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BASEBALL GAME DR. BLACKWELDER W.M. C. vs. Final Sermon MOUNT ST. MARY'S ALUMNI HALL Wednesday, May 23 Sunday, May 20 At Home 4:00 P. M. Vol. 11, No. 13 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. May 17,1934 ANDREW GORSKI ELECTED COLLEGE PLAYERS WILL ANNOUNCEMENT Colonel A. C. Rutherford Inspects PRESIDENT OF MEN'S GIVE GALSWORTHY DRAMA The Aloha staff wishes to announce Western Maryland R. O. T. C. Division STUDENT GOVERNMENT t ha t the copies of the year book will Two Plays Will Be Given To Begin not be distributed May 28. As Presentation Of Sponsors By Cadet Officers Precedes Review Of Battalion copy New Leader Has Prepared Tenta- Commencement Activities some corrected necessary was to lost in the On Hoffa Field the make was it mail, tive Plans For His Adminis- change in the distribution date. tration "The Pigeon", a three-act play by John Galsworthy, and "Opera Mati- A few extra copies of the Aloha have The annual spring military inspection was held on Hoffa Field Andrew Gorski has been elected to nee", a one-act social satire, will be giv- been ordered, and anyone who has not Monday, May 14, at 2.45 P. M. 'I'he batallion was inspected by Col. head the Men's Student Council for the en on Friday, June 1, Alumni Hall. The yet paid his 50c fee may still secure a Allen C. Rutherford, Assistant Chief of Staff, Third Corps Area college year 1934-35. Mr. Gorski has presentation of these two plays by the copy of the year book by paying this ------------------- Headquarters. The lieutenant-colonel, worked out a tentative plan which he College Players will mark the beginning fee before May 23. AUDIENCE AT MAY DAY the captains of the companies, and the hopes to carry out with the cooperation of the commeneemcnt week activities. R. O. T. C. Band presented their spon- of the various class representatives and Miss Esther Smith, professor of FETE THOROUGHLY COWED sors prior to the formal inspection. members of the student body. speech, is directing the plays. TERROR TOSSERS LOSE Immediately after the presentation of The Senior class will be represented "Open'], Matinee" will serve as the sponsors, the bata Ilion passed before Did ever in the council next year by Preston curtain raiser. . The cast is as follows: TO BALTIMORE FIREMEN Well-we you did! see a cow praneing t Col. Rutherford, the officers, and their Grimm, John Stallings, and Donald Edith Mildred German "And behind the queen come the M01·-· sponsors in the reviewing stand. Tschudy. William Bratton, Charles iis dancers and the milkmaids, tripping Lieut.-Col. Edward Hurley presented Dauaker, and Allen Dudley will be the N arcissa Louise Needy Green and Gold Nine Commit Er- gaily and leading the traditional gentle Miss Katherine Sharrer of Westminster council members from the Junior class. Sheila Katherine Timmons rors To Allow Visitors white heifer", reads an announcement. as the batallion sponsor. Captain El- Fowble Sydney Doris The Sophomore class will be represented Unearned .Runs The setting is perfect. There is the mer Mahoney, of Company A, present- by Robert Coe, George Spiegel, and Mrs. Harrison Frances Seward sun, smiling down on the hill. It is a ed Miss Marguerite Ringler, '36; Oapt. John Warman. Mrs. Lysander Martha Harrison Richard Kieffer, of Company B, pre- Mrs. Murphy Orpha Pritchard The Baltimore Firemen defeated the warrn smile-e-very warm. Perhaps it is "I hope to raise the functioning pow. Western Maryland baseball team yes- ironical. The old fellow has fooled us, sented Miss Elise Kalb, '35; Capt. Hen- ers of the student council to a high Countess J ercabek Kathryn Mellor terday afternoon by a score of 8-3. you know, and now he is smiling; "You ry Kimmey, of Company C, presented level", said Mr. Gorski. "I trust the Mrs. Casper Helen Whitcraft Erratic fielding on the part of both thought I wouldn't be out today, huh ~ Miss Evelyn- Bowen, '35; Capt. Roland student body will feel that any action Mrs. Gardiner Anna Wigley teams paved the way for most of the You say I'm very fickle, do you ~ Well Sliker presented Miss Margaret Yocum, th