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PAGE FOUR Tne Gold Bug, Western lVlaryland College, Westminster, Md. MARY BROWN ELECTED Phone 358-J arlnllsrs, arlubs, .nub~ntirtirs W. A. A. PRESIDENT Graduation Cards GLORIA BEAUTY PARLOR Wet Finger Waving-Marcelling (Continued from Page 1, Col. 5) AND BOBBING Facial Manicures manship throughout, that her attitude Gifts 88 West Main St. PHILO-BROWNING PHI ALPHA MU be one of willingness to do the little things as well as those of import; and THANK YOU CARDS On Monday, May 14, the Philo- At the meeting on Tuesday, May 15, no matter what her feelings might be, Browning Literary Society presented a an election of officers was held with the she will react for the good of the group. P.G. Coffman Co. one-act play entitled "The Simple Soul". following results: In her work in classes and in the other Those taking part in the play were Mil" President Lucille Bork organizations on the ca,mpus, she should Times Building iam Whitfield, Henrietta Twigg, Eliza- Vice-President Gertrude Rogers maintain the same excellent attitude, beth Byrd, Isabelle McWilliams, Mar- the same spirit of cooperation; good • • Secretary Jeanne Weber guerite Carrara; and Rosalie Silberstein. Treasurer Mary White sportsmanship, friendliness, and she Alumni Secretary Margaret Herrick should stand for what she feels is right." PROFESSIONAL ALPHA GAMMA TAU Chaplain Doroth_y Berry Last year the only blazer award was CAREER presented to Susan Cockey. Hundreds of college men and women The Bachelors take pleasure in an- have found a. pleasant and dignified career ncuncing that Franklin Crowe, '3'7, has Y.M.O.A. as optometrical eye specialists! of OD~ Sta te College The Pennsylvania "AU school. otTers a de- a class been pledged. tometry, course. Extensive clinical facilities, gree The annual cabinet retrea.t of the Y. H.E.REESE complete laboratories and equipment. wett- known faculty. DELTA PI ALPHA M C. A. will be held Saturday after- Pennsylvania State noon. Dr. Little and Dr. Bertholf will 94 E. Main Street The following officers were elected be guests. CLEANING and PRESSING College of Optometry write For catalog Box C, Spencer at the meeting of the club last week: Ave. and Twelfth Registrar. Philadelphia. Pa. St., Delta .....•......... Brady O. Bryson IRVING WEBS~ER ALTERING REPAIRING Vice-Delta Eniest Randle We Sell Famous ~~~~~~~~~~**** Alpha .,........... Wi'llia m Bratton Lora Outten, '34, delivered his disser- Beta " John Manspeaker tation for honorary membership at the STETSON Gamma Edward Gault meeting of the society on Monday night. iMarg~~~~~~~,Earl Epsilon Reynolds Simpson Made-to-measure Clothing COLUMBIA JEWELRY CO. BLACK AND WHITE ~ Special Commuter Lunches W. W.CLUB Jewelers and Opticians ~<~ SANDWICHES The following officers for next semes- The club takes pleasure in announc- ~ ICE CREAM ter were elected at the meeting 011 Tues- ing that Webster Strayer, '36, was for- SUMMER ~2 PASTRIES State Theatre day, May 15. mally initiated on Tuesday evening, EMPLOYMENT ~ TOBACCO President Mary Brown May 15. SOLVED ~ CIGARETTES Be Package Vice-President Elizabeth Wine • Secretary Margaret Witherup FRENCH CLUB Student representatives to dis- ~::;~'C*,)~OjO!CiO.'()lX!0~ SATURDAY Treasurer Frances Glynn tribute educational literature. MATINEE 2.30 Alumni Secretary, .. Margaret Lansdale On Tuesday, May 15, the French Club Three months' steady work. JOE E. BROWN Sergeant-at-arms ... Marguerite Carrara held its regular meeting. The follow- Local or traveling. Liberal -In- Sunshine Messenger ing officers were elected for next year: compensation. Address Col- Mackenzie's Mary Catherine Hill President Maudre Willis lege Dept., 1010 Arch St., "A Very Honorable Guy" Inter Club Council representatives Vice-President Mildred Sullivan Philadelphia. Also News, Comedy, Cartoon Catherine Rose Treasurer Marguerite Carrara Pharmacy WEDNESDAY Ruth Jenkins Secretary Rosalie Silberstein MONDAY, TUESDAY, If the best is only good "Wonder Bar" THE POETS' CORNER enough, why not -with- CASSELL'S KAY