Page 30 - TheGoldBug1933-34
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. ON THE AIR news by Cal York,' and occasional inter- TEN T H ANNIVERSARY OF I (!HUIU1.r!l. C!llUh!l UU() views with leading film luminaries. COLLEGE PAPER (Contiuued from Page Two) "Miss Fane's Baby Is Stolen" is the OBSERVED ~oti.rtir!l Jack; De-nny's Orchestra Sign.ed [or picture to be previewed for the opening Revue Series Starring Jock: Whiting program. (Continued from Page One) Jack Denny's Orchestra has been Saturday, Jan. 2 7at 10.00 P. M.- "The College nee-ds a means of dis- IRVING-WEBSTER, signed for the new Marvelous Melodies WITH BYRD IN THE ANTARTIC. The · seminating news", wrote Doctor Wills, I series, starring Jack Whiting, to be expedition's schedule calls for its first , "The College, again, needs a means of "A Century of Progress In Litera- broadcast over a nationwide WABC-Co- two-way broadcast from Little America i giving official' information. More than ture" was the theme of the program lumbia network Fridays from 9.30 to on this date. From New York, they'll be I anything else, however, the College given in the Society Hall Saturday, Jan- 10.00 P. M., EST, beginning February n. entertained by Bill Daly's Orchestra, ! needs an organ for the expression of uary 20. The meeting was well attend- The popular maestro will be in charge of Gordon Graham, and Maria Silveira. studen t opinion. . . in a college no ed, considering the fact that it con- the musical settings for the new produc- Sunday, Jan. 28 at 3.00 P. M.- less than in a state, public opinion is flicted with the Maryland-Western Mary- tions which will be built along the lines TOSCANINI TO FEATURE BRUCK- of vital importamce, it should therefore land Boxing Match. of in timate Broadway musical shows. In NER SYMPHONY. The New York have an organ of f'ree expression". , 'The Mennonite pacifluists are .finding addition to supplying the accompaniment Philharmouic-Symphony Orchestra, ·di- The next fall the Black and White much war in the "shake over" ground for Whiting and other vocalists as well rected by Arturo Toscanini, will feature became the official s'chool paper. The The I State Theatre of South American Feuds they chose as presenting his outstanding arrange- Anton Bruckner's Symphony No.4, in first issue appeared in October with C. for quiet homesteads," according to Mr. ments of favorite melodies, past and pres- E flat major, subtitled "Romantic ", Roland Wilson as editor, and Daniel H. Shugrave's report of Current Events. ent, Denny will be called on to take part during their two-hour concert. Fahrney as Business Manager. John Warman gave some interesting in skits and blackouts with Whiting and Monday, Jan. 29 at 1.30 P. M.-SEC- name of the paper was not suitable to pointers on the Short Short Story and members of the supporting cast. Den- RETARY OF LABOR TO SPEAK. all those on the hill: and a contest was SATURDAY Matinee 2.30 closed his talk with a good example of ny's orchestrations are noted for their Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor, will held to rename it. The Gold Bug was this type of literature. lack of brass parts, unique interpolations be the principal speaker during the the name that was chosen and this has "SMOKEY" by the English horn and smooth piano broadcast from the New York Confer- 'ever since been its title. "The insignificant news event," said Mr. Mitchell in his discussion of the work. Conductor Jack is himself an ex- ence for Unemployment Insurance Legis- In 1925 the paper was changed to its With pert at the keyboard. His orchestra first Newspaper Feature Story, "often be- lation luncheon. present size, but with only four columns. Victor Jory, Irene Bentley, Tuesday, Jan. 30 at 3.30 P. M.