e council may take will be for the Mrs. Kennedy Mildred Burkins '34, as sponsor 'of the Band. Mrs. Vail Mary Parks runs that were scored. At times dur- -I'll show you". And there is the hill welfare of the students. In this spirit ing the game both teams played well, -with dandelions all over the grass- Following the review, company drill I ask for the full cooperation of ·every The action of this amusing play takes blat passed balls and wild throws were like cheese and pickles at a picnic. Yes, was taken up by the Junior officers, and man on the "Hill" in order to make the place in three opera boxes. frequent, the Terrors being guilty of the t.lren by the regular company captains stately is the queen, council the organiz~tion it is intended "The Pigeon" is a fantastic comedy majori ty of the errors, and there with her court-lovely and cool and lieutenants, Company A demon- in white, in pas- to be." on poor unfortunates, and presents a tel gowns with bright bouquets-form- strated the physical drill under the di- Mr. Gorski has outlined the follow- very interesting treatment of the pro b- The fire-fighters jumped into the lead rection of Lieut. Alfred Sadausky. Corn- ing temporary program for next year: lem of charity. The story deals with iii the second inning, scoring four runs ing a brilliant picture against the green pany B contributed one of the most in- and gold of th e hill. 1. The rule prohibiting drinking on the question, "What is society to do on four singles and two Terrors errors. teresting features of the day in the the campus will be rigidly enforced with its fu.i lures I" W ellwyn, the ar- In the t.hird the Terrors did their only Everything is ready. But where-oh form of a tactical problem illustrating next year. tist, goes to his friends, the professor, scoring of the afternoon, when Fowble where-is our gentle white heifer~ Wait combat prineiples. Smoke screens en- 2. A sincere effort will be made to the judge, and the priest in search of singled and Cumberland drew a base on -what's this~ A black streak of light- veloped the men as they lay in the completely abolish thievery in the men's advice. In summing up their opinions, balls. Both advanced on a passed ball. ning~ No-it is eight little dark-skins, prone position and fired blank car- dormitories. he says, "According to Calway, we're Tollinger beat out an infield hit, Fowble out of nowhere, yelling at high .C and tridges on an imaginary enemy. This making a wild dash across the field with 3. "Crib biJIg" miil other f'orms of to give the State all we can spare to scoring; Cum berland reached third and exhibition was realistic, and added cheating will be discouraged. Emphasis make the undeserving ... But old Hux- '1'ollinger second when the Baltimore nary a turn at their pursuer. And 10- much color to the occasion. Company will be placed on individual honor. ton's always driving it into me that we first baseman threw wild to home. Wil- (Continued on Page 3, Col. 3) C gave as its contribution a personal 4. A drive will be conducted among ought to support private organizations lis singl ed scoring Cumberland and '1.'01- inspection. the students to reduce the amount of for helping the deserving, and damn linger to complete the Terror scoring After a concluding parade, the batal- gambling among the men. the undeserving." for til e afternoon. HOME ECONOMICS CLUB lion marched up the hill, and was dis- 5. Frequent meetings will be held to The members of the cast are: The firemen added a fifth run in the SPONSORS FASHION SHOW missed ill front of McDaniel Hall. .determine the opinions and criticisms Wellwyn, an artist Cornelius Gisriel fifth inning and then completed the Next Monday the annual R. O. T. O. of the students concerning the council Anne Esther Righter scoring when, with two men on in the The spring fashion show, sponsored spring track meet, in which each man of and administrative policies. Thus, the Ferrand William Wright seventh, Heins, fireman shortstop, rap- by the- Home Economics Club of Wes- the batallion will take part, will be council will have definite suggestions Timson Lora Outten ped