Page 45 - TheGoldBug1933-34
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE I SPORTS I Spring Football-- Baseball--Intra-Murals I SPORTS COACH HARLOW ISSUES INTRA MURAL MUSHBALt TENNIS TEAM FACES SPRING GRID CALL CREATES COMPETITIVE WINTER SPORTS ---- A Review DIFFICULT SCHEDULE INTEREST AMONG MEN Large Freshmen Group Reports To By Wilson Nichols and Francis Glynn Franklin Marshall College Will First Practice Play Here Club Interest Runs High BOXING versity, but nosed out Bucknell for the On Tuesday, April 10, spring football first win of the season. St. Thomas The Western Maryland tennis team practice was set under way. At this Tuesday, April 17 marked the official The boxing squad ended their - season took them into camp next; and then the will again be captained by Lease Buza- time of year, most college gridirons opening of the Intra-mural Mushball by placing second in the Inter-colle- Green Terrors struck the League and zard and managed by Victor Palmer. throughout the county spent a few weeks League. 'I'he opening day saw four club giates at Syracuse. The year opened walked away with everything, including Manager Palmer has arranged a full working on the fundamentals- of the teams pitted against each other. The with a loss to the University of Mary- the big silver basketball award. The schedule beginning April 21 with Get- game, in preparation for the regular Gamma Beta Chi playing the Black and land, 5-3. Then Navy came along and last two games with P. M. C. and Po- tysburg College and continuing until fall season. The main purpose of the White jumped to an early lead, but Dan- won a clos-e victory over our team. St. tomac State were lost due to a let-down; ln te in May. The teams included in this spring session, however, is to acquaint ny Moore, pitcher for the Gamma Bets John's was the win for the men of the but all in all, this year's record prom· year's schedule are: Maryland, St the Freshmen with the varsity system weakened in the later innings and lost a Green and Gold in a rather drab, one- ises big things in the future. John's, Towson, State, Franklin and and signals. Thus, the coaches focus close decision to Jay Randle, 11-9. sided meet. Then Penn State won in Marshall, Gettysburg, Loyola, and Ca their attention on the development of The Bachelors, present leaders in the a series of fights that were marked with tawba College of North Carolina. the Freshmen and prime them to fill the race for the Intra-mural Cup, lost a hard- action. The fourth meet with Syracuse The JI"lltoppers are fortunate this gaps left by the graduation of seasoned fought game to the Delta Pi Alpha. was another loss, but could be placed CO-ED SPORTS players. Beane pitched for the Bachelors and in the "experience" column as Syracuse The end of the year 1933 marked the year to have every member back fron Ernie Randal twirled for the winners. placed men in all the finals of the In- last year's team which, although it wa Since spring football began, practice closing of a very successful sports pro- not 30 successful as the undefeated has progressed regularly and enthusi- The final score, 9-5, shows that the game tercollegiates. Bucknell was the second gram for the We-stern Maryland Co.- team of the previous year, succeeded in The men showed battle. astically, and a great deal of valuable was a pitcher's behind the ' , Schnozzle' the , Terror win. over the Bison a decided Eds, In comparison with the intra, winning seven of the eleven matches bat was superiority for they as Timmons work is being accomplished. Much woman-haters. Kesmodsl handled Ra.n- walked off with everything but the mural programs of other colleges, the played. Among those men who will car stress is being placed by Head Coach Co-Eds ranked very high in interest and dIe's winning pitching. ring posts. The West Pointers proved a ry on this year's schedule are: Bussard '!'Dick" Harlow on tackling and block- bit more difficult, with a tie score re- appreciation. Every class was well rep- Palmer, Haynes, Jaeger, Sliker, Gisriel ing, as the difference between a good The League will continue through the resented in the major sports of hockey Rhoades, Finch, and Jones. sulting. final with In meet team and a poor one is generally found spring session, probably going two rounds -olic University, the the leather pushers Cath- and basketball. The tennis team will open its home were in these two departments of the game. before the close of the school year. As on the long end of a