Page 49 - TheGoldBug1934-35
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE SLUGGERS OPEN DIAMOND CO-ED ATHLETES PLAN TO GRIDDERS HOLD INITIAL CAMPAIGN WITH MOUNTS FAN FODDER ENTERTAIN AT PLAY DAY SPRING PRACTICE SEASON . Cold Weather Retards Work-outs By "HERB" STEVENS ican Marjorie Webster School, the Amer- of University University, and the As W. M. Nine Prepares for Maryland have been invited to par tici- Havens Drills Squad of Thirty in Baseball Season pat, in a play day to be held under the Football Fundamentals The Western Maryland baseball team Overcast skies and falling rain, auspices of the Woman's Athletic As- FERGUSON COACHES BACKS will make its 1935 debut at Emmitts- Mud in the spots where water has lain, seciation on May 11 immediately pre- burg against Mount St. Mary's May 1, Perhaps the gods of the sports world fane eeding the May play. The lack of fa- Facing a difficult schedule for, the as announced by Coach Charle~ Havens. To smile on their children again. cilities and time will limit the program 1933 gridiron season, thirty Terrors re- Because of poor weather conditions to three games-baseball, volleyball, ported to Coach "Charley" Havens last the Western Maryland nine has been Through all the campus is heard the cry, and tennis. After the games, the con- Thursday for ihe opening session of a are unable to hold any official practice ses- "I'm tired of the tears of the crying sky. testants campus invited to the May play grueling period of spring practice. Of and supper. the sions to the date of this writing. Re- I'm tired of the pools that around me lie, the thirty players only ten were left gardless of this inconvenience, Captain Preventing athletics again. The baseball game will be held on from the 1934 varsity squad. The re- "Joe" Lipsky hopes to lead a formid- the girls' dlamond on Hoffa Field. mainder were freshmen making their able team through a successful season. "I long for the warmth of the flaming sun. Three singles matches and one double debuts as varsity material. A member of last year's Terror out- -, I long for the game's exciting fun. match will be played on the lower Coach Havens assisted by Bruce Fer- fit, Captain Lipsky will lead his team I long for the thrill of the vict'ry won. I courts in the tennis tournament. Arch- guson, recently appointed aide to Ha- from an outfield position, being quali- But, lo! It is raining again." ery and golf equipment will be provid- vens, and "Clem" Mnrks and "Louie" fied at the same time to fill in at any ed for a few indivduals. The four Kaplan from the 1934 squad, put the post where he may be needed. "Cliff" Come, 0 gods of the sporting world, schools will draw for opponents in the squad through a series of fundamental Lathrop, "Horse" Kaplan, "Reds" Wade, Let clouds away by the wind be whirled; first round; then winners will play win- drills in line play, punting, passing and "Pete" Wyand, and "Augie" Roberts Let rackets be swung and baseballs hurled. ners and losers will play losers in the sprinting. s h 0 u I d supply considerable outfield Let there be sunshine again! second round. Only five letter-men, "Nick" Campo- strength. This play day was planned in return freda, "Louie" Lassahn, "Bull' Draper, "Bill' Shepherd, slugging third base- Wet Weather for the invitations extended to Wes,- "Cliff" Lathrop, arid "Jim" Woodbury, man, will hold down the "hot-box" This rainy month of April is certainly no encouragement to the tern Maryland by Marjorie Webster remain from the 1934 undefeated berth with little difficulty, and "Don" aspiring Tilden or Babe Ruth to shake the moth balls from the flannels School and the Universi ty of Maryland eleven. Draper is just recovering from Keyser will take sufficient care of the and the sweat shirts and begin to bat the balls around. It is scarcely fit earlies in the year. The University of a short illness and appeared only as a initial sack. weather for John and Bob to find the bag of marbles that were dis- Maryland invited the other three spectator at the first workout. "Hinkey" George Skinner, brilliant freshman carded last September and start the annual warm-up for the yearly schools to euter a hockey round-robin Haynes, tennis captain was excused twirler last season, will see plenty of tournament. Nevertheless the tennis and baseball squads of Western during their homecoming day on No- from practice for the day in order