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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. OFFICERS CLUB SPONSORS ANNUAL MILITARY BALL (Continued from Page 1, Column 5) Don't Forget Mother's Day Ball. The center aisle was cleared, and Sunday, May 13. the Western Maryland Officers, -with BLkCK AND WmTE PHILO-BROWNING LITERARY their escorts, formed a line at the en- At the weekly meeting of the Black SOCIETY trance door. Facing them at the oppo- MOTHER'S DAY CANDY and White Club, the following officers At the last meeting of the Philo. site end of the room were Edward Hur- PRICED AT THE FOLLOWING: were elected: Browning Literary Society, the follow- ley and William Kesmodel, with their Alpha .Ianna Randale ing officers were elected: escorts. The officers' line advanced .25 Vice-Alpha Harold White President ..... Miss Rosalie Silberstein down the length of the hall to the • .50 Beta Donald Tschudy Vice-President ... Miss Henrietta Twigg strain of a popular march, divided and .60 Vice-Beta Herbert Stevens Secretary and Treasurer then formed into groups of four. After .75 Gamma Charles Read Miss Doris Smedes a few more maneuvres, a single line was $1.00 Delta Frank Cumberland formed. A mock inspection was passed, $1.50 .Tames Draper was chosen to be mas- and music began again for the dance . $2.00 ter of ceremonies. IRVING-WEBSTER The "Townsmen" introduced several $2.50 Mr. C. Gisriel spoke to the Society clever novelty numbers. Favors in the $3.00 on Monday, April 23. His talk con- form of programs made 01' dark green PLACE ORDER EARLY TO INSURE PROMPT Y.M. C.A. sisted of interesting stories built leather embossed with the Western DELIVERY The organization held its cabinet I around the mystical Dr. Faust. Maryland seal were distributed to each meeting at the home of Dr. Bertholf on Messrs. Sliker and Outten will give couple as it entered. At both ends of THE KO--ED KLUB April 23, at which time plans were made their dissertations before the Literary the hall punch was served as a light re- for the coming year. Society on Monday, May 14. freshment. "The Smartest Soda Shop in Town" "Pete" Flater gave an interesting talk, concerning lessons learned from N. R. A. ADMINISTRATOR athletics, at the Wednesday, April 25, Y. W. C. A. TALKS AT CHAPEL meeting of the organization. The regular weekly meeting of the RADIOS and ELECTRICAL HILLSIDE INN Y. W. C. A. was held on Wednesday (Continued from Page 1, Column 1) APPLIANCES DINNERS evening, April 25. Miss Esther Smith phasizes labor and not capital-s-eon. GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRESHMENTS DELTA SIGMA KAPPA gave a talk on war and later presented sumption and not production. Ameri- REFRIGERATORS a reading. Bring your date over for a Big Ice On Saturday, April 28, Misses .Tane can purchasing power, concluded Mr. J. Stoner Geiman Cream Cone and Henrietta Twigg entertained the Sweet, should be in the hands of the Southern Dairies Cream members of the club at bridge and din- DELTA PI ALPHA men who produce the wealth, not in the Phone 24 ner. Dennis .T. Brown, '35, has been for- hands of the few who control the cap- mally initiated into the fraternity. ital. A. L. Stonesifer This talk by Mr. Sweet was one of J. D. Katz W. W. CLUB G\ series that he is giving in many col- SHEET MUSIC The W. W. Club will give a rush par- ALPHA GAMMA TAU leges throughout the East, in an at- QUALITY SHOE REPAIRING ty in the form of a Wonder Ball hike Dr. Edwin K. Schempp spoke to the tempt to enlighten the collegiate youth STRING INSTRUMENTS on May 8. f'raterrrity on Tuesday, April 24. of America on current affairs in Wash· LADIES'MERCHANDISE Special Rates to Students ington. ·K4+H<·K+t<':-++-H+H4+:'+'*,+++++ "BREATH OF SPRING" Phone 358-J t ~ By Robert B. Holder Gloria Beauty Parlor I WESTERN MARYLAND . THEATRE TALK The breath of spring is in the air, We Specialize In The cooling breeze is everywhere, PERMANENT WAVING It fans my brain, with fever wrought. iCoffee Shoppe My heart is now in wonder caught, Wet Finger Waving 25c "Men in White" has been awarded Baltimore has lost one of its two Oh, to be so very free! M arce ing ~ 11 the Pulitzer Prize for 1934.... threo "legitimate" attractions .... the Mary- As leaves that shine on every tree; Hair Bobbing 25c . SODA i cheers for this impressive and brilliant land Theatre closed after three weeks The perfume sweet beneath my feet, Facials-Manicuring i drama .... it certainly deserves this cov- of miserable business .... just goes to The grass upraised in bright green 88 West Main