Page 50 - TheGoldBug1934-35
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PAGE FOU:& The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. RECITAL CARROLL COUNTY SCHOOL PAIRINGS MADE FOR PLAY MARY WOODEN PRESENTS. J. D. MAKOSKY DELIVERS FOOTBALL SCHEDULE IN CO-ED TENNIS TOURNEY SENIOR VOICE ADDRESS TO SENIORS SUPERINTENDENT DIES Oct. 5 Villanova, at Villanova. Mary E. Wooden, soprano, a member (Continued from Page 1, Col. 5) Pairings for the first round of the of the senior class at Western Maryland (if these two be not one) will be re- Oct. 12 Penn State at State College. cooed tennis tournament have been College, presented a voice recital on Dr. M. S. H. Unger, superintendent placed by a taste to distinguish the fine Oct. 19 Bucknell at Baltimore drawn and must be played by May L Thursday evening, April 16, at 7.30 in of the Carroll county school system for from the false in screen and stage ; that Stadium. The lower courts will be reserved for Smith Hall. the past nineteen years, died at the Uni- an admiration for Cab Calloway and the Oct. 26 Mount St. Mary's at the gil-Is use and must be signed for in Miss Wooden's program was com- versity Hospital in Baltimore last Sun- Harlem Philharmonic may be replaced by Emmitsburg. the girls' gym from noon until 2_15. posed of the following: Colomba (Folk day after a short illness. a love for the music that reflects and re- Nov. 2 University of Baltimore at Song) arranged by Schindler, Rispetto Dr. Unger was born at Littlestown, veals the deeper meanings of life. Westminster. "Kitty" Rose, manager of girls' ten- No.1 by Wold-Ferrari, Rispetto No.8, Pennsylvania, in 1870 and· received his Nov. 9.. Boston College at Boston. nis, announced that the number of girls by Wolf-Ferrari, Ebben, N'andro Lon- early education in the public schools "The highest need, then," Mr. Makos- Nov. 16 Catholic Uniersity at signing up for the tournament is great- tana, from La Wally by Catlani, Der and the Edge Hill Institute of that ky concluded, "is for some compelling Washington. er than usual. The junior girls lead the Tod und das Madchen by Schubert, town. He was graduated from Frank- ideal to carry you forward. I can sug- Nov. 23 North Dakota University at list with 23 entrants, the freshmen are Wiegenlied by Brahms, Die Lorelei by lin and Marshall College in 1894 and gest no finer one than the ideal of these Baltimore Stadium. sable vestments, the ideal of the intel- next with 18, the sophomores follow Litzt, Widmung by Schumann, Les Mar- received his M. A. degree from that in- lectual life, the ideal of this investiture Nov. 30 Georgetown at Baltimore with 12 entrants, and the' seniors are riages des Roses by Franck, Extase by stitution. He further pursued his stud- service." Stadium. last with 11. Dupare, Les Filles de Cadiz by Delibes, ies at Johns Hopkins University, Col- Alleluia, from Le Cid, by Massenet, umbia University, Uuiv ersity of SYTa- Last year Cynthia Hales, sophomore euse, and Western Maryland College. champion, defeated "Molly" Harrison, Pierrot by Roberts, The Dreamy Lake, After teaching in the schools of Pen- STUDENTS! by Griffes, Moon-Marketing by Weaver, senior champion, to gain the school The Bird of t.heWilderness, by Houseman. sylvania, New York, and New Jersey championship. "Dot" Hull won the Miss Ethel Owen of the department for several years, he came to West- In making your plans for the Military Ball, why not include freshman championship and "Kity" of music accompanied Miss Wooden on minster in 1916 as head of the county a delicious, but inexpensive, home-cooked meal? Rose the junior championship. I the piano. school system. While here he has made When your parents come to see you Easter Sunday take them a most enviable record, seven new to "The Inn"_ schools having been constructed during The Carroll Inn Invites Your Patronage SCENE AROUND his administration. It is also a signi- Carroll Inn ficant fact that the state rating of the Carroll county schoola was raised from ON THE CAMPUS The 1935 Aloha will be released on