus Peri R kIn lye 'I t.he Federal Bureaus of Invest.igation t!~:e~dd:. ~~l~o~~al;, ;,i;~l~:c:hnet'~e~~~~ taut, (c) Occhietti ama.ti . ning, only more so, because you' can or res Selection for the captains of the Dear Eyes, Love Lighted F F hman Tests in both St. Louis, 1\10., and Bh-ming- do something about the beginning of companies and of the band are also Falconieri h~m, . Ala., and is a member of t~e something, while it is beginning, bnt listed. Clifford Lathrop, Edward \Va- (d) Donzelle, fugitte __ ~.~~~r~~n~~p;t:;p~~~::t and the DIS- you can't do something about the end ters, Robert Meyers, and Frank Oh Hasten, Ye Maidens. Cavalli e:o~:d'~hat !~ Brown are those chosen. Exact an- (e) Begli occhi, merce Te~n:~!~n~eSst:n A:s~\I:,:I:g~~:~in;nd In securing the services of 1\1r. ~fw~:~~e:~~~e;::~e~~~e nouncement of the personnel of the Have Mercy, Dark Eyesi'I'enag'lia Quinn, the sponsors realize that his want to accomplish during the year. companies and the leaders of the re- 3 The results of last week's freshman message will not be needed for the Let us begin to do what at the end of spective companies will be published (f) Wie Melodien zieht es mil' placement tests have been drawn up later. Only the ranks are given be- A Thought Like Music Brahms and -reccrded, The following is a list ~~:~:~e gc:~~~~~so:h~i~al~:~~na~r~:'i~! th~'IY:~~U~vde::;l~h:~n,::oa~:v;e~:nt: low. (g) An die Stolze in alphabetical order of the ten fresh- is most prevalent in the 16 to 24 year- get an education ... and once agreed The unit this year is under the joint My Haughty Lady ....Brahms men placing highest in these tests. old group, the necessity for the train- that it is an education and not a de. . of Major Severne S. Mac- (h) Minnelied Freshmen making ten highest ~~!nO!n~~~~~a~ec~~~n~;s,S~:i:~~el~::~.~: ~~~e~~:'!l \~:v:~:~::ntCe~'~~inno7e~~~ Langhlin and Major 'I'ruyon Shep- Love Song. Brahms scores in Psychological Test: herd. Major Shepherd is a new in- Beyard, Kermit Quentin, Hagerstown, ply the lapse of four years in college structor, sent to fill the vacancy left -we find ourselves close to the crux is looking for Debating Association by the transfer- of Captain Thomas Cn'::~'n, John Low, r.., Hager's !Educator to Speak of the whole matter. Holmes. The battalion Emphasizes College Career ward to one of the most successful Friday in Smith Hall "Personally, I am very much con- seasons since its inception. Chooses Questions c",:::::;e:[~em.y 11i1ton, n., Rim· cerned that we do not have the notion dale, Md. Cadet Officers Cooden, Lloyd Carleton, Henderson, that. four years here will complete our 'Vestern Marylanders Attend.Annual Dr. Ralph Harlow to Give Address Dunstan-Lieutenant-Colonel Md. education. Not at all. Life at West- Armacost-Major Conference at Harrisburg S]lOnsored by Student Christian ern Maryland should only stimulate the ShalTel'-Captain-Adjutant Meeting to decide on the questions Ingram, Robert Lee, Parkersburg, 'V. Mo\'ement movement of processes that shall con- Lathrop-Captain-Co. Commander to be debated this year, the Debating Va. tinue so long as life lasts. . We are Waters-Captain-Co. Commander Association of Pennsylvania, of which Klier, Gatherine Mohr, Relay, Md. Dr. S. Ralph Harlow, ];romineill.e.d- -t-o realize that these are not four 1Ifeyers-Captain-Co. Commander 'Vestern Maryland is a member, held Kompanek, Veronica Olga, Cumber- ucato]' and president of the National years cut out of and segregated from Brown-Captain-Band its annual conference on October 2 at land, Md. Association of Biblical instructors, our whole existence, but definitely Ritchie-1st Lientenant Harrisbnrg's Harrisburger Hotel. Korff, Marguerite, Baltimore, Md. will give an address in Smith Hall, determining the course of our subse- Luman-1st Lieutenant The committee on questions, headed Pohlhaus, John FI'ancis, Baltimore, Friday, October 9, at 4:00 P. M. quent career. Lassahn-lst Lieutenant by Prof. J. D.lllakosky, presented sev- Md. Graduating from Harvard in 1908, "Western Maryland College pro- Spiegel-1st Lieutenant eral topics, three of which were finally poses to increase the emphasis. We Reifsnider-lst Lieutenant selected by tIle association, although Smit;ias~arolyn Louise, Southboro, ~:n~~~:::y,at~:~~~~bi~ni:~d T:::IOs~:~l~~ shall endeavor to pursue a policy Kohler-1st Lieutenant all colleges are free to debate other which only those who measurably live Skinner-1st Lieutenant-Band subjects if they prefer to do so. Freshmen making ten highest ~::: n~~is~e~~;:~0~~Si2:~;~~lti~:!. C!