Page 26 - TheGoldBug1933-34
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. THOUGHTS AT RANDOM DEBATORS PICK TEAMS OJlannrn, OJiubn, au~ ~nrirttr1i (Continued from Page Two) FOR FORENSIC SEASON Complete Line Of one .... "Jaeger" and "Charlie Child" (Continued from Page One) Greeting Cards first adversary. meet they hav bin doing the town together .••. where on the trip their will also debate FOR ALL OCCASIONS they While "James Andrew (Woodbury)" has got IRVING-WEBSTER SHAKESPEARE 9_L1[B a crush (~) on "McCullough" and on Moravian College. A tentative schedule DAILY PAPERS for the men's team follows: MAGAZINES Irving-Webster Literary Society met the othur side ov the fence iz "Eunity Jan. 11, Cedar Crest College. in the Society Hall Saturday, January At the January meeting» .of the Frances (Elderdice)" givin' "Horse Jan 12, Moravian College. "Everything for the 6, at 6:15 P. M. The program was Shakespeare Club Professor Hendrick- Kaplan's" heart a lighten-ing .... now 'Feb. 9, Westminster College. Student" based on the theme of "Futurism". son presented some slides that had been thet Dr. Ward iz paying sum ov the Feb. 17, Albright (Home). P. G. Coffman Co. Robert Holder gave an interesting dis- collected and prepared by Dr. J. Q. Ad- boizes visits~they're thinking about Feb. 24. Ursinus (Dual). cussion on Futuristic Poetry. The ams. These slides presented maps of surving sum refreshments fur him .. it Mar. 1. Temple U. Lora Outten read Hazlitts, "Babbitt's London made during the lifetime of iz .a gud thing thet he can't vizit Me- Mar. 9. Penn State. Son in 1942". Shakespeare; and scenes of London and Daniel .... "Hen Romito" iz pondering Mar. 17. Penn State. the surrounding countryside. Some pic- ovur the question as to whom he shud There was a discussion about the pos- Mar. 17. Westminster College( Home). sibilities of Irving-Webster becoming tures of the playhouses were shown, ax tu the junyer prom .. sumbody told Mar. 22. Albright. an honorary society. Although no de- too: the Globe, the Swan, and the Rose. "Hazelnut" thet it may be "Becky BONSACKiS finite arrangements have been made as Pictures of the interior of an inn yard' Smith", "Louise Ohrem", or evun "Chi- Prefening to uphold tradition, the yet, a committee is working on the par- gives credence to th e theory tha t the nese Dunlap" .... we're gonna run the women debaters will use the so-called THE ticulars of the requirements. interior of the theaters were fashioned registrar ragged wen it comes time tu "old style" plan. This formal plan of from these yards. It will be remem- register fur thoze honors on granula- argumentation is the type that has been COLLEGE The next meeting will be held Sat- urday, January 20th. The theme of this bered that after the drama left the tion .... "Nicholas Campofreda" got a used almost entirely by all c1ebters un- SHOP meeting will be "A Century of Progress church and the church yard, plays were big riteup in a Balto. Paper's Society til during the last few years. in Litera ture". At this time the short, presented in the inn 'yards and in the Durt Column .. he waz mentioned az Misses Parks, Timmons, Price and short story, as well as other recent lit- light of this knowledge the theory Maryland's bestis tackle, 'n it also sed Lines have been selected to represent TRY OUR erary developments will be discussed. seems to be entirely logical. Other thet if he kept going like he wuz at a the negative, while Misses Whitcraft, slides gave pictures of the customs of certain dance thet he wud be All-Amer i- Chell, Sue Smith and Riley support tho BLACK WALNUT ALPHA GAMMA TAU the times: very fancy dress; street au- can Tackle by next yeer ..... afflrrnat ive. Their first debate will be ditorium, bear baiting, and so on. Por- we ar told thet there are sum sevunty February 9, with Elizabethtown College. SUNDAES The Alpha Gamma Tau Bachelors traits of Shakespeare and pictures of odd days until we go home fur Eastur The schedule for the women's debating ! take great pleasure in announcing the his home and that of Anne Hathaway's .... maybe ya think thet we dun t like teams is as follows: : i 15c following pledges: Edward Barto '35, cottage were also shown. sk.ool - ure rong, we do .... Sunday Feb. 9. Elizabethtown. I James Shugrue, George Kohler, Clifford Dr. Adams, who collected these slides, Chapel wuz well attended-if it had Feb. 23. Ursinus. I Lathrop, Harry Murphy, Paul Wood- is a present curator of