Page 9 - TheGoldBug1935-36
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COL PEP RALLY PEP MEETING OCTOBER 18 8:00 P. M. TONIGHT 6:30 P. M. CITY HALL PLAZA SMITH HALL Vol. 13, No,2 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. October 10, 1935 WILLIAMBRATTONCHOSEN ITERRORS DROPGRIDGAME I Western Maryland Mourns Sudden Loss TO LEAD R. O. T. C. UNIT I TOSTRONGWILDCATTEAM ANNOUNCEMENT of President Albert Norman Ward .All students-upper classmen Social And Scholastic Leader Terrors Passing Attack Threatens and freshmen-c.who wish to be Friends And Fellow Workers Speak In Eulogy Of Noted Educator And Heads Batallion For 1935·36 Wildcats' Scoreless Record on the reportorial staff of the Gold Rng and all present re- Churchman DANEKER APPOINTED MAJOR HalTY Stuhldrcher's Villanova Wild- porters who wish to continue on president or cats scored thrice on 1011g runs to win the staff are asked to leave their Expressing their tribute to Dr. Albert Norman ,Yard, Commanding the battalion of R. O. 20-0 last Saturday afternoon in a sen- names in the Gold Hug office Western Murylund College, who died suddenly Sunday, September 22, T. C. at Western Maryland College sational gridiron contest against the (downstairs from the library) leaders of nll three branches of Methodism, officials of the this year will be William W. Bratton, Tenors of western Maryland Colleg-e before 'l'hmsoay, October 17. -----------. State, the faculty and student- new lieutenant colonel of the unit. at Villanova. The Terrors outscorcd COLLEGECHURCH BUDGET body of the College have joined in eulogizing late Ward as a Dr, Lieutenant Colonel Bratton has been ~~l:~~il~~a~:~:~l:l~:t i~~~~:s't~:t~~'l~~~ CLASSES ELECT OFFICERS churchman, the as an executive, and as a FOR 1935 - 1936 REGIME FIXED FOR NEXT YEAR man. ~:~e:~:: ~~ ~ei:de!~:l~e~::~~:r~h~~;~e~~ ~~ve~5~)~~~~~i::dU~!:~i~~~t!:c~h~h~'::~~ Extolling Dr. Ward as a church- ~~~ ~:~~:;~h:n:n~:a~o:~~~::i~~~ ened to mal' the spotless record of the Intensive Drive For Funds Planned man and pointing out his efforts to ~~mpment of seniors in the R. O. T. Vi~:~::a !~~lli~;o!~:l~hi:c:~:~on'the Willian~)fB~::nSe~oOrse~la~:eSident By Executive Council unify Methodism, Bishop William F. Mc lfowel! of Washington, speaking at The Executive Council of the Col- the funeral services held in Alumni ~:~~:~~:~;:~;:E:~:~:~r:~~:~i:;:~:~~:,!ig~:~~:l~:~;;,:;~~WARMANLEADSJUNIORS lege Church met Monday evening, Oc- Hall, declared that "a miracle has ta- tober 7, discussed the proposed pro- ken place before your eyes on College Western Maryland representation. He ;~~O~;~onl~g~~l'~~~k\: :h~~~-bnae~~erl~~ Meeting officially for the first time grams of the various Christian organ- Hill, that Jesus still renews , izations, and formulated plans for its himself in lives of men." ~:~~es~:~~~n~~mJ~:;d La~f i~~ea~::~; yards and again in the fourth period ~~:iO~.ea~n~hes:;~o~~~'eOf c~~:s::niZ:>: financial campaign for the college Church Leaders Attend summer encampment, and. was select- ~~_:~~dsall~~:.pla~t:;p:~OI:l~:~·O~1 ~~~ sembled Wednesday, October 10, to yeai-. After careful consideration {Or Other church leaders who lauded ed as a member o~ the rifle team. of yarrl dash down the field on a spin- elect their class officers. the estimated expenses, the Council DI·. Ward's devotion to the Church the !\!aryland National Guard which ner through center for a touchdown, William Bratton, who was presl- approved a budget and appointed a included n-. E. A. Sexsmith, Balti- sho~ III the matches at Camp Perr-y I in the third period. I dent of his class last year, was elect- committee to sponsor a financial cam- more, president of the Maryland Con- paign. ference of the Methodist Protestant ~;;~I~fn~h~~:t~:e~:\~~!::~ :~:;:~~ ed B::~:~:~;la~e;~~~b~':fh;Ol~n~e~~:;~ :~a~:' t~~ese~!