Page 53 - TheGoldBug1933-34
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE SPORTS Baseball -- Intra-Murals .-- Tennis SPORTS v TERROR NETMEN "DEFEAT DELTA PI ALPHA HOLDS TERROR N1NE DEFEATS ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE AND I MUSH BALL LEADERSHIP PENN STATE TOSSERS TOWSON STATE NORMAL Bachelors and Black and Whites FAN FODDER IN WELL-PLAYED GAME Stage Pitching Duel Tennis Team Scores Overwhelming Victories In the third series of the Intra-Mural Varsity Baseball Good Hitting And Fielding Fea- Mushball League the Delta Pis, led by ture Contest On Saturday, May 12, the Western , , Ernie" Randle, retained their leading With but five games to go before the curtain is rung down on the Maryland tennis team defeated St. position by defeating the Gamma Betas 1934 baseball season, it seems a logical time to take stock of this year's "BUD" SHILLING PITCHES John's at Annapolis, 8-1. Captain Lease by a score of 16-6. "Danny" Moore club. So far, the team has won three in eight starts, The major vic- Bussard, playing his first match since his started in the box for the Gamma Betas tories were over Penn State, New Windsor, and l\It. St. Mary 's; with Timely hitting and air-tight defensive accident at the University of Maryland, but, af'ter being hit hard, was replaced defeats by George liVashington, Georgetown, Maryland, Dickinson, work proved a wholesome diet to the suffered the only defeat. This marks the by "Dick" Holmes, who pitched good Gettysburg. This is a fair record' when one considers the calibre of Green Terrors and, as a result, they fourth win of the six matches played this ball but was given little support by his the opponents. turned in the first win of the current season. teammates. Better batting in the pinches would improve the team as would a diamond campaign over a highly touted In the single matches: On the same afternoon a pitching duel "ti~hter" defense. In most cases the team has scored enough points Penn State team by a 7-5 count. Woodman, St. John's, defeated Bus- occurred between Janna Randle, on the to give a margin of victory, but in several instances loose playing in a sard, 6-3, 6-1. single inning has spoiled the team's chancc of victory. "Bud" Shilling toed the hillock for mound for the Black and Whites, and the invaders and turned in a masterful Palmer, Western Maryland, defeated , 'J. B." Timmons, in the box for the The pitching department has been weak; not from the standpoint Kemp of St. John's, 6-3, 6-1. Bachelors. The Bachelors started off of the individual, but from the standpoint of the group as a whole. perf'ormance for seven innings, during Haynes, Western Maryland, defeated with a lead of 2-1, but in the third in- Freshmen eligibility rules have hampered the team and placed an extra which he allowed only four hits and one White, St. John's, 6-3, 6-3. strain upon "Bud" Shilling, who otherwise might have been able to run. The Pennsylvanians got to his of- ning the Black and White batters knock- ferings in the final two sessions, but, ex- Jaeger, Western Maryland, defeated ed in five runs. Because of exceptional bear down harder. , Next year the prospect of a stronger pitching staff Kantor, St. John's, 6-2, 6-3. pitching and scattered hits, the score re- for Coach Twigg's aggregation seems certain with Willoughby Skin- cellent support by his mates enabled him Sliker, Western Maryland, defeated mained at 6-1, until the last of the ninth ner, and Preston each having a year's experience behind the~. ' , to brave the storm and avert disaster. Brown, St. John's) 6-3, 6-3. inning, when the Bachelors seriously Inter-Frat Tournament A diving catch by Keyser, Willis' Finch, Western Maryland, defeated threatened their opponents' lead, jump- gathering-in of a. long fly ball with his Moore, St. John's, 6-1, 6-1. ing the score to 6-5. Janna's careful Inter-fraternity soft ball teams are about to' start on the finals of the gloved hand, and a brace of back-handed In the double matches: twirling pulled the Black and Whites out tournament-the result of which will determine the club champions. sops of grounders by Cumberland were Bussard and Haynes, Western Mary- of the hole and moved them into second To date the teams have been running nip and tuck most of the way the fielding features