FRANCIS, AL JOL- JEWELERS DRUG-SODA SON, DICK POWELL, For nearly half century DOLORES DELRIO, Editor's Note: IT'S A SIN J. W. HULL, Proprietor LUNCHEONETTE RICARDO CORTEZ, by a "Fresh Freshman" The following poems, written by var- 51 E. Main St. and HAL LEROY ious members of the student body, are If we giggle or even grin Westminster, Maryland presented in an attempt to secure some- It's a sin. The Store of new fashioned Private Booths THURSDAY-FRIDAY thing novel in the way of reading mat- If we guzzle a little gin Jewelry and old fashioned RICHARD ARLEN, SALLY ter for the Gold Bug. The purpose is It's a sin. Honesty EILERS, and not to produce poetic geniuses, but If we dance chin to chin We Welcome ROBERT ARMSTRONG merely to entertain. The staff would And even kiss the little bim . appreciate the expression of any opin- When the lights are kinda dim . Western Maryland Students -In- ions concerning this column. It',s a sin. "She Made Her 8ed" WHAT IS JAZZ CHESAPEAKE SUNSET It's a bit of heathen rhythm; A bay breeze slapped me in the face. It's an echo of the wild; Above, the sea gulls followed the trace It's the plaintive sound of tom-toms; Of the ferry boat. It's Apollo's revolting child. The sun sunk fierily in the west; Setting the trees far-off aglow, afire- It combines a savage chant An Invitation for You In a blaze of glory. With a bit of Chopin's best; I stood on the stern of the plunging It has no rhyme or reason boat, In the madness it suggests. To Travel by Railroad Watching the rippling waters extending back The shrill blast of trumpets, Plus the thumping of a drum Into the glorious sunset. When you return next Fall- Make up a modern version Quiet-peaceful silence-hovered o'er, Of what Whiteman has begun. assuring you comfort with speed, Save for the rush of the steel propeller your convenience with safety Through the salty water. Strike up the modern jazz band, Red shades deepened into gray. And let its music ring At "College Specia/" Fares Darkness fell-beautiful and calrn-c-, In every insane COTner The closing of a long, bright day. Where pagan jazz is king. SAVING YOU ON~- THIRD The Railroads of the United States and Canada are continuing re- OPERA HOUSE Now is the time to duced round-trip fares three times a year from home to school and institutions. faculties and staffs of educational return for students, buy that CollegeRing Going and Return dates- FRIDAY and SATURDAY MAY 18-19 that you have always MATINEE SATURDAY AT 2.30 GOING TO SCHOOL RETURNING FROM SCHOOL ROBERT MONTGOMERY in wanted. Round-trip tickets may be Return portion of ticket may be used to Horne Sta- "Mystery of Mr. X" purchased at Home Sta- tion during anyone of the periods named below: Christmas Spring tions during anyone of Close 1935 1934 1935 With ELIZABETH ALLAN and LEWIS STONE the periods rrarned below: Dec. 10-25 Mar. 9---Apr.15 May 15--June 30 Aug. 25-0ct. 5, 1934 MONDAY and TUESDAY MAY 21-22 Suitable Gifts Dec. 25. 1934-Jan. 10, 1933 Mar. 9---Apr.15 May 15--June 30 Mar. 15--Apr. 17, 1935 30 May IS-June "Catherine the Great" Going trip must begin on date ticket is purchased-limited WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY MAY 23-24 For The Graduate reach school station within ten days. to "Lazy River" BRACELET Return trip must begin on date of validation of ticket by rail- With JEAN PARKER PENDANT road agent at school station-limited to reach home station within ten days. FRIDAY and SATURDAY MAY 25-26 COLLEGE SEAL PIN Tickets good over same route both ways. DOUBLE FEATURE "I Like It That Way" RING Stop-overs will be allowed in each direction. Tickets good in coaches, also in Pullman And EDMUND LOWE in COMPACTS regular Pullman charges. cars, upon payment of "Bombay Mail" BILL FOLDS Baggage will be checked under the usual regulations. CIGARETTE CASES MONDAY and TUESDAY MAY 28-29 No certificate or other form of identification necessary. "Maedchen in Uniform" ETC. • -OR- "Girls in Uniform" BONSACK BROS. TRAVEL BY TRAIN SPECIAL SCHOOL PICTURE
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