Page 57 - TheGoldBug1933-34
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\ The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE Baseball Sports of the Season Tennis BULLETS SUCCUMB TO Three- Way Tie Develops in Second FAN F O'D D:··:E R GREEN AND GOLD TOSSERS I Round of Intra -Mural Speedball Home Runs Feature Hard Fought Winners In Play-off Will Meet Contest as Shilling Earns TERROR NET MEN TOPPLE Delts In Final Game The members of the Intra-Mural Committee deserve much credit for One-run Victory GETTYSBURG HERE 7 - 2 the excellent work which was accomplished in this branch of SpOl~Sdur- BACHELORS LEAD IN POINTS ing the past year. Few people realize the difficulty of making out a In a thrilling ninth inning rally, cli- Drop One Singles and One Doubles schedule which will suit the majority of the members of the various maxed by Joe Lipski's single to right Match To Battlefield Foe Last Thursday a crisis was reached in teams. Little difficulty was encountered in this phase of work. field, Coach Twigg's tossers eked out a the Intra-Mural Mushball League when well earned victory over Gettysburg, the Black and Whites defeated the One criticism may be made, however, in respect to the awarding of 8·1. The game was packed with thrills The Western Maryland tennis team Bachelors 10-7 and the Gamma Betas points to the winning combinations. It appears as though little is done and hits and was featured by four home defeated the Gettysburg netmen 7.2, defeated the Preachers 17-12. This runs: two by Olkewicz, until the end of the year, and at that time, the point system is debated ton, and one by Shepherd. one by Hough- May 16, in a match played on the lower makes a three-way tie for the winner the of round, second by the representatives of the various organizations so as to obtain the court. One single match, Finch to ing out of the running. the Delta Pis be- greatest share of the points at the end. It would be far better if a point Joe Lipski, who up to this game was Brayil, and one doubles match were lost 01! the receiving end of the battery, to the visitors. Several other matches, In the game between the Black and system were arranged at the beginning of the school year, so as to in- pitched the beginning of the game. He both singles and doubles, went three Whites and the Bachelors, the former sure a fair deal to all concerned. did admirable work up to the fourth in- sets, but on the whole, the Terrors ex- nine performed well in view of the fact 'I'he recognition of records made in the track- meets is undoubtedly ning, when he was relieved by Shilling. perienced little difficulty. _ that Janna Randle; their first-string the greatest single accomplishment of the year. The existence of records Shilling pitched splendid ball from here In the first match Bussard defeated pitcher, was out of the game with an on and contributed greatly to the team's injured foot. "Lou" Lassahn took his will, without a doubt, make keener competition in future meets. Contest- ~-ictory. Ack ey very decidedly, 6·4, 6-2. place and pitch cd good ball dcspite the ants now have something as an aiming point and we may expect far "Vic"Palmer ran into a little difficul- fact that it was his first attcmpt on the better time in next year's meets. The first, thrill came in the third mound. frame. With two men out, Snyder hit ty in winning his ma tch from Fink, Much disappointment is felt by the student body over the condition [; long fly to centerfield. Tollenger and 6.4, 9-7. 'I'he Black and Whites forged ahead of the upper tennis courts. The students left the" Hill" last commence- Keyser were both after it. Tollinger "Hiriky" Haynes was forced to go the in the early innings with a 7-3 lead, caught the ball and tossed it to Keyser, which they kept up into the latter part ment with the thought and the assurance that six" super" courts would who dropped it. Keyser was standing full three sets in his victory over Mc. of the game when both teams rallied to be constructed in place of the old three. ill front of Tollinger and Umpire Ecker Ilhenny, 8·6, 3-6, 6-1. make the score 10-7. Dexter Beane, the Last fall we were told that the courts would be ready for use this seeing the ball on the ground, called By far the best match of the day was Bachelor the pitcher, that showed up well de- he walked spite fact several spring. Most of us anticipated playing on them, but it happened that Snyder safe at first. This play account- that between Sliker and Dunkleberger. men. for Gettysburg's four in the runs ed in the construction sandy soil was substituted by mistake for the regula- third inning. In the first set both men found the go· In the Gamma Beta-Preacher game tion clay, with the result that the courts are unfit for ordinary use. ing hard. The Gettysburg man finally the former team showed up well from The second thrill came in the fourth won it 9-7. However, Sliker's steadi- It is the hope of the students that the administration will endeavor inning. The ViT. M. nine scored