of the day. All land, defeated White and Woodman, St. place in the league as the first round of with an occasional impromptu debate thrown in as an added amuse- came at critical moments and helped the John's, 6 8, 6-3, 6-1. playing ended. ment for the spectators. cause of the victors. Palmer and Finch, Western Maryland, In the first round the Delta Pi Alphas walked off with the honors The Tenors launched a thirteen hit defeated Kemp and Moore, St. John's, Gamma Betas Win 9-3 having a perfect record in three games; second place went to the batting attack, assaulting three Penn 6-0, 6-1. In the second round, the Black and "Black and Whites" with two wins and one loss; the "Bachelors" State pitchers. The first of these, Parks, Sliker and Jaeger, Western Maryland, White Club was defeated by the Gamma occupied third place with one win and two defeats; and the Gamma "as driven to cover when the visitors put defeated Kantor and Brown, St. ,John's, Betas by a score of 9-3. The latter club's Betas were in the cellar with three losses. In the second round', to across two runs in the second stanza of 6-2, 6-3. fine showing was the result of goo-d date, the results are almost in contrast. The" Bachelors" are in first the game. Successive base hits by Tol- On Saturday, May 5, the Western fielding and pitching. The Black and place with two wins and no defeats; the "Black and liVhites" and lenger, Willis, and Fowble and a sacrifice Maryland netmen blanked the Towson Whi te hits were few and far between. the Gamma Betas are in tie for second place 'with one victory and one by Hurley put across a pair of runs and State Normal racketeers, 9-0, in a match In the latter part of the game, Ben defeat; and the Delta Pi Alphas are in third place with two defeats. gave the Marylanders a lead which they played at Towson. In this match the Boyd, Black and White catcher, was in- The final games of the second round are scheduled for this week be- never relinquished. Terror team scored their first shut-out jured by a foul tip; and as there were no tween the "Bachelors" and the "Black and Whites" and' the Delta Zowaski, sturdy State receiver, made of the season) outclassing Towson very substitute present e;xcept Randle, the Pi Alphas and the Gamma Betas. ' an effort to put his team in the running easily. Only one set was lost during the pitcher, the batteries were reversed. This in the third inning, when he poled a match, and only one other set went above was partly the reason for the Gamma home run under the stands in right field; ten games, This match marks one of the Betas late scoring, since it was Boyd's MOUNTAINEERS SUCCUMB I GREENS DEFEAT WHITES but his four-master came with the bases most complete victories scored in several flrst attempt on the mound. unoccupied, so his effort still left the years. A summary of the contest fol- At the same time) on another part of TO W. M. HITTERS IN PRACTLCE GAME host organization one marker in the rear lows: of the visitors. the field, the Bachelors broke the Delta Singles : Pi's winning streak, defeating them by a Shilling Relieves Skinner To Gain Many Spectators Watch Tilt Played The Terrors went on a hitting spree i:l- 1. Bussard, Western Maryland, defeat- score of 14-7. Beane, for the Delta Pis, Victory Over Blue and White both the sixth and seven th innings and ed Hardesty, Towson State Normal, pitched a steady game and was assisted In Steady Rain scored enough runs to salt the game 60, 6-2. by his teammates in both hitting and The Green and Gold nine scored a In the second and final football game away. Keyser singled off the third base- 2. Palmer, Western Maryland, defeat- fielding. rather one-sided win over Mount St. of the spring practice session, the Green man's glove, after one was down in the ed Turk, Towson State Normal, 6-1, 6-2. Home Runs Win Game Mary's at Emmitsburg, Saturday, May team again defeated the White eleven, sixth, and scored as Tollenger laced a 3. Haynes, Western Maryland, defeat- 12. 