Page 47 - TheGoldBug1935-36
P. 47
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, M.:!. PAGE THREE TERROR CAGERS DEFEAT W. M. C. GIRLS WITNESS PREPARATIONS MADE FOR JAYS IN FINAL MEET FAN FODDER WINTER SPORTS CARNIVAL INTER COLLEGIATE BOUTS One-Sided Score Marks Last League By "HERB" Sn:VENs Game For Both Teams Physical Ed. Majors Assist In Ref- Full Eight-Man Terror Team To Be Entered By Coach In one of the slowest and dullest ereeing Annual Armory Havens games of the entire season, western western Maryland's chief contenders for the Intercollegiate boxing Event Pairings for the Intercollegiate Maryland College swamped Hopkins crowns certainly picked the hard ones for their initial bouts at Penu Boxing Association's tournament to in basketball by a 49 to 30 score on State this week-end. Somehow it seems ironical that Pontecorvo and The girls in white: Miss Parker, be held at Penn State this Friday and Saturday, February 29 at the Armor-y. Richter, the chief contenders for the heavyweight championship should Miss Todd, Harrison, B., Hall, C., Saturday were made last week at a This contest was the finale of the have been drawn to meet each other in the first round of the tournament Patterson, Crown, N., Nock, 1'11. G., meeting of the I..E. A. board in Phila- Maryland Collegiate League season and that "Bob" Bennett should have drawn "Russ" and Hagen-left the "Hill" at noon delphia. for both teams, the Terrors finishing Criswell ns his first round opponent. 'I'he ironical on Saturday, March 7 to go to the Charley Havens, Terror boxing in a tie with Loyola for third place, note of these two bouts is that most of the authori- Fifth Regiment Armory to act as as- coach, will enter a full eight-man and the Jays trailing a bad last in ties of the Eastern Intercollegiate Boxing Association sistant officials in the annual girls' team, the same that finished the sea- the six team circuit. had just about conceded that the two bouts mention Winter Carnival sponsored jointly by son against Villanova with two excep- When the Terrors forged to the lead ed above would be the top-notch bouts of the cham- the Maryland Playground Athletic tions. Franklin Crowe, a junior, will ill the contest, it was evident that pionship series. League and the Baltimore News-Post. compete in the 135 pound class instead Hopkins was badly outclassed. The Whether in either case the Penn State man or Upon arriving at the Armory at one of John Warman. "Bill" Willoughby, 'visitors were never in the lead and thc Western Maryland man wins, the loss of the bout o'clock the coeds, all physical educa- 155 pounder, yields his place to Maryland I never threatened to even come close. by the other man means thc probable loss of points tion majors, found only a few young- George Spiegel. Neither Crowe nor At half time Western led, HERBERTSTEVENSfOI" his team. Both of these bouts were final affrays sters running around and a haze of Spiegel fought dur-ing the regular sea- 27 to 14. last year, and it was hoped, especially by those who dust in the air. The girls were in- son, but both competed against Lock- During the second half the entire saw the tournament last year that the bouts this year would see the troduced to the head officials and haven Teachers two weeks ago. 'I'et-roi- squad got into the game. Even same contel1ders pitted against each other for these two crowns. were given official badges and assign- "Tony" Ortenzi was the only 'I'cr- then the Jays could make no head- "Tony" Ortenzi drew a bye in the first round, but his second round ments. r01"to draw a first round bye. "Tony" way as the Western Maryland re- bout will see him pitted against cither Sal a of Vilianovfl or D'luski At two o'clock they discovered that will enter the· semi-finals Saturday serves more than held their own with of Syracuse. Should Sn la, champion of the 175 pound class last season, the comparative quiet of the armory against either Sala of Villanova or Hopkins' varsity. Seeing the game win from D'lnski, the second round match between Bale aud Orteuai when they entered was just the lull D'Luski of Syracuse. was hopelessly lost, Coach