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ATTENTION SENIORS! JUNIOR PLAYS 1935 Aloha Fees Overdue Two One-Act Plays MUST BE PAID SMITH HALL As Soon As Possible April 26 8 P. M. Vol. 12, No. 12 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. April 18, 1935 Assisting Staff for 1936 Aloha CALENDAR 1935 Military Ball Plans Completed; Announced by Editor-elect White April18-Gold Bug staff dinner- Bernie Jarboe's Night Hawks to Play Carroll 1nn-6 :30 P. M. April 19-J. G. C. initiation. Appointment To Staff Positions Limited To Members Of Class Of '36 Major Social Event Of Year Will Take Place In Science Hall, April 27 April 20--Geology field trip-7 :45 A. M.-6 P. M. CONTRACTS LET FOR TECHNICAL WORK April 22-Carroll County Youth Con- HOPKINS, MARYLAND OFFICERS GUESTS ference--Sherwood Eddy speaks in Harold White, editor-in-chief of the 1936 Aloha, has announced his Alumni Hall at 8 P. M. The tenth annual Military Ball sponsored by the Officers' Club of complete staff. It is as follows: April 26-Junior plays-Smith Hall- Western Maryland College will be held in Science Hall on Saturdav Associate editors-Robert Brooks, Margaret Herwick. 2 P. M. night, April 27, from 8 :00 to 11:30. • Write-up editors-Marguerite Carrara, April 26-Carroll County Eisteddfod Plans have been made to present one Mary Barbour Dixon, Grace Wood, Guy -Alumni Hall-7:00·10:00 P. M. of the most successful dances of this Griffen, Allen Dudley, Herbert Stevens. MEN'S STUDENT COUNCIL April 27-Military Ball. CARROLL COUNTY YOUTH Copy editors-ldamae Riley, Rosalie May 3-0rchestra Concert-Alumni type that have ever been given at this college. Silberstein, HarDld Biehl, Edgar Hollis_ SUPERVISES NEW LOUNGE Hall-8 P. M. TO MEET HERE APRIL 22 provided Rhythmic dance music will be by Bernie J arb 00 's "Night Sports editors-Margaret Lansdale, Cynthia Hales, Oharles Bead, George The Men's Student Government Asso- Hawks," a prominent Washington or- Armacost. ciation assumed another function this BRUCE FERGUSON ELECTED Final plans have been made for the chestra. The" Night Hawks" have re- Snap-shot editors-Andrew Riley, Si- week with the opening of the new rooms TOASSIST COACH HAVENS County-wide Youth Conference to be cently completed engagements at the held at Western Maryland College on meon Markline, Elizabeth WDlford, Ros- for men. The space formerly occupied Monday, April 22. The program fol- famed Glen Echo Amusement Park Ball- room and at Seaside Park. Bernie Jar- alie Gilbert. by the college workshop has been divided 'boe is popular also among the fraterni- Typing editors-Cora V_ Perry, Zaida into 'three rooms, a tea room for both Bruce Ferguson, member of the 1934 lows: Ha-Il McDaniel 9.30, Registration. McKenzie, Jayne Roof. men and women students, a men's loungl' graduatfng class and of the 1934 foot- Parlor. (Registration fee, 25 cents); ties and sorrorities in and near Washing- Feature editor-Jean Baer. room, and a men's game room, each of ball team, has recently been appointed 10.30-MDrning Session. Baker Chapel, ton, and has played for many of their Business manager-Edward Beau- which is appropriately furnished. assista-nt football coach at Western Miss Evelyn Maus, presiding. Address: dances. Patrons and patronesses will include champ, The men's rooms will be open for the Maryland College , 'Being Christian in our Modern Dr. and Mrs. A. N. Ward, Dr. and Mrs. Assistant business manager-Hem i- use of all men under the supervision of by "Charlie" Ha- World' '-Prof. W. R. Barnhardt. 