I At its weekly meeting, Wednesday, seventeenth in 1915 to fourth in 1925. or about May 18, 1935. Everyone who April 10, the Y. M. C. A. elected its of- has paid his activities fee must pay a fleers for the coming year, 1935-36. The FERGUSON SELECTED subscription fee of 75 cents before that men chosen to head the organization AIDE TO HAVENS The Store of New Fashioned Jewelry and Old Fashioned Honesty date. Otherwise he will not be able to are: obtain a copy of this year's book. President : Edgar Hollis (Continued from Page 1, Col. 3) CASSELL'S The subscription fees may be paid to Vice-president Edward Gault "Dick's" system 'Of backfield play. JEWELERS any of the following subscription man- Secretary Charles Dorrance Bruce has a difficult task to round a agers: Jane Twigg, Ernest Randle, Jan- Treasurer Edward Corbin backfield squad from a roster which in- For Nearly Half Century na Randle, Edward Barto, or the sub- Mr. Hollis will announce at a later cludes only three veterans among a large J. WILLIAM HULL; Proprietor scription blanks may be obtained at date, those who will be his cabinet. field of freshman candidates for back- 51 East Main Street the Post Office. field positions. WESTMINSTER MARYLAND Besides his duties as coach, Ferguson will probably scout opposing teams for We Buy Old Gold and Silver Earl Lippy, Western Maryland grad- Haveus next fall. Y. W. C. A. uate and frequent guest-singer on the At a recent meeting of the Y. W. C. Hill, won both State and District A. the following officers were elected: "Apple-polishing" is the reasou girls J. D. Katz awards in the contest sponsored by the President Mary Barbour Dixon National Federation of Music Clubs. He get better grades than men, oue faculty I CORSAGES Viee-Presidant. Mary C. Hill will contest fbr the national award dur- member at Texas 'I'echnical College QUALITY S HOE REPAIRING Secretary Henrietta Twigg ing the latter part of April against the (Lubbock) believes. Special Rates to Students . FOR Treasurer Margaret Lansdale winners of eleven other districts. The EASTER AND THE winner of the contest will receive a Iu a group of 150 schools considered I MILITARY BALL thousand dollars and an engagement 1'8 leading, athletically speaking, 62 had The annual recital of the Curtis In- with the Metropolitan Opera Company. names of animals for their nicknames. WESTERN MARYLAND stitute of Music was given in Alumni -Associated Collegiate Press. Roses, Sweet Peas, Gardenias, Hall on Friday evening, April 2, 1935, Coffee Shoppe Orchids and [.t 8 P. M. The program was opened by Schubert's "Sonatina" in D Major Opus Interesting and noteworthy are the J. STONER GEIMAN Lily-of-the- Valley 137, No. I", played by Miss Marian changes that have been made in the In- RADIOS AND RESTAURANT I Head, violinist. A group of Chopin's ter-Club Constitution of the girls' Clubs. MA YT AG WASHERS SODA I , works, played by Joseph Levine, pianist One of the most significant additions to General Electric Stewart N. Dunerer and accompanist, was 'Outstanding. Mr. the Constitution is the article on grades, REFRiGERA TORS SANDWICHES 110 Penn. Avenue Eugene Lowenthal, basso, closed the which states that any girl who receives program in a ripple of laughter brought more than one D, an E, or an F after LUNCH Phone 350 on by several whimsical encores. becoming a member of .any club will "John" Everhart DINNERS be suspended until those marks are im- proved. This does not apply to the last THE COLLEGE BARBER J. F. Moore, Mgr. 