to action on the mound this year, and his Maryland have been ironing out the cold-shriveled muscles and are en- vember 3 at College Park and later en- assume his duties on the courts. Other battery mate will be either "Jim" Lantz deavoring to make some start toward the attainment of a degree of tertained all of the participants at a told-overs from the varsity squad are: or "Fred" Coe, a promising freshman' form. Both teams have announced tentative schedules for the season. barbecue luncheon. Marjorie Webster "Tom" Pontecorvo, Ralph Graham, the baseball team has five The tennis team has scheduled nine matches; backstop. "Bfll" Willoughby completes scheduled games and two tentative games on the list. School held a swimming and basket- "Bob" S 11.:11'1' er, and "Augie" Roberts, the list of veterans and should toe the ball meet on March 16 at Washington. who was inactive during the 1934 sea- mound in his turn. The pigskin received its first scratches from the boots of the Terror After the meet, there was a reception son because of an operation for appen- Coach Havens must draw from the punters last Thursday, with regular practice sessions listed for the next and tea in the main reception room. dicitis. freshmen for a deal of support. few weeks. "Charley" Havens faces the mountainous task of selecting Spalding outdoor baseball rules will The freshmen on the squad are: new material the men who are qualified to from a mass of entirely Sadowski and Millard, a southpaw, assume varsity positions. Probably there will be many changes of be used with these exceptions: Campbell, Benjamin, Rineheimer, Fred each, will be given a chance to display would-be guards to center, of improbable halfbacks to possible linemen, There will be 45 ft. bases, and over- Coe, Brennan, Sadowski, Dunstan, his pitching ability. They complete a of centers to whatnots, etc. No one can predict just what remarkable hand pitching will be used; there is no Slaysman, Adriance, MacPherson, Lesh, pitching staff made up of experienced discoveries "ill be made during a spring session of practice. During restriction regarding the lead off any Balish ,George Moore Lutxkauskus, twirlers. Harlow's regime at Western Maryland almost every week produced some bases. The Spalding outdoor volleyball "Bill" Graham, and Forthman. Competing for infield positions will curious switch of a man from one position to another, especially during hules will govern the volleyball games. Speaking of the spring practice ses- be Benjamin, plugging the hole at the spring try-out period. With so many places to fill, it is a certainty sion, Coach Havens stated that what he shortstop, and "Circles" Rineheimer, that Havens will give every man a chance to find himself in every pos- expected to accomplish this spring was. guarding the keystone sack. "Sun sible position. merely to establish the fitness of the in- shine" Campbell will make a strong bid The injury to Campofreda last Saturday will eliminate him from TENNIS MEETS UNPLAYED . dividuals of his squad for definite posi- :for the job as first- sacker, but he may much, if not all, of the spring workouts. However, there is the happy AS APRIL ELEMENTS RAGE tions on the team. see service in the outfield too. "Bar- thought that this is not October. Nine Garnes Are Booked ney" Fleagle is the undergraduate The winds and rains of early AprrI Coach Havens looks forward with ap- manager. Off The Spikes have prevented the two opening con- prehension to the extremely ambitious Incompleted, the schedule at present Track enthusiasts at Western Maryland have only two opportuni- tests of a - fen-meet schedule for the schedule which has been mapped out lists the following games: ties to show their wares in actual competition. The military track meet Western Maryland tennis team this sea- for the 1935 Terrors. Nine games may May 1 Mt. St. M'l,ry's-Emmitsburg. and the annual intra-mural games are the only track and field events son. Meets scheduled with Gettysburg be scheduled for the last Saturday in May 4 Penn State-State College, Pa. that the college sponsors. They take place during the latter part of and St. John's have beeu postponed be- September as a warm-up and testing May 15 Loyola-Evergreen. May, approximately five weeks from now-five weeks in which to loosen cause of weather conditions, and the encounter. May 18 Mt. St. Mary's-Westminster. up the joints and run that