Street + SANDWICHES i· eted award .... Sidney Kingsley is the show that Baltimore is not interested praise, 1· author .... in case you didn't know .... in the spoken drama .... business at Oh, breath of spring, 0 new life born, Westminster, Md. ~ LUNCH ~ "Men in White" is still playing at the Ford's isn't as good as it was the first I am one with thee, this scented morn! I DINNERS Broadhurst Theatre in New York City few weeks .... too bad. .... has been running for six months. J. F. Moore, Mgr. ! on Broadway .... called "Steve- State Theatre An interesting new play opened reo I "Good Food-And Howl" Another drama award was made re, Mackenzie's i cently .... the Roi Cooper Megrue Prize cently +++++++++++++ .... +-++.1-+++++++ .... given to the best comedy of the cur- dore" .... story concerns the "revolt" of rent season .... the award this year numerous mistreated groups of Negroes FRIDAY went to Howard Lindsay for his "She .... is certainly an intriguing, if not "Coming Out Pharmacy Loves Me Not" .... is a story of a night popular, idea .... Paul Peters and George Sklar are the co-authors. club dancer who is "protected and Party" Large Assortment cherished by the students in a Prince- With Gene Raymond, Frances --- ton dormitory" .... very amusing and Dee and Harry Green MOTHER'S ingenious comedy. Observed recently on a movie thea- DRUG-SODA tre marque in Baltimore .... now play- SATURDAY Matinee 2:30 DAY ing: "Private Life of Henry VIII" with BUCK JONES in LUNCHEONETTE George Arliss recently celebrated his his six wives and "Three Little Pigs" CARDS sixty-sixth birthday .... what a success .... even Henry would have been sur- " Man Trailer" --- these years have been! .... Arliss is prised at this rather startling announce- Also ANDY CLYDE in 5 cents to 50 cents each without doubt one of the greatest ac- ment. "SUPER SNOOPER" Private Booths tors of this generation .... his new pic- --- ture "House of Rothschild" is current. MIDNIGHT SHOW SUNDAY NITE We Welcome P.G. Coffman Co. "Yellow Jack", story of the famous 12:01 A. M. Doctor Reed in Panama, has extended WILL ROGERS in Western Maryland Students Times Building Elmer Rice has sailed to England .... for a vacation .... has just com- its run on Broadway .... has proven "David Harum" City pleted three new plays .... ".Tudgment more popular than critics and producers Continues Day", "Not For Children", and "Be- thought it would be was dramatized MONDAY TUESDAY . tween Two Worlds" all three will be by Sidney Howard presents some produced next season we still re- new ideas in stage lighttng and produc- C.O.M-I-N·G member Rice's" Street Scene" .... splen- tion .... is another of the many excel- "George White's did drama .... won the Pulitzer Prize in lent shows now current on the Great Scandals" OPERA HOUSE 1929. White Way. " Wonder Bar" FRIDAY and SATURDAY MAY 4-5 MATINEE SATURDAY 2:30 P. M. SUMMERinNEWYORK Margaret and Earl "Son of Kong" Quality Foods MONDAY ONLY MAY 7th Special Commuter Lunches FAY WRAY and NILS ASTHER in To the student of cultural subjects who wishes to make up deficienciesor shorten his college work, the advantages of summer SANDWICHES "Madame Spy" study in New York are immediately clear. The museums are at ICE CREAM hand-the libraries; theatres, public buildings. And, within a PASTRIES stone's throw, are the famous resorts of Long Island, Connecticut ~ TOBACCO TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY MAY 8-9 and the New Jersey shore. To all these, the Washington Square m CIGARETTES Bc Package , JOHN BOLES and GLORIA STUART in College of New York University affords the student easy access. ~K»0I~!CiO~ " Beloved " Courses with full college credit are offered in Biology, Chem- istry, Economics,English, French, Geology, German, Government, History, Italian, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, If the best is only good THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Public Speaking, Sociology and Spanish. enough, why not MAY 10-11-12 The term is from June 26 to September 14. CASSELL'S MATINEE 2:30 P. M. JEWELERS For detailed information (residence facilities, fees, admis- For nearly half century " Tarzan and His Mate" sions, etc.) address Director of the Summer Term, Washington J. W. HULL, Proprietor Square College. 51 E. Main St. MONDAY and TUESDAY MAY 14-15 Westminster, Maryland SPENCER TRACY in NEW YORK UNIVERSITY The Store of new fashioned 105Was~ington Square East New York, N. Y. Jewelry and old fashioned " The" Honesty
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