Page 25 - TheGoldBug1933-34
P. 25
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE iSPORTS Basket Ball -- Intra-Murals -- .Boxing SPORTS TERROR MITTMEN WILL W. M. FIVE SUCCUMBS INTRA-MURAL BASKETBALL UNDERTAKE HARDEST OF TO GEORGETOWN AND FAN FODDER GETS UNDER WAY WITH W. M. BOXING SCHEDUtES NAVY CAGE TEA'MS By "Pat" Mahoney INCREASED RIVALRY Will Face Strongest Ring Teams In Large Crowds Witness Both Con- Games Will Decide The Champion- The East tests Now that the holiday season has come to an end, things ship Of The School are expected to pick up, athletically, as State college sport WILL HAVE NINE MEETS BORRIES LEADS NAVY participants return to their collegiate chores. SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED ATTACK Here at Western Maryland, boxing and' basketball will Since- the Terror Mittmen returned come in for the major share of attention, as these are the The Men's Intra-mural Athletic Asso- from their holiday vacation they have Coach Skip Stahley's basketeer artists official winter sports at the college. Naturally, they will ciation has just published the first resumed training where they left off have played two games of their sched- "Pat" attract the largest number of participants. However a round of Intra-mural Basketball. For and have worked hard in preparation ule, and although they lost both of Mahoney sizeable portion of the male student body will turn to hand- several years these tournaments have for a schedule that is the most ambitious them, the first to Georgetown Universi- ball, volleyball, and basketball for their diversion. These sports com- been played between fraternities and one ever attempted by a Green Terror ty 33-9 and the second to Navy 41-21, prise the winter program for those not aspiring to varsity honors, and classes and a great amount of brisk ti"am or any other college squad. Syra- the coach is far from discouraged over league competition of the intramural variety will b econducted by rivalry has sprung up in both the Fra. ruse, last year's Intercollegiate cham- the losses. He realizes that the team's the Physical Education Department. terrrity and class leagues, the champion- pions and who are as strong this year is main trouble is lack of practice. The Wrestling and tumbling were carried on informally last season. ship of the school being the ultimate one foe. Army, who tied with Western first game was played after a week's So marked, at the time, was the interest in the first-named sport that a and much sought goal. The lively in- Maryland for Inter-collegiate runner-up workout and the second three days after match was arranged with the grapplers of Johns Hopkins toward terest taken in touch football this last honors is another. In all the Terrors the return froin the Christmas vacation. the close of the season, with the winners of an open tournament serv- fall foretells a hard fight for this years meet nine strong teams beginning with 'I'his lack of practice which handicapped ing as representatives of the Westminster school. Feeling was preva- title and all teams have started pre-sea- the University of Maryland and closing the team in its first two games is now lent for a time that the interest in the mat game was of a passing son practices that were unheard of a with Catholic University, besides these removed and in future games the team nature and whether or not the grappling game will be revived this few years ago. The schedule for bas- meets Terror fighters will also be sent is expected to snare its share of victor- year depends on the amount of interest manifested by the student ketball is as follows: to the inter-collegiates which will be ies. body when the winter sports program gets under way. held either at Penn State or at Syracuse On December 5th, the Tenors clashed 'I'uesday, January 9 beginning Oil March 17th. with Georgetown University which Mitslingers Face Pretentious Schedule Delta Pi vs. Black and White Coach Harlow is encouraged over the game was the initial contest for each The boxing outlook takes on a roseate hue as one looks over the Gamma Beta vs. Bachelors team. Georgetown however was better Friday, January 12 continued improvement of various men roster of candidates aspiring to varsity honors. Off-hand the casual in the lower weights. When the season prepared for the engagment as they had observer would predict nothing