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COMMENCEMENT COMMENCEMENT ISSUE ISSUE Vol. 11, No. 14 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. May 31, 1934 COMPANY A WINS ANNUAL TWELVE CONTEND, FOR June Week Program .Iune Week Program Lists Plays and R.O.T.C. COMPETITION TO ANNUAL SPEECH PRIZES JUNE 1 TO 4 Commencement as Terminal Events CLOSE MJLITARY YEAR Four Medals To B~ Awarded Win. GENERAL PROGRAM OF EXERCISES ners of Norment Contest Two Plays W.il1 Be Presented By College Players In Alumni Hall B Company Wins Track and Field FRIDA Y, JUNE 1 Friday Evening "Opera Meet By Narrow Margin The Norment Speech Contest was held 8:00 P. ~1. One-act '. play, Three-a c t Matinee' Friday evening, May 25, in Alumni Hall. play, "The Pigeon." DR. J. M. H. ROWLAND WILL DELIVER ADDRESS The climax of the military activities The winners of tlie gold-medal awards by the depart- for this year was reached on Tuesday, will be announced at commencement, ment Presented speech in AI· June Week will begin Friday, June 1, with the presentation of of May 22, when Company A won the an- Monday morning, June 4. The four umni Hall. nual competitive drill. The silver loving prizes, awarded to a boy and a girl con- two plays by the College Players and 'will end Monday, June 4, with the cup, given each year to the winning com- testant from the Sophomore and Fresh- SA TURDA Y, JUNE 2 commencement exercises, when Dr. J. M. H. Rowland, Dean of the pany, was presented to Miss Marguerite man classes, will be forwarded to their 3: 00 P. M. Baseball-Alumni v s, School of Medicine at the Univeraity of Ringler, the sponsor of Company A. In recipients at a later date. Varsity. LANTERN CHAIN CLIMAXES Maryland, will deliver the address. These the annual track and field meet on May The participants in the contest, chosen 4: 15 P. :M. Annual business meeting exercises will mark the sixty-fifth com- 21, Company B emerged the victor by a by the department of speech, were three of the Alumni Associa- FAREWELL T,O SENIORS mencement of Western Maryland Col scant margin of one point over Company men and three women from the Freshmen tion in Smith Hall. lege. C. class and the same number from the 6: 00 P. 1\1. Dedication of the new Traditional Procession Will Take "The Pigeon", a. three-act play by The competitive drill was likewise won Sophomore class. The participants were Ro binson Garden. .John Galsworthy, and "Opera Matinee", by a close margin. Company A, how- those students showing the best merits ill 6: 30 P. 1\1. Annual dinner of tho Place Tonight a one-act social satire, will be given Fri- ever, under the command of Capt. Elmer speech in their respective classes. Alumni Association in day evening, June 1, in Alumni Hall. Mahoney, executed the assigned move- 'I'he Norment Speech Contest has been the College Dining Hall. The Freshman lantern chain, which has Dr. J. M. H. Rowland will address the ments flawlessly to gain the much-cov- an annual feature of the spl'ing activi- SUNDA Y, JUNE 3 become one of the traditional pre-com- Seniors at the commencement exercises, eted award. After Captain Woolley had ties .at 'Western Maryland for many mencement activities at Western Mary- Monday morning, J-une 4. Dr. Rowland presented the trophy to Company A, the years. The prizes were founded by the 10 :30 A. M. Baccalaureate Sermon. land College, will wend its way towards is a prominent layman in the Methodist battalion passed in review to close the late Samuel Norment, Esq., of Washing- Rev. J. W. Hawley, D.D., Hoffa Field at 7.30 P. M. tonight. Church. The processional will include ceremonies of the day. ton, D. C. The purpose of the contest is Pittsburgh, Pa. As each Freshman girl escorts a Senior the board of trustees, the faculty and Company B, in winning the track and to stimulate interest in oral expression 7: 00 P. M. Evening on the campus. girl, the procession will start from the the Seniors. The Rev. Leonard B. field meet, amassed a total of fifty points. among the