Page 28 - TheGoldBug1933-34
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland Oollege, Westminster, Md. COl Thoughts and "Hazelnut" VARIETY BOOKS, PLAYS, AND LIFE A REVIEW OF at Random By "Hazel" um bi golly bi gum! it sure iz a lot LOT IN SODOM Lot described her, and in her eyes was ov fun tu rite 'bout the durt wen peeple Reviewed by dull submission to the will of God, how- send us things about there pals (~) .... Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday Laurlene Straughn ever harsh. But as the men heard Lot, during the academic year by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, weI, lets git going 'n spill sum ov our derision was upon their lips and scorn Maryland. Entered as second-class matter at the Westminster Postoffice. durt, .... Lot In Sodom, a fantasy presented at shone in their eyes. "Stand back! And SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 A YEAR congranulashons! "Papa Cumberland" the Little Theatre in Baltimore last week, they pressed upon the man, and came on ure propagashon ov the cawkayshon is one of the most unusual ever presented near to break the door." And the angels EDITORIAL STAFF race-' 'J 1'_" ways seven and a haf on the screen. It is based on the Bible smote the men with blindness. They, in Editor-in-Chief _ _ F_ P. MITCHELL, '34 pounds, .... if you shud ax us "Dr. Whit- story .of the destruction of Sodom. madness, fought each other in their dark, Associate Editors _.. .. __.. E. J. MAHONEY, '34, ESTHER V. RIGHTER, '34 field" beat him tu it __.. sum nice gurl News Editors __ _DOROTHY M. PAUL, '34, CARLTON BRINSFIELD, '35 The Temple of Sodom was a place of and those who watched were stunned and CopY' Editors _ FRANCES ELDERDICE, '3'5, C. L. WHITTINGTON, '34 sent us a note-she sez, we hav a M_ D_ evil. Distorted figures were there, most speechless. "And the angels said unto Sports Editors _ MARTHA HARRISON, '34, EUGENE WILLIS, '34 on the hill; a certun Washingtonian of them were young, their minds filled Lot, Bring whatsoever thou hast in the cumes tu "Dr. Sally Fadeley'" (hiz with a single purpose. And the serpent city, bring tliem out of this place, for we ~LAKE-UP STAFF f'eeansay ) fur treetment ov hiz hart- Managing Editors : ANTHONY DIKSA, '34, LORA M. OUTTEN, '34 of delusion glided through the doors, and will destroy it because the cry of them is Assistant Managing Editor __ HERBERT STEVENS, '36 trouble .... 0, 0, wuz "Gerald Commer- gnawed at the hearts of the men. An waxen great before the face of the Lord. Stenographer _ FRANCES GLYNN, '35 ford" surprised wen he met thet fella in evil vapor perverted and distorted every- And when the morning arose, the angels Chestertown who iz kinc1a daffy about thing. A cry arose from Sodom from the hastened Lot· saying, "Arise, take thy BUSINESS STAFF , 'Helen Doenges" too .... painted faces of men laughing maniacally, Business Manager _ _ R. L. CAIRNES, '34 now wat do you think ~-" Randolph wife, and thy daughter which are here, Advertising Manager _ KALE MATHIAS, '35 from the women sobbing in the streets, lest thou be consumed in the iniquity of Assistant Adve1·tising Manager _ EDWARD BEAUCHAMP, '35 Rosebud Shilling" and "Oharlotte f'rnm the undertone of the hissing of the the city." And it came to pass when Ci1'lntlation Manager _ CARL EVERLY, '34 Smith' " erstmile Blue Ridge Co-Ed tuk serpent which slid in surreptitious move- they had brought them forth abroad, that Assistant Circulation Managers in the Maryland fites- tugethur .... "Mary ment on cold tiles. they said, "Look not behind thee, neither OLIVE MAY BUTLER, '35 EDWARD GAULT, '36 Caldwell" haz only about three boizes on " And there came two angels to Sodom stay thou in all the plain." THOMAS EVELAND, '36 ANDREW RILEY, '36 a string-at the rate ure go in ' you bet- at even, and they turned unto Lot and And fire rained from the heavens in a HELEN WHITCRAFT, '34 tur git sum roap and make sure thet they entered into his home. But before they deluge, and flaming drops fell all about ar fast .... " Jim Dunn" sed thet the lay down, the men of Sodom compassed the city and formed into a stream of REPORTERS Laurlene Straughn, '34; Louise Needy, '34; Muriel Day, '34; Edith Forney, '35; supe thet we had the othur nite didunt the house round, both old and young, and fire which ran together into one consum- Orpha Pritchard, '34. warm you fast enough-so "Witting- they called unto Lot and said unto him, ing cauldron. And Lot and his f.amily Clarence Bussard, '34 ; James Bopst, '35; Brady Bryson, '35; Reynolds Simpson, ton" proceeded to