mile or put that shot. team has been unable to practice more Beg.inning with Villanova on Octo- Games are pending with John's Hop- The Intra-Mural contest, inaugurated here last spring, includes than a few scattered days. ber 5, the Western Maryland grid del's kins and Wilson Colleges. members of fraternities, classes, and societies of the college as well as _ -With but two members of the 1934 will face nine games on' successive independent representatives. A plaque bearing the names of record varsity squad on the present squad, the week-ends with no vacant dates, The the ends season Georgetown game WOMEN TURN MINDS TO holders in the various events together with records set is given to the team faces "HiJJkey" Haynes, of recon- at the Stadium with in Baltimore on Novem- a difficult task organization to be-rheld for the which wins the team title, the plaque 1935 cap- struction. BASEBALL PRACTICES period of a year. track meet includes all members of the local R. O. T. , tain, will undoubtedly be the first man, ber 30. (Schedule on Page 4) The military on player the only outstanding he being C. unit. Last Spring medals were awarded the winners. Col. Robert the squad thus far. "Johnnie" Man- Schedules Posted By Manager Gill was the donor. • spaker, manager of the team this year, Edythe Child "Get out your spikes, track men, our club wants to win that will also probably land a berth. The GAMMA BETA CHI TAKES plaque." In spring a young man's fancy may remaining places are still uncertain INTRA-MURAL CUP LEAD turn to love but the Western Maryland Here and There with several fr'eshmen leading the race cooed's fancy turns to baseball. The The 'Maryland Intercollegiate Basketball League recently held a te clinch berths. scheduln for class practices as made out meeting at which Western Maryland surrendered the trophy to Mount Among the candidates !lOW striving Win College Volley Ball Title To by Edythe Child, head baseball man- St. Mary's. Two legs for the Mount now! Western Maryland has one. to make the team are: Frank Hand anrl Displace Bachelors ager, and Miss Parker is as follows: Which all means that Mount St. Mary's is mighty close to gaining per- Wilson Nichols, seniors; Guy Griffen, Juniors and Seniors, Monday and manent possession of the prized cup-and they'll fight to keep it at the junior; Curtis Thomas and Frank Irvin, The Gamma Beta Chi fraternity Thursday, 4 P. M. Mount. The members of the league have agreed upon a baseball league Pershing Volkhart, "Bill" Reith, Charles took the lead from the Bachelors in the Sophomore, Wednesday and Friday, which can not properly function this season, but which will be begun Baker, James Davis, Donald Brown, and Intra-Mural Cup competition by cap- 4 P. M. in 1936. Baseball games will then maintain some of the interest that Elwood Andrews, freshmen. tUTing the school ch ampionship in the Freshmen, Tuesday and Friday, 4 basketball carries with it in the Maryland Intercollegiate circles. Of the eight meets yet remaining on intra-mural volley ball tournament. The P. M. The Mount baseball team that the Terrors will meet away on May the schedule, six are to be played at Gamma Beta Chi team, compoosed of .Praet.iees on Monday and Tuesday 1 and at home May 18 has several familiar names on its roster including home and two away. Sadusky, R. Graham, Roberts, Ritchie, were postponed because of inclement Segadelli, Lynch, Leahy, and Reilly of the cage squad. Professor Frank B. Hurt, of the econ- R. Coe, and Holmes were the winners weather, but all co-eds are urged to at- Up at Boston College a squad of ninety young huskies has been omics department 0 fthe college, has in the inter-fraternity league. They tend the first scheduled practice that is working out under the tutelage of a new coach, Dinny MaeNamara, in been recently appointed coach of the played fOT the championship with the not rained out or blown out. If the the annual spring grind. It rooks as though MacNamara favors the team to fill the gap left vacant since Plym ouths and the Seniors, both win- freshmen are a little waTY about com- Kerr procedure of profuse lateral passing for he spends "considerable the departure of Professor T3,ggart two ners in their respective leagues. ing out for baseball because of inability time"-"in rehearsing the backfield candidates on lateral passing." years ago. The first play-off between the Ply- to sock the old