undergraduate speech stu- Junior class in charge. entrance to McDaniel Hall. Each couple Smith, D.D., president of the Maryland Winning ten points in the last event, the dents. MONDAY, JUNE 4 will carry a Japanese lantern. The mem- Annual Conference, "ill offer the invo- relay, Company C came within one point The pr{)gram for the contest was as 10 :00 A. M. Commencement. bers of the procession, as they proceed to cation. The college orchestra, under the of tying the winners. A sack race, a follows: Address by Dr. J. M. H. the grandstand on Hoffa Field, will sing direction of Philip Royer, will furnish three-legged race, and a cock fight were FRESHMEN Bowland, Dean of the the more familiar school songs. The the music. added features that gave every man in The Raven Eclgwr Alla1~ Poe School of Medicine, Uni- Seniors will then take their place on the Saturday, June 2, will be Alumni Day, the battalion a chance to compete in HalTY Jamieson Luman, versity of Maryland. grandstand, and the Freshmen, while A baseball game between the Alumni and some event. A pie-eating contest con- Cumberland, Maryland singing "Where, Oh, Where',' will form the Varsity is scheduled to be played in cluded the program for the day. Draper How To Live To Be Two Hundred the numerals of each class. Following the af'ternoon on the new diamond. John and Pontecorvo are still both claiming Stephen Leacock BOARD OFTRUSTEES GIVES this, the Freshmen will sing their own M. Clayton, '21, former baseball and the victory in this last event. George Fisk Needham, Lutherville, Md. class song. football star and district vice-president The results of the track and field meet A Venture in Mysticism CONSENT TO PLANS FOR After these ceremonies, while the pro- for the Baltimore Alumni, will be the were: Christopher M01'ley NEW GIRLS' DORMITORY cession moves back up the hill, the Fresh- captain of the Alumni team. Company A 31 points. Kenneth Moses Plummer, Frostburg, m~l\ will sing their "Farewell to the After the baseball game, the business Company B 50 points. Md. Seniors." Upon returning to McDaniel meeting of the Alumni Association will Company C 49 points. Remember Me Ursula Parrott At the meeting of the board of trus- Hall, the Senior girls will sing their class be held in Smith Hall. It will b~ prll"- Band 11 points. Jean Katherine Harlow, tees of Western Manyland College on song from the balcony, which overlooks sided over by M1'. Charles E. Moylan, 100-yard dash-first, Wade; second, Westminster, Md. Monday, May 28, the decision was the main entrance door, while the other '17, president of the association. New Blissman; third, Riley. 'Mame ., J. V. A. Weavcl' reached to construct a new dormitory classes, each in turn, will sing their officers will be elected, and committee re- 220-yard dash-first, Thomas; second, Beverly Loreine Harrison, Baltimore, for women. Plans have been drawn up songs. ports will be given. Plans for the com- Lathrop; third, Dunn. Time: 25.0 sec- Md. already for the new building, and bids Margaret Hoshall, Freshman student ing year will also be made. onds. Make Up .... Beatrice Humiston McNeil for the construction work will soon be council representative, is in charge of Later in the evening, the Robinson 440-yard dash-first, Pilson; second, Elizabeth Spencer Harrison, received. the lantern chain, and Sarabelle Black- Garden will be dedicated to Miss Mar- Sharrer; thirrl, Reifsnider. Time: 56.5 , Westminster, Md. The new dormitory, which will pro- well and Beverly Harrison are assisting garet M. Robinson, who was. the dean of seconds. SOPHOMORES vide rooms for 150 women, will proba- her. Priscilla Herson has written the women at the time McDaniel Hall was 880-yard run-first, Gosnell; second, I Like Americans NancY' Boyd bly be ready for occupancy in 1935. music and the words of the Freshman built. In the nook sheltered by the west Cumberland; third, Lipski. Time: 2.25 Donald Harrison Prince, At the same meeting, plans were dis- class song, and Virginia Cluts has com- wing