12-6. In spite of the fact that the game long home Tun to right-center field. An- ed Woronka, Towson State Normal, 6-0, In the second series of the second Skinner started in the box for the Ter- was played in a steady rain, it drew nu- other pair of runs was added to the total 6-2. round two very close games were played. rors, bnt the Mounts nicked him for six merous spectators and proved to be quite ill the next inning when Cumberland 4. Sliker, Western Maryland, defeated The Delta Pis lost in the last half of runs in the first two innings. In the in teresting. reached first on 0 'Hara '8 error, moved Kulaski, Towson State Normal, 6-3, 6-1. the ninth inning to the Black and third inning, although Western Maryland Shepherd was the outstanding player to third on Lipski's single, and scored as 5. Jaeger, Western Maryland, defeated Whites, after Lassaha's home run had was only three tallies behind, he was re- for both teams. While playing for the Shepherd shot a hard hit to left. Lipsky Weigs, Towson. State Normal) 6-1, 6-0. tied the score. Boyd then cracked out lieved by "Bud" Shilling. The Terrors Green team he made possible their initial scored on an infield out. 6. Finch, Western Maryland, defeated another four base hit with a man on soon rallied and drove in six runs. Pitch- touchdown when he broke away on a The home team pushed across four Harris, Towson State Normal, 6-0, 6-2. third, and the game ended with a score ing brilliantly, "Bud" held the Moun- tackle-buck from the 40-yard line and runs in the last two innings, but snappy of 12-10. defense work by the infielders cut short Doubles: taineers to a lone marker for the remain- raced to the 3-yard line, where he was The same day the Bachelors retained this bid for victory. 1. Haynes and Bussard, Western Mary- del' of the game. brought down from behind. The first their lead in the league by defeating the land, defeated Hardesty and Turk, Tow- Gamma Betas in a long, hard-fought con- The game was featured by some quarter ended at this point. After chang- Tollenger, with a home run and a son State Normal, 6-2, 2-6, 6-1. splendid displays of good baseball. An ing goals Shepherd, on an off-tackle slant, single, and Lipsky, with three hits, in- test. The score was tied in the twelfth exceptional play was made by Reilly, the cluding a triple in the ninth which scored 2. Sliker and Finch, Western Mary- inning and there was a man on third crossed the goal line standing up. Mer- run, land" defeated W oronka and Kulaski, when Commerford cracked a home run Mount's centerfielder, when he pulled in go's kick for the extra point was wide. the final attack. were the big guns in the Terror of Joe Lipski. the Towson State Normal, 6-1, 6-3. which ended the game. Although both a long fly from Terror bat captain, possibly The half ended without either team mak- the Tollenger, bid to score. ing a threatening 3, Manspeaker and Rhodes, Western pitchers were hit hard, they both lasted prevented several markers when he made Maryland, defeated Weigs and Harris, the entire twelve innings. two fine throws from deep centerfield to During the rest period the line-ups '1'owson State Normal, 6-2, 7-5. In the second round, the Bachelors hold cut d{)wn two men who were attempting were changed. Shepherd, along with a CO-EDS VIE FOR HONORS IN the lead, and the Black and Whites and to steal to second and third. few others, wept to the White team. TENNIS TOURNAMENT the Gamma Betas are tied for second Though not sensational, the game was Before the third quarter was four min- BASEBALL TEAM CONQUERS place honors. The Delta Pis, after their well-played. Hurley, who had been in a utes old, Shepherd, playing safety, ran The cooed tennis tournament for the AMATEUR CLUB 9-8 undefeated first round, are not doing very batting slump in the earlier games of the back a punt 71 yards for the White's 1934 season is well under way. The first well. , The next series, which will be the season, threw {)ff his batting jinx, and only score. Mergo's kick for the extra round of matc,hes has been completed by Coach Molly Twigg took his Western concluding {)ne of the season, will de- accounted for thee of the thirteen point was blocked. This quarter ended the Freshman and Sophomores. off a serious with the Green team staving Maryland baseball team to New Windsor cide the winner of the second round. If bingles. bid fo~' a score by the \'Vhite team. Score: The record of the first match for the on Friday, May 11, tD play the strong the Bachelors win over the Black and Next week \'Vestern Maryland will meet Green, 6; ViTllite, 