but success after noting the number Freshmen vs. Sophomores started, although these weights didn't been practicing for six weeks. The of veterans and promising youngsters on hand to carry the colors of Juniors vs. Seniors lack for candidates, there was a dearth game was played on the McKinley Tech the Westminster school into competition this coming campaign. But Tuesday, January 16' of experienced men. At present how- High School floor before one of the a cloud of uncertainty darkens the outlook when one considers the Delta Pi vs. Gamma Beta ever, Coach Harlow having brought his largest crowds to ever witness a colle- docket of opponents which the Terrors will be called on to encounter Bachelors vs. Black and White lightweight aspirants _along slowly is giate game in Washington. wi.thin the roped arena. Friday, January 19 able to place men in the ring who will The 'first half was evenly played as Competing successfully with anyone of the following ring teams, Freshmen vs. Juniors concede nothing to their opponents. the Tenors held their own and only Navy, Penn State, Army, and Syracuse, during the course of a season Sophomores vs. Seniors trailed 11-6. In the second half the Tuesday, January 23 There is an abundance of men es- would be a mammoth taskfor any school the size of Western Maryland, Delta Pi vs. Bachelors increased gradually lead Hoyas their pecially in the lower weights from When t.he final whistle blew the Terrors but when it is found that all these teams mentioned above, plus Mary- Gamma Beta vs. Black and White whom he can class his opening fighter, were beaten 33-9. The physical condi- land, St. John's, Loyola, Catholic University, and Bucknell as the Friday, January 26 but the competition is so keen that he tion of the Terrors wasn't good due to list of engagements for a single season, the task of the Terror mitmen Freshmen vs. Seniors is undecided as to who will get the call. reaches enormous proportions. thli short practice and Coach Stahley Juniors vs. Sophomores Bennett, Beauchamp, Brinsfield and made frequent substitutions in attempts The annual tournament of the Eastern Inter-Collegiate Boxing All games will begin at 4 P. M. on Harrison are waging a merry battle to to keep the score down but without suc- Association will give the mitslingers their final chance for glory and the afternoons mentioned. The time of receive the honor of fighting in the 115 cess. Co-Captains Mahoney and Hurley will serve as a fitting climax to the most pretentious schedule ever halves will be fifteen minutes, teams pound class. Two freshmen, Armacost played excellently, while Sadausky lead attempted by an eastern college the size of the Terror institution. . alternating baskets at half time. and Adams are also showing up well. tbe_ team in scoring. For Georgetown, Basketball Race to Be Close • All men out for varsity basketball Rusteberg and Armacost, left overs O'Conner and Hargedan were the stars after January 3 will be ineligible fOl'- from last year and three freshmen, Me, as they made most of their team's Major interest in State college basketball rests in the Maryland any intra-mural team. The following Kenzie, Flater and Beall are the stu- points. Collegiate Basketball League, of which the Terror quintet is a member. Freshmen are ineligible for any intra- dent men in the 125 pound divi-sion. Navy vs. Western Maryland Competition this year is expected to be keener than ever as most of mural basketball team-Lathrop, Coe, Either Captain Buddy Myers or Dan- Western Maryland's basketers were the teams in the circuit shape up as well-balanced quints at this writing Ritchie, Crashaw, and Murray. last year's l\It. St. Mary's, winner again has honors of top-rung ny Moore upperclass men or Lumen or no match for the Naval Academy quint a top-notch aggregation to send on the floor and have been given an A second and possibly a third round Crowe, freshmen; will get the call in as the Midshipmen opened their 1934 inside chance to repeat this year. will be announced at a later date. the 135 pound class. Haines, Kaddy or campaign with a 4Lto-21 triumph before Graduation failed to take a large toll of college court performers The annual wrestling tournament will Kiefer from last year's squad will fight a capacity crowd of 4,000. from State teams last year and most of the coaches are sending vet- ill the 145 pound