pour a pIa te full down Where are the men which came into the fled on across the fields and never glanced '36; J. W. Nichols, '35; Robert Brooks, '36; Dexter Beans, '34. hiz neck .... wat iz this hil cuming tu ~ this night~ Bring them out unto us that behind. But the thunder of the brim- -sumbody tuk the cycology klass tu we may know them." They crowded at stone and the flashing of the fire drops Sykesville-we wur told thet one ov the the door of Lot's house crying, in their overcame her wisdom and Lot's wife Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. inmates sed, why i no thet guy ovur their insatiable craving, for the two men who looked back. toward Sodom.. She beheld -hiz name iz "Preston Grimm" .... we were the angels of the Lord. They beat a blinding sea below her, and in terror wur also told that one ov the attendents upon the door, "Bring them out to us." tried to f'ollow. As she stood her feet E D I T o R I A L got ahold ov "J aco b Dern" 'n sed "you "And Lot went out at the door unto were frozen, and a growing pertification kant sneak out on us" .... them and shut the door after him, and crept upon her as she writhed and tried The Doldrums To paraphrase that old and well-worn poem of Long- sum peeple just reminded us thet said, I pray you, brethren, do not so in vain to hasten after. Soon a grotesque fellow's "The Children's Hour", we may say: "Miss Barbara Bennet" has complied wickedly." In mockery the young men block was standing where the form of Missing only retained Comes a pause in the year's occupation with the rules ov the" be takun Appendix laughed at Lot and, as a horde of wolves, Lot's wife had stood, and of the ,~oman. ackshon wil the outline Klub", of the figure by the That is known as the beginning of the second semester. trustees immedeately-if you ar axcepted descended on him. "And Lot said, Be- Probably the worst period in all the collegiate year is that period hold now, I have a daughter which has And the fire soon was lifted, and the when old work is finished and new work is begun. For approximately ure certificate will be in the post ofis on not known man, let me, I pray, bring her air soon was quiet, and the stillness of a mourning-kall fur it in purson Monday a three week stretch, we are up to our necks in labor. We have nu- pleaze .... out to you; only unto these men do noth- ,-oid came from the place that had been merous papers to get off our minds_ "Ve are in constant fear that ing." The vision of the girl appeared as Sodom. so::ne of our professors are going to pcp a quiz on the semester's work "Bruce Ferguson." travels frequently and we will not be prepared for it. And' above all is the question of to Nue WilLSore tu sea a certun Red whether we are going to do as well as we have done before, or worse, Headed Woman-why go sevun miles wen « On The Air » or better. "J aco bson" iz rite hear on the hill ~... Truly this is a period of the doldrums. It seems incredible to anuthur note came in 'n sed "Lee Ir- she iz sofistikated; some of us that so much work is able to pile up on us at one time, we win" tells me thet _... every time "Web- ken you see it, are at a loss as where to turn, and what we are going to about it. ster Lucas" gits a "Date' '-sumbody .Colu1l1,biaLeases B1-oadway Theatre As Event", "The King's Vacation' " ,Vhat are we going to d::>about it. The simpleEt solution of the lJlumbles-she must be "Luke-warm" ... Radio Playhm~se "Forty-Second Street' " "Gold Diggers problem seems simple_ It is a better budgeting of our time_ Not "Fred Malkus" iz continually moaning The Columbia Broadcasting System has of 1933 ", "Footlight Parade" lIm:}- many of us are able to do this, however. VlTe find so much to do that in hiz sleap sumthing about "Doris leased one of Broadlyay's most disting- "Convention City". Coincidentally, seems important at the time, and yet when other, more important Smedes" 'n you ken here it all along the uished theatres, the Hudson, and will op- Dick will be starred with Fiorito's things come up, we see that they were merely nothing. third floar hall 'n in sum 01' the sekond erate it as a theatre devoted entirely to in a forthcoming movie travesty on ra- It is up to us, then, to make not a set of New. Year's resolutions, floar rumes two .... talking about broa.dcasting, on completion of altera- dio, entitled "Hot Air." Young Powell bnt a set of New Semester resolutions: "Floor" thet iz the nallle ov "Shu- tions and technical adaptations. It will ,,-as born in ArKansas; made his profes- Therefore, we resolve: grue 's" new gurl friend-she