Page 45 - TheGoldBug1934-35
P. 45
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE TERROR LETTER MEN FORM HARLOW NAMES ALL-STAR W. M. BOXERS PUNCH OUT W. M. CLUB IN BALTIMORE FAN FODDER TEAM IN RADIO SPEECH VICTORY OVER VILLANOVA Twenty letter men of Western Mary- By "HERB" STEVENS In a radio talk land College recently organized in Bal- WBAL in Baltimore given over Station Terrors Win Six, Lose One, and Tie on March 13 at timore, Maryland, a W. M. Club, 6.00 P. M., "Dick" Harlow named One to Take 6Y;z-1Y;zVerdict which has as its purpose the promotion "Bill" Shepherd as the greatest football cf good fellowship and mutual helpful- Intercollegiate Echoes player he has ever coached. "Dick" KAPLAN-SALA GIVEN DRAW ness among its members and in the ad- The Intercollegiates brought Western Maryland many disappoint- also named an all-Harlow (covering the vancement of the interests of Western ments, but they proved that Western Maryland athletes can be just as Harlow period) Western Maryland eleven. On March 7, the Western Maryland Maryland College. The twenty letter gracious in defeat as in victory. Kaplan and Gorski were dethroned Later in the radio interview which boxing team journeyed to Villanova men adopted the constitution and by- as champions but never as men. Bennett lost a decision, but he en- was conducted by Fred Turbyville as an College and punched out a 6% to 1% laws of the club at a later meeting. deared himself to all who saw his unstinted good feeling toward Criswell occasion for "Dick's" farewell to his victory over the Wildcats before a Any former student at Western Mary- who defeated him for the 1I5-pound laurels. crowd of 1,000 in the Maine Line gym- land College who has won a letter More disappointing than the loss of laurels for the Terror boxers friends in Baltimore, Harlow bracket- nasium. Villanova, a newcomer to the award at Western Maryland in any of was the loss of the dignity which has heretofore marked the Intercol- ed Shepherd with "Greasy" Neal as the ranks of Intercollegiate boxing, was backs he ever coached. "two greatest" the major sports of football, basketball, legiate championship matches. Previous tournaments have been con- The All-Harlow team which was unable to cope with the more experi- boxing, and lacrosse is admitted to ac- ducted under more strict adherence to the Intercollegiate rules which named included: enced and polished Terror mittmen. tive membership in the club upon the provide for the absence of cheering or other sorts of vocal demonstra- The Green Terrors won six bouts, lost submission of a written application to tions, partisan or otherwise, during the progress of the rounds. During Ends-Bates and Clark. one and drew one. The Wildcats for- the president and the payment of one both the semi-final and final bouts of the tournament last Saturday, Tackles-Sadausky and Weinstock. feited three of the eight bouts to Wes- dollar annual fee. Any former student general hulabaloo ensued during most of the matches. At previous Guards-Koppe and "either Kaplan tern Maryland. (male) of Western Maryland College tournaments the matches have been stopped until the rules were obeyed or McRobie." shall be admitted to associate member- to the letter. At these fights, no attempt further than the formality of Center-Havens. The opening bout of the evening ship in this club upon the submission of an announcement was made to stop the shouts of the mob. Such Quarter back - Ekai tis. was in the I25-pound class with Ruste- a written application to the president demonstrations will put Intercollegiate boxing on the level of the prize- Halfbacks-Shepherd and Neal. berg of the Green and Gold facing and the payment of one dollar annual fight, where it does not belong. If rules are worth making, they are Fullback-"Clary or Ferguson." Haskins, the Wildcat captain, after Ly- fee. Non-alumni may be admitted to worth obeying and they should be enforced. As outstanding players among all he ons of Villanova forfeited to Bennett associate membership by a vote of the "Hinkey" Haynes lost ground during his lay-off and was not up has coached, Harlow named Bates, Sa- in the 1I5-pound division. Rusteberg members of the club at any regular bus- to par in his bout with Crampton of Harvard. Besides having to chase dausky, Havens, Neal, Shepherd, and added another point to the Terror total iness meeting. Crampton around the ring, "Hinkey" was worried because of his fail- the former Colgate lineman, "Jim" when he drew the referee's nod after The recently elected officers of the ure to hit the jack-in-the-box on the upward jerks. "Hinkey 's" injured Welsh. three rounds of fast and clever boxing. W. M. Club are: hand suffered again despite six weeks of inaction and rest. Forced Although Haskins kept boxing i~, Ray W. McRobie President light sparring due to the condition of his hands unbalanced Haynes' Rusteberg repeatedly kept him off bal- Maurice D. Roach Vice-President timing and cost him the decision against Crampton, who had little punch COEDS ATTEND SWIIY!MING ance with jarring straight rights and Harry A. MacHamer and never led against the Terror. lefts to the head and body. Secretary-Treasurer In several respects the tournament was an improvement over former AND CAGE MEET IN D. C. Moore of Western Maryland won W. Wilson Wingate contests. In the first place, there were more schools represented, and