three ness' forced Dunkleberger into making the beginning. "Dick" Holmes, their and had good to resurface the courts during the summer, so that the crowded condi- runs on four hits, tying the score. It many errors, and the Western Maryland pitcher, was in good form, rna tes. "Ernie" support f'rom his team tions now existent on the lower courts may be eliminated by next spring. was the ability of the men to "bea t lad won the next two sets 6-2, 6.1. Randle, one of the best twirlers in the out" hits and steal bases, which gave league, received poor support, for there them the runs scored. Jaeger's drives proved too much for "DICK" HARLOW TO COACH BASEBALL CHAMPIONSHIP Then came the Terror's half of the Livingood, who was defeated 6-4, 6-3. were numerous score errors the in end the of Delts The at the ranks. AT SUMMER SCHOOL WON BY JUNIOR GIRLS ninth. The score was: Gettysburg 7, Finch couldn't solve the mystery of nin th inning was 17 -12. W. M. C. 6. The following is a play by Brayil's game and lost 3-6, 6-4, 6-3. The student body is happy to learn This week will prove exciting as that "Dick" Harlow has becn selected On Saturday, May 26, the Juniors and play description of the ninth inning. In the first doubles match Haynes ./ there will be several games to be played to coach along with three great f'oot, the Sophomores played a tie-off to de- Tollenger walked, Cumberland beat and Bussard defeated Ackey and Me- off to decide the winner of the league ball mentors at the New Eugland cide the championship in baseball. The out a bunt to first and Tollenger was Ilh enny 7-5, 4-6, 6-1. championship. If the Bachelors win Coaching School in Boston during the Juniors defeated the Sophomores 21·8. safe at third base. Shilling hit a single the championship, they will get the in- ~------ latter part of June. The members of the Junior team are as scoring Tollcnger and the tying run. Finch and Palmer won from Fink and tra-mural cup offered annually to the "Deception on the Offense", for which follows: Shepherd hit to second base. Shilling Dunkleberger, 6-4, 6-4. club or class totaling the most poi "Dick" is well known, and "Scouting" was out at second; Shepherd safe at If the Black and Whites win the base- will be the courses on which he will Esther Main Pitcher first. Lipski's single to right field Sliker and J aegar lost to Brayil and ball championship they will have an lecture. Margaret Downing Catcher scored the winning run. Livingood. equal chance. Harry Kipke, head coach at the Uni- versity of Michigan, the Big Ten Con- Mary Brown First base Coach Twigg pulled a bit of heady The present standing of the league is ference champs 1930-1933; "Fritz" Cris- Edythe Child Second base baseball when he instructed Cumber- Two Meets Rained Out as follows: ler, head coach of Princeton, the only land to bunt in order to advance the ty- Black Bache- Gamma Delts major team to produce an unbeaten, Olive Butler Third base ing run. Cumberrand "beat out" the Tlie two tennis matches scheduled to and lors Betas be played with and St. John's untied record for 1933; and All-Ameri- Dorothy Barnes Shortstop bunt and both men were safe. It was were canceled due to inclement Towson White weath- can "Joe" Donchess, end coach at Pitt Ruth Jenkins Right field this play which probably won the ball er. In the Towson match three pairs Football 20 5 3 0 are the three other coaches at the I game. played, school. Lucille Bork Center field of singles were them all. Western Mary- Basketball 0 20 5 3 Chell I" Thelma new winning land Several Western Maryland is proud to have The team played "heads-up" baseball' Volleyball prospects the faces a man of "Dick's" calibre and ability at Frances Coffman J throughout the game, and Shilling line-up. and Too bad the were seen in didn't (2 teams). 3 10 5 0 men new the helm of atliletics here. Franc~s Glynn l' Left field pitched one of the best games he has pitched this season. get a chance to play! 5 10 5 o The Junior team had defeated the ICE CREAM WON BY SOPHS Freshmen 10-4 and the Sophomores 21-4, Total ..... 28 IN ANNUAL RIFLE MATCH when the outcome took an unexpected BASEBALL TEAM LOSES 45 16 3 • turn for the Juniors now succumbed to Seniors! }n the annual ri:fle meet between the the Seniors 13-11. The Freshman and THRILLER TO DICKINSON best marksmen in the Sophomore and Sophomore teams had previously defeat- Seniors! ATHLETES CHEW MADLY Freshman classes, the second year men ed the Seniors. The outcome of these IN PIE-EATING CONTEST triumphed 807-779, to win the much-to-be games left the Juniors and Sophomores The Western Maryland College nine Seniors! desired prize-ice cream. tied for first place. However, the Ju- in an eleven inning game dropped a The athletes sat upon the floor, gaz· The Sophomores led by Royer Ship- niors revived their 01<1 spirit and came close decision to Dickinson College 9-8. ley and Edward Corbin, gained the through to win the championship in The game was close throughout and de- ing hungrily at the choice half.moons prize and the victory for the second con- baseball. They had previously won the cidedly interesting from the spectator's As your college days draw to a close, of pie that they held in their hands. The secutive year. The match was marked meet was over now and they could championship in volleyball. point of vi ew. have you considered the fact that you by keen competitition; but who would break training (if they had ever been not be keen on ice cream. 