dozent live be knoll"n as Columbia Broadcasting Sys- sional debut as a concert singer in Louis- To budget our time as best we can. here any more-on sekond thot she prob- tern's Radio Playhouse a.nd will be open- "ilIe, Ky.; turned to the popular field in To get down to work. ably nevur did eithur _. _. "Hoffa" haz ed on February 3 with a special per- phonograph recordings, and first won re- To do the best we can. bin riting tu a gUl'l 'n starting hiz lettur formance over the entire CBS network of nOWll as a master-of-ceremonies during a It may be hard' to carry out these things, especially when warm off 'with-" deer hunnybunchy boo" .. _. over 80 stations. Announcing the exten- lengthy theater engagement in Pitts- burgh. weather comes around, but at the end of the year, let us be able to welkom "Dot :Mitchel" and "Dick Mar- sion of Columbia's activities to 'Broad- followed. His discovery by movie scouts say that at least we tried_ After all, there is a certain satisfaction in tin" back tu the hill; the lattur hazent way, William S. Paley, president of Co- that the step wa.s takell being able to say-" "VeIl, I tried. " bin around the hill this yeer, haz he lumbia, explained of the growing participa- Mary, Eastman Joins Howard Marsh and in recognition These Americans Fundamentally, the American people is a people "EI-elyn "~ .... "-e here that "Dudley" tion of the stage in some of the finest Kostelanetz on B1~ick;Ser·ies of staunch faith in their country, and in them- haz a gurl in Baltimore n she wurks in radio entertainment and of tlle groiying ~Iary Eastman, charming lyric soprano, selves. They are presumably a race of sober men and women, though the hat department ov the Woolworth's eagerness on the part of the public to wit- has joined Howard Marsh, tenor, and not so much as some other nations_. How then, are we to explain some .... just fresh news (f)-"Bosey Ber- ness broadcasting operations. There will Andre Kostelanetz's orchestra and of the silly things that the American people do? ger" iz luking fur a companion prefer- be no admission charge at the Radio chorus on the Buick programs heard over In the first place, they are very susceptible to fads of any kind._ ably a woman; he sez thet "Suitcase Playhouse and admission to all perform- a nationwide W ABC-Colum bia network Fleagle" Witness the mah jong and cross word puzzle crazes that swept the ion- haz cease,] tu be a compan- ances there will be by tickets, obtainable :\Iondays and Thursdays from 9.15 to country just a few years ago. At the present time, we are in the midst by imitation or by application. With the 9.30 P. :M., EST_ The new programs fea- of a like for silly songs. There is some excnse for the" Big, Bad ,Volf", the latest addition tu the dining rume installment of the latest type of apparat- ture brilliant interpretations and ar- popular but is.there any for "Puddin'head Jones" and "Jimmy Had a Nick- is "Axel Crawshaw' '-prity sune he wil us, the large stage will make one of the rangements of the outstanding Prior to music of the present and past. el."? Perhaps we should say thank heaven for all those seemingly be ahIe tu put the tray on hiz head .... most perfect studios in the world. A fea- simple things. They are a fine way by wIlich the minds of the people "Kiug" and "Robbins" have filed ture ,,,ill be a yisible glassed-in contI'ol her radio success, Miss Eastman appear- are turned from their troubles_ there applikashon fur the "NLA_K_". _. room so that the audience may see the ed on Broad,Ya., as well as on some of Americans seem to us to be the type of people who wear a huge "iV. George" ,,-ishus to announce thet technical control of the broadcasts as well the most distinguished concert platforms She also has been audi- gold watch and chain stretched across their front, in addition to sev- hiz burthday iz on the tlY€utisixth ov this as the performances. The theatre has a of the country. Metropolitan Opera Com- by the tioned wantz :Marks" ll1unth _... " Olement eral diamond stickpins and cuff links_ They will do things that ordi- learn about roller skating; he sez thet tu capacity of 1100_ With much attention pany. Dl:wy people wouldn't think of doing, as for instance, walk do\yn the hiz gratest difficulty iz keaping his neezs being paid to radio drama in 1934, ex- ba.:;k alleys of the thug district of Chicago, flashing all that tawdry apart. . time lye will sta'rt the ad- perimentation in the etchnique of mdio Ruth Etting To Star With Johnny jewelry. And strange as it may seem, they would come out of that vize tu the