of this dormitory, Miss Robinson minutes. Washington, D. C. cussed to construct a larger and more posed the words for the farewell song to planted and tended a garden. Recently, One mile run-first, Crowe; second, The Lost Word .... " .. Hen1'Y Van Dykc beautiful park at the northwest corner the Seniors. it was decided to dedicate this garden to Corbin; third, Flater. Time: 6 min- Byron Aubrey Schneider, of the campus. This completed project, her. Miss Robinson" will be the guest of utes. New Windsor, Md. some work on which was- done last sum- honor at the dedication. of THIRD ANNUAL SUMMER "'" High jump-first, Jones; second, The Convict's Soliloquy mel', will be named for Harvey A. At this exercise, alumni of the W. W. i;~~ie~;, third, Willis. Height: 5 Harold Stephen White, Hagerstown, Md. Stone, the present superintendent Club will dedicate an Etalian well as a feet, 5 inches. --..,,,,, White Butterflies Meriel Brads) grounds and buildings at this institu. SESSION OPENS JUNE 19 I memorial to Louise W. Werntz, member Standing broad jumi:r---4irs~.' Shilling; Mary Barbour Dixon, tion. As M1'. Stone has been connected of the class of '31. The Delta Sigma second, Wade; third, Wl11otrgbVY. Newport News, Va. with the college for the past forty Kappa alumni will present a sun dial. Length: 9 feet, 8 inches, 'T,~e Stolen Bacillus H. G. Wells years, this memorial park will be a tri- The third summer session to be held a't Following the dedication of the garden, Running broad jump-first, Holmes; 'Rosalie Gertrude Silberstein, bute to his many years of excellent service, Western Maryland will open Tuesday, the annual alumni dinner will be held in second, Cumberland; third, Lathrop. Baltimore, Md. Roger J. Whiteford, a Washington at- June 19. The ten-week session, divided the College Dining Room. The members Length: 17 feet, 6 inches. A Corner On William .. Fann'ie Kilbou1'ne torney and a graduate of Western into two five-week terms, has become an of the class of 193'4 will be the guests Hop, skip, and jump-first, Roberts; Doris Elaine S]11edes, Westwood, N. J. Maryland, was elected a member of the in tegl'al part of the college year. and will be intl'{)duced to the alumni by sejCond, Arma00st; third, Campofreda. At the close of the contest, Mrs. Max- board of trustees to fill the vacancy The usual courses leading to the bach- President Ward. The ceremony of their Length: 34 feet, 1 inch. field was hearcl to remark: "I thank caused by the death {)f Lynn R. Meekins. elm of arts degree will be offered. This introduction into the association will then Shot ptit:_first, -8adausky; second, my stars I am not a judge tonight." The new women's dormitory will be summer work will enable students to take place. The theme of the evening Haynes; third, Crawshaw. Length: 44 built to the south of McDaniel Hall. complete the four years' work in three will be a jubilation over the resump- feet, 1 inch. second, CAPT. WOOLLEY ORDERED The construction of this building will years, or to secure hours necessary for tion of the building program which was Javelin thr0w-first, Dunn; llOt only make the McKinstry and graduation. announced several years ago. The speak- Lassahn; third, Schwieker. Length: TO PUERTO RICO POST Smith Hall dormitories available for Advanced courses leading to the mas- ers will include: Dr. 'Vard, president of 148 feet, 5 inches. nien students, but will enable nhe ad- ter of arts degree may be pursued also the college; F. Murray Benson, '17, mem- Baseball thr~w-first, Tollenger; sec- ministrative offices to be moved to the ber of the House of Delegates; Col. Rob- ond, Fowble; third, Blissman. Length: Capt. Har·old D. Woolley, pr{)fessor of 'Main Building, thus giving over the en- during the sessi{)n. These courses are ert J. Gill, '10, member of the board {)f , 328 feet, 10 inches. military science and tactics at Western tire present Administration Building accredited as meeting the residence re- trustees and of the Baltimore Bar; Three-legged race-Dunn and