Page 48 - TheGoldBug1935-36
P. 48
I;'AIJE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. NEWS IN BRIEF WOMEN PENN STATE BUCKNELL J. D. KATZ DEBATE ON TOUR AND QUALITY PAJAMAS THE ARGONAUTS Representatives from the Northern (Continued from Page 1, Column 1) SHOE REPAIRING The Argonauts will meet Monday District of the Women's Federation of The debate with Penn State was a Special Rates to Students evening, March 16, at 7:15, in the Clubs in Maryland will meet at Wes- return meet. Penn State debaters Beautiful New Patterns "Y" room. Dr. Shroyer will address tern Maryland College on Tuesday, having visited Western Maryland last #++M·H+++ ....M·:--+·H++++++·:-~, the group on the subject of his inves- April 7. The Westminster Club will month. 'i Plenty of Color HOSPITAL ± tigations into the work of Philo, a act as host to this group. The meet- A home debate was held Monday :.t We have the Finest Roman of the first century A. D. ings will be conducted in McDaniel evening in Smith Hall on the same :t WATCH and 'Ves- t Miss Mildred Sullivan, '35, will speak Hall Lounge, and luncheon will be question between Zaida McKenzie and :.t In Town! .:- Priced from $1.00 to $1.95 Ureinus about her researches this year 'In served to the visitors at Carroll Inn. tern Maryland. Mary- t BRING IN YOUR SICK t + honeybees_.----- Virginia Roberts of Western .:- WATCH 4> Foe the call man land upheld the affirmative, and Mil- At a meeting of the International dred Olp and Sally Ennis of Ursinus, :t :.t t we have the Six Footer- Relations Club Monday evening, a DELTA SIGMA KAPPA the negative. The debate was non- ,. Speedy program was presented on "The Delta Sigma Kappa entertained at decision. :; Recovery'" Longer Coat-Sleeves-Legs Church vs. the State". Sarabelle a circus in the Y. W. C. A. room on Guaranteed I Blackwell, Ralph Lambert, Beverly March 6. Their guests were Mar- Harrison and George Needham gave jorie McKenny, Dorothy Smith, Ann I Prices * papers. Refreshments were served. Stevenson, Elizabeth Shunk, Lu Mar CORSAGES Alway, Low! * ON DISPLAY NOW Myer-s, Virginia Spates, Ann Oleair, FOR JUNIOR f '. our spring line of Ladies' PHI ALPHA I'IlU Mary Oleair, Martha Yocum, Julia Shoes-Blue, Blue and White, Berwager, Gwendolyn Heeman, Doro- PROM t ::: Phi Alpha Mu is celebrating its Brown and White and all tenth anniversary this year. The thy Vrome, Jane Griffin, Mary Jane white. members and the Alumni chapters will Honeman, Rosa Barrow, Virginia Orchids, Gardenias, Roses, 1~~'1 hold a dinner at Carroll Inn on March Karow, Louise Kirk, Louise Jamieson, Lily-of-Valley, Sweet i 14. Helen Frey, Francis Baker, Winifred Peas ~i * Harward, Anna Weishaar, Thelma + .. + Yohn, Vi'rginia Taylor, and Caroline i;'-:!: W.W. CLUB Smith. 50c up. l J. WM. nULL, Prop. + Virginia Calloway has been pledged Miriam Guyton has been formally i MD. t Westminster's Leading Store to the club. Stewart N. Dutterer WE£~rt~iN~¥E~,t. W. W. Club held a rush party on initiated into the club. j ':'M'H~"+*';'';'++';'*~'+**'~ March 10 in the Y. W. C. A. room. 110. Pennsylvania Ave. The theme was that of a roof garden night club party. The guests were The Men's Glee Club of Western Phone 350 Martha Yocum, Virginia Karow, Vir- Maryland College presented, under ginia Taylor, 'winifred Harward, Rosa the direction of Miss Ruth Sherman Barrow, Virginia Spates, Marjorie Jones, a concert at Buckingham School McKenney, Gwendolyn Heeman, Fran- neal' Frederick, Maryland, on the eve- ces Baker, Julia Berwager, Dorothy ning of March 2, 1936. The program JOHN EVERHART Money No Object Vroome, Jane Griffin, Mary Oleair, consisted of four groups of songs, THE COLLEGE BARBER Ann Oleair, Lucile Fertib, Betty readings by Donald H. Prince and AND BOBBER Shunk, Lu Mar Myers, Louise Jamie- Kenneth M. Plummer, and a solo by AT THE FORKS son, Anna \Veishaar, Mary Jane Hone- James A. Richards. The program was well received by a capacity audience. If It's A Question of Health H. E. REESE THIS COLLEGIATE WORLD TAILOR By ASSOCIATEDCOLLEGIATEPRESS Since 1799 thousands of people have regained their normal CLEANING health after years of suffering from stomach troubles of all PRESSING Madison, Wis.-(ACP)-The Third Nothing to it, says WPA authors types, such as constipation, indigestion, gas, and sour Intercollegiate Salon of Pictorial Pho- of a guidebook to America. Pecha- REPAIRING tography, designed to give the stu- hontas didn't love Capt. John Smith, 94 East Main Street stomach which are the basic factors of such maladies as high dents and faculty of the colleges and she saved his neck merely because she blood pressure, rheumatism, periodic headaches, pimples on universities of the United States and liked Englishmen. SUITS MADE TO face and body, pains in the back, liver, kidney and bladder Canada who are interested in photog- MEASURE raphy an opportunity to compete with A flood more disastrous than that disorder, exhaustion, loss of sleep and appetite. Those suf- other collegiate photographers outside of 1927 threatens the South this year, ferers have not used any man-made injurious chemicals or their own campus, will be held here according to Prof. Vernon C. Finch, drugs of any kind; they have only used a remedy