Page 49 - TheGoldBug1933-34
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland Oollege, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE I SPORTS i Tennis -- Intra-Murals -- Baseball SPORTS WESTERN MARYLAND NINE DELTS GAIN LEAD IN TERROR TENNIS TEAM DEFEATED BY G. W. 7-2 INTER-FRAT SPEEDBALL FAN FODDER DEFEATS CATAWBA 5-4 Skinner Pitches First Full Game As Sink Black and Whites 9.5; Bach. By "Pat" Mahoney Terror Regular elors Down Gammas 21.10 Franklin and Marshall Netmen Win From W. M. 7-2 A well-balanced George Washington A second series of contests in the Scarcity of Material Clouds Athletic Horizon team combined 13-hit batting with 6- Intra-mural Mushball League, played. The Catawba College net men fell hit pitching to score an unimpressive on the intra-mural diamonds Tuesday, A cursory glance at the rosters of the various Western prey to a strong Western Maryland win over Western Maryland's ball-toe, May 1, gave the various teams a defl. Maryland athletic teams of the current season reveals that a Tennis team last Tuesday when they sers by a 7-2 count in Griffith Stadium, nite standing. large number of the men listed are Senior members who have were defeated 5-4. Cal Griffith, adopted son of Clark In the first game of the season, the played or who will have played their last game in Green Western Maryland got off to a flying Griffith, owner of the Washington Amer- Black and White Club; last year's start by taking the first three singles ican League baseball team, was on the champions, and the Preachers turned and Gold togs at the close of this season. This inevitably matches. Lease Bussard, playing a mound for the host organization and in victories over the Gamma Betas and , 'Pat" leads to a situation which every coach abhors-a dearth of driving game, defeated Williams 7-5, -limited the Tenor batting efforts to six Bachelors, respectively, By defeating Mahoney material the following year. 6-3. The match was well played by hits, two of which were good for extra the Black and Whites the Preachers Confining our observation to spring sports, we find that both men. "Vic" Palmer outclassed bases. The blue-stockinged hurler did moved into first position, while the of the present varsity baseball team, four regulars are on the home- Wildermuth when he defeated him in not walk a single batter and succeeded Bachelors through their victory over stretch of their collegiate careers. In tennis the situation is even more straight sets 6-3, 6-3. "Hinky" Haines in retiring six of the visitors by the Gamma Beta Chis take second place experienced a bit of difficulty in de- strike-out route. with the Black and Whites. drastic. Of the seven top-ranking men, six are slated for departure when feating Captain Wanner 6-4, 2-6, 6-1. The Colonials started scoring by put- The Preacher-Black and White game the curtain is lowered on the court game this year. Fullerton of Catawba, playing a hard ting across a marker in their half of ended with the score 9 to 5. The con- Baseball will probably take care of itself as there is always a crop driving game, defeated "Rody" Jaeger the first inning after two batsmen had test, from beginning to end a pitchers' of aspirants, rather well grounded in the art of playing the great Ameri- 6-2, 7-5. Sliker went down to defeat been retired. Zahn, after drawing a battle, was marred only by several out- before the beautifully placed shots of base on balls, stole second and scored field errors which came at crucial mo- can pastime, coming along to provided replacements. The tennis situa- Witmer 4-6, 2-6. Gisriel suffered a se- on Fitzgerald's hard liner to left. ments. "Ernie" Randle pitched excel- ation is quite sure to present a difficulty. Finding a half dozen replace. vere defeat at the hands of Goodman, Shepherd, first up for the Terrors in lent ball for the victors. "Jay" Randle, ments is going to be a task of gigantic proportions. One method of who bea t him 6-1, 6-0. the second, evened matters when he hurling for the Black and Whites dis- partly off-setting this condition is by preparing now to meet it. Bussard and Haines won the first set drove a scorching grounder through the played equally creditable form, retiring of doubles by defeating Williams and infield, completing the circuit of the six men via the "strike-out" route. This can be done by rounding up promising material, preferably Goodman 6-3, 6-4. Jaeger and Palmer bases "when left-fielder Ferrell let the The Bachelors, in defeating the men in the Freshman and Sophomore classes, and allowing these young- came through to win from "Wildermuth ball get away from him. sters to work along with the members of this year's varsity. Perhaps it and Fullerton 6-4, 6-0. Gama Betas, handed in a one-sided The home team jumped into the lead score of 21 to 10. "Danny" Moore, hurl. would be possible to use some of these players in regular matches. By In the final doubles match of the af- in the third inning and was never se- er for the losers, was hit hard during working along with