from Lyschultz by forfeiture in the (Chairman) Board of Directors in the second place, there were closer contests throughout the entire For the second time this year Wes- light-weight class. Kaddy, the Terror The members of the Board of Direc- tournament. However, there was no seeding of the boxers so that in tern Maryland Co-eds were invited to I45-pound representative, had little tors are Maury H. McMains, Arthur some instances the three best boxers of one class were drawn into one participate in a "Play Day" at Mar- difficulty in out-punching Dinger of the C. Long, Crogan Bennett, Richard D. bracket of the tournament and the third and fourth place men were jorie Webster School in Washington, at Wildcats. Twice in the second round Dent, Peter D. Gomsack, and William more capable than the second place men. which Maryland and American Uni- Kaddy floored Dinges with an assort- H. Feige, Jr. versity were also present. There were ment of lefts and rights to the jaw. The other charter members are Ar- A better calibre of boxer was presented at the contest this year than several events in swimming and basket- Burns, the only Villanova winner, thur S. Broll, Harry H. Benson, Joseph two year's previous at State. The men were more aggressive and ball. The Western Maryland coeds outpointed Keyser in the I55-pound was in good condi- They hit hard, but everyone swapped more blows. W. Keen, George Usinger, Harry. L. tion and remarkably there were no knockouts, although a total of thirty- compared favorably with the other class. Keyser, fighting for the first Lawrence, Douglas Crosby, Frank Clary, six bouts were fought. three schools, even in swimming, re- time after a long lay-off due to an in- Roy C. Chambers, George L. Ekaitis, T. gardless of the fact that no instruction jured hand, could not regain his old- Raymond McLea. is given here in that sport. time form and timing. The club holds a regular business In basketball W. M. C. drew American The meet was definitely '1 Western meeting on the third monday of each The Terror Goes to Seed University and won by a small margin. Maryland victory when the Terror eap- month at the temporary club headquar- The Terror will lose almost all its teeth this season. Both in foot- Marjorie Webster defeated Maryland tain, Gorski, won from Farr by forfeit. . ters, 904 North Charles Street, Balti- ball and boxing Western Maryland must be reborn in 1935-36. With in the first round and the winners The liveliest bout of the evening was more, Maryland. new coaches and, for the most part, new material, a gigantic task of played each other in the final round, furnished by Kaplan of the Terrors reconstruction faces" Charley" Havens in whose hands the Terror's and Sala of the Wildcats in the light- destinies have been placed. with Western Maryland winning by a heavyweight division. The opening The football team loses many members by graduation, and the box- small score. round found both men exchanging ing team retains only three members of the present varsity team. Haynes, The following girls participated. solid body blows- and lightning-fast Ponte~arvo, and Bennett remain as a nucleus for the 1936 boxing ag- Rose; Baer; Coffman; Gaston; Taylor; hooks. The same whirl-wind pace con- gregation, Eleanor; Wolford; Morris; Tollinger; Welch; Hagen; Cook; Smedes; Price; tinued through the second and third Pyle; Patterson ; Gompf; Downing; rounds with Kaplan showing to better Dr. and Mrs. Ward entertained the A Golf Team? Taylor, Dolly; Kalar; Robinson; Nock; advantage as they exchanged blows at members of the college faculty at a and Jenkins. close range. The referee called the buffet dinner at the President's home As the grass becomes verdant on the new golf greens under the match a draw. on Friday evening, March 8. steadily increasing heat of the sun, the golf enthusiasts are beginning to In the final bout of the evening, get out their clubs and golf balls and tryout their drives on the back TERROR BOXERS EDGED Pontecorvo easily disposed of his oppo- campus. Various students of the college and OUT BY PENN STATE IN nent in the heavyweight class. Monico, members of the faculty attended the A new question arises. Will Western Maryland support a golf INTERCOLLEGIATE FINALS Villanova's heavyweight, was no match Metropolitan Opera Company's presen- team? for "Ponte" and was unable to stand up tation of Richard Wagner's famous The new golf course is an improvement which has been much de- (Continued from Page 1, Column ) under the Terror's bombardment in the opera, "Die Walkure", at the Lyric manded here due to an ever increasing interest in the good old Scotch second round. It was the only knock- Theatre in Baltimore on Tuesday even- game. The facilities are at hand. There are many possible players who the State noxer ts head. Goodman won a out of the evening. ing, March 12. Several groups also at- would form the nucleus for a good representative team. And there are close decision from Brassil to advance to Western Maryland's victory was very tended "L' Aiglon", a new version of several possible opponents nearby. The cost of financing a short golf the semi-final round, but he was defeated decisive. With this victory Western Rostand's play which had as its star season should not prove too over-burdensome for the athletic depart-· by McGivern of Syracuse in the last con- Maryland closed its 