a home run into deep loft field. Un- tern Maryland College, was held in Me- held. The next day, Tuesday, May 22, from which to formulate plans, and a Mrs. Megan Laurlene Straughn til this home run drive the game had Daniel Hall Lounge, Friday evening, the annual competitive drill will take more friendly feeling will exist between Megan Frank Mitchell been a pitchers' battle between Parr of May 10. The rnerchaudiss displayed place. Students and visitors are in- the council and the student body. Canow Bertley William Kesmodel the firemen and Shilling. Shilling struck was from Hochschild, Kohn and Co., vited to attend these activities. The first meeting of the new student out seven men and Parr six. Skinner Ba ltimore. Professor Ca lway Frederick Malleus Preceding the actual showing of the council was held Monday, at which Sir Thomas Huxton .. Maurice Fleming relieved Shilling in the ninth and struck time proctors were appointed for next out one man in that inning. Heins led costurnes, Miss Ayers, fashion adviser a MARY BROWN ELECTED year. Police Constable Kale Mathias the hitters w ith a single, a double, and from Hochschild, Kohn and Co., gave Humble Man Frank Mitchell a home run. No other players on either short talk on the spring and summer W. A. A. PRESIDENT The action of the play takes place in side COllnected for extra bases. forecast for clothes, explaining many FRENCH CLASS PRESENTS Wellwyn's studio. PalT bore down well in the pinches, of the new style features. Clothes this meeting Last ORIGINAL ONE-ACT PLAYS Peabody, year" was The Piper", by J oseplline twice stril,ing out men when there were season have simple straight lines, with en's At the monthly Association of the Wom- 1, Athletic COlll- May as presented the on most of th{l attention centered upon the mencement play. two outs and men had advanced as far neckline and sleeve treatment. The Mary Brown was electe~ president for Two one-act plays, written by the DS third. sh oulders are usually covered, even for 1934-35. Inez Flanagan and May Russell members of the French Methods Class, Western Maryland attempted to ad- evening. Cotton is the most versatile received the blazer award which is the will be presented Monday evening, May GOLD BUG STAFF PREPARES vance by stealing but only one of tlll'ee material in this summer's wardrobe- highest given by the W. A. A. 21, at 6.45 P. M. The first play, JOURNALISTIC STYLE attempts was successfully executed. "from tennis in the morning, to dining '1'he other officers elected for next "Yvonne et Ahmed", will be given in the BOOK and dancing at night". Rough fabrics, year were: Esth·er Main, vice-president; new Robinson garden at 6.45 P. M.; and dark sheers, and flowered materials are Margaret Lansdale, secretary; Frances immediately afterwards, the second play STUDENTS REGISTER also prominent. Hats are larger, and The staff of the Gold Bug is preparing Glynn, treasurer. "Quel Petit Monde", will be presented in a style book, whIch will serve-as a guide FOR 1934-35 COURSES accessories tend to complete the en- The managers of the various sporting the Y. W. C. A. room. to the journalistic form observed in semble by carrying out some shade of boards for 1934-35 were also chosen: "Yvonne et Ahmed" is a wistful ro- future issues' of the college publica- Registration for the first semester th e costume. hockey, Ruth Jenkins; basketball, Na- mance, the action of which centers about tion. courses of the 1934-35 school year be- The exhibit itself was very inter- omi Crown; volley ball, Louise Ro bin- the charming young countess Yvonne. esting a nd colorful. Cotton "'as shown For several years, the various staffs gan yesterday, May 16, a!ld will con- son; baseball, Edythe Child; hiking, The play has its setting in the thirteenth tinue until 4 P. M. Tuesday, May 22. not only in broadcloth, seersucker, Cora Virginia Perry; tennis, Catherine century, during the reign of Philip Ie of the GoId Bug have felt the need for pique and gingham for active sports a set of style regulations, which would Many students have already complet- Rose. bel. "Quel Petit Monde", a highly divert- \\'ear, lmt