apple, the manager takes Much publicity is being given to "Dick" Harlow and his Harvard The schedule in its entirety follows: mouths and the Gamma Betas was won this opportunity to tell them that the football squad. The Harvard situation has taken on a new issue. The by tlte greeks who took two in a row, swish of the bat cutting air is heard authorities there have decided upon the building up of an endowment April 13 Gettysburg-Rain. 15-3 and 16-14. The winners then de- as much, if not more, than the crack of fund to care for the upkeep of athletics. The plan seems to be an effort April 16 St. John's-Wet Courts. feated the Senior team in two straight bat meeting baU. This failing is not to purify' the athletic system of the university by eliminating its present April 27 Bridgewater-Westminster. games 15-7 and 15-8. The champions confined to the "frosh" but is a common dependency upon gate receipts. April 29 Bettys burg- Westminster. were undefeated in all of the games characteristic of all batters at the be- Grid Schedule April 30 Cat awba-e-Weatminster which they played. ginning of the season. May 4 Elkridge Club-Westminster. The volley ball championship moved The upper classmen are looking at The announcement of the 1935 football schedule allows much room May 8 U. of Mal'yland-College Park. the Gamma Betas into the lead over the freshmen with wary eyes because for skepticism. With a new team to build, Coach Havens faces a ter- May 14 Franklin and Marsha11- the Baehelors in the race for the trophy. they 1.tave seen the "frosh" display ath- rific nine game schedule with no let-ups. Even a veteran team such as Westminster. The points in the competition to date letic prowess in hockey, basketball, and the 1934 Terror aggregation has difficulty in carrying out such a task, May 18 St. John's-Ann3,polis. are as follows: volleyball, and they have made quite for here at Western Mary land where the roster of the squad is limited May 25 Loyola-Westminster. Gamma Betas 188 an impression. Last year the touma- to some thirty players, some of whom have never played organized foot- Bachelors 179 ment ended in a tie between the juniors ball before coming to college, even a few major injuries open gigantic Delt& Pis 161 and sophomores with the juniors defeat- breaches in the line and defensive backfield. SHILLING RETIRES THREE Black and White 157 ing the "sophs" in the play-off 21-8; the Of the three new opponents on the Terror schedule, Penn State IN NINTH AT CHARLOTTE The outcome of the Spring sports pro- seniors were third, ,and the freshmen oc- and North Dakota stand out as being among the foremost teams that gram will probably decide the winner cupied the cellar. the Terrors will face. Penn State will have a team of veteran players cf the cup competition. The baseball who last season produced the first worthwhile record that a State foot- "Bud" Shilling, former Terror end IElague begins this week with the class ball team has made in five years. North Dakota defeated George Wash- and pitcher, has given indication of suc- teams playing on Wednesday and the MEN'S LOUNGE OPENED ington University last year in an intersectional game. George Wash- cess in the Piedmont League. Playing fraternity teams on Friday. Points ington was rated high among the teams in this gistrict. with the Charlotte, North Carolina, wiII be awarded for tennis 3,nd track (Continued from Page 1, Oolumn 2) No doubt the Terrors will also receive a ,,,arm receptign at Boston team, Shilling entered a game in the as well. provide a radio, daily paper, and other when they meet the Boston College Eagles. The Eagles have scarcely ninth inning and retired three batters convenie)1ces for the rooms. forgotten meekly the 40-0 defeat of the past season. Likewise Catholic in order, stl'iking one man out. The The track contest may take the form The rooms were formally opened Sat- U., Bucknell, and Georgeto"'n will be after the Terror scalp. Hard other two poped out to the infield. of two meets, the first to be a prelim- usual form urday by a tea for members of the fac- work, fight, and the will to win will be necessary if the Terrors are to As a Terror last season, Shilling inary to the second. The for the ten- will be used of bracketing ulty and student body. present a commendable record by November 31, 1935. pitched regularly. nis tournament.
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