Page 41 - TheGoldBug1934-35
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r" The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE CAGERS END BASKETBALL INTRAMURAL LEAGUES TO MITTMEN TIE PENN STATE SEASON AS ST. JOHN'S FAN FODDER OPEN VOLLEYBALL PLAY 4-4 AS PONTECORVO WINS WINS 35-34 OVER W. M. By "HERB" STEVENS OVER RICHTER OF LIONS The annual intramural volleyball Terrors Win 55-30 Over Hopkins; tournament will begin on Friday, March I Lose Home Game to 8, 1935. There will be three competing _j Washington Hail Havens! When" Charley "Havens takes over the reins as leagues, namely: fraternity, class, and Terrors Take 115-Pound and Three Terror football mentor, there will be no "new deal" for Western Mary- an independent league. Each club and Final Heavy Bounts In SEASON SCORING LISTED land football enthusiasts. But who wants a "new deal" for Terror class will be represented by two teams. Contest football ? No man will be allowed to play on Western Maryland's Terror five lost its final game of the 1935 season on torily Western Maryland under "Dick"Harlow was more than satisfac- more than one team. One week only BENNETT WINS DECISION of the success of the 1934 team was and no small part successful, Tuesday night at Annapolis, when the due to the expert diagnosis of opposing teams by Havens, who acted as (before the second scheduled game) St. John's College Johnnies, led by scout. The Green and Gold team was defended by being forewarned will be allowed to shift any player "Tom" Pontecorvo, Western Mary- Lambros, held a narrow lead through- of the opposing strengths and weaknesses, and it was drilled to know from first team to the second or vice land's heavyweight ace, defeated out the last five minutes of play to win the characteristics of each team beforehand. The fact that "Charley" versa. The independent league will be Penn State's Izzy Richter last Satur- by a single point, 35·34. could so clearly outline the football tactics that each opponent would composed of: Y. M. C. A., Seminary, day night to give the Green Terror mitt- The game was closely contested. employ against the Terrors is a clear indication of his knowledge of the Plymouths, Westminster; Carroll Coun- men a 4-4 tie with the Penn State Lions. Lambros troubled the Terrors greatly strategy of football. ty, Faculty, and any others to complete "Bob" Bennett, fighting in the 115- as he broke away to score 7 field goals As a player here Havens was thrice mentioned for all-state honors at an eight team league. pound class, won a decision over Cris- and 4 fouls for a total of 18 points duro center. Being a lineman himself, he realizes the importance of line-play Points will be awarded as follows: well, Penn State's 115-pound Eastern ing the game. Scoring for Western and understands how a line should charge. Undoubtedly his tactics will 25 points for each team entered (50 Intercollegiate flash, in the opening Maryland was evenly distributed, Mer- pattern themselves after Harlow's. The pattern is good-as perfect as points maximum for entrance to any bout of the contest. The Lions won the go, Kaplan, and Benjamin accounting a pattern of strategy can be. Nevertheless the student body can expect one organization); 5 points for the win- next four bouts, but the Terrors took for 28 of the 3'4 Terror points. ner of each league; three points for the last three events. to see that pattern made elastic, incorporating into it some of Havens own ideas. second place; and 1 point for third. The summaries: Individual Scoring The "A" team winners will compete for has the ability to main- (Not Including C. U. Game) tain Some have wondered whether" Charley" Though the Terror cage the school championship, which team 115 Pounds-Bennett, Western Mary- team. discipline a winning and to build Goals Fouls Totals will be awarded an additional 5 points. land, defeated Criswell, decision. Mergo 70 34 174 team may seem to have made an unenviable record, there is in that Teams forfeiting games will be pen- Benjamin 46 11 103 record an untold story of hard work on the part of both the coach and alized 5 points for each game forfeited. 125 Pounds- McAndrews, State, de- Kaplan 44 20 108 the players. With scarcely better than average material, the Terrors Each team will consist of six men. feated Rusteburg, decision.- Fowble 22 9 75 played some of the strongest college basketball teams in the east, besides One round will be played in each league. 