~I:~Vi~g le:t~e!h:~!::: The College Church, originally con- Church; the Rev. Dr. Fred G. Hol- 1')' P~:s~~:~: ~~h~~~ class last year, Maryland, being down under punts to were elected: ceived by the late President, 01'. loway, president of the Westminster ward, attempts to encourage religious Theological Semina ry; the Rev. Dr. ~i~~~nl~e::l~o~~n~h~r::!~~_C:~':i:~!:' ~~:kedet;eC:~~:~t'~~I~I~ngth:ici;~I~~no~~ ~;~;~~:;~ident G~~~i~~ development of the individual student Hugh Latimer Elder-dice, president activities of the college as well as in team threw its end runs his way, and Treasurer Raymond Shipley without conflict in denominational emeritus of the seminary; the Rev. Dr. Charles E. For-lines, of the semi- principles, race, 01' creed, desires his classes. He is president of the snagging numerous passes out of the Historian Rosalie Silberstein coordinate the energies and programs to nary: the Rev. Dr. James II. Delta Pi Alpha fraternity, a debatoi-, air for long gains. Campbell was the Sergeant-at-arms Donald Roop of the different Christian organiza- Straughn, Baltimore, president of the' and popular socially. other Western Marvland big gun with The presidency of the junior class tions, and to assist them by perform- Western Maryland board of trustees; William S. HUmphries, James A, his long heaves into the waiting arms was won by John War-man. Other ing their functions most economically. Bishop Edwin Mouzon, Charlotte, N. Woodbury, and James F. Draper have of Benjamin and others. He was ably junior officers are: Rather than have financial C.; the Rev. Dr. John C. Broomfield, been selected by the Military Depart- supported by the ground-gaining Vice-president ........ Beverly Harrison by the different organizations, pl'esident of the General COllference ment of the college to lead A. B. and from scrimmage of "Cliff" Lathrop, Secretary. Margaret Smith felt-'that one genenll financial Caltl- of the Met.hodist Protestant Church; C companies respectively, with Sim- who reeled off long gains through Treasurer Parvis Robinson paign to obtain sufficient funds to cov- the Rev. Richard L. Shipley, Balti- eon Markline in command of the R. O. the line and around the ends, Historian Crowl! er all expenses will be less annoying more, and the Rev. J. Earl Cummings, T. C. band. \Vestern Maryland showed power- ful offensive strength inside the thir- Sergeant-at-arms \Vaters to the studellt body and enable these of \Vestminster. The list of appointments follows: ty-yard lines, but was weak on the Sherwood Balderson, elected presi- organizations to do their work more Tn addition to these church lead- ministers Battalion Staff defense and lacked the powerful in- dent of the sophomore class, heads the effectively. ers, the Conference of the the Maryland P. of Annual M. terference which the 1934 team ha,i following list of officers: . The budget approved by the Exccu- William W. Bratton, Lieut. Colonel, last J'ear. The lack of drive on run- V' ·'d t Ch'l B '1 tive Council requires the collection of Church and of CalToll county attend- on Page 4, Column 4) !j~~~?~f'n••••••••••••Al~:~:;~~;]~:;~~;:~::~:'~~~:~:~'~~:~;:,~::~::f:~::,,::; Battalion Commander; Charles R. ning plays to the extremities of the ed the services in a body. Daneker, Major, Second in Command; line slowed up the runners and pre- Governor Nice Present Charles E. Read, Captain, Adjutant; Governor and 1\1rs. Nice; Repl'csen- Maurice W. Roberts, 1st Lieut., Asst. (Continucd tntive William P. Cole, Jl·.; Dr. Jos- Adjutant. Sergeant-at-arms Kenneth ~driance ~,I~a~~~~:~~~I~,b:~do;·c:l~::i~l:ti~:lSSI~; eph H. Apple, president Emeritus of Company A EDUCATION DEPT. ISSUES Mr. Bratton, reelected preSident by which it will be used is considered. Hood College; Dr. G.