Page 10 - TheGoldBug1935-36
P. 10
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Passing in Review THE SPICE OF LIFE By IDAMAJ!:T. RILEY SanctiOllS Mean Sacrifice That somewhat brittle agency for the promotion of peace, the League of DINING-ROOM TABLE TALK doesn't rain tomorrow. Rainy weath- Nations, stiffened its fiber conalder- (:r's bad for the tennis courts." Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- ably Monday when thirteen member He gazes steadily at the tablecloth, "Yes, it is." day, twice monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, nations of the League Council found as if it were covered with geometry and once a month during September, December, and January, by the students the "Italian government" guilty of problems or a crossword puzzle. He And just such a stream of aimless of 'Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second- never once glances at the girl Sitting talk flows during the rest of the meal, class matter at the westminster Post Office. war. It was the first time since the opposite him, who is toying with a the girl making remarks and the boy League was organized that a great SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 A YEAR piece of bread. Constantly he shovels, giving monsyllabic assent. She would power, arraigned for violating Article XIT of the Covenant, had been found literally shovels, down his meat, be surprised if on her way out, she guilty. mashed potatoes and gravy, and peas should heal' the boy tell his roommate Italy, according to the jury at Ge- and carrots. Occasionally he mumbles that "there's the dumbest girl at my neva, had disregarded Article XII of a "Pass the salt, please," or a barely table-just sits there and says that EDITORIAL STAFF the Covenant by proceeding to war audible "Thanks". Finally, when the rain's bad for the tennis court." She Editor-in·Ohief.... . ROSAJ.,IE G. SILBERSTEIN, '36 Dean's bell rings, he leaves the table. would be surprised, but not pained. Associate Editars IDAMAE T. RILEY, '36, ROBERT BROOKS, '36 against Ethiopia without waiting He would be surprised if, on his way Why shouldn't she talk at dinner? ~:;: :gg:;:::. =:':':..'_'_''-:'.~~:N~~I~~~V~~,~~~~~~~!.~~~g~~E~~::~~ three months for arbitration by the out, he should hear the girl who sat And the weather is always a suitable League. Sportll Editors HERBERT STEVENS, '36, EI.JZAHETII :HAGEN, '36 Two questions 110Wpresent them- opposite him tell her roommate that topic for conversation. Exchangt< EditOT.. . .MlBJ.\M WHI'l'FIEI,D, '36 selves: First, what gave the usually "there's the rudest boy at my table- A boy and a girl sit at a table eat- dinner. ing eyes Their keen; MAKE·UP STAFF timorous League its sudden courage? he just shovels down his food and is their faces express interest. are They dis- as silent as a sphinx". He would be And, secondly, what difference will its Managing Editors .. 'GEORCE NEEDHAM, '37, SHERWOOD BAJ,DERSON, '38 verdict make? surprised, but not pained. Why should cuss a current play at Ford's in Bal- BUSINESS STAFF Answering the first of these ques- he talk at the table during dinner? He timore, the joke that Professor Snoz- Businesll Manager..... . EDWARD BEA~JCIIAMP, '36 is there to eat. Students who come to zle told that morning, the latest "fire- Advertising Manager...... . JOHN WAHM.~N, '37 tions, it rnig'ht be said that the United dinner for social contacts may talk, Allsistant AdvCTti:ring Manager ROBERT KIEFER, '37 States and President Roosevelt sub- side chat" of President Roosevelt. Circulation Managers THOMAS EVEJ.,A,.'1D, '36, R-OSAJ.lE GnBEHT, '36 stantially strengthened the psycholo- but he won't. All this silly chatter- These two students pun and laugh ASNtant Cirou.lation illanagers... . .JOHN CUJ.,J.,ER., '37, NORVWGOMPF, '38 gy of the Council by the presidential ing is disgusting, anyway. and become earnest over certain se- H1J.,DA BIDDLE, '38 neutrality proclamation made last A girl sits at a table in the College rious things. They make dining-room REPORTERS Saturday. At that time Roosevelt dining hall. She is a freshman, anx- table talk delightful. Charles Read, '36; Nicholaa Campofrcda, '36; Ralph Lambert, '37; Paul Ritchie, came boldly out with the statement ious to be friendly and to make a fa- The boy who shovels his food, the '37; Kenneth Baumgardner, '38; James Coleman, '38; Harry Bright, '38; that war- existed-"a state of war un- vorable impression