135 Pounds-Capt. Zelesnock, State, Shepherd 12 15 39 the league schedule. At the outset of the season the team was delimbed defeated Armaeost, technical knockout Lathrop 7 1 16 by the loss of George Ryscavage, who shared scoring honors a year ago Fra~.ernity Schedule in 55 seconds of second round. idle through- Terror Ryscavage captain. remained with Mergo present Draper 2 2 6 out the entire season. And Havens was forced to rebuild his team. March 8-Gamma Beta Chi vs. Delta Lipsky 3 1 7 Pi. Pi Alpha vs. Bache- 145 Pounds-c-Goodman, State, defeat- Ryscavage (one game) 5 3 13 On other occasions Havens had every reason to become discouraged. lors. ed Kaddy, decision. Moore 1 0 2 Few reserves few star players, few victories-these difficulties beset March 15-'Pi Alpha vs. Delta Pi. Gam- him. But he 'worked hard, and soon his team showed some victories for 155 Pounds-Ritzie, State, defeated the effort that had been expended. ma Beta vs, Bachelors. Keyser, technical knockout in 1.20 of 223 97 543 March 22-Bachelors vs. Delta Pi. third round. "Charley" Havens has the ability to continue Western Maryland's Pi Alpha YS. Gamma Beta. W. M. Basketeers Win From Hop- gridiron success. Other league schedules will be posted 165 Pounds-Gorski, Western Mary- kins 55-30 None know as well as the student body here at Western Maryland at a later date. land, defeated O'Neill; technical knock- Western Maryland's basketeers over- just how difficult a position "Charley" Havens has been called to fill. out in one minute of second round. came an early lead and went on to With a schedule that will be extremely difficult and with almost an en- 'smother the Johns Hopkins Blue Jays tire team to build, "Charley" is faced with a truly mountainous task. COLLEGE LETTER MEN 175 Pounds-e-Kaplan, Western Mary- 55 to 30, in the game played at the The students body knows it; the faculty knows it; and the players know land, defeated Shawchak, decision. Westminster Armory on Saturday even- it. But there is no one with whom the student body, faculty, and players ORGANIZE W. M. CLUB Heavyweight - Pontecorvo, Western ing, February 23. would rather cooperate in keeping the Green and Gold teams in their Maryland, defeated Richter, decision. Hopkins got off to an early lead, but proper relative place than with Havens. Western lUarylanders will back Fomteen Western Maryland alumni the Terrors rallied and made the score him to the limit, and all of them join in wishing "Charley" success in of Baltimore City last month organized Referee-Simondinger, Pittsburgh. 10·10 at the quarter. Fowble's two his new undertaking. the Western Maryland Club, and later The Terror boxers will meet the ~il· field goals placed the Tenors ahead, Luck to you, "Charley", from all of us! took formal action in recommending lanova mittmen on Saturday; March 9, and they continued to pile up a big th at a graduate coach should succeed at Villanova. The boxing season will score during the remainder of the game. The Intercollegiates-What Chances? "Dick" Harlow on the Hill. The mem- be concluded when the Terrors join in Chancellor, Hopkins' center, was bership of the club is composed of ten and his boxers have certainly met with disaster Harlow "Dick" this ruled out on fouls early in the second season. Injuries have been too frequent and too prolonged, When two letter men and four non-letter men. the Inter-Collegiate boxing meet on Friday and Saturday, March 15 and 16, half. Siverd led ·the scoring for Hop- such frequent winners as Keyser and Haynes are injured at the same The members of the club are Arthur at Penn State. kins with 15 points. Benjamin and time the result is defeat for the Terror ringrnen. Injuries to the afore- Broll, Maurice Roach; Douglas Crosby, Mergo each scored 16 points for the mentioned Terrors and difficulty of other team members to make weight William Fiege, Jr., Harry Machamer, Terror team. Arthur Long, Peter Gomsak, George have handicapped the team tremendously. One meet remains before the Usinger, Frank Clary, Harry Benson, GOLD BUG CORRESPONDENT Cagers Lose Final Home, Game to Eastern Intercollegiate boxing meet at Penn State. The Terrors meet Ray McRobie, Roy Chambers; Crogan INTERVIEWS MANAGER OF Villanova Saturday. Washington Bonnett, and Richard Dent. W. M. COLLEGE GRILLE In a rough and tough contest, the The eyes of Terror supporters are turning to the Intercollegiate Washington College floor squad downed match. What chances have the Terrors for success against strong teams (Continued from Page 1" Column 3) the Terror quintet 39-31, on Tuesday from Syracuse, Penn State, Army and Navy? Of the Terror boxers, FRESHMAN COEDS DEFEAT evening, February 26. The game repre- Gorski, Pontecarvo, and Kaplan are former title holders. All have a hummed snatches of popular tunes. The sented the only defeat of the Terrors this chance to win, Pontecarvo and Kaplan being more uncertain than Gorski BALTIMORE FtAMINGOS reason for their cheerfulness soon was quite evident. "Gosh, I must have eat- knock- six technical who has lost but one match this year and has secured year on their home floor. outs. Keyser and Haynes are both possible point winners, if they are en my lunch too fast," one of the clerks The first half of the game was swift complained. got the queerest "I've and exciting, with "Pete" Mergo going able to regain a winning stride after lay-offs made necessary by injured The cooed freshman basketball team feeling right here in my stomach." Mrs. 115-pounder, having lost but one bout "Bob" varsity Bennett, hands. out