Page 42 - TheGoldBug1934-35
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::------ PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryla.nd Oollege, Westminster, Md. REGISTRAR LISTS UPPER "John" Everhart TENTH OF FROSH CLASS J. D. Katz THE COLLEGE BARBER According to a recent announcement AND BOBBER QUALITY S HOE REPAIRING from the registrar's office, the follow- ing freshmen ranked in the upper tenth AT THE FORKS Special Rates to Students PI ALPHA ALPHA PHI ALPHA MU of their class at the end of the first semester. The names are given in al- The Pi Alpha Alpha fraternity wishes The following officers for the second phabetical order, not in relation to in- to announce that the following men semester were elected [It a recent meet- dividual standing. have been formally initiated into the ing of Phi Alpha Mu. Charles W. Baer, Baltimore, Anne A. 'SPECIAL SELECT YOUR fraternity: Mr. Bright, Mr. Myers, Mr. President Gertrude Rogers Chew, West River; Elizabeth ·B. Erb, Gosnell, Mr. Baker, Mr. Hendrickson, Vice-President Marguerite Ringler Westminster; Alfred Goldberg, Balti- GIRLS!!!!! Spring Mr. Baumgardner, Mr. Brown, Mr. Secretary Mary Dixon more; Elva B. Hawkins, Gaithersburg; Benjamin, Mr. Moritz, and Mr. Fallen. Treasurer Elizabeth Wolford Allie M. Moxley, Monrovia; Elizabeth You may have your hair cut The fraternity held its annual informal S. Poffenberger, Keedysville; Virginia and shaped to the head and an initiation Wednesday, February 27. Lee Smith; Havre de Grace; Ruth E. Suit DELTA PI ALPHA Taylor, Greensboro, Mary M. Wilmer, EGYPTIAN OIL Sykesville. W. W. OLUB PERMANENT WAVE THIS WEEK! The fraternity held its informal Im- in the ends for ~5.00 ' The W. W. Club will give a tea dance tiation on Wednesday evening, March 6. for all sorority and fraternity mem- RayShipley $12.75 bers on Saturday afternoon, March 9, Association J from 2.00 to 5.00 P. M. in the girls' W.A.A. gymnasium. The Women's Athletic Make your appointment early Special showing of smart new held its monthly meeting on Monday fabrics and models at this as- IRVING-WEBSTER evening, March 5. Talks were given by tounding low price. A small the volleyball and tennis managers, u deposit will hold your choice. The Irving Webster Literary Society Several new members were taken into Also another group at will in the near future sponsor a joint th e Association. meeting with the Philo-Browning Liter- The basketball manager read the list ary Society. of those who had earned points for H. E. REESE IIr..~:.~;!.~~ basketball. The honorary basketball TAILOR GAMMA BETA 'CHI Pyle, f.; Kajar, c.: Tollinger, c.; Gompf, N SUITS MADE TO team, selected by the board, was an- The fraternity held its formal and in- nounced. The team includes Price, f.; MEASURE formal ini tia tions on Tuesday evening; g.; Downing, g.; Jenkins and Robinson CLEANING PRESSING February 26. were named as substitutes. REPAIRING I Remodeling a Specialty 94 East Main Street THIS COLLEGIATE WORLD Opera House By The Associated Collegiate Press Fitz o Iowa City, Ia.-The voice of the Lind- ity than the college girls of previous gen- WESTERN MARYLAND FRIDAY and SATURDAY MARCH 8"-9 bergh ransom plotter who cried "Hey, erations, Miss Ellen Pendleton, Matinee Saturday 2.30 Doctor! " in a Bronx cemetery could president of Wellesley College, declared Coffee Shoppe have been the voice of any number of here recently. men, University of Iowa psychologists "The .average college girl of today is "David claim after conducting extensive experi- her than her predecessors, which is a R AND RESTAURANT more frank, more approachable and less ments. willing to accept opinions handed out to "It is almost impossible to determine SODA Copperfield" one voice from another when the speaker good thing, Miss Pendleton said. SANDWICHES is hidden," the psychologists claim. In June, 1936, Miss Pendleton will re- This report from the Iowa psycholo- tire, after serving as the president of LUNCH gists was made following an experiment Wellesley College for 25 years. Fifty p MONDAY, TUESDAY and conducted by a large psychology class- years ago she was a student at that in- DINNERS WEDNESDAY tests which proved that positive identifi· stitution. J. F. Moore, Mgr. MARCH 11-12-13 cation was only five per cent accurate. (( I think the modern college girl is Ronald Colman and * * much more serious minded than 25 years "Good Food-And How!" Loretta Young Los Angeles, Calif.