'semester of the senior year, nor to June The Men's Glee Club is booked for marks. This step has long been con- AND BOBBER "Good Food-And How!" OPERA .HOUSE it s initial concert in Baltimore- on templated as a means of raising the AT THE FORKS Thursday evening, April 25, 1935. The scholastic standard, not only of the N ever Closed club will entertain at the quarterly clubs but .also of the college as a whole. COMING meeting of the Buckingham Alumni in I Other changes were made concerning George Arliss in the Central Y. M. C. A., Baltimore, Md. I bids and rushing rules. H.E.REESE "THE IRON DUKE" TAILOR SUITS MADE TO The Helen Hayes in THIS COLLEGIATE WORLD CLEANING "VANESSA: HER LOVE MEASURE STORY" By The Associated Collegiate Press PRESSING Underwear Jean Harlow In REPAIRING Remodeling a Specialty Sensation "RECKLESS" The most hilarious story of the week I Pope. Wolsey couldn't speak Spanish comes out of the deep southwest, from though and so his head was cut off. 94 East Main Street Maurice Chevalier in the University 'of Texas (Austin) where Without a doubt, Henry was the great- "FOLLIES BERGERE" a youug man got an "A" in a course for est magnate of all times." Shirts & Shorts ---------- --- the first time in his mental career and Evelyn Laye immediately wired his folks to tell * * * An adaptation of the "French t'PRINCESS CHARMING" them about it. Now that the fad of tinting the toe Chocolates To be sprightly, he added humorous- nails has become boring to the Ameri- Type" garments of fine white "TIMES SQUARE LADY" ly that he had suffered a nervous break- can cooed, we suggest the newest stunt, this Easter from mesh fabric knitted of two down as a result. Four hours later, a inaugurated by girls in a woman's col- 'tCASINO MURDER CASE" dust covered car skidded up to his fra- leget out in the pioneering state of BONSACK'S thread Ingrain Mercerized ternity house door and out stumbled his Colorado. Yarn. parents. There they sign their letters with a Whitman's Lionel Barrymore The lad's "topless" telegram had kiss, each girl striviug for her own par- The Choicest of t'MARK OF THE read, "Offspring Gets A Nervous Break- ticular shade of lipstick for the signa- Shirts are shaped at waist VAMPIRE" \ down May Recover." ture. Chocolates * * * 00'0 Plain and Fruit-Nut Eggs and also tapered at bottom in. t'NAUGHTY MAR:rETT A" Two thousand wads of chewiug gum Albany, N. Y.-College boys who IOc 25c 50c keeping with design of Shorts, "ONE NEW' YORK were recently taken from their resting think the charming co-eds they take places under library tables at the Uni- out are sweet are about to have a rude Assorted Chocolates which have genuine Lastex NIGHT" versity of Florida (Gainesville). awakening from a false illusion, for in Nests Wallace Beery in A student .at the University of Illi- doctors at Albany Medical College of 50c waistband and leg edging to nois (Champaign) wrote an essay for Union University have evolved the fol- hold garment smoothly in po- t'WEST POINT OF class on Hackett's "Henry Eighth." lowing chemical formula for the young Packages THE AIR" Following is an actual excerpt from it: ladies of today. $1.00 $1.25 to $3.00 sition. "Henry the Eighth was a very fasci- One girl is made of enough glycerine A most appropriate Easter ttGRAND OLD GIRL" nating man, being a book which Fran- to furnish the bursting charge for one Gift. Finest Selections 35c AND 50c EACH cis Hackett wrote. He ended feudalism naval shell, she has enough lime to "LADDIE" by killing those of the opposite feud whitewash a chicken coop and she has Virginia Dare Eggs and thus became a great dictator. Hen- sufficient gluten to make five pounds of Rich Chocolate Covered 'tGIGGOLETTES" ry married eight wives and even though glue. In addition she has enough sul- Fruit-Nut or Plain T. W. MATHER & SONS 'tNIGHT LIFE OF THE a Spanish princess told him she had phur to rid au ordinary dog of fleas 25c to $2.50 only one neck he sent for her. Cather- and enough chlorine to sanitize three Westminster's Leading GODS" ine bored Henry and would have me, good size swimming pools. In addition, Choose Chocolates too, So he married and disposed of she carries around every day 30 tea- As a Gift from Store The Biggest Parade of Hits others by losing his head. Henry's spoons of salt, 31 pounds of carbon and to be had chief adviser was Wolsey, who was a 10 gallons of water. Who Said "sweet I BONSACK'S THE OPERA butcher's son but who later turned young thing~" 111;;=====;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=======;;!J
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