Page 48 - TheGoldBug1934-35
P. 48
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Weatern Maryland Oollege, Westminster, Md. Passing in Review THE CONTRIBUTION HAT By IDAMAE T. RILEY Europe's Newest Mouse THE KEY FINGER NAILS The diplomats of Great Britain" By Lee Irwin, '36 By Prdscdlla, Herson, '37 Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thunda,. France, and Italy have held their con- Darling, please don't stare at her during the academic year by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, ference at Stresa and by now have There is certainly nothing more beau- Maryland. Entered as second-class matter at the Westmin.ster Posto:ffiee. packed their suitcases and returned so-yes, I just found the body a few I tiful than long, tapering _fingers and SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 A YEAR home. An interested, tense world fo- minutes after you brought me home. well-shaped fingernails. They are a stan- Oh, Kim, it's my own little, little sister .cJ/;ssedits eyes on them as they talked -how can I bear it~ I must be cool- dard by which a woman is judged. Men and higgled in the palace on L.ago Ma- will- you help me, Kim' I called you always look at a woman's hands and goire,- ,v'nere Napoleon once made love first, for you're the only one I trust. tell if they are "dish water hands" or to Josephine. Nervously both states- Kim-it was suicide, wasn't iU Here hands kept smooth by modern beauty meshods. EDITORIAL STAFF men and plain citizens everywhere is the glass on the floor where she Edit01'-in-Chi~f - - _. _.. _.. _. _.. _ _.. __ROSALIE G. SILBERSTEIN, '36 awaited the results of the Conference. droppeddt-c-an overdose of that horri- Today women seem to change the Assoow,te Editors - .. _ _.. _. __ _. __IDAMAE T. RILEY, '36, ROBERT BROOKS, '36 Could an agreement be reached which "dress" of their nails with each cos- News Editors .. - .... _ _.. _ __GUY GRIFFEN, '36, SARABELLE BLACKWELL, '37 would give security to Europe~ Two ble drug she's been a slave to this last tume. Of course, one must be very Copy Editors ... __'" _. _ _JANET MACVEAN, '38, LEONARD GRAHAM, '38 year, while I was away. Oh, da.rIing, careful about her choice. Miss Mimi Sports Editors. - .. _ _.. _ HERBERT STEVENS, '36, ELIZABETH HAGEN, '36 decades from now history books may stay with me--it's so ghastly here with Birmingham prefers coral polish with Excha!llg~ Edit 01' __ _. _. .. _.. __. MIRIAM WHITFIELD, '36 answer this question. Today any inter- Moq so cold and she loved life, poor her turquoise ensemble; unless, of pretation of Stresa's significance is MAKE-UP STAFF child. Oh, Moq, why didn't you waitt course, when black shoes are worn, the Man,agitng Editor - __. _. _ _.. _ KENNETH PLUMMER, '37 necessarily wooly and uncertain. until I came horne t 'I'd have stopped polish must be natural. Assistant Managing Editor _ _ _._ _ GEORGE NEEDHAM, '37 you. Personalities Don't be offensive! There is nothing BUSINESS STAFF Why, here's a note from her, Kim. which meu so detest as fingernails that Business Manage1·. - .. _.. __ __. _ _ EDWARD BEAUCHAMP, '36 Personalities gathered at Stresa in- I'll read it. "Darling, if you'd only are not properly blended with a wom- Adve1"tising Manager _ _ _ _.JOHN WARMAN, '37 cluded some of the most, scintillating in come tonight, I wouldn't do it. I am so an's costume. Oan you blame them' AssistaQ!t Advertising Manage1· .. _ ROBERT KIEFER, '37 Europa. Mussolini, Italy's volatile, lonely-and there is no one to comfort Circulation. Managers _ THOMAS EVELAND, '36, ROSALIE GILBERT, '36 modern Julius Caesar ... Ramsay Mac- me. If 'only you'd care a little, but it Would men wear knickers to a full-dress Donald, England's Prime Minister, for- affair or a dinner coat to the beach' REPORTERS isn't your fault-always remember that No, they wouldn't! They have a very Charles Read, '36; Nicholas Campofreda, '3'6; Ralph Lambert, '37; Paul Ritchie, mer tea-sippel' with Herbert Hoover at -it is~lt your fault." discriminating taste, and therefore are '37; Kenneth Baumgardner, '38; James Coleman, '38; Harry Bright, '38; Hoover's Rapidan Camp, and now sched- Oh, Kim, do you suppose that was Merlin Miller, '38; Paul Nelson, '38. uled to be succeeded by Stanley Bald- sensitive about the selection of wom- Jane Roof, '36; Mary Gaston, '36; Elizabeth Byrd, '36; Sally Price, '37; Helen win after King George's Jubilee, .. Sir written to Denny' I always thought en's costumes and especially their nail Stump, '37; Virginia Lee Smith, '38; Anne Chew, '38; M. V. Brittingham, '38; that she-but what is that you are star- polish. Eleanor Taylor, '38. John Simon, England's Foreign Secre- ing aU My key' It's no use' You Women, listen! Don't be unpopular. tary, who with virile, handsome Cap- know' How-what is that you know, You, too, can be the life of the party. tain Anthony Eden, has just completed Kim' Why-that is impossible-you Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. calls on dictators Hitler, Stalin, and Pil- say-s-I killed Moq I But-she is my The next time "he" invites you to a sudski. _.peaceful Pierre Laval, succes- sister. You say the morphine is from party, don your loveliest frock, select a lovely, soft-colored polish or a bright, sor to the ill-fated Louis Barthou as my closet, and I never let anyone else D I T o R I A L Foreign l.