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DEBATE W. M. C. Women Debaters SPECIAL vs. Intercollegiate Boxing Penn State College Edition Smith Hall MARCH 27 Complete Story of all Events Vol. 12, No. 11 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. March 21, 1935 Miss Rosalie Silberstein is Elected ANNOUNCEMENTS Terror Boxers Edged Out by Penn Editor of the Gold Bug for 1935-36 Spring vacation will begin at 12: 00 . State in Intercollegiate Finals M. on F'riday, March 29, and will end Idamae Riley and Robert Brooks Selected Assistants; "Herb" Stevens at 8: 00 P. M. on Monday, April 8. Gorski and Kaplan Lose Decisions in 165 and 175 Pound Classes; Bennett Heads Sports Staff The junior speech plays, scheduled Drops Final EDWARD BEAUCHAMP BUSINESS MANAGER for Friday evening, March 22, have been postponed. Friday, April 11, PONTE CORVO WINS LONE TERROR TITLE Miss Rosalie Gertrude Silberstein, '36, was elected editor-in-chief has been announced as the date of of the Gold Bug for 1935-36, at a special meeting of the senior staff in prcsen ta tion. Western Mary land '8 Terror boxers, making their last appearance the student lounge of the l\Iain Building on Tuesday evening. The under" Dick" Harlow's tutelage, retained the second place position in Boxing Championships the Eastern Intercollegiate at Penn State, Friday 11~\\, staff, which will replace the outgo- HAROLD WHITE ELECTED ing senior staff, will edit the first issue and Saturday, March 15 and 16. Penn after spring vacation. HARRISONIANS TO PLAY EDITOR OF 1936 ALOHA FAMED DON COSSACKS State with three champions won the team The other new mem- AT ANNUAL JUNIOR PROM championship, and Syracuse, win ncr of for bers of the staff are: TO SING HERE DEC. 9 the team title years, three successive Associate Editors- 'Edward Beauchamp Receives Posi- Idamae Riley, Robert To the scintillating rhythms of Al tion of Business Manager of The world-famous Don Cossacks, who took third place. Penn Brooks. Good and his Harrisonians, the annual Publication have sung more than 2,900 concerts in State s cor e d 21 N ews Editors-Sar- Junior Prom, given by the junior class Europe, England, America, Mexico, and points, Western Mary- 14, and abelle Blackwell, Guy in honor of the seniors, will be held in Harold S. White was elected editor- Australia, will bring their stirring mu- land totaled aceumula ted Syracuse Griffen. Science Hall on Saturday evening, in-chief of the 1936 Aloha at a special sic to Alumni Hall on Monday evening, Copy Editors-Jan- March 23, from 8.00 until 11.30 P. M. next December 9. 12. et Mac Vcan, Leonard meeting of the junior class on Thurs- " Tom" Pontecorvo, Rosalie Silberc tein The Harrisonians, secured through day, March 14. At the same meeting, The Don Cossacks are thirty-seven Terror heavyweight, Graham. the efforts and connections of J. Grant Edward Beauchamp was elected busi- veterans of the Great War and the was the only one of Sports Editors-Herbert Stevens, Bet- Koons, has recently concluded engage- ness manager of next year's college an- three Tenors. to de- served ty Hagen. ments at the Hotel Biltmore in Miami nual. Russian Revolution, having Czar. Their as fend successfully his Imperial Officers of the late Managing Editor-Kenneth Plummer. and the Brown Derby, famous rendez- :J1r. White and Mr. Beauchamp, who singing history dates back to 1922, PONTECARVO titlc of Intercollegiate Assistant Managing Editor-George vous of the motion picture stars, in have made tentative staff selections, while confined in the prison of 'I'seher- Champion. "Andy" Gorski, 1934 title- Needham. Hollywood. The orchestra will stop in will announce their assistants in the lengir just outside of Contantinople. holder in the 165-pound class, lost to Westminster en route to Pittsburg, next issue of the Gold Bug. Engrav- Smith of Harvard in the final round. Business Manager - Edward Beau- Released in 1923 through the iuterven- champ. where it has an extended booking. Fea- PI'S, photographers, and printers are be- _tion of the League of Nations, a group "Bernie" Kaplan was Iikewise de- tured with the Harrisonians will be ing interviewed by both Mr. White and throned by Sala of Villanova, the ulti- Circulation 'Managers-Thomas Eve of Cossacks from the Don Region or- three en tertaincrs. The program will Mr. Beauchamp. mate winner of the 175-pound class, in land, Rosalie Gilbert. ganized a chorus under the leadership consist of twelve dances. Mr. White has announced that the the semi-final round of the meet. "Bob" Miss Silberstein; who will replace Den- William Bratton, president of the ju- senior pictures for next year's, Aloha of Serge J aroff. In the short space of Bennett, Terror featherweight, lost to these nis J. Brown as editor, was feature edi- nior class, and Edward Beauchamp, will be taken this spring, and that the eleven years; renown. Don Cossacks have Criswell of Penn State in a fast final gained world tor on the 1934-35 staff. She is an out- chairman of the Prom committee, have staff of the 1936 college annual will be bout of the 115-pound class. Keyser, Sacramento In Union, Margaret standing member of the journalism class. chosen Miss Margaret Lansdale and increased considerably. Whalley the said of the Cossacks: "Voices Kaddy, and