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GOt INVESTITURE BEST OF LUCK SENIOR TO NEW BAKER CHAPEL GOLD BUG STAFF! APRIL 8 Vol. 13, No. 11 March 26, 1936 Miss Rosalie Gilbert Selected Queen COLLEGE CALENDAR Mr. ]. Ralph Lambert is Elected to Preside Over May Day Celebration March 27-April 6--- Spring vece- Editor of The Gold Bug for 1936-37 tion. April 7-Women's Club Northern "Bunny" Tollenge r- To Be Senio ... Duchess; Ma ...tha Mille r and Ma ...garet Evelyn Crown and George Needham Selected Assistants; Eleanor Taylor District meeting- He rwick Chosen Senior Attendants McDaniel Hall Lounge. , and "Moose" Taylor Comprise Sports Staff WAS JUNIOR PROM QUEEN April 13-Morning Assembly in ROBERT KIEFFER MADE BUSINESS MANAGER charge of Carroll Coun- ty Religious Education Rosalie Gilbert, of t.he class of 1936, was selected by the \Vomen's Department. J. Ralph Lambert, Jr., '37, was elected editor-in-chief of the Gold Student Government IlS the May Queen for the annual May Day, which April 14-Gh'ls' Club, Science Hall BilL! for 1936-37 at a special meeting of the senior staff in the Gold Bng will be sponsored by the women in the spring. Miss Gilbert was elected 7.30 P. M. office Monday evening. at a special meeting Monday evening , _ April i r-c-Curtis Institute of Mu- The other new members of the staff sic Recital, 8.00 P. M., In T~:':~h:.a~amb'" of the May Day I INAUGURAL EXERCISES Alumni Hall. I are: FOR DR.F.G.HOLLOWAY April 18-Military Ball. Associate Editors-Evelyn Cr-own, ;,~;:;"':lu;~~;~~'Eli." Toll"g". April 19-Maryland Conference of George Needham. :;~~~aa::':;:: TO BE HELD APRIL 25 Dram a tie a, McDaniel News Editors-Sarabelle Black- Lounge, 10.30 A. 1'11. Herwick, senior well, Sherwood Balderson. attendants; Mary Dr. Brown, President of Drew, To Copy Editors-Virginia Lee Smith, Alice Wigley jun- Speak and Virgil Fox To Play GEORGENEEDHAM NAMED Frank Brown, Rebecca Keith, Aaron ior duchess; Sue Shaeffer. Hance and Care- RECEPTION AND LUNCHEON HEAD OF 1937 ALOHA Sports Editors-Eleanor Taylor, Iyn Whiteford, Walter Lee Taylor. junior attend- TO FOLLOW Robert Kieffer Receives Position of Feature Editors-Ethel King, Mad- ~~.:~~,~oep~~·!oir: ROSALIEGILBERT Arrangernents for the inauguration Business Manager alyn Blades. duchess: Sue Irwin and Ellen Han- ~!Ul~~" p;:~~~en~' o~o~~::t:~n a~a~~~ George F. Needham and Robert A. Exchange Editor-J ane White. ~l~~I::'P~~~:~~~a~t~e:c~ae~:~;l\i:;~:~~land College on April 25, 1936, are ~~~~:dbeo:~o~~i:~C~i:I;S::! '~~s;~::: Managing Editors-Beverly Harri- ~~~~:~~:~d::~s.Martha Yocum. fresh- ne~~~.n~~1:7vPI~~il~e:·Brown, President manager, respectively, of the 1937 son, James Coleman. Business "Manager-Robert Kiefer. Miss Gilbert was recently selected ~;g~~~S~'~:i;::.Si::, aan~ipi~~~~1~~I~ ~~~~ahe~~ O~l~~:~tli)~!Sd~Y,t~lear!~n~~L: Advertising Manager - J 0 s e p h ~r::eckJu~~:~yp~.~n~e,,:~~~~J~v~u~:~~ the Peabody Conservatory of Music, 1'Ih. Needham is associate editor of J. RALPH LAMBERT Oleair. last Saturday night. She h~s been a ~i:~~a~~Cil~stt~e g~~:~g:l~a~i:~11!~:~~~:Go~ldt~:gAS;;:~a:~s~s::~~.:~:l:;el:; Managers - Circulation member of the May Court since her monies the Intemat.ional Relations Club and Hudson. John Culler. A r len e freshman year. She belongs to the Official representatives of college, a member of Tau Kappa Alpha. YOUTH CONFERENCE SET Mr. Lambert, who will replace ~:I~ ~Ipt~~ ~~l~o~~:~t~t:~~is a mem- ~:~:e~S~!~eSinv~:~t~e=~~~~d,:~~e~~l~ th!1~o~e~~~iSa:~S~n~:I:b::a!~\~! FOR MONDAY, APRIL 13 Rosalie G. Silberstein as editor, was Miss 'I'ollenger, Miss Wigley, and form in procession at Science Hall at Gamma Beta Chi fraternity. copy editor on the 1935-36 staff. He is an outstanding member of the ~~~:~r:~~:~ti~:el~~as~~: 1~:tC~,::sl~sals:~ ~~~~ in~~~~~~iof the college have also sOl~n:~o:rn~~:l:;:ff~~~l~eb~o;I:~:t~nP;~: Jarvis S. Mo rris To Be Featured journalism class. Mr. Lambert is Other students who were in last Besides the colorful academic pro- I next Issue of the Gold Bug. Speaker vice-president of the International y:ar's court are Martha Miller, MR- cession, inauguration ceremonies in Relations Club and an associate rre La Forge, Helen Leatherwood, I Alumni Hall, a reception by Presi- ATHLETIC