Gardiner will be their second meeting this year, Sala having pounded out a close before the storm; for at this time An old feud will be renewed when Mallonee of Hopkins sent in all his decision from Ol'lenzi in thcir bout at the Westminster Armory earlier Hall, Patterson, Cl'OWn,~oc~, and Ha-, "Bob" Bennett and "Russ" Inswell, own subs, who were also as easily I this season. zen were to act as official bmers and Penn State captain, clash in the 115 I stopped as was the first team. "Hlnkv" Haynes, Western Maryland 145 pounder, drew Ellis of scorers in the volley bail games for pound division. Boxing fans will re- It was the same old story of uvan- Harvard in his first bout. The winner of the first round will meet girls under 17. Acting as timer and cal that Inswell defeated Bennett last ni aud Benjamin leading the way. Be- Domato of Penn State. Both of these men are reputedly good boxers, scorer was easy enough-but pity the year fOI'the championship after "Bob" tween them these two scored 28 I Domato having had unusual success in the dual season this year. poor girls when they had to call out had beaten him in a dual meet. Hulins points in the first half alone. Herb Skeen picked a tough one for his initial bout in the 125 pound the name of the server when the unat- of Syracuse is the other entry in this Siegel and Lester Met-gotia were the class when he drew Crampton of Harvard. Crampton did well in the tached American played Eastern A. class. only Jays able to find the hoop as tournament last year and has had a splendid record this season. He There were such tongue twisters as Skeen, 125 pounder, is scheduled to they accounted for ten and nine points has been touted as the probable winner of his class. Franklin Crow", Stanolawskar, Faeneganever and Bee- meet Crampton of Harvard in a first respectively. boxing in the 135 pound class, drew 'Varel of Harvard, an unknown disicka. But Western Maryland Co- rouud bout. Emerging the victor, he The line-ups: quantity, as his opponent in the first round. The chief threats in this eds came through with flying colors. will then be pitted against Denato of Western Maryland FG F T class are Goodman of Penn State and Mascullo of Syracuse who has an At three o'clock came the grand Penn State. Reinhard, f. 5 9 undefcated record for the 1936 season. These two men are bracketed march of all the contestants, officials, Crowe meets Ward of Harvard in Adriance, f. . 6 in thc upper bracket while Crowc is bracketed in tllC lower bnlCket. assistant officials, and other import- the 135 pound class, but the real in- Uvanni, f. 1 13 Spiegle, representing the 'renors in the 155 pound class, drew ant city officials. Led by the Poly- terest in this division will be centered Benjamin, c. 15 Olney of Harvard, a seasOllcd boxer; 'Vall,er drew Luper of thc Army. technic Institute Band, all of the con- upon the \Vestl'ele-Goodman bout. Fowble (c), 3. . 0 Luper outpointed "Tony" Ortellzi in their match at West Point in testants and officials paraded four This clash looms as one of the finest Tomichek, g. . 4 February. abreast around the huge drill floor, of the tourney. Drugash, g. Western Marylan8's chances for a championship in the team rat- and you can bet that the college girls Rodman Haynes is also pitted ings secm to be rather slim, but ncvertheless there is II chance. Should got mOl'e fun out of the parade than against a Harvard man. He will en- Totals" """"""""""""" 22 49 Pontecorvo [lnd Bennett win their initial bouts there is every possibility the school girls. After the parade Hopkins FG T that they will bceome champions in their respective classes, and Ort.enzi Miss Todd and M. Nock assisted Miss ter the ring with the Crimson welter- Melvin, f. might come through to win a place or pcrhflps evcn the championship of Albrecht with the flag relay; Patter- weight, Ellis. Aftel' him, George Tragis, f. his class. son, Hall, and Harrison aided Miss Spiegel will trade socks with Onley, in- another man from the Cambridge Siegel, f. Daniels in the Round Arm Dodge Ball stitution. Rubringer, f. 1~ Olympic Turmoil Throw for Distance; and Miss Parker, Gross, c. The