Page 46 - TheGoldBug1934-35
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland Oollege, Westminster, Md. r------------------------------------- __~ APRIL 10 IS DATE SET PERSONAL I TY PICTURES FOR SENIOR INVESTITURE FASHION NOTES for black headpieces indicates that it chance to live for a has an excellent By ART PENNER AND HIS PALS By Associated Collegiate Press while in the warm light of popularity. L-------------------------~i ---------------------- __~ The annual senior investiture service More Plaids Future issues of the Gold Bug will "Well; Miss Q. what did you read for ature is 'Professor Makosky an acknowl- will be held in Baker Chapel at 8.10 A. The plaids seem to have invaded present other fashion notes, including today t" edged master. Parliamentary law is M. on Wednesday morning, April 10. every article of the male dress, so it is coed style suggestions. "I read 'Justice'." also his forte. As he himself has con- All seniors who have 102 semester only natural that the mufflers-of-the- "Red justice, eh' That sounds like fessed, only two other persons have ever hours and 102 points to their credit will season should come in all types of be invested a gruesome tale of Soviet Russia.-Or known as much parliamentary law as tume. with the academic cos- checks and varieties of plaids. And, of do you mean-Will you always love me he does. One of these is General Rob- course, they're all wool. It is predicted H.E.REESE justice I am ,,, The speaker for the senior investi- that these mufflers will soon become as erts, author of Robert's "Rules of Or- ture service, who is appointed by Dr. TAILOR Prof. Frank Makosky, of the Eng- der"; the other is the parliamentarian important for 'winter dress as did the lish department, grins. The English of the House of Representatives. Gen- Ward, will not be announced until the old solid-colored cashmere, which has SUITS MADE TO morning of the ceremony. class grins. Then he launches into a eral Roberta is dead. The House parlia- been out of the fashion picture for MEASURE wirephoto discussion of what Robert mentarian is engrossed only in political some years, However; the colorings in CLEANING Browning meant when he said: matters. Therefore, according to Pro- HARLOW ISSUES SPRING these plaids are of the more neutral PRESSING "Hobbs hints blue-straight he tur- fessor Makosky, the laurel wreath of type, rather than of the over colorful REPAIRING tle eats." parliamentary knowledge must "adorn GRID CALL AT HARVARD variety. Remodeling a Specialty He picks up his inevitable briefcase, his brow." The largest and most enthusiastic 94 East Main Street removes 'an ominous pack of yellow pa- Professor Makosky has "done his squad ever to report for spring foot- A Chat on Hats per, and distributes it. Then casually part" towards the success of the Wes- ball practice at Cambridge was on hand With the introduction of the many, ,walks to the board and solemnly prints. tern Maryland nursery school, by en- Monday as "Dick" Harlow launched new spring dress styles, the fashion NO BOOKS trusting one of his progeny to its care. his coaching campaign at Harvard. I news of this week is filled with stories He has also "done his part" towards the One hundred and twenty candidates about the new hatwear for collegians. A Tradition With W. M. NO NOTES triumph of forensic activities on the reported to Harlow for the start of the One of the most significant of the Bedlam breaks out. Smiling, he sol- Hill, by contributing at least on addi- four weeks of practice, two of which changes to make its debut is the black Students etnnlY' walks to the board and casually tronal member to the audiences, as well will be indoors and two out-doors. Coach band on the brown snapbrim model, and prints. as by conducting a course in argumen- Harlow was well pleased with the turn- this is 'accompanied by the covert color "Dad" Smelser's NO TALK tation. out of players and said he would ob- snapbrim with a black band. -For- Professor Makosky knows how to mix Professor Makosky, with his Barry- serve every candidate during the next Early last fall a brand new hat shape an interesting presentation of subject mol'can voice, may be labelled "fas- two or three days before making a cut came across the Atlantic from England I Sandwiches Ice Cream matter with a rich, substantial back- cinating". in the squad. -it had a narrow band and a low tele- Cold Drinks ground. Racy descriptions, solid facts, "I f'ascinate'l" he might ask. . "How Every member of the varsity squad scoped crown, perfectly suited