6. Freshman is as follows: Fennel defeated New Windsor team of the Frederick Wbites, they will play the Delta Pis for the nines from Gettysburg, DIckinson and Herson, HaTrison defeated Enfield, County League. Keen rivalry was dis- the league championship. If they lose Mount St. Mary's in home games. The Green team's second tally came C1'own defeated Kanady, Hull defeated played by both teams as "Bud" Shill- however, another game will have to be late in the last quarter. After two suc- B. Hanison, Corkran defeated Blackwell, ing, Terror mound luminary, has direct- played to decide the second round win- cessive first downs, they had gained the McCullough defeated E. Nock, and Price ed the New Winds,or outfit in the past ners. AUDIENCE AT MA Y DA Y White team's 12-yard line. Two plunges defeated Sansbury. In the second round, and will assume the position of manager FETE THOROUGHLY ,yere stopped at the line of scrimmage. Hull defeated Corkran 6-1, 5-7, 6-2. The and pitcher for that team this summer. "COWED" A pass, Lathrop to Ryscal'age, was com- first round for the Sophomores ended the Western Maryland nine at bat with pleted for an 7-yard gain, and Ryscavage Western Maryland hit Barnes"hard in four hits {)ut of five times at bat. For ,yith the follOlying schedule: Perry de- the first inning. Willis doubled, Lipski (Continued from Page 1, Col. 4) stepped the remaining distance untouch- feated Payne, Herwick defeated Bm·tner, team Zepp led with two ed. walked, and Shepherd singled to bring the New Windsor Terror right fie1der, had there she is-the gentle white heifer- point Lathrop's drop-kick for the extra Wolford defeated Leigh, Hance defeated Keyser, was wide. A few minutes later the hits. Willis in. Bef{)re the rally was over, the three hits. coy ly eying her "leading" man and her game ended. Score: Green, 12; White, Boyer, Driscoll forfeited to Stump, 'I;.errors had chalked up three runs. New very appreciative audience. The court 6. Waltz defeated Smedes, McKenzie de- Windsor cancelled this l~d in their half jester boldly advances and playfully feated Dawson, and Lansdale defeated of the same inning when Zepp tripled tinkles a bell in the soulful face of the The muddy.field slowed up the game Schad. with two men on base, and then crossed J. D. Katz cow. This time the cow advances-just considerably. The interference was slow, The Juniors and Seniors have not fin- the plate himself. New Windsor at {)ne as boldly-and even more playfully but at times they" cleared the line" and ished their first round as yet. For the • time held the Terrors 4-3, but the Terror tinkles her cowbell in the not-so-soulful c', cut down" op~nents in true fa.ll foot- Juni{)rs, Elderdice defeated Child, Coff- nine again rallied and secured a one l'un QUALITY S HOE REPAIRING face of the court jester. Then, still in ball fashion. man forfeited to Willis, and Glynn de- margin, which they retained until the end a flirtatious mood ghe starts heading for feated Bark. In the Senior class, Wigley of the game. The final score was West- Special Rates to Students the "bull's" eye and succeeds iI~ upset- defeated Pullen and Frey defeated Yo- ern Maryland, 9; New Windsor, 8. ting its equilibrium. The spectators SENIORS cum. Preston and Will{)ughby, two Fresh- HILLSIDE lNN draw "cow"-ering at the sight. The first and second Tounds of the men, hurled for the Terrors. Both pitch- But Mistress Bovina is soon cajoled tournament must be finished by Friday, ed creditable ball. Willoughby, although DINNERS into following her leading man and Why not subscribe now to the 1934-35 May 18, in order that the semi-final and he pitched good ball, displayed unusual REFRESHMENTS makes a dramatic exit. Gold Bug. The price for one year is tnal rounds of the tournament may be wildness which he will have to ()vercome Bring your date over for a Big Ice "Just a crowd of 'bullies' in the audi- started. The tennis manager requests if he is to become a winning hurler. Cream Cone ence", you say~ No-not "bull"-ies- only one dollar. Place your subscrip- that all matches of the first and second Shepherd, Terror third baseman, led Southern Dairies Cream "cow"-ards, tion with any member of tbe $tafI. r{)unds be played off by the above date,
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