stand of Germany in the Rhine Vallcy, with weapons of war N. Crowll, ann Hagen helped Miss Probably the best fight in the 165 Rasin, g. whel-e should b~ no weapons of war according to the Treaty of Versaillcs, Stabler ~vith the All Up Relay. pound class will take place between L. Mergotis (c), g. threatens to dlsrnpt the plans of the Olympic Committee. In 191il ·When the races were run and the Smith of Harvard, defending champ, Rocenthat, g. Germany was scheduled to cntcrtain the athletes of the nations, but ball thrown, the assistants adjourned and Ray Jeffries of Syracuse. Luy- G. Mergotis, g. to the officials' room for a light lunch sel', the Army elltry, clashes with o ~~:;n~~o~~~r~~~~e:~ ;1~P~::~I~i:l~~ti~h: t1~~::e~ t~e r~~~lttl~~~:jf. N~~~ '''alker of Western Maryland. of sandwiches and milk. The girls re- Ttl ~ ~ ~ I nations who are sending athletes to Germany for the games fear thl'lt laxed and rested for about an hour; 'The "Big Three" of the heavy- °N:~_scoring substitutes_W. 1'If.-- Gern;any.'s .show of strength on the Rhine is the b~ginning of a ncw and then started again at 6.00 P. M. weight division will meet again. Pon- tecorvo will swap punches with "Izzy" Zesinsk~, ~.; k~recnZhc';thl\fiIJ~rt ~t; ~~l~~l:k~~l:l~~~.!~n~~n~l1i: °t~1;9f~jil~1~~n~n~1 ~~~:~~~~~r:l~~~i:crl~~~~~;: with volley ball. The same ones help- Richter of Penn State in another oe, g., op ms- en ,g., al - treaty of that war have led to feelings of distrust and tui-lnoil on the ed as before. At eight o'clock there meeting of these rivals. "Tony" Brown man, g. pnrt of other nations. However, Herr Hitlcr claims that thcre is no was another parade of contestants for of Symcuse has the bye iIlto the finals. the evening events. This time the BISON FIVE DEFEATED motive except the protection of that old part of the fllthcrlalld which Besides Syracuse, Penn State, Ar- IN HARD-FOUGHT GAME has so mUCh. significance to the Germal1s. 1ITorcover the Ollija Board City College band led just to show my, Harvard, and 'Vestern Maryland, says there ",lit be no war, so we Illay supposc the nations will carry out that the P. A. L. had no favorites. M. T. I. will also compete. The Tech- A big, fast Bucknell team came down the Olympic program in the spirit of good sllortslllfll1ship in which it In the evening events M. Noek and men have entered three battlers in the to Westminstel' and threw a scare was founded. Hall helped Miss Hoffman in the block lower weights. into the ranks of Western Maryland It must bc a grcat gamc-tl1is game of dictating. race; Harrison and Gompf assisted The referees for the bouts supporters before submitting to the Miss Daniels in the Field Ball Goal Short of Baltimore; Wilber of Wash- Terror courtmen 32 to 30. The game BISONS WIN CAGE MEET RIFLE TEAM DEFEATS Throw; Crown, Dill, and Price aided ington, and McCracken of Philadel- ~~:s:;~~~.~. Friday, February 28, at TO AVENGE DEFEAT Miss Parker in the basketball relay phia. HOPKINSANDGETTYSBURG and basketball foul shooting; Patter- The game was in doubt to the very Bucknell's court Bisons gained am- son and Hagen were assistants to UVANNI PLACED FIFTH end. With the final gun the score- pie revenge on Western Maryland's Miss Lantz in the target throw; Mi~s AMONG HIGH SCORERS board showed 32 to 32, but a checkup I basketball team when they defeated "Dead-Eye" Hoffa Comes Through -- of the score showed that the home the Terrors by a score of 44 to 34 on As High &orer For Match Todd had charge of the volleyball 1 By virtue of scoring 79 field goals placement_ team had actually won. Thursday, March 5, at Lewisburg. The Bisons kept the game going at Previously the two teams had clashed 'Vestern Maryland College's rifle Wh~t:~~.!:~~c~~~~~:~ °b~:~::;~l:l:~ r ~~d,:;s~~~~s ;;al~:I::;se~c:J;ee~'t~v::d top speed throughout the entire forty with Western Maryland emerging vic- team went down to Homewood la~t ~~: I;:~; minutes. They played rough and cut I tor by a two point margiu. Saturday and defeated Johns Hop- very much wiser for the experience. r~~w:cl~~:e~~a~~dt::t~t::o;o~ fast, keeping the Terror guards on Summers, Bison center, led the at- kins and Gettysburg College in n their toes all evening. But they al- tack against the visitors with nine Post season games prevented Uvan- lowed the Terror forwards to pene- field goals and a, foul shot for nine- th~e:~c~::.