11.15-Discussion etta Twigg, Ralph Graham. the Student Government Association. vens, who succeed- be announced) Groups. (places to McDaniel, Capt. and Mrs.' MacLaughlin, Advertising manager-William Brat- Andrew Gorski, president of the Associa- ed Richard C. 1. The Christian View of Life. Chair- Capt. and Mrs. Holmes, Col. and Mrs. ton, tion, has announced the following tenta- , ,Dick' , Harlow man, Richard Simms, Finksburg; Discus- Harrison, Lieut. and Mrs. Elderdice, and Advertising staff-Elinor 'Pollinger, tive rules: as head coach at sion Leaders: M. J. Shroyer, M. R. Second Lieut. Charles Havens and Miss Marguerite Ringler, Lois Thompson, 1. The rooms will be open from 1-5:30 the college. Wolfe, George K. Mather. Shreiner. The Officers' Clubs of the The Church in the Modern World. Doris Smedes, Helen Ewing, Helen Ja- and from 7-11 daily except Sunday. Ferguson will as- Chairman: Charles Bankert, Silver Run. Johns Hopkins University and of the cobson, Jessie May Morris, James Wood- 2. The lounge will be open on Sunday sume his duties Diacussion Leaders: Lawrence Little, University of Maryland are among the bury, Charles Daneker, Ray Shipley, from 1:30 -3:45 and from 6·10. No September 1 fol- Berkeley Bowman, W. H. Stone. invited guests. Nicholas, Campofreda, Maurice Roberts, games will be played- on Sunday. lowing 'his gradu- 3. Life Partners, Chairman: ~iSl> The dance committee consisting of Jay Koons, John Elseroad. 3. Proper dress (such as that worn to ation in June. At Novella E. Keilholtz, Blue Ridge Co.l Major Lucas, Lieut. E. Randlq, and lege. Discussion Leaders: Mr. and Mrs. Circulation managers-Mary C. Hill, classes) will be worn. present he is help- Frank Liddle, J. Earl Cummings. Lieut. Daniel Moore, under the directing Elizabeth Byrd, Webster Strayer, 4. Cigarette butts and ashes will be ing with the spring 4. Peace Makers: Chairman: James hand of Capt. MacLaughlin, has arrang- Thomas Eveland. placed in trays. training in a vol- M. Gladden, Westminster Theological ed a program which will include picket A meeting of the staff will be held on 5. No eating will be allowed at any unteer capacity. Seminary. Discussion Leaders: Frank lines and a CoIO'rGuard Ceremony under Trager, L. H. Brumbaugh, Howard M. Wednesday, April 24. Announcements time. Ferguson prepped at Clearfield High Amoss. the command of Cadet Sergt. Read. concerning the 'time and place of meeting 6. Defacing of wallpaper is strictly School and Keystone Academy, coming 5. A Christian Social Order. Chair- The decorations will be simple but will be made later. forbidden. here in 1932. At Western Maryland he man: Miss Mary Barbour Dixon, West- striking in silver, green, and blue. The Because of the limited enrollment in 7. Use of the pool table is limited to played one year of freshman football be- ern Maryland College. Discussion Lead- dance program will include twelve dances the junior class, the income from senior 20 minutes. A table may be reserved fore starring three years on the varsity ers: S. Paul Schilling, C. E. Forlines, with the Officers' Grand March between Aloha fees next year will be smaller than for use only during the same period in eleven. m- held down half-back posi- B. 1. Barnes. Chairman: Miss El- sixth and seventh dances. 6. Other Races. usual. To maintain the characteristic which the reservation is made. tion on the Green Terror's undefeated eanor Babylon, Western Maryland Col- The Military Ball is open to the en- quality of Western Maryland yearbooks, 8. The same rule applies to ping-pong, team last year. lege. Discussion Leaders: Asbury tire student body and faculty, and to the class will conduct an extensive drive except that the limit for play shall be 31) His great blocking helped pave the Smith, M. S. Reifsnyder, o. G. Robin- their invited guests. for advertisements. minutes, way for anany of the long runs of son. 7. Building a Youth Program for the The staff has awarded the contract for 10. No spitting is permitted. "Bill" Shepherd, Western Maryland's Local Church. Chairman: Mrs. M. S. photographic work to the Zamsky Studi- 11. Lighted cigarettes will not be national high scorer in 1934. Ferguson Reifsnyder, Westminster. Discussion 1.D. MAKOSKY DELIVERS os of Philadelphia, the printing con- placed on furniture. was also considered an outstanding de· Leaders: Miss Jeannette Lampson, Her- tracts to the Horn-Shafer Printing Com- 12. There will be no noise after 10 P. fensive back. "Dick" Harlow declared man McKay, Mrs. L. M. Bertholf. ADDRESS TO SENIORS 12.30-Luncheon. (Delegates will pro- pany of Baltimore, and the engraving M. him to be the best blocking back in the vide their own luncheon.) 2.30-Assem- work to Jahn and Ollier of Chicago. 