-Harold "Red" ago. As a group, she is very much in- Never Closed Grange, the University of Illinois' f'a- terested in public affairs and she has, on -In- mous "77", has played his last game of the whole, more intellectual curiosity R football. The" Galloping Ghost" of than the girl of 15 years ago and, after "Clive of the gridiron has retired from profession- all, that is the basis for acquiring knowl- al football, and is now 'looking for a edge, " she added. ST'ATE THEATRE coaching position. "I've played enough. * * * India" I'm going to get out of the game before The men of the Massachusetts Insti- o WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND they kill me. It's the old legs. They tute of Technology (Boston) and the PAMILY NITE can't take it any more," he said in an- women ot Radcliffe College will have a FRIDAY, MARCH 8 nouncing his retirement following a debate on the advisability of "dutch All Seats 10c THURSDAY and FRIDAY thrilling 41·yard run made as a member treats" on "dates". " Chan in Paris" MARCH 14-15 of the Chicago Bears pro team in defeat- Gambling is wrong, according to 114 Ricardo Cortez and Virginia ing the New York Giants, 21 to O. University of Washington (Seattle) stu- M Warner Oland Bruce Grange said he planned to coach foot- dents who took a psychology test, but GOOD SHORTS ball, and that a definite announcement only 33 of this number condemned SATURDAY, MARCH 9 -In- would probably be made in March in « petting." Chicago. * * * "When a Man's a Man" "Society * * * Mount Vernon, la.-What do college Harold Bell Wright, Story Chicago, I1!'-A new and super-scion- students do with their time s In answer George 0 'Brien tific explanation of the enigmatic Ger- to this none-too-important query, Prof. Music by the CARTOON-NEWS-COMEDY Doctor" trude Stein, who has been touring the col- Russell Cooper, of Cornell College, gives MONDAY-TUESDAY leges giving undergraduates a repetitive us the following data from a survey con- WEDNESDAY and somewhat chaotic explanation of her ducted by him recently: HARRISONIANS MARCH 11-12-13 SATURDAY, MARCH 16 "poetry", is now advanced by the staid l. Senior men spend 55 hours of each Journal of the American Medieal Asso- week to sleeping. "The Lives of a Richard Dix in ciation. 2. Women of Cornell College devote Bengal Laneer" Despite the fact that' (A rose is a rose" four hours per week more than the Gary Cooper, Franchot Tone, "West of the students, and they spend nino Saturday, to La Stein, it is only "dadaism" to men to personal appearance. Richard Cromwell, Sir Guy Prof. Langdon Brown; of the Univer- 3. Senior men are the most studious of Standing, Kathleen Burke sity of Cambridge, who writes in the A Picture of ages, for all ages the Pecos" current issue of the Journal. and one-half hours per week at the Night Prices .10-30c Prof. Brown groups Miss Stein with dining table. D. H. Lawrence and T. S. Eliot in an 4. Freshmen write home on the aver- March 23' Matinee: Tuesday and Wednesday, explanation of « modernism and even age of two and one-half hours a 3.30 P. M. MONDAY and TUESDAY da-da-ism in the recent outp~t of many week. Prices 10-25c MARCH 18-19 modern writers." 5. Junior women consume nine hours THURSDAY, MARCH 14, ONLY Prof. Brown conceives (' That the writ- and 30 minutes each week for" en- "'Chu-Chin- ings of D. H. Lawrence begin with an tertainment.' , 8:00 - 11:30 ",ThePresident Vanishes" angry reaction against the intellect and * * * Arthur Byron, Janet Beecher end up in literary movements which pro- Of the 9,000 women graduates of the duce what is called baby talk." He as- University of California (Berkeley) only FRIDAY, MARCH 15 Chow" serts, moreover, that such writing com- about 3,300 are married, and more than FAMILY NITE municates little to anyone who does not 50 per cent of those were married be- S b · $2 00 I " Lottery Lover" possess the key. The inspiration wells tween the ages of 26 and 36. up from the unconsciousness, or at least * * * u scriptIon · I ==Pa=t=P=at=te=rs=o=n,=L=ew=A=ye=rs============= the subconsciousness. Kenneth H. Sanford drives approxi- "Milton," the old scholar cried, mately 480 miles to classes each week. "thou shouldst be living at this hour. The University of Missouri (Columbia) FOR YOUR ST. PATRICK'S WE FILL- England hath need of thee." student commutes daily to his home at PARTIES * * * Mexico, Mo., a distance of 40 miles. OPTICAL ~ Hanover, N. H., the home of Dart- The Italian Government has made a I Novelties, Candy, Cards mouth College, is the ski capital of the special gift of 300 Italian books to the ! OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, INTRICATE OR OTHERWISE- world. There are 1,700 pairs of skis in University of California (Berkeley). I -AT- We also make a speciality of duplicating broken lenses and repairs the town. Experiments on a large number of sub- COFFMAN'S of both spectacle frames and eye-glasses. * * * jects at the Harvard University (Cam, TIMES BUILDING Cassell's Jewelers Boston, Mass.-Today's college girls bridge, Mass.) psychological laboratory Westminster make more use of the education they re- have shown that difficult material is bet- Phone 401 J. WILLIAM HULL, Prop. ceive and are more interested in relating ter assimilated by students by means of The Store of Better Cards 51 East Main Street WESTMINSTER, MD. their college work to their future activ- (Continued on Page 3, Column 1)
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