made by from March 23 to April 3. University of Wisconsin expert in This year, for the first time, the ex- climatology. WESTERN MARYLAND Nature. This marvelous product grows on the highest hibition is to be divided into two Admission i-cquirements of Ameri- mountain peaks, where it absorbs all the healing elements classes-students and faculty. In can universities have reached a dan- cech of the two classes three medals gerously low level, according to Coffee Shop and vitamins from the sun to aid HUMANITY in distress. and ten honorable mentions will be Frank Bowles, Columbia authority. awarded. It is composed of 19 kinds of natural leaves, seeds, berries Judging the prints will be an emi- With the cooperation of 100 of the and Rowers scientifically and proportionately mixed and is nent pictorialist, Charles R. Phipps, largest firms in New York, CCNY SODA u professional photographer. A. H. has set up a new employment service SANDWICHES known as LION CROSS HERB TEA. Becker and an artist, Hill Sharp, for graduates. will judge the prints on the basis of George Washington University hos- LUNCH LION CROSS HERB TEA tastes delicious, acts wonder- composition, photographic technique pital researchers have developed a DINNERS fully upon your system, and is safe even for children. Pre- and form and tone. new anesthetic for use during child- Entry blanks have been issued to birth. pare it fresh like any ordinary tea and drink a glassful once collegiate camera clubs of the United J. F. MOORE, Manager a day, hot or cold. States and Canada and may be ob- Alcohol, tobacco, tea and coffee, "Good Food-And How!" tained from them or from the Univer- moderately used, do not cause any A one dollar treatment accomplishes WONDERS; makes sity of Wisconsin Camera club, Me- disease of the heart or blood vessels, morial Union, Madison, Wisconsin. All says Harvard's Dr. William H. you look and feel like new born. If you are not as yet fa- necessary information is given with Robey. miliar with the beneficial effects of this natural remedy, the entry blanks. The last day for en- campus "The American University try of prints is March 13. is breeding an effeminate type of Opera House LION CROSS HERB TEA, try it at once and convince Sixteen colleges and universities cooky eater." Slip Madigan, coach of yourself. If not satisfactory money refunded to you. were represented in the competition WESTMINSTER, MD. last year, which was a greater num- St. Mary's renowned footballers, de- Try it and convince yourself with our money-back guarantee. ber than the first year salon. Early plores the evils of co-education. Week of March 16 interest shown this year has led the "The 'nc._wsocial order' is a myth." MONDAY-LAST DAY club to anti~ipate a still greater num-r Dr. James S. Thomas, Clarkson Col- Eddie Cantor One week treatment $1.00 her of entries. lege president, warns against the in- Winning photos in both the faculty teligentsia. " Strike Me Pink" Six weeks treatment $5.00 and student classifications will be printed in Collegiate Digest. "American magazine articles and advertisements alike are slush." Mr. In order to avoid mistakes in getting the genuine LION Americana: Gov. Floyd B. Olson of J. B. Priestly, noted British scrive- TUESDAY- Minnesota has had a bronze pig, one- ner, clears the air for students <.f WEDNESDAY CROSS HERB TEA, please fill out the attached coupon. third life size, cast as a trophy for Arizona State College. Jackie Cooper the winner of the annual Iowa-Minne- sota football game. "Dr. F. E. Townsend is a true child "Tough Guy" of the New Deal spree in fairyland." Among suitable objects for justi- Dr. Ray B. Westerfield of Yale goes fiable homicide, say Northwestern to bat for the American Liberty THURSDAY-FRIDAY Lio-Phaemacy, Dept. 4248 University co-eds, is the man who League. Walter Abel, Margaret 1180 Second Ave., hums while dancing. Grahame "Variety is the spice of speech AS N. Y. City, N. Y. Fencing is becoming increasingly popular as a sport for college wom- well as life," says Prof. William dis- W. "Two In The Dark" Gentlemen: of Boston University, Hoffman en, says Rene Percy, Harvard Coach. turbed by attempt of American edu- Enclosed find $. for which please send me _ It must be true. Prof. Thomas A. cators to eliminate American dialects. SATURDAY Langlie of the Wesleyan University For Washington's birthday, the Tim McCoy treatments of the famous LION CROSS HERB TEA. psychology department adds his voice University of Wisconsin Historical "The Fighting Fool" to the chorus of professors who say museum displayed autographs, per- Name _ that cramming is futile. It "inhibits traits, and mementoes of the great Week of March 25 the memory." General. I WED.,-THURS.,-FRI., One phase of Harvard's 300th an- Of chief interest however, was a : SAT. Address ink was I niversary celebration will be the white shirt Washington used to wear. ' payment of $300,000 to the Cam- On it, written in indelible Jesse Matthews City _ _ State bridge city treasury, if the college this, "Ceo. Washington No.8." "First a Girl" honors a resolution passed by the city Apparently laundries have not council. Ichanged. I b========d
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