Page 46 - TheGoldBug1933-34
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. BAKER CHAPEL SCENE OF COLLEGE CAMPUS SEES AD- SENIOR INVESTITURE DED IMPROVEMENTS to again called Attention CEREMONIES DURING VACATION the fact that is students should pay their 50c Aloha. fee if they wish (Continued from Page One) The spring season has found many to secure their copy of the year improvements on our rapidly growing Y.W.C.A. Y.M.C.A. work and the people doing it. You have campus. book. to pay for the space you take up by be- Then, too, the Aloha staff On Wednesday, April 1~, the follow- During the annual series of Lenten ing dependable--few volunteer workers During spring vacation, the arch be- again asks that the student body ing "Y" officers were installed: Services sponsored by the Y. M. C. A. .are and by being willing to do the most tween the main building and Lewis Hall show its appreciation by patron. President _ Miss Lucille Bork the following officers were installed: undesirable parts of the work, but I 1 was beautified by new iron railings, and izing the following firms that Vice-President Miss Rebecca Smith President Lewis J. Ransom, '35 believe that you would be more fit for a new door was cut into tho north end hav€ helped to make the 1934 Treasurer Miss Margaret Lansdale Vice-President John Warman, '37 your work and perhaps more fitted for of the building. This is a decided im- Aloha possible. . Secretary Miss M. C .Hill Secretary Mansell Stevens, '35 different kinds of work than if you provement and meets a long-realized need. Treasurer Wesley Cole, '35 stayed at home inert and disgruntled Many sections of the campus have The Emerson Hotel because you have no paying job." .Jacobson's & Sons, Tailors W. W. CLUB been re-seeded; flowers and shrubbery GAMMA BETA CHI "It is said that the ability to work have been planted in various spots. A Bonsacks with groups of people", continued Miss A club shower was held by the W. W. large, creaen t-shaped flower bed has Margaret & Earl's Club on Tuesday, April 10. The shower, The fraternity held its annual ban- Smith, "is becoming more and more im- been arranged on the lawn of the col- Mathers Ridge which brought a new percolator, sugar 'quet nt Clear 17. Inn on Tuesday portant. You would be wise if you lege Inn. Nusbaum & .Jordan April 'evening, tongs, and other similar gifts, was fol- sought the chance in your town or vil- The two parlors in the main building, Coffman's lowed by an informal party. lage to develop this ability. The grange, Mission Parlor and Faculty Parlor, are the churches, the Scouts, the 4-H clubs, Smith & Reifsnider BLACK AND WHITE being renovated in an attempt to make and other organizations offer opportuni, Englar & Sponseller, Millers TRI BETA ty for valuable experience if you are I the old main building more attractive. Westminster Savings Bank Sterling Fowble, '37, has been formal- smart enough to take it and if you can Plans are now being made to com- Tri Beta held a meeting recently at ly initiated into the fraternity. work, not as a young 'know it all' just pletely re-seed Hoffa Field and to make which time Miss Belva Hughes, '35, and out of college, but as a considerate, un- many more improvements on our cam- Mr. Donald Tschudy were formally ac- HOME ECONOMICS CLUB derstanding, cooperative human being." pUS. cepted into active membership. "Some of us who have had the oppor- Plans were discussed on how to create At the meeting of the Home Econom- tunity of making a living, which you a scholarship which will aid some de- ics Club on Tuesday, March 20, the crave, have beeome simply that-a per- DESCRIPTION serving man or woman. .Junior members of the class pre- son earning a living. We have few in- Her smile is like the sun-set, State Theatre sented a play and served refreshments. terests and are not interesting." To Color-warmed, and bright. PIn ALPHA MU prevent stagnation, a person should Her laugh is like the wind learn how to use the leisure time which FRIDAY DELTA PHI ALPHA Sporting wanton leaves at night. The Phi Alpha Mu Sorority will en- the modern world is increasing. "Heat Lightning" tertain in honor of Miss Day this even- Delta Phi Alpha held its annual Ban- "There are," Miss Smith pointed out, And when she opes her winsome mouth ing at 8.30 o'clock. quet on April 18th at Clear Ridge Inn. three types of recreation. The kind And softly speaks a word, With which leaves a harmful residue--pulls 'Tis like a tinkling silver bell, Ann Dvorak, Preston Foster, us down; the kind that leaves no reai- The sweetest ever heard. Glenda Farrell and Lyle due--merely innocuous; and the