~~~.~~~~l~t3;r~~~~t 1~:\~:;11 TERROR GRAPPLERS BOW ni from being the runner-up to "Vic" over Hopkins which finished second TO TERRAPIN MAT TEAM Probst, Baltimore first man, who easi- ~~:~':i~hl~; ::~:t~efense easily, and I !~e~~~in!:a~s.eaS~I~ol::: !~~o~~or:~: and a 79 point margin over the tail- ly led the field with 258 markers in 19 Foltz, Bucknell center, topped the 11. Terrors was well divided with six of enders from Pennsylvania. "Sarge" A crafty, more-experienced Univer- games. I'Ifaryland played two games scorers with 17 points while the Ter- the seven men who played conh'ibut- Lavin's men amassed 1325 points out sity _of Maryland wresting team de- in the Southern Conference tourna- rors' scoring twins, Uvanni and Ben- ing a marker or more. Uvanni scored of 1500. The Jays scored 1286 points feated Western Maryland College's ment, thereby enabling Vic Willis and jamin, each ran into double figures. nine points to run his total for the Bernie Buschel' to place ahead of Between them they scored 25 of their , year to 187 points. and Gettysburg 1246. grapplers in a dual meet at College Uvanni. Zebrowski, of Washington Arthur team's 32 points. The lineups: . meet, getting Hoffa was high man fOl' the Park on Thursday, March 5. The College, also made use of the playoff score for twelve bouts was 45 to 13. 272 points out of a pos- The lineups: Westcrn Maryland G game with Mt. St. Mary's to nose out Western Maryland FG F T Reinhard, f. F3 F ~ ~!~leH30~Okin!ns~:~~s~:~~e!~~~:~dleaa:d The Green Terror aggregation put "Joe" for fourth place. Excluding Reinhard, f. 1 Adriance, f. Noonan, piled up mOl'e points than up a good battle before succumbing these post season games, Uvanni Lesinski, f. 0 Uvanni, f., c.. Western Maryland's lowest man. t(l their more ring-wise opponents. would have been second, Zebrowski Uvanni, f. 13 Benjamin, c. Hoffa led in the standing position Few of the Westminster boys had ever third, Buscher fourth, and Willis, Benjamin, c. 12 Millard, g. 1 with 86 points. Guild stood out in the stepped on a mat before, yet all per- fifth. Fowble (c), g. 2 Lesinski, g . 1...-neelingclass with 94, but he was formed satisfactorily. Stan Benjamin, center, placed ninth Millard, g. 0 '.1'omichek, g. closely pressed by Parker, who had a Victories were turned in by Stoner, in the scoring list with 158 points in Tomichek, g. 93. In the prone position Noonan of who gained a fall over his man; Bm 18 games. Capt. Fowble, guard, was Totals " """""""""""""""14 6 34 Hopkins scored a 99. Everhard was Thomas, who won by time advantage, twenty-second with 91 poi,nts in 19 Totals """"""""""""14 4 32 Bucknell FG F T the leading Terror with 98. and Paul Horner, who flipped his rivaL games, and Walt Reinhard, forward, Bucknell FG F T Sage, f. 0 The individual scores of the teams The Terps won the other nine bouts was thirty-second with 62 points in 12 Sager, f. o 0 0 Monallan, f. 0 were as follows: Western Maryland- by falls. games. Monahan, f. 3 ~ ~~~;'le~.s, c. 19 Hoffa, 272; Parker, 265; Armacost, Those competing for Western Mary- G FG F T Degan, f. Probst, U. of B., c. 10 94 70 258 Foltz,c. """"""""""" """ 17 Degan, f. 6 26i~hSn~iP~~~~f~L.=:~:~~:,rd26;~9·NOO_: land were Strow,. Cline,. HOrne1:,Thom- 'Willis, U. of Md., c.19 84 38 206 Smith, g. Filer, g. nan, 265; Hazlett, 260; Roxberg, 250; , as, Brown, Cronm, Elhott, Grier, Sto- "Buscher, U. of I'lL, f. 20 81 32 194 Carpenter, g. Smith, g. Jenkins, 244. i ner, Ford, and F. Stevens. *Zebrowski, W. C., c 19 64 62 190 Filer (c), g. 1 Carpenter 1 31 Gettysburg-Lawley, 261; Briscol,' This Saturday the wrestlers journey Uvanni, W.l'If.,c., f.19 79 29 187 - 248; McCormick, 248; DOUgherty,' to Homewood to encounter Hopkins in ·Seg'th, I'll. S. I'lL, c. 18 76 26 178 Totals. ...... _13 4 30 Totals. . 17 10 44 247; Doll, 242. a dual meet. ·Participated in post season games .
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