13. Gentlemanly conduct and consider- country for his weight, and in picking an bly. Baker Chapel. 2.45-Discussion Horn-Shafer and Jahn and Ollier are do- ation for others will be practiced at all all-star team from players who had been Groups. (As outlined above). 4.30- Deriding "t'hose panaceas promulgat- ing the printing and engraving on the times. under his tutelage, he named Ferguson Recreation. 5.30-B.anquet. (Place to ed by priestly public seekers and pisca- 1935 Aloha. in the backfield. As a freshman, sopho- be announced). 'I'oastmaster : Dr. L. torial politicians ", Professor John D. 14. Windows will be opened from- the mDre, and junior, Ferguson also played M. Bertholf, Western Maryland College. Makosky addressed the members of the tDp. basketball for the Western Maryland Consecration Service in charge of Dr. F. senior class at the annual senior investi- COLLEGE CHOIR TO SING 15. Anybody violating any of these teams. G. Holloway, Westminster Theological ture service, which was held in Baker HANDEL'S ~'MESSIAH" HERE rules will be brought before the Student Ferguson has been a friend and team- Seminary. Meeting. Alumni Hall. Chapel on Wednesday morning, April 10. 8.00-Mass Government. Wesley Cole, presiding. Special music Handel's Messiah will be presented Sun- The rODmswill belong to the men ex- mate of ' 'Bill" Shepherd since high by Western Maryland College students. "Obviously this academic regalia you day afternoon, May 5, at 3:30 P. M., in clusively, according to Mr. Gorski. An school days, blocking for him both at Address by Sherwood Eddy, nationally don today typefies the acquisition of II Clearfield High and Keystone Academy certain store of knowledge and the per- Alumni Hall as the annual concert of the attempt will be made to raise a fund to before their entrance at Western Mary- known traveler and writer. fection of certain skills and techniques," College Choir, under the direction of (Continued on Page 3, Column 1) land. Miss Ruth Sherman Jones of the music Quiet and unassuming, Ferguson was SENIOR GOLD BUG STAFF . declared Professor Makosky. "Less ob· viously," he continued, "these dignified department. The choir, accompanied by well liked by his teammates. He has a robes signify a monumental change in Mrs. Harry Kimmey and a ten-piece or· . I chestra of focal musicians, will be assist- ANNUAL SOPH GRIND keen sense of cooperation, and he has al· SPONSORS DINNE.R AT INN I your lives, a diametric reversal of all the ed by soloists from the Peabody Con- DRAGS TO WEARY END ways been best when the going was most elements that shape your beings. The es- difficult. and blocking His tackling sential nature of this alteration is the servatory of Music and the local choirs were high spots of a great Terror team. The retiring seniDr staff of the Gold assumption of responsibility. of Westminster and Carroll county. Ferguson is small, weighing slightly over Bug, headed by Dennis J. Brown, retir- The soloists from the Peabody Con- Sharp staccatO percussions bounced 155 pounds and standing five feet, ten ing ediWr-in;-chief, is entertaining at "The seriousness of it is that it brings serv1l.toryDf Music are: Soprano, Miss against the ceiling, walls, and floors of inches in height. dinner tonight at the Carroll Inn in hon- with it problems and obligations of con- Virginia Sellers; contralto, Miss Thelma the dismal precincts of the gymnasium Because of his experience as a back, or of the incoming Gold Bug staff. The siderable magnitude and onerousness. To Viol; tenor, Mr. Gene Archer; baritone, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday as dinner is being held at 6.30 P. M. in the mention only a few: you must-most Df Mr. Lansing Hatfield. All four solDists the members of the sophomQre' class Ferguson will handle the 'backfield this private dining room. you-make a living; you must become As a star pupil of spring and next fall. are scholarship students, Miss Viol hav- dabbled through long leaflets of antag- "Dick" Harlow, he will, no doubt, use The menu, which was arranged by Mr. valuable, functioning citizens; YDUmust ing completed her scholarship. onizing