well earned victory. The Seniors were hockey champions, season with Franklin and Marshall All too often the crowd cheers a back the cup race has not yet been decided, with the Juniors coming in second, the 01 28. The Lancasterians April who makes a sensational run, while the contests will be vigorously contested. In the Intercollegmtes the Western Sophomores third, and the Freshman Saturday, provide th e greatest opposition should some obscure lineman who made the The Mushball League of 1933 proved fast Maryland boxers proved that the pres- last The basketball title also went to of any team the Hilltoppers will play play possible by his blocking, goes un- and exciting and the few spectators gen- ent title holders could be none to sure the Seniors, although they had plenty erally enjoyed themselves immensely. of their crowns. Three men, Bernie this season. Every year Franklin and heralded and unnoticed. It is not, how- of opposition. The Sophomores unex- Marshall has succeed in placing at least ever, unnoticed by the coach. The Seminary is developing a mush- Kaplan, Tom Pontecarvo, and Andy pectedly took second place while the ball team which will have strength in Gorski came back as champs. Although one man' among the high ranking Jnter. Next fall the Green Terrors will face J'uniora dropped to third position, and collegiate champions, and with a team won, their men departments. were Syarcuse are the stiffest opposition a Western Mary- many there is a desire If indications of at pressed all the way by the Terrors. hard the Freshmen finished last. In the pre- of such calibre appearing on the "Hill" on the part true, land team has ever met. A schedule in- liminary practices, the Freshmen did courts, every member of the college will cludinz such teams as St. Thomas, ViI_ least a few of the members of the fac- not appear very promising, but they im- ulty to participate in spring sports. Per- have the opportunity to see first class Ia.nova~ and Catholic University has al- haps a team can be organized in both BASKETBALL proved sufficiently to give a good ac- college competition. ready been drawn up. All in all, an mush ball and tennis from among the pro- count of themselves in the inter-class exciting season is anticipated. With basketball activity for the sea- tournament. The 1934 Schedule fess-ors to compete against student or- son over, and boxing a thing of the 'ganiza tions. Two games wEl'"replayed with outsid-e April I2-Gettysburg-away. past, interest naturally turns to the teams. In the first encounter, the Mot- The tennis team of the various clubs season records of the various teams. April 28-Franklin and Marshall defeated TERRORS DROP CLOSE are being organized' in preparation for We call to the front especially the fig- ley Club of Baltimore team, 23-16. a picked -home. Maryland In the Western GAME TO GETTYSBURG the inter-club tournaments which are part ures concerning 1,V. 1L C.'s squads. second contest, however, the Western of the program for the Intra-mural cup. The basketball team, for the first Maryland Co-eds defeated the New May I-Catawba, N. C.-home. (Continued from Page 1) A round robin tournament is also being time in history won the Evening Sun , Windsor High School team by a score of May 4-Maryland-away. organized among the non-vars'ity players Trophy, symbolic oL,the _Sta~e cham- Lipsky dCsQcond t and Shilling's double, of the 'college to decide the individual pionship. For the past few years the i 28-19. These two games officially closed May 5-Towson-home. which scored 'I'ollenger. championship of Western Maryland ten- team had been up and coming under ,. th e basketball season. May I2-St. Jolm's-away. Western Maryland used two pitchers nis. the expert tutelage of Neil Stahley, and !. Although volleyball is a minor sport, May 16-Gettysburg-home. ill Shilling and Skinner. Shilling, regu-. ================= the girls of all four classes responded they Iar pitcher last year, started the game I this year of "out would not be denied. A enthuaiastlcally. The Juniors, reviving May 2I-Towson-away. games number of the league" for the Terrors with Lipsky behind the served to get the men in step and by their usual spirit and form, came in May 22-St. John's-home. bat. Lipsky, who was an outfielder dur- NOTICE the time they actually met the League first iu' the inter-class tournament. ing the past two seasons, has been reo members they were in full stride. In i, Announcement of the spring schedule May 25-Loyola-'--home. cruited