for and invigorating slants of humor are can one 'fasten-eight" You can fas- last fall who is eligible for this season country or campus, clothes of the rough- Open every night until 11.30 blended to form a profitable classroom ten one, you can fasten two, you can reported with the exception of Shaun er textures. This IS now reappearmg hour. fasten three; but how can you fasten Kelly, Jr., the veteran end. again from London, although it is com- ================== Not only in the field of English liter- eightf" --_---- ting in a new color, a midnight blue so I~==============~ ============================== dark that it is almost black, and made r------------------------------------ , WOMEN ARRANGE FIRST in an appropriate lighter weave felt. Now Is The Time To Order Your Along with this comes a new rough DEBATE MARCH 27 HOME THIS COLLEGIATE WORLD The women's --_ debating rather than the usual a tweed band NAME CARDS with texture felt hat grosgrain silk, affirmative team will debate the women's negative making the hat entirely in keeping 100 FOR 95c By The Associated Collegiate Press team from Pennsylvania State College with the current trend in campus DURING MARCH and on Wednesday, March 27, at 7.30 P. M. clothes. APRIL ONLY Ann Arbor; Mich.-College students I demonstrations as long as they keep in Smith Hall. This will be the first For town wear the Homberg ~till bias Also Specials on are prosperous again. within the public law." home appearance of the Western Mary- for favor, especially in the rougher PERSONAL STATIONERY Fifty University of Michigan stu- The biggest majority in favor of any land women's, team this year. finishes and with the usual silk bound COFFMAN'S dents questioned recently were found one question in the entire questionnaire Idamae T. Riley, manager of Wo- edge being eliminated. The latter is to have an average of $2.98 a piece in was rolled up by those who favored par- men's Debate, and Thelma Chell, presi- being replaced by the self-turned and I~==============~ their pockets. Seniors had an average ticipation of the United States in the dent of the Debate Council, will com- stitched edge. ~-=================== of $4.65 on their persons, freshmen, Olympic games at Berlin. ' prise the affirmative team. The debate But for the dressier moments, the ~==============~ $3.42, and the sophomores were at the Students voted almost 3 to 1 in favor will be on the Oregon plan. Miss Riley black Homberg has still the distinction I WESTERN MARYLAND bottom with a mere $1.61. While the of joining the World Court and the will give the constructive speech and that is a prerequisite for the "well- persons who have a flail' Coffee Shoppe men as a whole had $4.31 apiece, the League of Nations, thus registering a Miss Chell will act as cross-examiner. dressed" events. The fact that the women had but $1.55. A reception for the debaters and in- black Homberg was not accepted by stronger majority for international co- Individual figures of those ques- operation than that cast in a recent na- vited guests will be held in McDaniel those "arty" tioned, Tan all the way from $17, the tion-wide poll by Washington Universi- Hall Lounge after the debate. AND RESTAURANT high mark, to three students who were ty students. ================== caught short with nothing at all. Six It is eatimatsd that more than $100,- SODA select the six most beautiful students out of the 50 carried more 000,000 changed hands in the United Louisiana Tech (Ruston). girls at SANDWICHES than $10. Checks were not accepted States in gridiron betting during the for the survey, only cash on hand. nine weeks of the last football season. * * * LUNCH Sally Rand; of fan dance fame, was ••• .. .. * once a student in the school of journal- DINNERS Lawson Greenham, a former profes- ism at Columbia University (New York Iowa City, I&.-A "court" has been J. F. Moore, Mgr. established at the University of Iowa sor at Queen's University (Belfast, City). "Good Food-And How!" here to mete out strict and severe pun- Ireland), claims he has perfected a ma- * * * ishment to those fraternities who abuse chine with which he will be able to cre- University of Kentucky (Lexington) Never Closed their pledges during "Hell. Week" ac- ate rain at will at a cost of from $20 cheer leaders have to take a six weeks' tivities. to $50 per rainstorm. course in training before being allowed Established by the Inter-Fraternity .. .. * to tryout for the jobs. r,===================~===========41 Council, the court is empowered to dis- Columbus; O.