the Folger ruined much harder last sunday there Mar. 2. American University. I Fountain or Lunch en, and Robert Sharrer, all of '37. The Shakespeare Memorial Lib I' a r y i'n wudnt hav bin any congregashon .... Mar. 6. Lebanon Valley (~) "TASTINESS" formal initiation was held January 10. Washington, D. C. At the library there "Messrs. Wade and Thomas" hav an ad- Mar. 17. Westminster College ~~) is a model theater that has been built dition in there family, and hiz name Is Our By-Word GAMMA BETA CHI iz "Dean" .... "Babs" iz sore bekauze from the plans and descriptions of the J. David Baile SWEETS-SMOKES Shakespearean theaters. There are also the dog iz sleeping in "Red's" bed; and Gamma Beta Chi wishes to announce ",V are" iz uzing his matteress .... EATS the following pledges: Walter Mullinix, kept in the library extremely valuable "Ralph Graham" sez thet he iz turning "Eoeruthinq Electrical" '36; Robert Coe, Paul Ritchie, Robert editions of the folios and quartos, jew- ovur a nue leaf-if you shud ax us he Kiefer, John Reifsnider, John Warman, elry and other relics of the Elizabethan had bettur start a nue buk .... "Terp G. F. Spiegel; all of the class of '37. Age. ,Yard" couldunt make hiz feet wurk right the othur nite at the dance-he ON THE HILL! tried tu blame it on the gurls, but they ON THE AIR and is given free rein as to choice of material. Although this is his first wur all pi'it.ty gud dancers .... "Charle~ Every Day Mather's Truck (Continued from Page Two) microphone engagement, Benchley is no Daneker" developed such a bad cold on Irene T1aylor Jow the Camel Ca-ravan novice to public appearances, having the way back frum xmas vakashon the Is There With Oasa Loma and Do Re Mi appeared often in revues, vaudeville, boizes wudu't let him sign the rostur Irene Taylor, noted blues singer, is co- and films. a f tur he got hear .... Why carry Brooms, Waste Baskets, Mops, Kotex, Bottles of Ink, starred on ,the new Camel Caravan with o yes, we almost furgot about thet Glenn Gray's Casa Lorna Orchestra and Airlines cristmus party-"Miss Snader" uzed up Pencils, sitore Boxes, etc.? the Do Re Mi Girls, over the W ABC-- a 11 ov the mercurichrome thet wuz giv- Come down or Phone 94 network and is heard on Tuesdays and When Charlie Murphy stages those en fur the Hurt's" .... we wuz just a Thursdays from 10.00 to 10.30 P. M., broadcasts from the Byrd Antarctic Ex_ thinkin' thet the persun who tho,t all pedition's flagship, the Jacob Ruppert, EST., over CBS outlets in 80 cities from ov thoze up desurves a lot ov kredit coast to coast. Brunette, petite and everything but the performers is tied .... "Dr. Shemp',s" 0 Boy Gum iz all charming, Miss Taylor hails from the down tight. The Jllicropho~es are lash- uzed up-'n wants tu know wear tu by is tied stanchions, to Lone Star state. She possesses a rich ed to bolt in the the piano maybe its sum mol' ... thet hair tonic thet wuz giv- ring floor (or mezzo-soprano voice and started singing un tu Olle ov the profs wuz garanteed, in her home town of Dallas at the age deck) and Charlie hangs onto anything so dunt furgit tu git ure money back if of nine. In recent years her unique in- handy to keep from sliding across the it duzent gro,,- sum hare .... "Captain so-called "studio". Fray and Braggiot- terpreta tions of blues songs and modern Wooley" bequeathed hiz tin horn to the will team, love ballads have won her prominent en- ti, Columbia's talented piano Neilan's new band-he sez thet he dusellt nead it az do a numbei.- in Marshall gagements with a half dozen famous long az he haz got hiz lwld .... bands. feature film, "The Sociai Register". i guess thet iz all thet we have fur Movie producers are knocking on Jane Froman's door with contracts in their this time .... we will try to do bettur Columbia Sends Commentator to Mon- pockets for full-length features. Con- fur the next issue-we will try to do tevideo ~or Pan-American nie Gates made her first airplane flight bettur fur the next issue .... if you got Conference ell. December 21, when she took to the or know sumtlting on sum body-leave it Edward Tomlinson, noted journalist skies to get back to her Cleveland home a~ the post otis in care ov us, and we and authority on South American af- in time for Christmas. David Ross' An will print it .... dunt furgit now .... so fairs, has been sent to Montevideo, Uru- thology, "Poet's Gold", is going into its long. gua.y, to give a sel'ies of radio reports second