the veteran performers and by actually engaging ternoon, Wanner and Witmer defeated riously threatened from this point. Car- the first inning, nine runners having in varsity competition their game is bound to improve. The entire pro- Finch and Sliker 6-3, 2-6, 9-7, in the ines, first up, tripled to right center and crossed home plate before the side was hardest fought match of the day. The scored on Russell's infield hit. Russell retired. From then on, however, the cedure would supply experience, which is a valuable asset in any line of Western Maryland men dropped the then stole second and went on to third fielding and batting of both teams competi tion. first set and breezed through the second, as Lipsky's throw to catch him went tightened perceptably, The Bachelors but were unable to cope with the Cataw- into center field. The Colonial third- rallied again in the last two innings, ba men in the final set. baseman tallied as Fowble gathered in cinching the game. CO·EDS PARTICIPATE IN GREEN SHIRTS TRIUMPH Zalm's infield roller. VARIOUS SPRING SPORTS IN SPRING GRID TILT In the intra-class division of the In the seventh inning, five hits, aided The Western Maryland tennis team League, the day students have by two Terror errors; gave the host Mushball their superiority by defeating This year tennis will be managed un- was defeated Saturday by the net men shown club four runs and the ball game. der a new system. Until the upper The first practice game of the spring from Franklin and Marshall College in the Freshmen in two encounters. The The Terrors scored their other mark- courts are ready for use, two of the football session was played Saturday, a rather one-sided contest to the tune er in the eighth when Cumberland laced first game ended with a top-heavy score lower courts are reserved for girls and April 28, between the Green and White of 7-2. a long triple to left-center and scored of 27 to 11. The "Frosh" were com- the other two for boys. The girls are teams picked from the regular squad. The team from F. and M. got off to baffled on a balk by pitcher Griffith. pletely hurler for by the offerings of Cant- requested; to sign for courts, in the the White team won by the score of (l. fast start when they captured four students. well, day In the The Terrors made a bid for another girls' gym from 12_15-'-3.00 P. M. 7-2. of the six singles contests. The doubles game a reorganized tally in the final session after two were the second took the field. The Fresh- Judging from the number of girls proved even less successful for the Hill- team Frosh man down. Lipsky, after missing an extra showed improvement but, after seven signing for tennis, an interesting tour- The Greens kicked off in the first men when they dropped all the events base hit by inches when the umpire innings of excellent form; they weak- nament is expected. Twenty-five Fresh- half and Rormito was injured in the in that class. ruled his liner to left foul, plastered a ened and the day students triumphed men, twenty Sophomores, fifteen Juniors, ensuing pile up. In the middle of the In the singles, Lease Bussard, the old long drive to the same sector for three again by a score of 9 to 7. and eight Seniors have signed. The second quarter Mergo scored the only Western Maryland stand-by, got a good bases, but was out at the plate as he tournament is being drawn up; and touchdown of the game on a cut.back tried to stretch it into a home run. weather permitting, we hope to play play. He also kicked the point after start when he defeated Garland in sets 6-2, 6-3. straight Skinner, a Freshman addition to the" TERROR TEAMS TO LOSE down to a school champion. touchdown. The Whites made their hurling corps, worked his first full game VETERANS IN JUNE Baseball seems to have taken a new score when Marks blocked a kick by "Hinky" Haynes got a rather poor and showed real promise, despite the interest this year. With a new field Mergo for a safety. start in his match and dropped the first thirteen hits garnered off his delivery. All in all, Western Maryland's varsi- and some new equipment, baseball en- set. In the second set he lost his He struck out seven batters and issued ty athletic teams have had this year thusiasts are looking forward to a good Both quarterbacks played a waiting "touch" again and with it the set with only one base on balls. game, trying for "breaks" which failed Snyder 6-2, 6-3. a very successful season. It is with ex- season. Stork proved a stumbling block to ceeding regret that we see stellar per- If our tennis and baseball games are to materialize. As a result, most of INTRA.MURAL TOURNAMENT formers about to leave us, yet we are carried through on schedule, we are the game was played in mid-field. No the Western Maryland machine when he CREATES WIDE INTEREST glad that Western Maryland has been planning a track meet. The first track outstanding plays were made by either tipped over "Rody" Jaeger 6-3, 6-4. privileged to have them on its teams. meet which was held here in 1933, was