Willis. Maryland College, was informed recently to the Library. quiremen t for the degree. R,ichard C. HarlO\y, athletic coach {)f the Sack race-Pilson. that he is to report to Puerto Rico in In addition, certain professional courses (Continued on Page 3, Col. 1) Cock fight-Timmons. September for military duty. Captain and content courses for the elementary Woolley will sail from New York City MISS DAY, ART TEACHER, and junior high school teacher will be of- {)n the U. S. S. Chateau Thierry on Sep- MARRIED TO J. S. MORRIS fered. SENIORS ARE HONORED AT FACULTY CLUB ATTENDS tember 6, 1934. Science, generalized and professional- DINNER AND RECEPTION DINNER AT CARROLL INN For the past nine years Captain Wool- The marriage of Miss Jessie Byrd Day, ized for those who teach the phenomena ley has been associated with ihe military daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. John of life and nature and the mechanical The members of the Senior class were The Faculty C1ub, the recently organ- department of this college. Coming here Henry Day of Ealtimore, to John Saun- entertained at tW{) social affairs during ized social group ·of the members of in 1926, he immediately became an ac- ders Morris of OAford, N. C., took place processes involved in living today, will be the past two weeks. President and Mrs. Western Maryland's faculty, held its an- tive member of life on the "Hill." Be- last Friday at 7.30 P. :yr. at the Seventh presented in two courses. Dr. Bertholf Ward held a buffet dinner for the mem- nual dinner at Carroll Inn on Wednes- sides his formal military connections, Baptist Church {)f Baltimore, with the will teach the course entitled " The bers of the graduating class on Thurs- day, May 23, at 6 :30 P. M. The rna· Captain Woolley is the honmary member bride's father, the pastor {)f the church, World and Living Things." Miss Sara day evening, May 17, at 6.00 P. ~I. Dean jority of the faculty members and their of the Officers' Clnb, [m enthusiastic sup- officiating. She WIS given in marriage Smith, who spent all last year studying and Mrs. Isanogle entertained the class wives were present. porter of college athletics, and a true by her brother, JoIn Helll'y Day, Jr. in the field of science education at Co- at a reception on Saturday evening, May Dr. Theodore Whitfield, who is chair- and considerate fTiend to all who know Miss Day is a mlmber of the Western lumbia University, will teach the COUl'se 26. man of the organization, presided {)ver him. It is with the deepest regard a.nd Maryland faculty md holds position as named" Matter and Energy." Approximately 100 Seniors attended the dinner. He expressed his thanks to respect that the student body of West- head of the art department. The summer sessi{)n has been arranged President Ward's dinner, which is given the committee in charge f{)r its help and ern Maryland wishes Captain and Mrs. Miss Day wore G gown {)f ivory satin on a schedule of six days a week, in {)r- every year to the members of the gradu- cooperation. Woolley a life {)f success and happiness and lace, and caned a shower oouquet del' to make possible the securing of full ating class. After the dinner, Mr. Philip Royer in their new surroundings. of gardenias and white roses. The reception at Dean Isanogle's house led the guests in a series of familiar Captain S. S. Mac Laughlin, who has A reception at ilie bride's home fol- credit of six semester hours in each term. {)n Ridge Road was also attended by a sum· FUrther concerning information songs. Mr. Lewis Brumbaugh outlined been connected with the Officers' School 10WE'dthe ceremony After a trip north, large group. Games, singing, and light the suggested plans for the club next at Fort Benning, Georgia, will Teplace Mr. and Mrs. :MorrE will live at Sparrows mer work may be secured at the regis- refreshments made up the entertainment year. Capta,in Woolley at this institution, Point, Maryland. trar's office. of the evening.
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