upon her class- Merlin Miller, '38; Paul Nelson, '38; Sherwood Balderson, '38, Chnrles Bncr. mates. Timidly she looks at the boy girl who tries to create talk from such '38. happily exists between Ethiopia and prosaic subjects as the weather, the the Kingdom of Italy." Nor did Pres- next to her and ventures a "Nice day boy and girl who discuss life because Jayne Boof, '36; Mary Gaston, '36; Elizabeth Byrd, '36; Sally Priee, '37; Helen ident Roosevelt hesitate to give Ethi- today; isn't it!" they enjoy discussing-these are typ- Stump, '36; Virginia Lee Smith, '38 j Anne Chew, '38 j M. V. Brittingham, '38; "It'll do," he answers. Eleanor Taylor, '38. opia parity with Italy. The procla- ical of the three types of students mation, following strict diplomatic "I thought maybe it would rain this who rush into the Wester-n Maryland "wild Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. etiquette, placed Ethiopia before Italy morning, but it cleared off nicely," College dining hall when the I. T. R. "I hope it she continues hopefully. because "e" comes before "i" in the Tower bell" rings out. alphabet. By clearing away verbal IE-D-I-T-O-R-I - A -LI and diplomatic underbrush, Roosevelt prepared the way for a clean-cut, verdict by'the Council. The words "sanctions" and "sacri- COLLEGE RHytHM A Builder fice" give in concentrated form the Buildings reflect their builders. answer to the second question: 'Vhat Greek temples in their- austerity of line and beauty revealed the difference will the Council's verdict simplicity of the early Greeks. Later medieval cathedrals with their make? to Article XVI of the We Tune l)"P so ... Keyser showed when the angry waters came flowing - According And down ... pointed spires showed the other. worldliness of the middle-age psychol- Covenant of the League, sanctions Peggy some new steps. Said Coleman, "I'm going to leave ogy. Today steel skyscrapers symbolize the materialism of the twen- against Italy are now compulsory. this town." tieth century. Those sanctions will probably take We Blare Forth So swiftly he started down the street the form of an economic boycott. And With the water gurgling 'round his Many of the buildings here OIl the Hill reflect the personality of that is where the sacr-ifice comes iu. Close Harmony: feet. their builder, Dr. Ward. Because of peculiar- climatic condi- Rinehimer-Spies With all of Jim's zip and aim, Hirnler-Hansaon For Dr. Ward was-c-above all else-a builder. .A builder of build- tions Italy m-oduces highly special- Church-Thompson Alas!, he'd never learned to swim. ized products, most of which she ex- Just then a pole loomed up in view ings, of brick and steel. A builder of landscapes, with seeds and shrubs. ports, and is dependent upon other Read-Yocum And up this pole poor Jim flew. A builder of educational opportunities, with faith and trust in a stu- countries for cotton, wheat, and man! Moore-Ward Just as he was ready to flop dent's ability to achieve his dreams. A builder of character. other necessities of life and commerce. .Millard-Vinup A. He looked-ah, he had reached the top, Morgan-Johnson, Every material building here on the Hill, every tree and rosebush Significantly enough, the balance of Armacost, R.-Jackson, M. And there found a pal quite drab which he planted, every dollar which he secured, was for that one pur- trade has gone against Italy in every Randle, E.-Gilbert and drear pose-the building of character. year of the present century. She is Lathrop-Ringler Adding to the flood an occasional tear. forced by her own geography to im- "Move over, pal, and let me sit down; Dr. Ward aimed to build chnrneter. He was successful. port mere than she exports. Cockey-Stanley, F. This flood is going to ruin the town." Sadowski-Nock, E. If sanctions were applied, the re- Bratton-Wolford For days and days up there they sat- sults to the industry of many other Jim withnai-y a sign of a hat. For The Faculty-So What? countries is only too clearly apparent, Dudley-Byrd So then he grew both gaunt and thin, Balderson-Gosnell Grading students on their knowledge, rating students on their A recent dispatch to the New York Simmona-Bur-tner And the water soaked into his skin. Belgrade that stated personalities, and criticizing them for their mannerisms, the instructors Times •from sanctions against Italy Grimm-Gompf, H. "Gosh, r feel my brains all squashing; "economic at our colleges have long had the upper hand. But the worm has tur-ned would greatly damage Yugoslavia's Pontecorvo-Baker, F. I guess my head is taking in washing." With Illud his face became quite Brooks, B.