also in new cords and laces ing comedy, relates the various adven- help to eliminate inconsistencies in ed theil' registration, but a great major- for more formal attire. Cotton and Numerals were awarded to Dorothy tures which occur in a gown shop in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and .ity of the student body has not, as yet, gingham evening gowns are the new Paul, '34; Martha Miller, '36; Phyllis abbreviation. In order to meet this oignedllp for next year's courses. All Holcomb, '37; Priscilla Herson, '37; El- Paris. The cast for "Yvonne et Ahmed" note in the fashion scale, while swagger is as follows: need, the new Gold Bug staff has set to stud'ellts now attending the colloge, ex" coats, I,ats, and shoes are made of the la Shank, '37; Lillian Moore, '37; Mary Yvonne Mlle. Baer work to compile SUClla style shcet. cept the members of the Senior class, same material. Lou Rockwell, '37; Ruth Lunning, '37; Ahmed :....... M. Bryson All large newspapers, as well as nu- must register now if they expect to In regard to colors, lllonotones are Eloise Gunn, '37; Ethel Lautherback, Martha Menestrel M. Richards merous college publications, have their return to the "Hill" next fall. Other- preval8'nt, !,ometimes being ribbed '37; and Edith Hansson, '37. and was '34, had 1250 points Harrison, J anglem M. Luman o''I'n particular series of style regula- wise a fee for late registration must be with a contrasting shade. Mexican Duc de Provence M. Needham tions. The Baltimore Sun, which is paid. No obligation is made by so do- stripes are a new fashion and add a awal'ded her l~tter "M". Catherine Henri M. Taylor recognized as one of the best newspa- ing, and yet the fine for late registra- lively interest both to evening dresses Rose, '35, and Frances Glynn, '35, were Gouvern:1llte Mlle. Bork pers in America, has a style sheet that tion will be saved by students who, and to sports wear. Large check and awarded their monograms. Mary Work- The cast of "Quel Petit Monde" in- is perhaps as complete and accurate as thinking they cannot retur'l to coll~ge, plaids (If two or three tones are also man, '37, and Ella Shank, '37, were cludes the following: any that can be found. The Gold Bug do decide to come ba ck next fall. very smaTt, and may be WOl·n at any awarded golden "H's" for hiking 100 'I.'ommy Emerson ..........• M. Gisriel intends to follow rather closely this Freshmen should begin their regis- time. miles during the past year. Janne Mlle. Willis Sun style book, and also other metro- tration with their advisers. Sopho- Another inteTesting style note is the Miss Brown, of the home economics Mme. Felice Mlle. Silberstein politan newspapers and the more mores and Juniorll who are in the new sandal made of cotton, linen, or department, presented the blazers to Two American women: Mlle. Seward eminent authorities in this particular department of education must regis- even tape, with very low heels suita- Miss Flanagan and Miss Russell. Miss Mlle. A. Wigley field. ter with Dean Isanogle; all others ble for both evening and beach wear. Brown said, "As you know, a girl must Kitty Mlle. Berry Although work has already begun on \"ith Dean Schofield. Sophomores and The girls who modelled the clothes have 1250 points to be eligible. The at- Duc de Bon Bon M. Hissey the Gold Bug style book, the major por- Juniors are also urged to consult with were Estelle Williams, Laurlene tainment of this goal is an honor in it- Four models-Mlle. Tollinger tion of the book will be prepared dur- their advisers before registering. Straughn, Catherine Rose, Maudre Wil- self. For a girl to receive a blazer, it Mlle. Hull ing the summer. The completed work This will mark the sixty-eighth reg- lis, Elizabeth Wine, Elizabeth Wolford, is necessary that she be outstanding in Mlle. Lewis will be used for the first time on the I istration of courses at IVestern Mary- Dale Watson, Esther Righterl and Dor. athletics, that she show good sports- Mlle_ Willis initial issue next fall. land College. othy Twigg. (Continued on Page 4, Col. 3)
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