team. Also, the teamwork of both The match was hard played, but it The spring intra-mural program got seemed "Rody? just couldn't get going under way last week with the opening From the 1933 Terror gridiron ma- very successful. The present Junior aggregations wasn't coordinated as well at top speed. of the tennis and golf elimination tour- chine there are six veterans who have class won the silver loving cup, and is as can bo hoped for later. Several men "Johnny" Manspeaker, playing in the naments, which are open to all men. So donned the green and gold uniforms looking forward to a chance to maintain suffered injuries during the game, but absence of Gisriel, lost to Humphrey far, the first part of both tournaments for the last time. Captains Sadusky possession of it. none of them proved to be serious. 6-0, 6-2. has not been completed, because of the and Dunn, Hurley, Diksa, McNally, "Vic" Palmer lost a hard match to lack of interest evinced by the partici- Shilling, and Willis are the Terrors who one of the stars of the Franklin and pants. "Barney" Speir asks that all helped so much to defeat Bucknell and SPECIA.L NOTICES! Marshall outfit when he was defeated men who are taking part will please to raise our standard of sportsmanship by Meyers 6-4, 6-4. play their matches off as soon as possi- to a high level. The only other Western Maryland ble, so that play on the second bracket The basketball team loses three of victory went to Sliker, who def.eated may begin. its finest players when co-captains COLLEGE STUDENTS THE STAFF Holbrook 6-2, 7-5. Both men played In the Inter.fraternity League, the Mahoney and Hurley and" AI" Sadusky in the end Sliker's but hard, first round has not yet been completed graduate in June. As three of the five DESIRING WORK OF gave him the victory. steadiness in tennis. The first bracket saw the men who did most to win the league by Bachelors against the Black and Whites cup this season, they will be missed AT THE the The first set of doubles was won Gar- of and F. M. team composed and the Gamma Betas matched against much when basketballs begin to bounce THE ALOHA land and Snyder, who defeated Haynes the Preachers. next year at the Armory. and Bussard 6-3, 3-6, 8-6. In the sec- A new system has just been institut- Boxing suffers less from graduation WORLD'S FAIR WISHES TO ond doubles set, Humphrey and Meyers ed in regard to the use of the tennis than any other sport, for only Captain tripped up Jaeger and Palmer 6-2, 6-0. courts. Reservations may be made in "Buddy" Myers will be lost this June, THIS SUMMER ANNOUNCE THAT The last doubles match saw Sliker and advance to avoid too much waiting for and though his loss will be felt, the Finch defeated by Stork and Holbrook a chance to play. Players will need to team will have a strong nucleus about ADDRESS M. B. JOHNSTON, THE PAYMENT 6-4, 6-4. be on hand only at the hour for which which to build. they sign. Your cooperation will be From the baseball team many old 1737 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, OF THE 50c necessary to insure the success of this faces will disappear before next spring. HAGER SCORES HIGHEST plan. Players may sign up in the gym Willis, Hurley, Diksa, and Captain Tol- CHICAGO, ILL. FEE IN COMPREHENSIVE any time after the lunch hour. This lenger will be keenly missed. And system will begin when the new courts Shilling, who has been the mainstay MUST BE MADE (Continued from Page 1, Column 1) are made available. For the present, of the pitching staff for the past two the two lower courts wiII be considered seasons, will be extremely hard to re- NOT LATER E. P.; Humphries, W. S.; Manspeaker, ttl e girls' courts. place as pitching talent seems scarce at J_ W.; Wood, G. J.; Strayer, W. M. Western Maryland. PLEASE Total English COLLEGE ORCHESTRA TO As for tennis, when Captain Bussard, THAN WEDNESDAY, Perry, C. V.; Houck, E. A.; McKenzie, GIVE CONCERT FRIDAY Palmer, Jaeger, Sliker, and Gisriel have BE SURE TO Z. C.; Roberts, V. D.; Silberstein, R. G.; been graduated there will be little left MAY 9. Humphries, W. S.; Dudley, A_ R.; (Continued from Page 1, Col. 3) of the present team. ENCLOSE A Brooks, E. R.; Strayer, W. M.; Ham- dole (from L' Arlesienne Suite number 2). Our senior athletes have kept up the mond, M. F_ This concert represents the climax of Western Maryland tradition of fair THIS IS Literary Acquaintance the musical activity of the college or- , play and sportsmanship. They have STAMPED chestra for this year. Under the lead- shown leadership in athletics among POSITIVELY Silberstein, R. G.; Strayer, W. M.; ership of Mr. Royer, the orchestra has colleges of the state. They have set an- SELF-ADDRESSED THE FINAL Hager, H. G.; Riley, 1. T.; Houck, E. been practising diligently for the ren- enviable record, one that we may cher- A.; Brooks, E. R.; Biehl, H. P.; Rob- lition of this musical program. ish and try to emulate. .:" ENVELOPE DATE. erts, V. D.; Hammond, M. F.; Nichols, J. W.
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