Kaplan of the Terror squad Miss Silberstein is the second woman Miss Caroline Bradshaw as their spon- of incredible range, thirty-seven uni- won third places in their respective elected to head the Gold Bug staff, Miss sors. formed 'singing horsemen of the weight classes. "Hinkey" Haynes, ar- Susan Strow having held the position of The committee which has made Mar- WRITING CLUB ORGANIZED steppes' and a director possessed of Western Maryland 135-pounder, lost a editor in 1932-33. rangements for the Prom includes an individual, unchallenged fame com- heart breaking encounter in the prelimi- garet Lansdale, Henrietta Twigg, Har- BY EDITOR OF GOLD BUG nary round against Crampton of Har- Mr. Edward Beauchamp, who heads prised an unforgettable experience for old White, and Allen Dudley. vard, a defensive boxer. Haynes seemed the new business staff, "ill appoint his those who attended the Don Cossack The patrons and. patronesses will in- unable to get his timing to function own advertising managers, and the cir- Russian Male Chorus." properly and swung hard straight punch- clude Dr. and Mrs. A. N. Ward, Dr. and A writing club, as yet unnamed, was culation editors will also select their as- Mrs. W. R. McDaniel, Dean and Mrs. organized by Dennis J. Brown, editor- Ralph Holmes, in the Detroit Evening es over the head of the elusive Harvard sistants. The appointments will be an- F. 1\1. Miller, Dr. and Mrs. T. M. Whit- in-chief of the Gold Bug, at a special News, said: "That human organ, the man. nounced later. field,Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Spicer, Mr. and meeting in the staff office 'on Thursday Don Cossack Chorus, with diapason Bennett Beats Black The outgoing staff will hold a formal Mrs. Frank Makosky, Miss Bertha Ad- .evening, March 7, at 8.00 P. M. The tones, tones as low as any mechanical In the 115-pound class, Bennett of as high, upper dinner for the new staff the second week kins, Miss Pauline Wyman, Miss Mar- new club, which has as its objective to organ in and Masonic tones nearly and left Western Maryland and Criswell of Penn Auditorium sang after spring vacation. garet Snader, Mr. Charles Havens, Mr. create interest in written expression, State defeated their opponents in the Milson Raver, and Mr. Frank Hurt. is the first of its kind organized on the thc big audience cheer-ing and clapping The reporting staff of the Gold B1Lg its opinion that here is ensemble sing- semi-final rounds handily. Bennett took The Prom, which has become a tra- Hill. will be completely reorganized under the ing extraordinary." a slug-fest from Black of Syracuse, and ditional event in the social affairs on At the meeting, arrangements were new regime. All underclassmen wishing Criswell defeated Finer of Harvard. The the Hill, is being given by the junior made to have the club meet the first The engagement of the Don Cossacks Bennett-Black scrap was hard-fought, to join the staff are requested to notc class. Each junior and senior may Thursday in each month at 8.00 P. M. to sing at Western Maryland once again with Bennett gaining a clean decision, the announcements in the next issue of bring one outside guest. in the _Gold Bug office. No formal pro- represents the attempt of the adminis- connecting with left hooks to the face. the Gold B11g. The Junior Prom will climax the so- cedures will be used at meetings. A tration to bring to the Hill outstanding Using a good left jab to the face, Oris- cial activities on the Hill for the win- round-table type of procedure will be musical organizations. well outpointed Finer. Both feather- ter season, as the next dance, the Mili- maintained in order to have freedom of Other news concerning the engage- weight finalists fought hard, jabbing and BYRD ANTARCTIC AIDE tary Ball, will not be held until the lat- discussion and criticism. ment of the Don Cossacks will be print- fending and swinging hooks to the body of Gold Bug The members staff TO LECTURE AT W. M. C. ter part of April. and any other persons the who are interest- ed in future issues of the Gold Bug. and face. the Criswell outlasted Bennett and in the final lowered guard Terror's ed are invited to join the club. The round to gain a clean decision. MISS RUTH JONES TO SING first regular meeting will be held on SOPH COMPREHENSIVES The 125-pound class brought a surprise Dr. Thomas C. Poulter, the second-in- RECITAL AT WASHINGTON Thursday evening, April 11, at 8.00 P. SCHEDULED FOR APRIL when a red -headed fighter from Rutgers command of the Byrd Antarctic Expedi- M. A genuine interest in writing and fought his way past Me.Andrews of Penn tion and the man who led the relief a rejection slip from a publisher are The annual sophomore menace, the State and Gardner of Yale to the cham- voice of Ruth The party through 123 miles of Antarctic J ones will be heard Miss in a recital Sherman the only requisites. (The Gold Bug will comprehensives, will be given during pionship. An aggressive little man, Volk at the night to find Admiral Byrd at his isolat- be glad to furnish rejection slips to the week of April 15, it was announced won the favoritism of the crowd by his Burlington Hotel of Washington, D. C., ed advance base, will come to Alumni anyone who desires them.) recently from the office