behind the bat by Coach" Molly" the fir,~t two games the Terrors took for girls' sports has created much inter- Twigg. Due to the death of "Hazel and over Washington College. Then carne ' est among the Co-Eds. Girls interested The Terrors should show a decided im- Hopkins, who also fell prey to our boys. I in baseball and tennis should sign up TERROR BATSMEN LOSE provement before many more games have Ha,zelnut," the GOLD BUG is in Then Loyola followed to add the third ,with the respective managers. Schedules TO GEORGETOWN, 9·6 been played, for already they have .proven need of a. new column, win. In the second game with Hopkins I of prnctices are posted on the bulletin their offensive strength. And if the Student sug-gestli-ollS concerning a the loopsters did not fare so well and i boards. Western Maryland baseball fans got tIeldinO" continues to improve, Coach This year the girls will use Hoffa Field their first idea of this year's Terror O lost a close game'. However, the men Twigg should be able to put a smooth- substitution for this late column were not daunted and went through for baseball practices and games. Ten- nine in their first game with George- working .combination on the field. will be welcomed ,by the staff. Write Mount St. Mary's and Loyola to clinch nis will be run on a different plan from town last Thursday. The W. M. C. Shepherd, Lipsky and Tollenger hit I the League title. In their second game ; former years. The details of the new team, though handicapped with little your suggestion on a slip of paper well for the Terrors yesterday, and Shill- " with the Mount, the team had an at- system will be explained by the tennis practice and defeated by a score 9-6, ing, besides pitching a fair game poled and place it in the GOLD BUG box I tack of post season fever and dropped manager at tIle April meeting of the showed a nice spirit all the way. out a pair of safe hits. If Coach Twigg (under the porch of the main build- this tilt. 'W. A. A. For the Hilltoppers, the pitching of ;s able to strengthen his pitching reserve I In their games with out-of-the-state I Information as to rules and practices Neslie and the hitting of catcher Sav- and establish coordination in fielding ing) or hand YOur suggestion to any teams the Terrors did not fare so well. may be obtained from the baseball and erine, who made two singles and two play, the team should take the brace member of the staff. I They dropped the first three games with - '1'ennis managers, Esther Main and Kit- doubles in four times at bat, was out- necessary to overcome their early season Georgetown, Navy, and Catholic Uni- standing. The batting ability of Coach I I ty Rose, respectively. losses. Mollie Twigg's aggregation was shown ' by Bill Shepard's home run in the eighth inning. Better play in the in- SOPH COMPREHENSIVES FI- field for Western Maryland would have but the this game, NALLY COMPLETED ON perhaps won them to a lack of season- could be attributed WEDNESDAY BOOST W. M. c. ing among the players. (Continued fr(}m Page 1, Column 1) I'm glad that's over." But some of the' less fortunate students fought a further battle this afternoon. Confmnted with ! the problems of higher mathematics, they struggled. Finally they, too, were freed i -the comprehensives were over. SPORTS Name Cards So, tonight, as a rewa.rd for their pa- tience and perseverance, the Sophomore cIa ss will hold a gala event. The lads GRADUATION JUST will attend a celebrati(}n in McDaniel Hall Parlor where they will cavort with For the remaind'er of this season and in the season to follow next AHEAD the lassies. The rhymthmic souls will dance; the mental wizards will play fall, every Western Marylander should boost all of the college sports. May we show you the bridge; the Beau Brummels will make eyes at the fair maidens, and the bashful Although VV.M. C. does not possess all of the physical equipment en- several styles of t y p e boys will sit about and gape and gab. joyed by many other institutions, we do have splendid sporting teams_ most used To refresh their frayed nerves, all will I partake of light refresh.ments. With the cooperation of the entire student body, the" Hill" can become Prompt Delivery even more elevated in the world of collegiate sports. Boost W. :M. C. sports. NOTICE ALL MEMBERS TO ATTEND THE I Times Printing Co. OF THE W. A. A. ARE URGED APRIL - MEETING FOlf, THE Westminster Maryland ELECTION OF OFFICERS.
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