questiol!naires. Brown, is as follows: Frosted compote, work out some personal satisfying phil- First produced in 1742 by Handel, the What a life! What a life! Only tlle (Continued on Page 4, Column 3) hors d 'oeuvres, individual steaks with osophy of creed and action; and you oratorio Messiah ranks among the shufiling feet of a proctor sidling down creamed mushrooms, candied sweet pota- must devise diverting and refreshing oc- world's masterpieces. It is based upon the aisle to replace a broken pencil broke toes, buttered asparagus tips, hea,rts of cupations fDr those moments of leisure the life of Christ and llijj.y be divided the monotonous scratches and rat-tats of AWARDS GIVEN PROMINENT lettuce with Russian dressing, raspberry which, rumor hath it, will become less into three parts, "The Birth of Christ", the hurrying pencils. SENIOR WOMEN ATHLETES sherbet and wafers, mint julep, assorted and less lhfrequent. _ "The Atonement of Christ", and" The In brief the results were as :l'ollows: cheeses and crackers, demi-tasse, mints, "Despite your fifteen or sixteen years Resurrection Df Christ." Mathematic formulas answered :in Dr. Albert N. Ward presented Mary and nuts. of educational instruction, you are not The oratorio will be presented again in such a way that even Einstein would Brown and Catherine Rose with blazers, Invitations to the dinner have been IS- finished products," asserted Mr. Makos- Washington, D. C., Sunday, May 12, at pause--puzzled-English rules revised the highest awards of the Woman's Ath- sued to Miss Evelyn Wingate, staff ad- kyo "The most important years of yDur "The Church of the Reformation", vf as no text-oook ever devined them- letic Association, at the morning assem- viser, Rosalie Silberstein, Robert lives are the next ten. You may expect which Dr. Oscar Blackwelder is pastor. a-mazing historical facts-enough to turn 'bly in Alumni Hall on Monnay, April 15. Brooks, Idamae Riley, Paul Schweiker, ten years of mental growth, change, de- grey tne golden locks of Dr. Whitfield- The blazer, awruded by decision of a Edith Forney, Frances Elderdice, velopment, maturing." Next he suggested how these ten years LEG HURT TO CAMPOFREDA Chemical retorts, test tubes, and Ehrlen- secret faculty committee, is given to sen· Guy Griffin, Sarabelle Blackwell, Wil- could be used prDfitably in the fields of ior women who have obtained 1250 points MARS THIRD GRID PRACTICE meyer flasks smashed to smithereens son Nichols, Frances Glynn, Herbert (theoretically, of course) by witless and whD cooperate in scholastic and ex· Stevens, Elizabeth Hagen, Miriam Whit- earning a living, of citizenship, person- The Saturday practice of the TerrDr yming chemists - Dictators piloting tra -curricular activities. Miss Brown is field, James &pst, Kenneth Plummer, al philosophy, and recreatiDn. "In the grid team turned up a new furrow on horses-J ockeys guiding the destinies of president of the Women's Athletic As- George Needham, Mansell Stevens, Kale field of recreation," he said, "I suggest the forehead of Coach Havens when nations-Countries plDughing the high sociation and the W. W. Club. Miss Mathias, Edward Beauchamp, John War- that ten years may so deepen you that "Nick" Campofreda, veteran tackle, seafr-murderers, discovering the north Rose is women's tennis manager. man, Rosalie Gilbert, Olive Butler, the exotic Sax Rohmer will be displaced was listed as the first injury of the pole - Gambling joints running the ]),Iargaret Lansdale, secretary of the Thomas Eveland, Orpha Pritchard, Carl- by the exotic Joseph Conrad! that the spring practice session. / Leagu-e of Nations Convention-Editors W.A-.A.,prefaced the awards with a talk ton Brinsfield, Norman Ward, Janet esthetically dishonest moving picture, X-rays showed a spiral crack of the going nuts! !! on the development of women'8 physical MaceVan, Leonard Graham, Brady Bry- compactea of sex and box-office appeal lower shin-bone of the left leg. Goodbye, please! educatiDn at Western Maryland College. son, Margaret James and Mr. Brown. (Continue'd on Page 4, Column 4)
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