-Harwood Recently a class of over a hundred students in eicmcnbwy psychology economic life." A wire to the same Campofreda-Young flecked, who had studied 112 professors for two weeks h(l~l thc opportunity to newspaper from Vienna asserted that Cronin, B.-Smedes And his hail' grew long upon his neck. t.urn the tables by submitting careful criticisms of their professors. "League economic sanctions would af- Shipley, R.-Hance So Jim, a lad a little soft, (Continued on Page 4, Column 4) Let his pal just chop it off. The most frequently cited criticisms, with tIle number of times cllcll Dixon-Price, S. And that accounts for his looks Slaysman-McKenny one was mentioned, appeal'S belo\\'. 'rile grievances seem familiar. ITow today_ do you ratef I We Soft I~edal With a head that looks like a field of 1. Rambling in lectures .. 76 CAMPUS Seeret Passions: hay . 2. .. .... 63 I LEADERS Graham, L.-Fennel Jim prayed, and his pal-he sang a hymn_ 3. Frowning .55 Taylor-Enfield Finally rescue came to tllem. the whale Kiefer & Brown, F--Rudolph But Jonah trapped within .51 Versatile and wholesome, "Pegi' ca- Haynes-Hancock \Vas ne'er so sad as is this tale. pably "shoots" a basket or directs a Great discouragement was to follow ... 50 fire drill. Seales For the flood his clothes did swallow . Milk baths and coffee showers in To Jane, we admit, he's one of the .45 ye::~~;::~~ee:tt o~ft~:r~l.~.~~o~~:::~ tlJe dining hall are not too good for "trues" . . .44 m'er of the "Y", Cleo, Gault, and Roop ... We heal' But he's still got those telephone pole "Peg" has been a Bob and Ray had their "ups and blues! .42 confi rllled office downs" Saturday night. And that 9. Pausing too long in talking. .4] holder ever since O'Pontecol"vo and Campoflannigan her arrival on the 10. Use of pet expressions .. 39 "Hill." have cabled Haile Selassie that they F Sharp Minor of the will not fight for the honor 11. Scratching head .39 Nor have her ac- Lion of Judah. "Camp" is hoping Scene: Blanche Ward Hall .. Time: Weather: Rather 7:10 P. M. tivities been purely "Ponte's" next letter will be even tas- ]2. Not looking at class .. . ... 37 executive. tier .. Misty ... Desperate frosh (male) "PEG" The hockey field, invades sanctum sanctOl"um . that somebody tell our We suggest 13. Lacking nea tness .33 LANSDALE the basket ball new co-eds that it isn't quite the thing Mary Catherine gets him ... then 14. Talking too low . .. .. . . .. .:n court and the baseball diamond have for them. to ornament the steps of Le- the rush. Bum's' rush . served as settings for her appearances vine Hall. Perhaps they also serve poor frosh! 15. Using sarcasm . . .29 before the collegiate footlights. who only stand and wait ... One of It looks as if the band will be "Sehrt" 16. Walking around too much. .29. "Peg's" class is "cashing in" on her our versatile seniors has gone Betsy ified this year ... Or perhaps it will sports experience by having her servc be "Le(e)d"? And while we're 17. "Wise cracking" .26 HS women's sports editor for the 1936 Ross one better. Instead of adding about it, let us hope that Helen Straw ~titches she removes paint from men's 18. Talking too fast . .26 Aloha. coats ... Or does she add it? . and Jack Whitmore are striking a When the scene shifts from the ath- 7-11 in the biggest gamble ... We un- 19. Fault.y pronunciation .. 22 letic field to the social stage, "Peg" We Serenade derstand our erstwhile editol: "Brown- 20. Sitting slouched down in chair. .21 notes her cues equally well. A Col- TO JAMES COLEMAN ie" is receiving embarassing tele- lege Player, vice-president of W. W., We wonder if Jean has 21. Hair unkempt .... IS a member of innumerable entertain- Telephone Pole Sitter ever heard of t1le "Missouri Compro- 22. Nervous movements . . ... ;18 ment committees, she has contributed Of all the stories of war and blood mis..e"? much of her time to \Vestern Mary- None is so gruesome as the Federals- 23. Odd color combinations in clothing .. .17 land's Mayfair. burg flood. 24. Making incomplete statements . . ... 16 An amusing accent, a confident One tale stands out of bravery untold We Muffle stride, a charming smile-vQil&-you When Coleman climbed the, telephone Where, or where, did Joe College 25. "Riding students" .. 14 have "Peg" . pole. I get that pipe?