'Because of bad weather, the tennis The game was featured by four home may want to keep in touch with your in training). 'Shipley and Corbin led the scoring schedule has been delayed; but all inter- runs. One by Bieri of Dickinson, one Twenty-two young, famished men for the Sophomores with totals of 94 class matches are expected to be played each by Lipsky, Willis, and Fowble of friends and their acti vi ties on the gnashed at the pies as the signal for and 92 points out of a possible 100. For this week, so that the school champion W. M. Dickinson gathered sixteen hits "HilI"~ There is no better way to do the start of the annual military pie- the Freshmen, Armacost and Spiegel may be determined. while IV. M. garnered seventeen. eating contest was given last week. scored 87 and 85 points, respectively. this than to subscribe to your college The Freshman matches are down to Dickinson led through the major part Pontecorvo bit off half of his pie on the semi-finals. Hull defeated Fennel of the contest until the ninth when a paper, the Gold Bug. the first bite. From his mouth hung PROGRAM FOR JUNE WEEK 6-2, 6-0. The winner of the Wigley vs. 6-6 deadlock developed. W. M. held pieces of crust and dozens of black- LISTS TERMINAL EVENTS Holcomb match will play Hull to de- Dickinson scoreless in the eighth, ninth, berries, as he struggled to chew the cide the Freshman class champion. Hales and tenth innings and scored the tying huge bite in an effort to swallow it and (Continued from Page I-Col. 5) will play Twigg to decide the Sopho- run for themselves in the ninth. college; Robert Carman, former United more class winner. The J uniors have The subscription price to the Gold thus win the contest. States District Attorney and member of three matches yet to be played. Dash- In the eleventh frame it appeared as Bug is only one dollar a year. Not only The poor Freshmen never had a the Baltimore Bar. iel will play Glynn and the winner of though thc ball game was "sewed up" chance. With such cavernous mouths The Rev. J_ W. Hawley, D.D., of this match will play Main in the semi- by Dickinson when they scored three will this dollar keep you in touch with among the Sophomore military men as Pittsburgh, Pa., will deliver the baccalau- finals. The winner of the semi-finals runs before the side was retired. In life on the "Hill", but it will aid in owned by Pontecorvo, Roberts, and reate sermon on Sunday morning, June 3. will play Rose to decide .the class win- that same inning the W. M. rooters' Draper, the Frosh never could have won. The congregations of the Church of God, ner. "Molly" Harrison is the champion hopes soared when Willis hit safely for financing the college 'publication_ Many Draper bit and swa llowed ; swallowed Lutheran, Methodist Episcopal, Metho- of the Senior class. a single and Fowble drove him in with of the alumni of this institution are and bit. Slowly the spectators edged dist Protestant, Protestant Episcopal, and a home-run, the result of an error by forward, each choosing a contestant's Reformed Churches will unite with the When all of these matches are fin- Altland, Dickinson's right fielder. The regular subscribers to our newspaper, college in this service. The faculty and ished, the class winners will hold a tour- remaining. men at bat failed to make pie for which to grab. Draper steadily members of the Senior class will form the nament among themselves, to select a tally and the game wa~ history. so why don't you follow their example. consumed his pie. The crowd edged processional. The college choir, under the school champion. nearer. The contestants moved slowly the direction of Miss Ruth Sherman Joe Lipski again started as pitcher backward. The crowd gazed hungrily J ones, wilf sing several anthems. The tumbling classes have been made and was relieved by Shilling. The lat. at the delicious pastries. The Junior class has charge of -the unusually interesting this year with the ter was credited with strike-outs of Subscription orders may be placed A whistle, a general rush fGrward, evening on the campus. Plans are being_' introduction of golf. This sport prom- twelve Dickinson men. Sivess, of the and a confused whirl of clutching men made for step-singing and other exer- ises to be one of the most popular visitors, was responsible for the ten W. with any member of the staff or at the =-the contest was over. Draper was de- cises. sport~ on the "Hill" next year. M. strike-outs. college post office. clared the unofficial winner.
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