AWARDS GIVEN With "Christian Youth and the member of the Argonauts. In the and Dolly Taylor. dent and Mrs. Holloway in McDaniel \Vorld Tomorrow" as its theme, the sophomore comprenhensive tests giv- Hall Lounge, and a luncheon in the TO SENIORS BY W. A. A. Carroll County Youth Conference en last year, Mr. Lambert ranked college dining room, comprise the will be held at Western Maryland first. PRESIDENT AND DEAN program. Blazer Eligibility List Announced College on Monday, April 13, 1936. Mr. Kiefer, who heads the business An address by Dr. Brown and an of the As part regular Monday MAKE TOUR OF STATE will feature address by Dr. Holloway Cora Virginia Hall, Perry, Elinor Tollengel', morning assembly ]))'ogram there will staff, was advertising manager of the Catherine inaugural Gold Bug this year. He has recent- and Elizabeth the ceremonies in Alum- ni Hall. Di:-' Brown is President of Hagen were awarded "M's" for hav- be an address by the Rev. Edward H. ly been elected business manager of of young peo- director Bonsall, Jr., Accompanied by Dean Isanogle, D"ew University, which is connected ing earned 1250 points in women's pJe's work of the Pennsylvania Sab- the 1937 Aloha. Dr. Holloway recently visited several with Drew Theological Seminary, athletics in their three and one half bath School Association, on "A Chris- The newly-elected staff will edit the high schools in Allegany county. His from which Dr. Holloway received his years at 'Vestern :Maryland. tian in Our Modern World". This first issue after spring vacation. purpose in making these visits was to degree of doctor of divinity. The W. A. A. has changed the address will open the conference, become acquainted with the princi- Mr. Fox, who is the son of the women's "1'11" from a solid gold letter registration of delegates taking place pals of the high schools and with the owner of one of the local theatres and to a two-toned letter of old gold with in McDaniel Hall Lounge at 9.30. more, will lead the topic "Building a Western Maryland graduates teach- who is a musician of international a Kelley green border mounted on old The outstanding address of this Christian Economic Order". Mr. ing there. On Wednesday, March 11, repute, will play. gold felt. This change was made in conference, which is an interdenomi- Frank Liddle, boy's work secretary Dr. Holloway talked to the senior Luncheon will be served to all of- ordel' that there might be some dis- national conference for Christian of the Baltimore Y. M. C. A., will di- high school assembled at Cumberland ficialrepresentatives and specially in- tinction between the men's "M's" for young people over fifteen, will be gh-- rect the discussion of "Preparing for and to the members of the senior vited guests in the college dining~ millor sports and the women's letter: en by the Rev. Jarvis S. Morris, pas- Home and Marriage". class of Central High, Lonaconin~. room. Others may p.urchase tickets These four girls, together with tor of the Babcock Memorial Presby- Later he made a similar address at to the luncheon, to the capacity of the Margaret Lansdale, who received her Beall High School, Frostburg. dining-room, at one dollar each. "M" in December, are eligible to re- ~~~~~stia~h~::th ~fnd ~:~ti~~~~d TOo~ bl:~:r:~:e~k~~ a~e~e 1'I~~r;~:~a~~,S~:1.~ From March 17 to March 20, Dr. The program follows: ceive a blazer, the highest athletic morrow" at 8 P. M. in Alumni Hall. I will lead a discussion of "The Young a girl award may receive that Holloway and Dean Tsanogle visited 1 9.45 o'clock Western Maryland. The girls who re- at At 10.45 in the mo~rning lhere will People'~, Program in the Local the high schools on the Eastern The Academic Procession will form be a series of discussion groups fol' Church for leaders of y.o~ng pe?ple, Shore. Dr. Holloway spoke on the in front of Science Hall ceive this award must have won their several different groups: high school and the ~e~. John C.. Mllham, dlrec- subject, "When Is One Truly Edu- "M" and must be selected by a secret students, young people over seven- lor of rehglous educatIon of the Bal- cated?" In each school Dean Isan- 10.30 o'clock faculty committee. The blazer is teen, leaders of young people, and timore Methodist Episcopal