-LA- comes the center of an absorbing feature became known nationally when Columbia BOR LEADER ON "WHITHER BRIT- Under the guidance of Doctor Wills Will James and "Smokey", from the Hotel relayed his programs story. " and Miss IVingate the Gold Bug con- The Wonder Horse. Mount Royal in Montreal. A rush call AIN~" Ernest Bevin, English trade un- tinued to expand until today it ranks President Sliker announced that Mes- from a CBS sponsor in the spring of ion leader and publicist, speaks from 'with the best of publications of all col- I srs. Manspeaker, M. Stevens, Prince, 1932 bronght Denny and his men to New London as another of the prominent MON.,-TUES.,-WED. Warman, and Outteq (chairman), would York. During the past eighteen months Britons discussing the subject, "Whither leges and is an institution of which we ., the needs i constitute the Committee on Key Require- he has appeared for various sponsors Britain ~" may well be proud, satisfying Four MARX BROS. ments. stated ten years ago in the first publica- : over Columbia but for the most part Tuesday, Jan. 30 at 11.15 P. M.-150 tion. -IN- There will be an election of officers at over eastern hook-ups. STATIONS LINK NAT ION FOR the next meeting, Saturday, February 3. COMING EVENTS PRESIDENT'S BIRTHDAY B ALL. "DUCK SOUP" (WABS·Columbia network-all time More than 150 stations, linked by 23,000 J. D. Katz EST) miles of wire of the combined WABC- WED.,-THUR. GAMMA BETA CHI Friday, Jan, 26 at 9.15 P. M.-DORO- Columbia and NBC networks, will broad- THY PARKER IN RADIO DEBUT. cast highlights of a nationwide Birthday QUALITY S HOE REPAIRING ZANE GREY'S The noted wit and authoress tries her Ball honoring President Roosevelt. At the meeting of the fraternity held Special Rates to Students "THE THUNDERING Monday night, officers for the coming voice at the microphone under the aus- HERD" semester were elected. They are as fol- pices of the Town Crier, Alexander Woll- TEXACO LUBRICATION lows: cott. Drive in here. Our Lubrication SATURDAY Chi-William Williams. Friday, Jan. 26 at 10.30 A. M.-NA- Service gives you more miles on the HAVE YOUR EYES Vice- Chi-Paul Myers. TIONAL DEFENSE CONFERENCE Road, less time in the Repair Shop! EXAMINED JOHN WAYNE Gamma-John Speicher. TALK. An address by Henry L. Boose- Main and Bond St. Station at the -IN- Vice-Gamma-LaMar Benson, velt, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Beta-Webster Lucas. before the National Defense Conference RALPH YINGLING, Proprietor Columbia Jewelry Co. "SAGE-BRUSH TRAIL" Vice-Bosa-c-Alfred Sadausky. in Washington. FIRESTONE TIRES and TUBES Sergeant-at-Arms- Eugene Wi . is. Saturday, Jan. 27 at 1.30 P. M.- Broken Lenses duplicated on COMING ' ' Chaplain-Donald Keyser. MRS. ROOSEVELT ON PUB L I C "John" Everhart short notice. HOUSING. In addition to the First WILL ROGERS Lady, Secretary of the Interior and Pub- THE COLLEGE BARBER Expert Watch and Jewelry -IN- lic Works Administrator Ickes and New Repairing "MR. SKITCH" THOUGHTS AT RANDOM York Tenement House Commissioner Post AND BOBBER will be herd from the National Confer- AT THE FORKS (Continued from Page Two) ence on Public Housing meeting in Washington. "Prissy" .... sumbody gave us this:- " " chanjed hur sope frum Saturday, Jan. 27 at 2.30' P. M.- For Bounteous 5c Sandwiches Woodbury tu Life Buoy bekause she CLEVELAND SYMPHONY IN SPE- didunt want tu bathe with Woodbury ... CIAL BROADCAST. The distinguished Mackenzie's Come to MARGARET and EARL wat cha think ~ "Hazel" caught a bad mid-western orchestra will be directed by man luking in the "" rume the othur its new conductor, Arthur Rodzinski. HAM AND LETTUCE nite-you nasty man! .... " Hubbard" Saturday, Jan. 27 at 8.00 P. M.