weight. Either John- Led by Buster Borries, who made a begin in February. Last year a great ny Olsh or Don Keyser will handle the total of 20 points; despite the fact that eran quintets on the floor these days. of amount of interest was shown in this League officials look for a close race down to the final stretch winners 155 pound engagement. he played only slightly more than half the pennant race. sport in and the the tournament of the elimina- a tion given were The 165 pound, the 175 pound and the the game, the Middies were never se- heavyweight division are well cared riously challenged and Coach John N. chance to do their stuff against the for by Gorski, B. 'Kaplan and Ponteear- Wilson worked out his entire squad. men of Hopkins. vo respectively. These three men are A handball tournament on the climi- all experienced warriors, as Kaplan was Borries Leads Way n basis will begin in the next few the intercollegiate champion last year, Substitutions were begun before the days. Papers will be posted in Ward while Gorski and Pontecarvo were run- first half ended and a number of new Hall so that all wishing to enter may ners up in their weights. combinations were tried. sign up for this event. The brackets In addition to being the high-point for both singles and doubles will be The complete schedule is as follows: scorer, Borries also was the team's made out and contestants may play scoring thrusts. their matches off at any mutually con- Jan. 20-University of Maryland. (Place not settled.) Cumberland Tops Terrors venient time. All entries for this are Jan. 27-Navy-away. The Middies worked all their plays Patronize requested to be made in the next few Feb. 3-St. John's-home. under the basket, nof attempting a days. Feb. 10-Penn State-away. long shot all afternoon. A basketball tournament sponsored Feb. 17-Syracuse-away. Western Maryland's scoring was well by the military department has just Feb. 24-Bucknell-away. distributed, with Cumberland leading been announced by Captain Wooley, A Mar. 3-West Point-away. with six points. play-off between the three companies Mar. 10-Catholic University-away. The summary: Our of the battalion, and the R. O. T. C. Mar. 17-Intercollegiates. (Place not band will take place and the winners settled.) West. Maryland will probably play in the intra-murals. G. F. T. Cumberland, f. ......... 2 2 6 (Continued from Next Column) Mergo, f. .............. 1 1 3 Comerford, f. ........... 0 2 2 Advertisers gel', g.; Whitmyer, f. Western Mary- Ryscavage, c.g . ........ . 1 2 4 land, Fowble, f., Hurley, g. Referee- Sadausky, c. .......... . 0 1 1 Voith, Loyola. Umpire-Holew, Loy- Mahoney, g. .......... . 1 1 3 Mackenzie's ola. Berger, g . ............. . 1 0 2 Coach Skip Stahley and a squad of Totals ................... 6 9 21 ten men will have school for their an- Na.val Academy Pharmacy nual basketball invasion of Pennsyl- G. F. T. vania on Friday; January 11. They Borries, f. .............. 7 6 20 will be gone for two days. On the trip Rankin, f. ............. 1 1 3 they will play Bucknell University on Bailey, f. .............. 0 1 1 Friday at Lewisburg, then on Saturday Bailey, f. .............. 0 1 1 DRUG-SODA night will engage' St. Thomas College at Dornin; f. .............. 2 4 Scranton. Decker, c. •.•.•.....• o. 1 ° 0 2 ALUMNI NOTE LUNCHEONETTE Bucknell University has played one Randolph, g. .......... . 1 0 2 Agnes Elizabeth McBride, Class of Start the New Year contest so far, losing to Georgetown Mandlekol'n, g . ........ . 3 0 6 1933 was married to Mr. Frank New- University 49-24. St. Thomas College King, g . .............. . 1 0 2 man Shaw on Monday, January 1, 1934 RIGHT has one of the strongest teams in its Bradbard, g. .......... . 0 1 1 at Bel Air, Md . Private Booths history having won every game they I Totals ................. 16 9 41 COME TO have played this year. Those who are going on the trip in- Score by periods: "John" Everhart MARGARET' Navy 22 19--41 cluding Coach Stahley and Mgr. Cole THE COLLEGE BARBER We Welcome are: Hurley, Mahoney, Sadusky, Rys- Western Maryland 10 11-21 and cavage, Mergo, Cumberland, Fowble, Non-scoring subs-Navy, Kline, f.; AND BOBBER EARL'S Western Maryland Students Berger, Lipsky and either Comerford Hood and Bayliss, c.; Fellows and Bad- AT THE FORKS or Hempel'. (Continued in Preceding Column)
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