\1'rnister of France _.. and have the key, especially Moq' That flashy one as the case may be, and you Pierre-Etienne Flandin, stout-hearted I carried it with me' You say-I love may be sure that "he" will be yours for French Prime Minister, that dance and ever afterwards. Processional This issue is our processional. Whether we keep in step Denny' But, Kim, darling-Oh, I sup- depends largely upon whether we enter gracefully or Purpose pose it's no use-I-will you call the po- Kim-don't do that-leave DIe that one stumble in blunderingly. lice, Kim 1 Please don't take my key, last thing! Our pace has been set to the strains sounded by our predecessors. The motivating purpose which has Shall we keep time ¥ We of the new staff want to thank our prede- summoned these personalities to Stresa cessors for setting this pace. I t is a challenge for us. was that of taking some sort of com- mon action to preserve the peace of Eu- We believe that in bringing the Gold B1~g a little closer to the rope, a purpose which had been pushed COLLEGE RHYTHM whole student body the outgoing staff has contributed much towards to the fore by Germany's rearmament unifying the Hill. And this unifying we should like to continue. It is and Germany's and Poland's refusals to our wish that through the medium of this paper we may bring together enter military pacts for punishment of a few of those too widely segregated groups on the Hill-boarding stu- armed aggression. France, in the words Cockta.ils-- soon find its way into the remote and dents with day, students-athletes with non-athletes-club cliques with of Flandin, wished to ring Germany For Which YQu P,ay- inviting spots "back campus." nonfclub cliques-leaders with cooperating foflowers-c-students with The song is ended, but the melody A much-admired freshman football faculty. around with an "alliance cordon of lingers-all over Mt. Royal Avenue. man stands in splendidly with a blonde steel"; England wanted to "mediate", The "Baltimore and vicinity" party To this end we shall continue those personality features established downtown. And we know that he loves by our forerunners. Recognition of student leaders and faculty per- Mussolini wanted to achieve a "fixed during spring vacation lirouglpt out her "still." sonalities we believe important in this solidifying process. In this con- point in the stormy sea of European some of our best people. Seniors, ju- Arrangements for the Military Ball nection we should like to make it clear that such recognition we consider politics." niors, sophs, freshies, grads, and even are just rolling along with ease. It's complimentary. It is neither our policy nor our desire to offend our Product a Westminster deb were present to been rumored that an orchestra has readers. Any sidelights on personal characteristics are intended to make up an exciting brawl. Even the been engaged for the dance. reveal favorable, not unfavorable, traits. We hope that in the future With its scintillating personalities press sent a reporter and a sob sister. Pity the poor sophs! The Compre- these features will be interpreted in the light in which they are written. but rather jellyfish-like purposes, what Everything went fine, except that the hensives are bad enough without hold- We are not "garbage-men". We are interested in "campus dirt" did the Stresa Conference accomplish' deb fell rather flat. We wonder how ing them in the aromatic gym. only to the extent in which it is amusing, novel, or of "social interest" Merely severa I million lines of type in Philbert held up under the strain I By way of estimate, we would say to the mass of the students on the Hill, It is not our aim to keep any tho newspapers and magazines of the On the House-- that the number of tinies the drug store particular person or group before the eyes of the student body. Neither world ~ Merely another mirage on the Some of our most important people cowboys and cowgirls enter a certain is it our aim to interfere in anything that is not our business. desert t Nobody knows-yet. have been visiting the "garden" spot downtown rendezvous during a year In summation, we want to have a nose for news, but in the slang Most observers call the communique of the world. Anything goes! And it would, at ~ dollar a head, just about usually does. of the campus, we "want to keep that nose clean." issued by the Conference Monday a equal the present national debt. "trite and tame document". In my Mints Our female spy informs us that our 'opinion, this communique is another Our idea of a laugh is this. Grace "femme" editor is going to start some- Thanks The staff of the Gold Bug takes this opportunity to pin a illustration of mountain-like