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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Westminster Hotel ~1OfCKWJK)~e~l<&!6i1e1E*** ~ DIN_NERS ROOMS ) Margaret and Earl Appropriate Graduation TEA ROOM SERVICE Quality Foods Reasonable Rates __Special Commuter Lunches GIFTS GA.M:MA BETA CHI FRENCH CLUB SANDWICHES ICE CREAM The following men were elected offi- "Quel Petit Mondo" a modern come. Phone 358-J PASTRIES cers in the fraternity for the first sem- day written by the members of the COLLEGE SEAL JEWELRY ester of the year 1934-35: club, was presented in the Y. W. C. A. Gloria Beauty Parlor TOBACCO Chi .. __. _. __.. _ Webster L. Lucas m CIGARETTES 13c Package , WHITMANS CANDY room on Friday evening, May 25. • Vice-Chi _.. _ ,. Charles V. Moore Another original play, "Yvonne and ~~1010l0!CK)~ Gamma .. __.. Albert N_ Ward, Jr. Ahmed", which was to have been pre· Wet Finger Waving MARTHA WASHINGTON Vice-Gamma Edward L_ Beauchamp sented at a previous time, was glven in Marcelling CANDY Beta . , __.. __ Ralph J. Graham Robinson Garden on Monday evening, BOBBING Vice-Beta _. , . .. F. Kale Mathias May ~8_ This play was postponed be- Facial Manicures H. E. REESE LEATHER BILL FOLDS Chaplain John Warman cause of inclement weather. TAILOR Sergeant-a.t.Arrns .. .Doriald F. Keyser Permanent Waving 94 E. Main -Street PEN AND PENCIL SETS In ter-Council representatives: ' , "Ouel Petit Monde" was an amusing 88 West Main St. ETC. Daniel K. Moore comedy, the action of which took place CLEANING and PRESSING ill a g01nl shop in Paris. "Yvonne and Webster L. Lucas ALTERING REPAIRING Ahmed" was a wistf'ul romance, the story of which centered about the We Sell Famous ALPHA GAMMA TAU BONSACK BROS. young countess Yvonne. We'll have a full line of STETSON At the annual banquet of the frater- School Supplies Made-to-measure Clothes nity held May 16 at Clear Ridge Inn, PHI ALPHA MU in the Fall and in the mean- the Bachelors Club elected the following time a full line of officers for next year: On Tuesday, May 22 the club held STATIONERY Alpha , _ John Stallings a rush party for the Freshmen. and Vice-Alpha George Jones Gamma Carlton Brinsfield A farewell dinner for the Seniors was Greeting Cards Tau Harry Murphy held last Monday evening. Opera House Chaplain Gerald Commerford P.G. Coffman Co. ..... Frank B. 'Wade DELTA SIGMA KAPPA W. W. CLUB A rush party was held by the club last Saturday' evening, May 26. June 1st and 2nd The club held a farewell dinner for GENERAL ELECTRIC its senior members on Wednesday even- 'I'h e farewell Senior dinner was held Matinee Saturday 2:30 P. M. ing, May 23. on Tuesday evening, May 29. REFRIGERATOR J.Stoner Geiman Frank Buck's THE POETS' CORNER Phone 24 Bring 'em Back Alive MAY TAG WASHER RADIOS " Wild Cargo" EARLY AWAKE TO A DULL TEACHER Wake up early in the morning He sits in class and slumbers, Just before the sun begins to rise; Lulled to sleep by the monotonous ·~·:"':++:"":"':"":":"':··:~··:··!··:··:"":":"':"":"':·~··H":"":""~ Wash your face and stretch your sound 1: MONDAY and TUESDAY muscle; Of dreary, colorless words. 1: WESTERN MARYLAND I Get the sleep sands from your eyes. That sullen monotone ~: Then go out into the open Like the sound of drizzling rain Damaged Lives" .} Coffee Shoppe t " Where the grass and flowers and trees, Spatting on slate roof +i+ Wet with dew, begin to glisten, And trickling down tin drains; t 1- ·t As the shades of darkness start to flee. That stone face, expressionless from ; ·t· Don't Miss It ! ..' _Watch its rays dance on the Ieaves ; endless boredom- ... SODA .'. .~. .:. •+. +:• Watch the sun rise o'er the hillsides; Have put to sleep the tired student, hours ± SANDWICHES ,. Hear the birds begin to chatter; Who, leaden-eyed from sleepless 4- :t The World's Outstanding Picture! Hear the humming of the bees. Spent studying for tedious, meaningless .-. ~t .-. Sing a song, or whistle loudly, tests, .:. LUNCH :~ +:+ As you walk across the field; Can no longer stay awake .~. . DINNERS i Pluck a flower; note its beauty; To heal' of long dead, f Find what fragrance it will yield. Of battles lost and won, t :t: Stretch yourself, and run a little; Of laws long since rejected. ! , J. F. Moore, Mgr. 'k Loose your worries; be carefree. So, casting all aside, "Goo Food-And How!" :t Wake yourself with early rising- He' seeks his cherished god, old KO~ED KLUB See how happy you will be. Morpheus, And worships him with head bowed PURPLE SAINT down in sleep. Two Doors from State Theatre by Robert B. HoLder If the best is only good A tube of purple paint BLUE EYES enough, why not "The Best Soda Shop A brush of silken hair, A portrait of a saint There is something in a clear blue eye CASSELL'S With a royal-colored stare. That steals your heart away,- JEWELERS' · Town " Perhaps the twinkle of the blue, In, How odd the purple-colored eyes, For nearly half century Modern thy conception, Perhaps a far-off gaze, J. W. HULL, Proprietor Saint, in colorful disguise, Perhaps a look of tenderness, Catering to the College Man and Woman Unveiled thy dark deception! Or the sting of sorrow's glaze. 51 E. Main St. Westminster, Maryland No royal blood in yonder saint. You find attraction in the blue, 'Tis only a sinner's purple taint! A sympathy for life, The Store of new fashioned A love of peace and pleasure too, Jewelry and old fashioned And hate for pain and strife. Honesty POWER Your heart throbs fast exotically. We take this opportunity to congratulate by Robert B. Holder You live your life methodically. We have license to acquire You lose your senses just to dream; old gold and silver God gave me power to see And 'blue eyes' is your only theme. the members of the graduating class of The beauty of this world; In outward show a poplar tree Seems a green flag unfurled. I'VE NEVER BEEN TO PARIS Western Maryland College and to thank By Robert B. Holder But He forgot to give to me A mind that understands; I've never been to Paris Mackenzie's the student body and faculty for their pat- Oft a foolish jealousy To see the Eiffel tower, My entire being commands. Nor have climbed the steps of parlia- ronage during the past year. ment A QUESTION To spend a pleasing hour. by Robert B. Holder Pharmacy But nought I care, for everywhere Breathes there a man with soul so dead, I see such lovely things! We hope to serve you aga1n next Sep- Who never to a girl hath said: More joy I find in nature than I love you' 'I The wealth of nations brings! 1 DRUG-SODA tember and until then may we have the Carroll Inn LUNCHEONETTE privilege of wishing Private Booths Just off the Campus CHICKEN DINNERS LUNCHEONS You All We Welcome TEA ROOM SERVICE Western Maryland Students CARD PARTIES A Pleasant Vacation An Ideal Place to Dine during June Week
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