Im-Iorn-send all questions tu dramatic productions will be carried on G1'ee1.'s 01'chestm and Ted Husing back alley still wearing that jewelry. at the Playhouse, and the use of a sys- Ruth Etting, song star of radio, stage "Hazel" 'n "Hazelnut" at the post tem of intricately connected velocity mi- "ExitHa:relnut"(?) "A thing of beauty is a joy forever", but the ofis, so lets here frum ya .... crophones will enable the presentation of and screen, will be featured in a new "column" should have been tossed on the scrap nOIY fur the strutters:- performances more than ever before like series of programs sponsored by Oldsmo- nationwide over pile long ago. It can be safely said that the student body holds an Brinsfield-Sprague those on the visual stage. Broadcasts of bile to be heard network a Tuesdays and W ABS-Columbia inimical opinion towards it, for it does not take any probing, but Hissey-Stra ughn the American School of the Air before Fridays from 9.15 to 9.30 P. M., EST, merely attentiveness to note the emphatic "Thumbs down" verdict Jaeger-Child audiences of educators as a laboratory of starting February 13. Johnny Green's on .this crude assortment of would-be scoops entitled "Hazel and Simpson-Irwin educational broadcast, Ohurch of the Air Hazelnut ". White-Byrd broadcasts before church leaders,. and orchestra and Ted Husing, as master-of- Even in its infancy when it had the advantage of being novel, it Warman-Thorn other broadcasts devoted to special pur- ceremonies, will be heard in support of Her was interesting only to the extent of providing laughter at the ex- Ka plan- Elderdice poses will be staged before invited audi- the popular songstress. next month debut on the Oldsmobile will be series pense of some unsuspecting people, but that has long since worn out, G:-ommerfOl'd- Waltz ences. Ruth's first microphone appearance since and there are no supporting features. Everyone appreciates a Riley-Dixon Dick; Powell, Film Star, Signed for her return frol11 the West Coast where "scoop", or even jovial banter occasionally, hut this "dirt" is the Sweiker-Fogle Fio1-ito-Olcl Gold Series she was engaged for the past six months nadir of that type of writing, for it is off~color, d'erogatory, disparag- Hack-K. Smith Dick Powell, young star of the musi- in motion-picture and radio work. One ing and invidious. The results will prove this_ Just this ~Teek two Speicher-Hammond cal films, has been signed for three per- of the outstanding' interpreters of cur- people were seriously compromised by this mephitic calumny. And Coe-Humphries formances as singing master·of-ceremo- rent lyrics, ?lfiss Etting last year was there are innumerable instances where ambiguities had to be carefully Willis-Twig '35 nies for the new Old Gold series with "inner of the National Radio Editors expla!ned in order to dispell doubts and reflections_ Can such results Gorski-Twig '37 Ted Fiorito's famous West Coast ol'ches- Poll in her category. Johnny Green, speak well for any column? Hand-Bechtold tra, opening Wednesday, February 7, at noted young composer-arranger-conduc- Of lesser importance, but of chronic irritation to the majority of Nichols-Hantz 10.00 P_ M., EST, on a nationwide tor, made his debut as· a Columbia star students, is the grammar and spelling used. O'1ce it was funny; now Ferguson-Roop W ABS·Columbia network from San Fran- last fall. His distinctive programs im- it is childish_ It is not a good immitation of illiterate language, but Daneker-Sullivan cisco. It will be the first nationwide mediately >Yonhim a large following, but since the content is so at variance to good' taste, it follows that the ex- Cairnes-Wigley radio series for Powell, whose sudden rise his radio activity wa.s cut short when he pression be correspondingly out of the way. Cocky-Jacobson to picture fame in a cycle of screen suc- sailed for England to supervise the scor- Because of the evid'ent paucity of adherents, the legion hostilities, Woodbury-McCullough cesses has been the talk of Hollywood ing for the new British musical comedy, and the evident opposition, it seems not only fitting but also necessary "Babs Thomas" iz always trying to lots. Discovered by Warner Brothers "Mr. Whittington", starring ·Jack for the paper's prestige that this column be abolished_ make up sum excu~e so thet he ken sea scouts··in 1932, young Powell won rapid Buchanan. Do you agree? Let· us know how you feel. ROLAND SLIKER. (Continued on Page Four) recognition in. the pictures, "Blessed (C{ll1tinued -on Page ..Four)
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