labor Moore couldn't appeal' on her sched- thing by having a sponsor for the Gold corsage on the administration for several innovations which which brings forth only" a mouse. uled radio program several weeks ago Bug. Be on your guard, fellows! have been received with much comment and appreciation by the students And a pretty humble, quiet mouse it is, because she had a cold. And the pro- The street cOlllmissioners of the town on the Hill: (1) the new recreation rooms; (2) the participation of too, with the exception of the "Final gram was sponsored by "Vicks". ViCKS report one red lantern missing. We students in Monday chapel programs; (3) the addition to the library of don't know where it is now, but it did several collections of current literature. Declara.tion" appended to its tail, which goes to prove you can't believe the ads. make a brief appearance in the Main provides for the opposition by "all prac- New York University students have a 'Building student lounge on Tuesday Aside from their usefulness, the recreation rooms deserve much new cribbing method. They write notes approval for the taste displayed in their decorative schemes. Whoever ticable means" of "any unilateral repu- on spectacles in grapefruit juice which evening at 9.41 P. M. Our Joe Colleges is responsible for the choice of furnishings receives an extra gardenia. diation of treaties which may endanger become visible when the spectacles are will walk away with things. the peace of Europe." It seems to me breathed upon. What next! With spring just around the corner, that the "Final Declaration" is wag- , A professor at Wake Forest College it suddenly dawned upon us that love j~ such a queer thing_ Observation will Tribute The passing of Dr. Unger leaves a gap in the educational ging at Gernwny's repUdiation of parts recen tly defined a kiss as a blister of prove the point. system of Carroll county. Dr. Unger was a nationally known of the Versailles Treaty. burning passion, or a smoke-screen of :figure in the :field of secondary education and was without a peer in Time only will tell whether that tail evil design." Which isn't hard to lIll- this state. will give the mouse life. . derstand. He had countless friends throughout the county and was a bene- CAMPUS factor to the student teachers from Western Maryland College for many Maryland Spotli,ght Mashed 'Potatoes- LEADERS years. During his administration, hundreds of students from this in- Scholars of our Free State, with its Corkran-Rhodes. stitution have started on their careers as practice teachers in the schools proud heritage of freedom and tolera- Dixon-Cole. over which he had jurisdiction. tion, famous for its Toleration Act of McCullough-Wright. Abounding "Andy" Gorski and ath- in friendships His passing will be greatly felt, not only by his host of friends and 1649, are watching the Teachers Oath King-DaIieker. letic glory, "Andy" Gorski merits the acquaintances, but also by the students and student teachers who have bill anxiously. At a glanee, this bill Child- Rineheimer. distinction of being a known and loved him_ might seem innocent enough. Why Smede&-Stonebraker. "campus leader". His shouldu't every teacher in a state-aided Brown. M-Bryson. courtesy and unquench- institution take an oath to support the Erb~Plummer. able smile have gone Calloway-Bright. Constitution of the United States' f a l' to c a l' r y him Whitfield-Brown, D. through a distinguish- But certain other questions present Thompson-White. tllemselves, which show the true can- Gillelan-Brennan. ed college career. Gorski has been con- eerolls threat in the bill. Who will de- McWilliams-Ch urch. spicuous in athletics on termine what "supporting the Constitu- Sansbury~VVarll1an. the Hill, attaining All- tion" means' Who is omniscient Hance-Shipley. Maryland honors on "Andy" Gorski Anyone desiring to apply for a position enough to draw the line between "pa- Jacobson-Graham, R. last year's undefeated triotism" and «noni-pata-iotism?" Do football team and the Eastern Inter- as reporter on ,the GOLD BUG Staff from Prince George's County and the College Hash- Makosky's year. "Andy" maintains a high cali- John S_ White, the "singing delegate" collegiate boxing crown in his Junior Three rahs for Professor , way set themselves up as judges of and his Harlem Philharmonic" line. president of the Men's Student Council, consult the Editor or News Editor. first mayor of the little town of Colmar address at the senior investiture ser- bre of disciplne as Lieutenant-Colonel But how some f.aculty members vice. of our R. O. T. C. unit, and he displays Manor, and Mrs. Reuben Ross Hollo- "Cab Calloway did squirm under that his ability in this line successfully as and educa- professors of scholarship Just when the administrat.ion had ap- tion' necessary funds for this capacity. Until men are gods, teachers' oath propriated the for the well-known flash- having achieved excellent results in new batteries Upon gradu
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