1935 boxing season Eva Le Gallienne, at Ford's Theatre in ment. A golf team would add much to the college program. test. ¥cGivern carried the fight to the Baltimore during the first half of the Speaking of spring, baseballs are beginning to be thrown about and State boxer and defeated him by shoot- week of March 11. several lacrosse sticks have already made an appearance here. Baseball ing hard, short punches to his mid-sec- FORMER W. M. C. ATHLETE practice and spring football will both get under way as soon as the stu- tion in the in-fighting. NAMED COACH AT U. OF B. Miss Mabel B. Harris, a member of dent body gets back from spring vacation. "Don" Keyser, Western Maryland's the department of music, entertained "Charley" Havens expects the spring season to help him in de- representative in the I55-pound class, "Ray" McRobie, former Western decision to Regan of lost the judge's at a contract party, followed by tea, in ciding who can be depended upon for varsity material for the 1935 Syracuse in a semi-final bout after draw- Maryland athlete, was recently named McDaniel Hall Lounge on Saturday af- grid season. ing a bye in the first round. Regan sel- head football and boxing coach at the ternoon, March 9. University of Baltimore. I dom hit Keyser, but he received the judge's award because of aggressiveness. McRobie participated in football, bas- The W. W. Club held a tea dance for ketball, and boxing while at Western Keyser's right found the left- all fraternity and sorority members on 1935 Terror Boxing Squad hander's straight throughout all three Maryland. After being graduated, he face Saturday 'aftei-noon, March 9'& from rounds. Ritzie, Penn State's boxer in assisted" Dick" Harlow in coaching grid 2.00 to 5.00 P. M. in the girls' gymna- Is Runner-up In E. I. B. T. the same weight, defeated Regan in the teams. sium. Members~of Delta Sigma Kappa, final match. Regan gained a slight edge TIle appointment of McRobie was an- Phi Alpha Mu, Delta Pi Alpha, Pi Al- in the first round, but R-itzie wore down nounced by "Herb" Brown, athletic di- pha, Gamma Beta Chi, and Alpha Gam- his taller opponent and carried the latter rector at the University of Baltimore. ma Tau were present. "Bim" Hager- part of the bout. man and his orchestra furnished the Smith, Harvard I65-pounder, gained music. decisions over Negroni, Syracuse, and the Villanova fighter's jabs at the head Gorski, Western Maryland, to take the and body, meanwhile swinging powerful Miss Maude Gesner, department of championship. The Gorski-Smith bout right hooks to the Villanova fighter's music, and Mr. Philip Royer gave a re- was a fast, close one, with Gorski forc- jaw. Kaplan's defense was skillful. The cital in McDaniel Hall Lounge 011 Tues- ing the fight from the start. Smith de- bout was hardfought, Sala. receiving the day evening, March 12. Mr. Royer fended skillfully and won the judge's judge's decision. Sala defeated Janzen played the violin and Miss Gesner the approval despite Gorski's powerful of- of Army in the final bout for the cham- piano. fense. pionship, using the same aggressive tac- The Iight-heavyweight matches were tics. Kaplan won third place by forfeit The artist-students of the Curtis the most closely contested of the bouts. from Sawchaks of Penn State. Institute of Philadelphia will present "Bernie" Kaplan, defending champion "Tom" Pontecorvo retained his heavy- a recital in Alumni Hall on April 12, and favorite to win the title again, weight crown, defeating Richter of Penn at 8.00 P. M. Students, faculty, and gained a decision in the preliminary State in a "nip and tuck" battle for friends of the college are invited to at- round ov~r Jefferies of Syracuse. Kap- blood. The Penn State boxer, eager to tend. No admission will be charged. lan showed the most potent boxing of the dethrone Western Maryland's title hold- Reading from left to right: "Dick" Harlow, whose farewell ap- The annual Carroll County High School pearance as a Terror coach was made at the Intercollegiates, "Tom" entire meet in his initial appearance of er' swapped blow for blow with Ponte- meet, uncorking corvo during the entire fight, but the the a lightning-fast, Eisteddfod will be held in Alumni Hall Pontecorvo, who won the Intercollegiate heavyweight title, "Bernie" on Friday evening, April 26. Kaplan, light-heavyweight, "Andy" Gorski, 165-pound class, "Don" long right hook, which found Jefferies' Terror's ruggedness and superior ring Keyser, 155-pound class, "Hinkey" Haynes, 135-pound class, and jaw time and again. Sala of Villanova generalship won for him the decision. Work on the new dormitory is pro- "Bob" Bennett, 1I5-pound class. "Chuck" Kaddy, whose photograph was successful in turning back Robertson Penn State won three titles; Rutgers, gressing rapidly. No definite announce- was not on file in the Gold Bug office, fought in the 14G-pound division. of Harvard, the two winners in the Syracuse, Harvard, Villanova, and West- ment has been made concerning the date The Terror mittmen placed second with a total of 14 points gained, semi-finals. Sala drove into Kaplan's ern Maryland won one each. Western of completion. Penn State carrying off first-place honors with 21 points. guard, refusing to box the more experi- Maryland placed two men second, and enced Terror star. Kaplan warded off three third, f
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