~ up to their capacities and show a def· Reifner-lst Lieutenant The questions approved by the as- ~ceo;:;d:~!~~~s~:e~:~;l. gJ'egational and Pre s b y tel' ian inite desire to receive an education Kiefer-1st Lieutenant s(jciation are: 1. Resolved that Con- Carnochan, John Low, Jr. churches, and has later been engaged shall be encouraged to return to col- Williams-1st Lieutenant-Band gress should be empowered to fix min- lege, and let us remember that the Sergeants imum wages and maximum hours for g~~~~~'B~~~~~ ~:l~~~;\~son, Md. :~J:t~~h~:::a~~~t~~l;S~ e~:c~:~:et~:;~~ time to prove our intent is now-not religion and at Smith at commencement." ethics social ]st Sergeants industry. Klier, Katherine Mohr. I College since 1923. Baer Balish 2. Resolved that students of Ameri- Korff, Marguerite. Discusses Curriculum Adriance can colleges should refuse to partici- ~;:~~:~, S~:;'il:yA~;~~' ::I~~:n~r:~dr.1d. th~~U~P~~~:wo~\~:\;t~.1~::etli~~I.~s~1:~ Dr. Holloway then discussed eur- pate in any war outside the territory Color Sergeants of the 48 states. Packwood, Laura Margaret, Elkridge, Movement, and is scheduled to speak ricular and extra·curricular activities that both have Sadowski Ortenzi 3. Resolved that the extension of Md. at one of the UniverSIty Lectures of of college. He stated in the process of a legitimate part Color Guards consumer cooperatives would contrib- Stokes, Leslie Bernard, Whiteford, Johns Hopkins later in the year. education. One is in a sense the Gompf McKnight ute to public welfare. Md. A capable speaker, he will present counterpart of the other. But the Western Maryland was represented a stimulating address on current in- Platoon Sergeants ternational problems, and the social curriculum always has been and al- at the conference by Professor Makos- Martin Moore, A. N. ky, Miss MacDowell, Sally Price, and COLLEGE CALENDAR and religious life of young people. ways must be central. Graham Forthman Ethel King. "It is the activities which are extra- Slaysman Lesh curricular not the curriculum that is Oct. 8-W. W. hike, 4:30-6:30 P. IlL, extra-activity." Guides Harvey A. Stone Memorial ANNOUNCEMENT Physical exercise, social activity, Simmons Reckord CORRECTION Park. etc., were introduced to better equip Cline Brooks (Corp.) Oct. 9-Lecture by Dr. Ralph Har- All students-uppel' classmen the student to more effectively pursue Nelson Andrews The Gold Bug 'vishes to apol- low, 4 P. M., Smith Hall. and freshman-who wish to be the curricnlum. Watkins Chnrch ogize for the item appearing in Concert by Professor De- on the ]'eportorial staff of the "I feel that all students shonld Allgire Hendrickson the September 21 issue concern- Long, 8 P. M., Alumni Hall. Gold Bug and all present staff have definite extra-curricular activi- Timmons Banmgartner ing the rel?orted marriage of members are requested to at- ties," said Dr. Holloway, "not for the Virginia Spates. tend the first meeting (if the Corporals Oct. 10-Western Mal'yland - Provi- Gold Bug staff, Monday even- sake of the activity-but for the sake Brooks-Guide The line, which appeared in dence football game, Provi- of the student. He will be a better "Flies in my Sonp," should have dence, R. l. ing, October 12, at 7:30 o'clock developed personality if he does!" Squad Leaders t·ead "Katherine Spies." in the Gold Bug room in the Barkdoll, Bender, Dooley, Drugash, The Gold Bug wishes to stand Oct. l3-Recorded Recital of Mozart's basement of the library build- Stresses Need for Activities East, Edmund, Hansen, Horner, Klare, corrected. -To Virginia Spates P. I ing. Dr. Holloway stressed physical, so- IIfujwit, Newcomb, Oleair, Sherman. I we send onr sincere apology; to ~J~;:~~I~yi~~'I~!.:nor-8 Mrs. 'Venner, our advisor, will cial, moral and religious activities. Phillips, Parker, Ransone, Trader, Katherine Spies, our heartiest Oct. 14-Inspector T. D. Quinn, "G-I' give sorne suggestions on news· He stated the value to be received wishes. p'apel: writing. from these activities in terms of in- Band Man," "The Futility of a Brust Buchman -THE EDITOR. Criminal Career", 8 P. M., . Please be prompt. dividual development, team-work, an'd Rausch L ___J Alumni Hall. (Cont. page 2, col. 4)
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