·1. Humphries, William S. Humphries, Captain, LIST OF APPOINTMENTS the senior class, is the president of Moreover, the support of each college president of High Point (N. C.) Col- the Delta Pi Alpha fraternity and the Company Commander; Paul R. Ship- Tau Kappa Alpha fraternity. He is student makes necessary only a small lege, and Chicf Judge FJ'ancis Neal ley, 1st Lieut., Second in Command; Showing an increase in the number also an officel' of the Men's Student individual contribution to achieve this Parke, of Carl'oll County Circuit Francis W. Thomas, 1st Lieut., Pla- of tPJaching positions sccured for 1935 Government. goal. Court, were among the leaders 'of the toon Leader; Thomas Pontecorvo, 1st gl'aduates over those of the previous Mr. Bratton To accomplish thc task of collectin~ State who attended the funeral, pay- Lieut., Platoon Leader; Herbert W. year, a list of teacher placements has was recently this money the Executive Council ap- ing rcspect by their presence to Dr. Stevens, 1st Lieut., Platoon Leader; beell issued by the department of ed- appointed Lt.- pointed the following finance commit- Ward, the administrator and leader. Ralph J. Graham, lst Lieut., Platoon ucation. The following 1935 gradu- Colonel of the tee: Charles Baer, chairman; Mary College Hill, remembering the per- Leader; Samuel E. Corbin, 1st Lieut., ates are now teaching. Barbour Dixon, Cora Virginia Perry, sonality of the man himself, since the Additional Assignment, Edwin C. Men: Howard 1',1. Cantwell, Hamp- Kenneth Plummer, and Edgar Hollis. funeral services has paid many infor- Waters, Sergeant, First Sergeant. stead; F. E. Clarke, \Vestminstcr; G. Dr. Bertholf and Professor Schaeffer mal tributcs to the late President. First Platoon: Louis K. Lassahn, K, Hanison, Jr., Upper Marlboro; will assist the committee in an ad- Class Pays Tribute Sergeant, Platoon Sergeant; George HalTY J. Murphy, Hyattsville; Man- ViS01'ycapacity. The William G. Baker Sunday F. Spiegel, Sergeant, Right Guide 1st sell R. Stevens, Anne Arundel; Don- School Class, organized and taught Platoon; Roland B. Armacost, Sel'- ald Tschudy, Baltimore City; Pres- by Dr. Ward, cxpressed its regard for geant, Left Guide ht Platoon; Cor- ton Wyand, New \Yindsor: W~1. BRATTON FRANK B. WADE HEADS him in a mcmorial service held Sun- porals: George E. Moore, E, D. Mc- \~,romen: Mary Berwager, Glen Gamma Beta '36 INTER_FRAT COUNCIL day, Oct. 6, in Bakel' Chapel. Dr. Pherson, Anthony H. Ortenzi. Burnie; Evelyn Bowen, Howard coun- Chi fraternity, a representative to \Yard's favorite hymns were sung and Second Platoon: Ralph M. Luman, ty; Edythe Child, Arundel School; the Men's Student Government, is ad- three student spcakers spoke on Dr. Sergeant, Platoon Sergeant; PaulO. Louise Dillon, Oakland, Md.; France~ vertising manager on the staff of the At a meeting of the Tnter-hatern- \Val·d as an administrator, as a Chris- Ritchie, Sergeant, Right Guide; Ken- Elderdice, Pittsville; Lydia Fogle, Gold Bug. Mr. Warman is also u ity Council held Monday evening, Oc- tian leader, and as a man. neth M. Plummer, Sergeant, Left Annapolis; Frances Glynn, New member of the Tau Kappa Alpha fra- tober 18, officers for the yeal' HI35-86 "Many construction projects here Guide; Corporals: Leonard C. Gra- Windsor; Ruth Grier, Glen Burnie; ternity. were elected and a schedule of dances on the Hill-Science Hall, McDaniel ham, Harold S. Martin, Roland E. Belva A. Hughes, Glen Burnie; Dor- and slllokers for the year was drawn Hall, the Harvey Stone Memol'ial Watkins. othy Jenkins, Preston; Hazel Jones, Mr. Balderson, president of the op. Park, the golf course, the pavilion, Millville; Esther