on fouls near the end of the half. this year seems likely to win needed points for the Terrors. Haynes, won an exciting game over the Flamin- The Shoremen held a 22-18 lead at the regularly a 145-pounder, may be able to make 135 pounds for the Inter- go team of the P. A. L. of Baltimore, Mason suggested that he take a dose end of the first period. collegiates. Kaplan is expected to fight in the 175-pound class. by a score of 18-14 on Saturday, March of bicarbonate of soda. Soon the boy reported that he felt "swell" again. Shepherd, Terror guard. and Shipp, All in all the chances of the Terrors are not much better than even, 2. Washington College center, went out on but they are at least 50-50 that the Terrors can win the team trophy. The visitors gained the lead in the "The boys certainly do give 'service fouls during the second half of the Such an accomplishment would be a crowning achievement for" Dick" first quarter, with the score standing at with a' smile'," Mrs. Mason declared, game. With 15 points to his credit, Harlow as, with that meet, he closes his career as coach of the Green 5-8 at the end of the first period. At smiling herself. that Somehow, watching her, I thought perhaps the boys Ward of Washington College led the and Gold. the end of the first half, the score was found her smile contagious. "Service, scoring for the game. 7-8, with the visitors still leading. The I believe, is the can-opener to success co-eds rallied in the last half, and fin- THE COLLEGIATE WORLD To Coach ished the game lead:hig by the score in running a tea-room," she continued. "Of course, other things are important, 18-14. (Continued from Page 4, Column 2) Terror Terrors The line-up: too, such as the quality of the food a speaker in the room than by receiving • Plamingo-c-Mm-tin, LaBonto; Boone, served, the size of the portions, the the same information by radio. Lynas, Crawford, Merritt. cleanliness of the shop, and the little Jack Goodwin, University of New W. M. C.-PI·ice, Pyle, Kalar, Cook, courtesies that make such a big differ- Hampshire (Durham) student, recently Gompf, Taylor. ence. substituted skis for his front wheels The W. A. A. entertained the two "Our most serious problem t" Mrs. when a tire blew out and he was strand- teams in the College Grille after the Mason leaned back in her chair for a ed without means of fixing the punc- game. moment. "Perhaps it's that of making ture. students realize that we can't lower our Orest Meykar, former professor of prices. Many students who come in for fencing at the University of Minnesota THE SHORT SHORT STORY a piece of pie see only so many eggs (Minneapolis), is trying to revive in- and so much flour and a certain amount terest in fencing at Now Orleans, La. (Continued from Page 2, Column 5) of other ingredients. They forget the cost of help, of gas, of coats and aprons, entered. A young man sturdy and tall; Middlebury, Vt.-Hervey Allen, au- athletic and browned. of soap and tea towels, and of a hun- thor extraordinary of encyclopedia- It was Michel. dred and one other little things. sized novels; has turned his attention Quickly he strode forward and em- "But, in spite of everything," Mrs. to education, and in a Middlebury col- braced her. After regaining her Mason declared, "I like my position. I lege bulletin calls those who teach "voo- brea til, Olivera noticed what Michel like management work and I like the dooists of psychology" and "wizards of was Noticed its unusualness. students here at Western Maryland. the great racket of education." Striped fllannels. Patent leather shoes. "Sometimes I might feel like throw- He threw many jibes at the profes- A gardenia. ing some of the students out on their sors and instructors who "every year ears," she confessed smilingly. "But I "I've missed you so, Michel. invent a whole new dialect of terms and ever kept you away I" What- .still think the world of them!" abstractions to describe even the most Michel smiled an inscrutable smile. ordinary phenomena." "Well, Beloved, after you became so In commenting upon the perfection of beautiful, I felt like an ugly duckling. INTERCOLLEGIATES the Broad Loaf School of English, he I needed some masculine beauty; so I said that at that school "No time is wouldn't be too much of a contrast." AT PENN STATE, , lost in purblind and 'finician' lectures "Oh, Michel." on the psychology of the A-Z group in "Well, I wasn't long getting these STATE COLLEGE, PA. B-3 high school grade, fourth ward, "CHARLEY" HAVENS duds, but-, but-" soda centre, or upon the deep myster- "Charley" Havens, assistant Coach of the 1934 Terrors, who has been elevated to "But what, Michel~" FRIDAY and SATURDAY, ies of how to attract attention or to the position of Head Coach by the Athletic Committee. He played center on the He grinned. "It took me two weeks ventilate a school room." 'I'error elevens of 1928, 1929, and 1930. to grow this mustache." MARCH 15 and 16
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