of Dean Scho- uncompromising will to win against tall- Saturday evening, March ~, at 8..00 Hall on Friday, February 21, 1936, to P. M. The recital is being sponsored by The initial meeting of the club was field. All students of regular sopho- er and rangier opponents. His decisions tell his amazing experiences as an ex- the District of Columbia League of attended by Miss Evelyn Wingate, the more rank will be required to take the were well earned. plorer-scieutist during two years of American Penwomen. staff adviser of the Gold Bug, Idamae examinations. "Mike" Zeleznock, fighting out of his perilous research at the bottom of the Miss Elgar Sherman Jones, pianist, Riley, Rosalie Silberstein, Eleanor Tay· The comprehensives, tentatively class, won two decisions from Crampton, of the world. will accompany her sister, and will of- lor, James Bopst, Herbert Stevens, scheduled for April 17 and 18, will be who earlier had and beaten Haynes of Prince- squad, Parrnalee Terror Moving pictures, taken during the fer two piano selections during the George Needham, Mansell Stevens, and of the Cooperative Test Service type, ton. Parmalee won his way to the finals thrilling time when Byrd and Poulter course of the program. The selection Dennis Brown. Light refreshments and will be administered in colleges much as Volk won his victory by ag- of vocal numbers to be rendered will in- were served at the close of the meeting. throughout the East. guided the destiny of Little America, gressiveness. Zelenznock was a more clude several by French, German, and The same subjects which were tested will be featured as part of Dr. Pou~ter 's polished boxer and cleverly wore down program. Italian composers, as well as a group by last year will be included in the exams the Princeton boy by making use of a American. MISS MARY LEWIS CHOSEN this year. Students having biology La- The story of Dr. Poulter's 123-mile longer reach to connect with Parmalee's Following the recital, the League 2a will be required to take the exam face with straight lefts and right hooks. dash across blizzard -swept ridges, sinister QUEEN OFMAY DAYCOURT will honor Miss Jones with a formal in general science. Students who have and sudden crevices, through tempera- reception in its club rooms, as a con- taken more than one science course in Kaddy Takes Two tures of 75 degrees below zero at which clusion to the evening's entertainment. Miss Mary Waters Lewis, of the class college may select the science in which "Chuck" Kaddy, boxing in the 145- hands and faces and evcn the breath Following is Miss Jones' selection of of 1935, was selected by the Women's they wish to be tested. The foreign pound class for the Terrors, won a third freezes in air, will be the high light of songs: Student Government as the 2\1ay Queen language test will be given in the lan- place, taking t,,·o out of the three bouts one of the most exciting and unusual "Chi Vuol La Zingarella", Paisiello; for the annual ]\fay 'Day, which 'Will be guage which the student has taken for he fought. Not until the consolation features ever presented at Western "Separatzione", Sgambati; "Rispetto", sponsored by the ,yomen in the spring. graduation credit. In case a student final bout did Kaddy show his best box- against ~1ontrello of Maryland College. Wolf-Ferrari; "Marienlied", Marx; The other members of the :May Day has taken more than one foreign lan- ing. In that bout Academy, Kaddy gave a the Coast Guard During his stay in Little America, Dr. "Die Post", Schubert; "Del' Nussbaum", court will include :Mary Wooden, senior guage, he may select one of the lan- beautiful exhibition of boxing and hard- Poulter made researches in chemical and Schumann; "Er 1st Gekommen", Franz; duchess; Elizabeth Wine and Jeanne guages in which to be tested. hitting. Kaddy's bout against Miles of geological phenomena, which have result- "Papilons Coleur de neige", d' Ambro- Weber, senior attendants; Elinor Tollen- H. G. Hager led the comprehensive Princeton in the preliminary was easily sio; "Tristesse Eternelle", Chopin; "Si gel', junior duchess; Rosalie Gilbert and scoring last year, with Rosalie Silber- ed in a large mass of important scientific won as Kaddy twice floored the Prince- data. Mes Vel's A vaient dis Ailes"; Hahn; l1artha ]\filler, junior attendants; Mary stein having second highest score. ton boy. Goodman of State defeated "The Sheperdess", Macmurrough; Alice Wigley, sophomore duchess; Doro- .The comprehensives will include work The time, admission prices, and other Kaddy for the place in the final bracket . i "Pan ,. Sabin; "The Dreamy Lake", thy T\'I'igg and Marie La Forge, sophD- in general culture, contemporary affairs, The bout ,,,as close, but Goodman won information concerning Dr. Poulter's ap- Griffes; "Chinese Mother Goose more attendants; Georgia Price, fresh- English, literary acquaintance, and pearance at Western Maryland will be Rhymes", -Brainbridge-Crist; "Rondell man duchess; Helen Leather'Wood and various other specific subject matter III the decision' because of Kaddy's many announced later. of Spring", E. Bibb. Dolly Taylor, freshman attendants. fields. misses as he swung hard l'ight hooks at (Continued on Page 3, Column 4)
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