Page 52 - TheGoldBug1933-34
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Passing in Review VARIETY A REVIEW OF By BRADY O. BRYSON BOOKS, PLAYS, AND LIFE The Brain Trust I WENT TO PIT COLL;EGE spring days it looked like the print of an President Roosevelt's corps of experts, By Lauren Gilfillan inky thumb on the landscape; on rainy popularly designated as the ' 'Brain autumn days it lay prostrate like a for March, Guild Selection Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday Trust", has been the subject of much Literary Reviewed by Idamae Riley. 193'4. drowned cat. Coal dust stained the un- during the academic year by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, discussion recently. The humorists of painted wooden shacks; coal dust caked Maryland. Entered as second-class matter at the Westminster Postoffice. the nation have commented in quite an Lauren Gilfillan has cut a typical in the hail' of the villagers; coal dust SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 A YEAR uncomplimentary manner on the troubles cross-section from the mass of mining even made butterflys colorless and black. in the ranks of the advisers, while the life and has preserved it between the As Lauren Gilfillan said one af'teruoon economists of the nation who are opposed covers of I Went to Pit College. Viewing EDITORIAL STAFF this cross-section with its human elements when she found a. wounded butterfly: Bditor-in-Cbie] DENNIS J. BROWN, '35 to the methods and principles which gov- of birth and death and the eternal strug- "What was funny about this butterfly' Associate Editol·s PAUL SCHWEIKER, 35, EDITH FORNEY, '35 ern the operations of the "Brain Trust- It had 110 color on its wings. They were News Editors ROBERT BROOKS, '36, FRANCES ELDERDICE, '35 ers" have given voice to scathing criti- gle for bread, we acquire a deeper un- thickly coated with coal dust. I had Copy Editors IDAMAE RILEY, '36, HAROLD WHITE, '36 cism in belittling their effectiveness. derstanding of how the "other half" Sports Editors WILSON NICHOLS, '35, FRANCES GLYNN, '35 Some have even gone so far as to say lives, and we almost cau say when we never seen a colorless butterfly before." Feature Editor ROSALIE SILBERSTEIN, '36 finish the book what the author said And yet, extraordinary as it may seem, that the chief trouble with the economists MAKE-UP STAFF who advise Roosevelt is that they do not when she wrote it: I went to Pit College. little children often searched for coal at Managing EditOl· '" HERBERT STEVENS, '36 put in their advice any real, practical The book has an excitedly convincing the gulches and dumps in Avelonia, so Assistant Managing Editors MANSELL STEVENS, '35, HUGH CHAPMAN, '36 economics. And so the "Brain Trust" quality, which comes, perhaps, from the that their supper 'of fatback could be BUSINESS STAFF is ridiculed, and its abolition sought. fact that Lauren Gilfillan, a graduate of cooked. So this is America! B~!8iness Manager F. KALE MATHIAS, '3'5 The writer is in no position to judge Smith College, actually experienced the The textbooks of Pit College were the Adve1·tising Manager EDWARD BEAUCHAMP, '36 the quality of the men, economically incidents which she describes. varied individuals who lived in Avelonia. Ass'istant Advertising Ma?wge1· JOHN WARMAN, '37 speaking, which Roosevelt has selected. Pit College, of course, was not a for- Johnny Cersil, who selected Lauren for Circulation. Managers THOMAS EVELAND, '36, OLIVE BUTLER, '35 One should know national economics mal educational institution, with a defi- his "girl" and who was writing the nite campus and a trained faculty and "great American novel"; Mary Jietra- Assistant Circulation Managers thoroughly before saying that the' 'Brain 'I'rusters : ', who supposedly represent the experimental laboratories. It could be dis, in her soiled, faded finery and with ANDREW RILEY, '36 MARTHA MCCULLOUGH, '37 compared probably, to the proverbial her careworn little cheeks covered with RALPH LUMAN, '37 ROSALIE GILBERT, '36 cream of the nation's intellect, are using poor methods and unscientific approach- "school of hard knocks", for it had no rouge; Mrs. Konnecheck, hospitable and REPORTERS required curriculum and it granted no refined; and Mrs. Koller, huge of bulk es in handling the subject of economic Brady Bryson, '35; Guy Griffen, '36; Kenneth Plummer, '37; Charles Read, '36; reconstruction of the country. degrees. But a student of human na- and irresponsible of nature-these were Elizabeth Byrd, '36; Sally Price, '37; Orpha Pritchard, '35 ; Jane Roof, '36; However, there is much to be said in , ture could learn much there. As .Johnny some of the textbooks which gave the Reynolds Simpson, '3'6; Nicholas Campofreda, '36; Ralph Lambert, '37. defense of the existence of such a body Cersil , one of the miners, explained: author (and the reader) a deeper under- Helen Stump, '36; Sarabelle Blackwell, '37; Margaret James, '35. , 'Sometimes I used to wish I was a standing of humanity. to advise the President. The" Brain Trust" fits in splendidly with the mod- college graduate holding a white collar I Went to Pit College is filled with Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. ern organization which deals in speciali- job, and then agin' I was S01'ta. proud scenes and incidents of mining town life. zation. In this world of Om'S the fact of