- } haz bin talking in hiz sleap agen; he sed • PREMIERE: "45 MINUTES IN HOL- Pharmacy TUNA FISH ALL FIVE CENTS thet he wud go thru fire and watur fur LYWOOD' '. A new three-quarter hour HOT DOG "Cynthia Hale' '- (wat pritty thots!) series, featuring dramatized previews of --- Also "Thomas Pontecorvo" had the honor stellar pictures, music by Mark War- ov holding the "Whitfield Heiress" the now's Orchestra, "inside" Hollywood I ICE CREAM, MILK, CANDY othur day-'n she didunt evun cry until DRUG-SODA she got home and then she sed, "I wanna go back and sea my Max" !.... yes, LUNCHEONETTE " Ida Duphorne ' '-" Sniper Joe Lipsky' , Phone 359-J -- iz behaving himself wen we sea him .... Just received new shipment of "'Muddy Waters" shame on ya! gettin' Frank T. Shaeffer a date" fur ureself with "K{Jhler"- Private Booths WHOLE CASHEW SAL TED NUTS sure we know he izn't so bad tu luk at PLUMBING, HEATING --- 39c lb. two.... "Frank S·F Button Wade" haz AND OIL BURNER bin gettin' sum letturs lately with' With They're really fine Oce'ans ov Love, 'n a kiss on each wave" CONTRACTOR We Welcome ritten on it-" Miss Wine" wur you 92 W. Main Street ;LJtJltoth£rvSlJIlS aware ov thet ~! 'n we almost furgot hur Western Maryland Students furst name iz "Evangeline" (thet aint WESTMINSTER, MD. , I ( . WESTflfINSTER:S LEADIN(; STORE -;; no story eithur) .. the Bachelors hav set a I nue standard with there old beer mugs- the othur klubs ar gitting them tu, so why kant we~-We wundur wat "Mrs. PATRONIZE Stover" wud say-dunt you dare tell r+++O·PERA*HOUSEI hur .... thoze nasty musstashes thet sum ov thoze boizes ,ar wareing .... 'n wuzent .:. thet sum voice resitul ~-we enjoyed it OUR .ADVERTISERS * MONDAY-TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY II .:. fa.bulusly. . . . . :!: JANUARY 29-30-31, and FEBRUARY 1st "J ohn Timmons" suffured laserashons :1: KA THARINE HEPBURN I ov the optical apparatus wen he wuz hit ± ~~ i by sum (!) woman's appendange in i: Towson last weakend 'n here iz an as· ~ "LITTLE WOMEN" + t sosheated press dispatch "Asst. Dean + With JOAN BENNETT, JEAN PARKER, FRANCIS DEE and 1" I Stahley" lost hiz hat on a bet tu "Peter +t PAUL LUKAS. A picture that was too large for the largest theatre, ., Mergo' '-it wuz {Jnlyfive-ates ov an inch :f Radio City. That theatre stood them up for three solid weeks. i tu big tu .... "AI Sadusky" haz bin ap' ••• 10 AND 25 CENTS pointed janitor ov McDaniel Hall fur a :~ six munth turm-at the prezent "J{Jlm .;. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2-3 -:. f Olsh" iz head janitor; and hiz turn ends ... MATINEE SATURDAY 2.30 P. M. :t March 4, 1934, and "AI" will probably :~ KEN MAYNARD and TARZAN in t be then advanced to janitor .... X THE "FIDDLIN BUCKAROO" .t. weI i gess thet iz all we hav fur this :i: Also LAUREL & HARDY COMEDY :~ 10 AND 25 CENTS time. rite in sumthing about ure frends + + or enemies tu us care ov the post ofis. * MONDAY-TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5-6-7 :~ we wil try tu git sum poetry fur you all + MARIE DRESSLER in i ::: the next time .... "HER SWEETHEART" :t -heidy high- =t Formerly "Christopher Bean", with LIONEL BARRYMORE ¥ ~ + .:. 10 AND 25 CENTS .:. i ~ + RADIOS AND ELECTRICAL .f. THURSDAY-FRIDAY -SATURDAY :t APPLIANCES .:. MATINEE SATURDAY 2.30 P. M. t t All Makes of Radios :t FEBRUARY 8-9-10 * TO RIO" "FLYING Repaired :t With DOLORES DEL DOWN and FRED ASTAIRE RIO ]. Stoner Geiman t , .. .. .The Greatest Musical Yet • .. ¥. 1: 10 AND 25 CENTS . Phone 24 +.:++:++:++:~:~H:++:++:++:-:-~:4tt++r:-:...r:",:++r:++~...~:++:++~:-e+++·tt·ft +...+-+ .. ++++~+
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