Confer- awarded to the girl 01' girls who have :f~~e~~~k~~h~"i~~el:~~t~~;~~e~r~~pg~~ Inauguration ce~:~onies in Alumni been outstanding in women's athletics pastors. ence, will direct a discussion of "For Pastor for and Christian Education" ing to college. The high schools vis- 12.30 o'clock in their four years at college. "Personal Religious Living" and pastors. ited were those of Denton. Easton, Reception by President and Mrs. Hol- The announcement of the winner "Boy and Girl Friendships" are the high Cambridge, Salisbury, Berlin, and loway in McDaniel Hall Lounge of the blazer will be made shortly af- topics for discussion by the will be Delegates will provide their own The former school groups. Snow Hill. 1.30 o'clock tel' spring vacation. lead by the Rev. J. Milton Rogers, lunches at 12.30, and at 2.30 d{scus- sion groups will be resumed, as de- On Wednesday evening, March 18, Luncheon in the College Dining pastor of the Memorial Methodist Dr. Holloway and Dean Isanogle at- Room NEWS IN BRIEF Episcopal Church of Baltimore, and scribed above. The social aspect of the conference tended the monthly dinner meeting of S8IdOl' Investiture the latter will be directed by Mr5. will take the form of a banquet to be the Cumberland VI/estern Maryland Senior Investiture services will be Frank Liddle, a specialist in young Club. The meeting was under the di- Y. W. CHOOSES OFFICERS held in Baker Chapel April 8. Those people's work of Baltimore. served at 5.30 at the Centenary Meth- rection of 1'IIissPearl A. Eader, head seniors having 102 hours and 102 In the discussion group for young odist Episcopal Church. of the Department of English of Al- Rebecca Groves, '37, heads the new points to their credit will be eligible people over seventeen, five subjects Last year apPl'oximately 210 dele- legany High School and Miss Edwina Y. w. C. A. Cabinet, elected at the for investiture. However, the inves- will be discussed. "Breaking Down gates attended the conference, which Krous. Thirty-five members were regular Wednesday evening meeting, titure does not indicate graduation. Barriers" will be lead by the Rev. had Mr. Sherwood Eddy for its prin- present. Other visitors were Miss March 25. ilIusic Recital Russell J. Clinchy, pastor of the Mt. cipal speaker. This year the number Elizabeth Emory, state superinten- Margaret Hoshall, vice-president; The annual spring recital of the Pleasant Congregational Church Jf of dlillegates is expected to be increas- Institute Curtis Artist-Students will dent of home economics and Mr. and Helen Boughton, secretary; and Char- be held in Alumni Hall, Friday, April Washington, D. C. "The Christian ed to 300. Mrs. Perry, 1'111'. and Mrs. Boughton. lotte Cook, treasurer, are the other 17. ·World Outreach" will have the Rev. The conference committee includes and Mrs. Wolford, parents of West- officers chosen for the 1936-37 session. David D. Bakel', a Reformed Church the following: Chairman, Evelyn from Baltimore, fo,· its direc- pastor Miss Groves will announce the ap- ern Maryland students. pointment of the chairmen of the var- Dl'a'Tnatic Con!c)'encc tor. Prof. William R. Bamhart, pro- Maus; publicity, Richard Simms; pJ'o- Conference of Dl'u- The Maryland On Monday evening, March 16, Dr. ious committees some time after matic Organizations will meet in fessor of religious education at Hood gram, ChaJ'les Ehrhardt; registra- Holloway, Dean and Mrs. Schofield, spring vacation. Westminster April 18. The junior College, will serve as the leader of a tion, Joseph Coble; and banquet, and Dean Isanogle attended a dimler The "Y" associations have recently and senior speech students of \Vest- discussion on "Building a Warless Ethel Bohn. meethlg of the Anne Arundel Alumni announced that they netted $56.55 on ern Maryland College win be invited \Vorld." Rev. S. Paul Schilling, asso- The conference is to be held under of the college at Carvel Hall Hotel, the bazaar held in the Girls' Gym, ) to the morning session which will be ciate minister of the Mt. Vernon the auspices of the Carroll County Annapolis.' March 6. held in McDaniel Hall Lounge. Methodist Episcopal Church of BaIti- Council ot Reli~ious Education.
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