-Suppose you were to * * * cipline the brotherhoods overstepping be isolated on a desert island and had One hundred and thirty-five under- WE FILL- the hazing rules. The COUTtwill have the choice of five books to keep you graduates at Princeton University, OPTICAL 1) power to remove social and intramural happy-would you choose a Sears & working as waiters in the dining halls privileges of any fraternity disobeying Roebuck catalogue as your first -choicef during 1933-34, received $31,971 wages. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, INTRICATE OR OTHERWISE- the rules in the future. Prof. Herman A. Miller of the Eng- ================== We also make a speciality of duplicating broken lenses and repairs ••• list department of Ohio State Univer- of both spectacle frames and eye-glasses. sity did. Besides the catalogue, he "John" Everhart Cassell's Jewelers St. Louis, Mo.-Retention of the pres- would take to his island Robert Brown- THE COLLEGE BARBER ent system of offering military training ing's Poems, the Bible, "The Ambassa- AND BOBBER J. WILLIAM HULL, Prop. as an optional course at Washington COl'S"by Heury James, and a volume 51 East Main Street WESTMINSTER, MD. University here was voted by students of Shakespeare's plays. AT THE FORKS ~==================================~ of that institution in a recent question- On Prof. Harlan Hatcher's five-vol- ================== ====================================== naire survey. umes shelf would be "The Diary of ~==============~I Samuel Pepys," Boswell's "Life of .--------------------------. Of those that voted, a total of 297 Johnson," doughty's "Travels in Ara- favored optional military training; 70 bian Deserts," Browning's Complete THE RETIRING STAFF favored the abolition of the R. O. T. C. Poems, and Hardy's "The Dynasts." Opera House unit, while only 25 signified that they "Anthony Adverse" by Hervey Allen would welcome compulsory military ser- was his sixth choice because he might OF THE GOLD BUG vice as a part of the collegiate course. " get the time en the island to read it. FRIDAY and SATURDAY MARCH 22-23 The survey also included many .other points-of-difference among students, * * .. wishes to extend its WHEELER and WOOLSEY in and a large majority favored a compul- George Washington University thanks to the down- sory year-book fee and a compulsory (Washington, D. C.) is offering a course "Kentucky Kernels" student activity fee. in recent Russian history with special town advertisers who The vote on censorship of student emphasis on the Soviet Union. The publications by the student governing course is one of the first in the United have helped to make NOTE body was close, but the proponents of States dealing with the Soviets. possible the publica- FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL added a full reel of the Dionne a free press lost by a vote of 228 to * * .. Quintuplets. Spend a day with them on the screen. Exclusive 192. When it came to the question of tion of this paper dur- pictures. And that is not all. Listen! the way in which F. E. R. A. work had The state legislature of Indiana is ing the past year. been conducted on the campus, a total considering a proposal to insure against FRIDAY and SATURDAY of 197 students signified that they injury or disablement all football and MATINEE SATURDAY 2:30 thought it was poorly handled, although basketball players participating in reg- And, in passing, 201 thought that it was satisfactory un- ularly scheduled games of Indiana may we suggest that ALFRED A. FARLAND, THE WORLD'S GREATEST del' the present arrangements. schools, colleges, and athletic associa- BANJOIST Large majorities approved the reten- tions. • the student body co~- tion of the predominance of intercol- .. .. * tinue in the future to will be onrhe stage in person to entertain you with the Banjo. legiate sports as against intramural sports, the development of greater ad- Gertrude Stein (a rose is etc.) recent- ministrative functions for the Student ly had her first experience as a debate PATRONIZE MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Council, and the continuation by college chairman at the University of Chicago. GARY COOPER and ANNA STEN in officials at Washington and at other ,. * * I OUR colleges of the policy of non-interfer- ADVERTISERS "The Wedding Night" ence in the participation of students in Shirley Temple, juvenile movie ac-/ "public political controversies and tre s, will u e her "Bright Eyes" to ~======~~-~- ~~~
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