printing. ];'rank Luther has just over the W ABC-Columbia net work on finished making several "Silly Sym- the Pan-American Conference just con- phony" records for Walt Disney. Boake Hill. Side Inn vened in that city. Tomlinson is flying Carter listens to Edwin C. Hill, H. V. to the scene of the international parlev Kaltenborn and Frederic William Wile SANDWICHES-ICE CREAM and will inaugurate the broadc3ists in on the radio when he's not broadcast- about two weeks. The Pan-American ing himself. Adele Honson, the Lieu- GAS AND OIL Conference of 1933 is regarded as tenant Wilma of "Buck Rogers", is go- E_ O. STARNER, Prop. among the most important held between ing to study sculpture at the Art Stu- the United States and her American dents' League in New York this winter. neighbors. Questions of international Marge of "Myrt and Marge" is having trade and politics will be aired with a her portrait painted by Samuel Malm- :~:+:.....:...:.....:...:..:...:.....:..:..!..:..:..,,:...:...:++:.. :...~: ...:++:.....:...:...:.. :.....:,.·:++:":-:+fo:":"~·:++:":""':"':"":-:":"':++l":.-.t++:..:++:++:··:++: .. !..i view to bettering economic conditions berg. Margaret Speaks, the blonde throughout the Western Hemisphere. member of the Humming Bil'ds trio, :i: OPERA HOUSE once rode in the cockpit of a plane with ~ , * ~ .t. ..f+ Colonel Lindbergh. Buick tc Present Robert BencWey, How- :!: JANUARY 12th and 13th FRIDAY AND SATURDAY:!: .+. .+. ard Miarsh and Kostelanetz •!. MATINEE SATURDAY 2:30 P. M. .:. Orchestra J. D. Katz t "DINNER AT EIGHT" .;. Robert Benchley, noted humorist and Y JANUARY 15th and 16th TUESDAY::: y" ::: MONDAY dramatic critic, inaugurated his first ra- 0+. J AMES CAGNEY in .+. dio series in a new variety quarter-hour QUALITY S HOE REPAIRING ~: "LADY KILLER" :!: with Howard Marsh, tenor, and Andre Special Rates to Students :i: With MAE CLARKE and MARGARET LINDSEY :i: Kostelanetz' brilliant orchestra and chorus, beginning December 25 over the 1: WEDNESDAY JANUARY 17th and 18th THURSDAY :~ ED WYNN W ABC-Columbia net work and is heard Y "THE CHIEF" in ::: ::: ot. cach Munday and Thursday from 9.15 to PRESIDENTS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS OF \ and :i: 9.30 P. M., EST., sponsored by Buick. THE LEADINGUNIVERSITIES RECOMMEND t With CHARLES CHIC SALES, DOROTHY MACKALL Known as one of the brightest wits of 9 of. BILL BOYD_ The greatest laugh picture of the season. You have 0+. * heard ED WYNN, the PERFECT FOOL, on the radio; now see him :i: Gur times, Benchley comments on hap- R S Also with this feature there is an .:. 'l< on the screen for the first time. penings of the day. He covers all fields :i: added attraction of VINCENT LOPEZ Orchestra. :t E J JANUARY 19th and 20th SATURDAY :i: A :i: FRIDAY MATINEE 2:30 P. M_ every SATURDAY, Phone 359-J .:. TOM MIX in "FLAMING GUNS", with TONY, JR. .:. + + .:. .t. 0+. Frank T. Shaeffer "The best Am.eri.can dictionary that has yet appeared + What a Western! ~ 0'. :!: :i: he jor a college st.udent to keep wir.hi,n arm's reach. does 110t find between its covers in relation to the general Also OSW ALD, the lucky Rabbit, and other Comedies. PLUMBING, HEATING use oj words in speech arts or on prin ted pages will not be + Note: Always the same prices, 10 and 25 cents_ .!+ 0+. + to a libe'ral necessary LouJe, Direc~ degree.u-Orton tor, Winter Institute of Literature, University 0/ Aliami. In :i: AND OIL BURNER The best abridged dictionary because it is based on the :i: NEXT WEEK "ONLY YESTERDAY" and HOOT GIBSON "Supreme Authority"-Webster's New International Dictionary. "THE FIGHTING PARSON" .:. 0" CONTRACTOR 106,000 entries including hundreds of new words, with defini- +~. .:. tions. spellings, and correct use; a dictionary of Biography; a +~. .:. Gazetteer; rules of punctuation; use of capitals. abbreviations. .t. COMING, "LITTLE WOMEN", "ROMAN SCANDALS", "FLY- .:. words 92 W. Main Street etc.; a dictionary of foreign 1,268 pages. 1,700 illustrations. other .:.. .'. ING DOWN TO RIO", "GOING HOLLYWOOD", +:+ and Many phrases. .:. features value. of practical See It .At Your College Bookstore or Writs for Information to .f. "SON OF KONG" .:. ot. WESTMINSTER, MD. the Publishers. .f. +i+ G. & C. MERRIAM CO. SPRINGFIELD. MASS. __. J+·:++:++:++r:...:...:..r: ...:....~·:·,,:..:..:++:+..r:H:++:.....:+++:++:.. :....:,.+:++!++:++r:++:":++:++:++:":++:+·:~:+·r:++:":-:-:-:":":"·:":":4 +-t +.+
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