kind Talbot THEATRE TALK that gives lasting pleasure level, there is A. L. Stonesifer SATURDAY Matinee 2:30 and enriches our lives. On this third an 'alluring range of choice' in art and Tim McCoy in the theater, music and books, garden- SHEET MUSIC . ing, sports, nature, and the crafts. You STRING INSTRUMENTS "Voice in the Night" The Pulitzer Prize for drama will pen as excellent as that of O'Neill SOOllbe awarded .... It is interesting to should not be too severely criticised have the time to explore these areas LADIES' MERCHANDISE so that and develop your study which current New York drama .... The memories of "Mourning Be- . become important interests of you." they MONDAY-TUESDAY parts will get the 1934 award .... Perhaps comes Electra", "Strange Interlude", "As The Earth Turns" "Mary of Scotland" .... or "Men in and a host of other' O'N eill dramas Miss Smith concluded her address by If the best is only good White" .... or' "Ah, Wilderness" .... or make up for one less popular play. quoting a few lines from a sonnet enough, why not With "Dodsworth" .... All are splendid plays, called "Thrift" by Lizette Woodward CASSELL'S Donald Wood-Jean Muir but the Pulitzer Board is changeable In the movie world, a hand should be Reese: JEWELERS .... Time will tell. given "Catherine the Great" One of "If stars you love, and all their like, WEDNESDAY the year's best in every detail An- For nearly half century THURSDAY' Baltimore has had a theatre awaken- other hand to "Riptide". _.. A bit over- then know athrift to set you J- W. HULL, Proprietor Barbara Stanwyck 51 E. Main St. ing .... Ford's and Maryland both hav- done in spots, but still an excellent Your love will be Westminster, Maryland Joel McCrea clear ing plays .... Many are current hits still show .... Half a hand to La Hepburn Of beggary and whining at the door." -In- running on Broadway .... Next season in "Spitfire" .... A bronx cheer to "Car- The Store of new fashioned Baltimore is to see O'Neill's "Ah Wil- olina" .... And it was based on the Jewelry and old fashioned "Gambling Lady" derness" With the original Theatre "House of Connelly" .... Too bad. RADIOS and ELECTRICAL ideas Guild cast Should be ODe of the out- APPLIANCES standing events of next season .... Let's "Men in Wh .te" is in the movies .... i' hope there will be many more to fol- with the popular Clark Gable ... .Here's GENERAL ELECTRIC low .... To make up for this rather dull hoping the screen doesn't mess up this REFRIGERATORS V vlV A;::' A , Biffi''(''f'v'IGIVl0!OlCr~lO!0K*OOKm you play .•.. But excellent season. I . tell. ... The screen's the screen never can J. Stoner Geiman no mat- Westminster Community Players, a ter what you do about it .... The public Phone 24 I ~ Remember those you love on Mother's Day Ii< "Little Theatre" organization, to pre- must be pleased. I , sent first play in Alumni Hall .... HILLSIDE INN i "Pomander Walk" .... an English come- Large Selection of ?15 day with all the customary frills and J. D. Katz DINNERS silk stockings .... Good luck to this new I REFRESHMENTS II -Mother's _~ay Cards I organization! Bring your date over for a Big Ice QUALITY SHOE REPAIRING Cream Cone There's a new O'Neill play being Southern Dairies Cream written .... To be produced by the Special Rates to Students 'I'heatre Guild next season on Broadway .... Perhaps this new play will have a *7ISlE:,.'lG+GK)ICi0lGK..'1€teJE;I~IO:BIGlGl'0K:lID!OO~I3* more popular run than did "Days With- Columbia Jewelry Co. I out End" .... Oh, well, even the best of IMarg~~~~~~~,Earl m P. G. COFFMAN co. us slip up once in a while .... And a EXPERT WATCH and m < JEWEL REPAIRING ~ Special Commuter Lunches (,) Complete Optical Department ffi SANDWICHES ~~Jei6!OlOlOIOK',!8!8!OlO!O!OIO!OIO!8Jei6!OlOlO~IClOIC«>lOlOIO~IOIO~ Phone 358-J ffi ICE CREAM Gloria Beauty Parlor S12 PASTRIES TOBACCO We Specialize In ~ CIGARETTES 15c Package :> OPERA HOUSE PERMANENT WAVING m Wet Finger Waving 25c OlG'.ol2!8lOlBlO!0lC'K)~IOIOIOlOlOOc FRIDAY APRIL 20th and 21st SATURDAY Marcelling MATINEE SATURDAY 2:30 P. M. Hair Bobbing 25c -:.++++-l-++ ....+.H-+** .........:+:.......H-+ +-:-r:-:.·:.·: ....·:-:........+++-H-K ..:-:..:..:••:..:-:. ·. RICHARD DIX in l Facials-Manicuring t ! ~~ACEOF ACES". Also LAUREL_8£ HARDY Com~y_.__ 88 West Main Street I MOTHER t MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Westminster, Md. APRIL 23-24-25 and 26 y 1 KATHARlrqE HEPBURN in ... ~ Is Your Best Friend 4- "SPITFIRE" (formerly TRIGGER) + ·:..:..:··:..:..:-:··:·+-:·-:·....·:.....,.:+1<+ot<++-++++++++O!~l-+++',*,>fo~H+Ho.y.-+++*+
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