Main, Aberdeen; sophomore class, is a member of the Frank B. Wade, president of Al- Company B Alpha Gamma Tau fraternity and the men's recreation rooms and, cli- Louise Robinson, Clayton, Del.; Ger- pha Gamma Tau, was elected presi- maxing all, Blanche 'Yard Hall, stand James A. Woodbury, Captain, Com- tl'ude Rogers, Silver Springs, Md.; the Men's Student Govenlment. He dent in accordance with the rule of as a monument to Dr. \Vard's admin- Commander; Joseph E. Pilson, 1st. Mildred Rohrer, Boonsboro; Margar- holds the position of managing editor the council which provides for an al- istrative ability," declared John B. Lieut., Second in Command; Edward et Routzahn, Sykesville; Jessie Ship- on the Gold BHg. I ternation of the presidency among Wal'man, Olle of the students, in his L, Beauchamp, 1st Lieut., Platoon ley, Emmitsburg; Ada Rebecca The senior class assembled in room the fraternities in. a sequence which speech on Dr. \Yard as an adminis- Leader; George S. Bare, 1st Lieut., Smith, Perryville; Margaret Snow- 22, Science Hall, and the juniors met gives each fraterlllty the presidency trator. Platoon Leader; Vernon R. Simpson, I den, Richardson Park, Del.; Jeanne in Smith Hall. Organizing for the every fourth year. Othel' officers who Describing his Christian leadership, 1st Lieut., Pl~toon Leader; Frank B. Wcber, Roselle Park; Mary White, first time as a class, the sophomores were elected at the saille time are: Wade, 1st Lieut., Platoon Leader; Silver Spring; Maudre E. Willis, held their election in Alumni Hall. Vicc-president, James F. Draper, Pi Cora V. Perry ne1l.1;pointed out that in a Joshua H. Cockey, 1st Lieut., Addi- Glen Burnie; Elizabeth Wine, Fed- Alpha Alpha; secretary, Reynolds V. this leadership was crystallized on the practical manner here very tional Assignment; Albert I. Duns- eralsburg; !\Iargaret Witherup, Cum- Simpson, Delta Pi Alpha; treasurer, Hill by the organization of a College tan, Sergeant, First Sergeant. berland; Mary Wooden, Baltimore ALBERT NORMAN WARD Ralph J. Graham, Gamma Beta Chi; Church ullder Dr. 'Yard's direction. First Platoon: Carter \V. Reifnel', county, and sergeant-at-arms, Nicholas \V. "We like to think of Dr. Ward as a Sergeant, Platoon Sergeant; Robert Among the graduates of 1934 thc We'll not forget thee, we who stay Campofreda, Pi Alpha Alpha. godfather," said Donald H. Prince ill A. Sharrer, Sergea.nt, Right Guide; following have recently been placed: To work a little longer here; The fraternity dance pl'ogram was his talk on Dr. \Yard as a man. "He Claude M. Adams, Sergeant, Left L. K. Rhodes, Stevensville; Mildred Thy name, thy faith, thy love shall be arranged as follows: December, Al- liked to walk about the campus; he Guide; Corporals: H, Balish, Charles Burkins, Slate Ridge; I1Iary Elizabeth On memory's tablet, bright and pha Gamma Tau; January, Pi Alpha loved the campus; and, above all, he W. Baer, James V, Brennan. • Carter, Hughesville; Muriel Da~', clear. Alp~a; February, Gamma Beta Chi; loved the students on the campus. He Second Platoon: John L. Reifsni- Cordova; Inez Flanagan, Middle- And when, at last, our race is run, l'riarch, Delta Pi Alpha. The arrange- thought ef every \Vestern Marylander ment of smokers to be held OllPJnight as his son or daughter." ~e:bertSe~~ea;;~fel~la~:;ea;t~rg~7;~~ ;~:;; ~~:~~:r, ~~!~'~~:~'lle;So~I~~~~:~ I W~l~dc:~:~ a~;,so~~ ~;!::,s~:; down in month of November is: Alpha Paying the formal tribute of the Guide; George A. Gosnell, Sergeant, : Miller, Westminster; Katherine Tim-I Upon deal' Mather Earth, with thee. Gamma Tau, Gamma Beta Chi, Delta entiJ'e college, Dean Samuel B. Scho- (Continued on Page 4, Col. 3) I mons, Jarrettsville. CALEBO'CONNOR. Pi Alpha, Pi AI})ha Alpha. (Continued on Page 4, Col. 5)