bein' a miner. You know, we fellas 'I'heie are strikes and pickets and many in so got an old gag we pull every oncet pickets recognized that the best D I T o R I A L has become achieved by those who make re- a often. We say we went to Pit College." ccrnmunist meetings. The author children, with the miners, begs with their are sults concentrated study of one subject rather , 'Pit College! " dresses as a boy and visits the mines, college the "Yeah, Socialism and During the past few months, the theory and the than those who delve here and there into gates. It's the a gag, see. with There's black eats fatback and stale bread, dresses in Pitt calico and wears odd this and Sensibility advocates of socialistic government have been paint- anything. that with no marked success in University in Pittsburg, 'n' so we say this book, she earnestly shoes. And, in a. seeks to make ed in hideous colors by many newspapers through- A glance at any well-organized produc- we went to Pit College in Avelonia. We snare of words which would give us the out the country. When seven hundred teachers in the state of New tive institution will show that only say we ain't got our diplomas yet." pulse-beat of the miners. She has suc- York petitioned the legislature to defeat a bill that required all by creating departments. in which are Avelonia, and its vicinity, might be ceeded. I Went to Pit Colieqe is not teachers to pledge support to the Constitution of the United States, employed men specially fitted for certain termed the campus of Pit College. It only a book of economic and sociological newspapers shouted "communistic teachers", "reds", "enemies of the types of work can the best results be ob- was completely permeated by ever-pres- value. It is also a raw cross-section of people", and other such bombastic remarks. Innumerable pamphlets tained. Advertising men are hired be- ent coal dust and smoke. On beautiful life, vivid and vital. and booklets containing condemnations of all things socialistic are cause they know advertising; marketing flooding the country. A new type of soap-box orator, in this inci- experts because they are specialists, etc. dence criticising rather than advocating socialism, has come into erni- Why, then, should not the President nence. The origin of any sensational or irrational occurrence is traced hire specialists to w~rk for the govern- THE MOURNERS.' BENCH to that organization of thought known by the vague appellation of ment t The "Brain Trust" is simply a socialism. staff of experts in the field of economics This rather sudden censure of socialism has been brought about which has been hired by the President by the activity and remarks of many important newspapers through- just as any corporation would hire and M..<\' Y DAY FLASHES ..... engulfing .... Some people have said out the country-important not in the sense of their relative worth, maintain a staff of experts to do a par- The girls had a good time .... The cow that certain "student" athletes are but rather because of their wide circulation. These newspapers, ticular job. Of all men to hire, prof'ess- had a good time .... The ~nan leading becoming more heady and heady, or is stressing the belief that everything socialistic is either destructive to ors should be most desirable. They know the cow had a good time .... these it groggy .... WHY ALL THE BACK life and property or contrary to the democratic ideals of America, their subject, they are brains (and the Western Maryland girls are plenty CAMPUS ACTIVITY LATELY~ Of- have touched upon a provocative spot. As Americans have always country certainly is none the worse off vigorous, eh Ponte .... The May ficial and otherwise .... mostly the Iat- had a tendency to look with disfavor upon the theory of socialistic for having brains at the helm), and they, Queen was pretty-the duchesses' tel' .... Did you find those golf balls government, these newspaper articles have stimulated this recent . as a whole, have more open minds than dresses were pretty .... last Saturday night s Naughty, naugh- expression of condemnation concerning socialism. The expression, any other group of people. Consequent- ty, instructress. once aroused, is comparable to a great many other American tenden- ly, I think the maintenance of the cies-it was soon overdone. As a result, not only did anti-socialistic , 'Brain Trust" is justified. CLOVER TO THE LITTLE LADY OF expressions become the order of the day, but the various types of THE MEADOWS .... Make goo d "STUDENT" QUIZZ- REACTIONS TO A RE- CENT socialism, no matter how mild or radical, were severely attacked by HAMBURGERS says Mr. Joseph Lip- the press and the ·public. CHIN CHAT ski .... , if well heated on Laforge ... Sighs-groans-mumbled curses-bor- These observations are significant. In the first place, they show Succumb, succumb, dainty petal of the rowing pencils, pens-ink transfusions how fickle the general American public has become when it is willing Heard recently in an economics lecture field .... The audience laughed and .... and even more devastating . to accept, without adequate proof or reasoning, the conclusions of a at Williams College: "Business cycles laughed, because the cow was so naive material .... actual t hie vel' y oh, group of hot-headed newspaper men. Using these biased conclusions have been attributed by some to the .... SH ..... SH ..... It is reported that how terrible paper hogs .... squirm- as established facts, this same public has shouted protests against the movements of Venus-I mean the the cow was excited by the" bull" cir- ing in seats foolish, obvious ques- advocates and activities of the socialistic party. In the second place, planet.' , culating in the glorified concrete slab tions moving chairs to vantage these observations show that the term socialism has a vague connota- -grandstand to you, frohlich. Much points shining morning faces are tion to the average person. Anything new in the field of political sh ..... Most of above Dmham was becoming ruddy .... blue .... black .. " belief is called socialism; anything radical in the policies of labor When money talks we never stop to emitted from that section {)ccupied by fiendish .... gnashing of teeth .... dis- organizations is named socialistic; anti-war propaganda is a social- criticize its grammar. our TOOTERS--pardon, Tutors ..... traught visions of gleaming iodine bot- istic attempt to weaken the power of the American government; any tIes .... dispatching misunderstood per- effort to bring about more governmental ownership and control of CORRECTIDN- sonalities .... cleverly concealed sobs .. industry is the underhand plot of socialists to wreck the existing Professor-FbOls sometimes ask ques· total despair .... social and political organization. In the third and last place, these tions that wise men cannot answer. No, little boy, that big tall girl was observations present a picture of socialism that has been colored by Freshman-Now I see' why I flunked not the :May Pole .... shame on you. COLD RESULTS OF ERRING W A YS- personal prejudice and opinions. Socialism, in consideration of its my biology exam. major aims and programs, is nothing as detrimental as it has been pic- Stiff neck weary, strained, com- tured. This new theory of government is merely a characteristic DISCOVERY- plaining eyes mussed hail' .... chew- change in the fields of political science-a new belief that has slowly A college newspapeT is a great invention; Peg Herwick is very graceful .... as ed pencils new resolutions, etc . evolved from years of transition and struggle. There are of course~ The college gets all the fame, illusive as the proverbial Robin Hood, bitter hatred for world .... a flunk . some developments of this new theory that have been characterized The printeT gets all the money, eh Holmes .... Why don'tcha borr{)w by unfortunate occurrences. But what changes in government have And the staff gets all the blame. your brother's car sometime. After all not been marked by equal or worse periods of transition? In consid- spring is here. THAT NIGHT___, eration of these facts, the current condemnations of socialism and The class pin of the School of Experi- things socialistic are as groundless as they are preposterous. ence is the safety-pin. Honorable deserving, unappreciated, SLAMS- struggling student goes on a date .... pray~ that he is not a star-crossed stu- Campus politicians sta1·t to slide, es- dent .... condemned by fate .... al- Miscellaneous Without any desire to be cynical, the following sug- Ed-If I should kiss you, what would pecially in the Junior class. Evident- ways t{) be thwarted .... gestions are made concerning various "things" on you d01 ly your stooges can't take it .... How the Hill. Coed-I never meet an emerge-ncy un- about it, third fl·oor of Ward HalH til it arises. It is sincerely. hoped that these severa.l recommendations will be Ed-But what if I should try1 TOMORROW- accepted in the friendly spirit in which they are offered. Coed-I'd meet it face to face. ADVICE OF THE SAGES- More tests .... 1. It is suggested that the service be improved' at the College Don't be an old meanie .... Grille. In order to do this, some definite system of taking orders and come out in the shake-up. it will all preparing food is recommended. With such a system, in which each FOG NOTE- clerk would have a certain duty to perform, the confusion and dis- (with apologies to Carl Sandburg) order that is now present in the Grille could very easily be done away The fog comes MORE SLAMS- Pr{)of of above compilations a.nd figures with. on little cat feet- may be had by consulting the follow- 2. It is suggested that the clock in the Library be regulated by about the time Sheriff, don't you know what to do ing recognized authorities Brad- school time. The fact that this clock is very often fast has, uninten- of examin2,tiollS- with your feet when you have a date street's Commercial Agencies Dunn tionally, been the cause of students having to pay late return fees on It sits looking- · after all .... and McNally,· Inc. books that were not really late. over desk and chair- · What dainty cooed has been seen 3. It is suggested that something be done to improve the condi- on silent haunches; places with that gentleman who aspires NEXT WEEK- tion of the boys' shower room. With only two or three showers func- Then moves on- to be t{)nsorially smooth ~ tioning, it is not difficult to understand how inadequate the facilities And sometimes it stays. · ... It would appear that the "~a- Br{)ad-minded discussion of the detri- of this room really are. -WIlliams Purple Cow, tel's" are becoming more and more mental effects of a college education.
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