Page 22 - TheGoldBug1933-34
P. 22
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Ivlaryland College, Westminster, Md. TERROR FOOTBALL TEAM APPRECIATION IS THEME OF Others use their mistakes as a basis for COMPLETES SEASON INSPIRING SERMONS IN self -correction. The of principles (Continued from Page 3) SUNDAY SERVICES must he put iu practice world brotherhood he in our lives, Terrors came from the games with (Continued from Page 1) continued, if we expect to secure world heads up winning 14-13, which was a peace. Friendship is our greatest national a light Y. M. C. A. BLACK AND WlllTE direct reversal of the previous year's throw of life. of appreciation . upon some defense. We must believe in a man until phase score. he is pro,en guilty. We must deal honest- 'I'he Y cabinet met at Dr. Little's The fraternit.y held the annual smok- Following this the Green Terrors Many times loneliness is due to selfish- ly and refrain from exploiting people. home last Monday uight. er for new men last Tuesday night. Dr- crushed a woefully weak Loyola team ness. Dr. Blackwelder proposed that And we must try to help somebody every would thankfulness Wills and Neil Stahley were guests of 54-0, Jack Me Nally running wild and I Another problem he overcome was loneliness. day in order to gain that objective. narrow- cited honor. scoring five touchdowns. Then the The gold medals count in life, he con- W.W. team went to Boston for its final game. I ness. Narrowness grows from specializa: cluded. The man who misses the wealth, There against a fine coached team lead 'tion. We become self-satisfied when really the comfort, and the fame but ultimately W. W. wishes to announce that Mary we owe much to other influences such as finds happiness is much better off than Tosi and quarterback, and Caldwell, Marguerite Carrara, Mary Y.W.C.A. by Freitas, went down into defeate 12-9. home, parents, discoverers and prophets. the one who, gaining all there is to have the Terrors Hill, Lee Irwin, Margaret The regular meeting of Y. W. C. A. We are "our own best psychiatrist" of earthly power, finally is reduced to Lansdale, and Doris Smedes have been was held 011 Wednesday, November 29. The men who have performed well in in that we can guide our own spirit of everlasting despair. pledged to the club. all games were Shepherd, Mergo and looking out on life gratefully, we can cor- Miss Ruth Dunlap gave a very interest- McNalty, backs and Sadausky, Lucas ing talk on China. Miss Dunlap has and Bl issman in the line. Most of rect our egocentricities and direct our spent fourteen years in China and has these men received places on sports lives to one of three centres ... self, r-m ALPHA MU crowd or God. had many unusual experiences. writ ers All Maryland teams, Sadausky, Failure, said Dr .. Blackwelder, is what Phi Alpha Mu announces wi tli pleas- . Shepherd, Blissman and McNally be- we make it. Some people enjoy failure. ure that Elizabeth VI olf'ord, Mary Bar- ing choseu on practically all of them. bara Dixon, Marguerite Ringler, Beth DELTA SIGMA KAPPA In a last analysis Western Maryland Bryson and Margaret Herwick were ac- Delta Sigma Kappa takes pleasure won five games, beating Mt. St. Mary's, cepted as members of the club on De- Loyola, Bucknell, Georgetown and the cem ber 5, 1933. ill announcing that Joan Baer, Cather- Univ orsi ty of Maryland while losing to ine Bishop, Barbara Bennett, Virginia St. Thomas, Duquesne and Boston Col- IIoshall, Elinor Tol1inger, and Henri- lege. The Terrors scored 119 points SHAKESPEARE CLUB etta Twigg have been formally pledged while the opponents amassed 67. Du- to the club. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! quesne was the only team to hold' the Someone at the top of The Shakespeare Club met Tuesday Terrors scoreless while the Terrors • night, N ovember 21. Dorothy Paul, and blanked Loyola, Georgetown and Mt, your gift list ... Laurlene Sstraughn had charge of the GAMMA BETA CHI St. Mary's. program. "The Taming of the Shrew" Those who have worn the Green and was studied as the represonta tive com- The fraternity held a smoker for a Gold for the last time are Co-Captains II' loe A DAY ElG IN edy of Shakespeare. number of new men on the hill. Dr. Dunn and Sadausky, Hurley, Willis, Whitfield, Carl Twigg, Neil Stahley, and R. C. Harlow were honor guests. Shilling, McNally and Diksa. BUYS A REAL IRVING-WEBSTER '1'he fraternitv wishes to announce that Carl Everly, '34, has been accepted The Irving- Webster Literary Society into the fraternity. REMINGTON ,llet Monday, November 27, 1933, in the . society hall. PORTABLE Dr. Schernp led a very interesting dis- BACHELORS cussion on Soviet Russia. After a brief explanation of time and space he The Alpbu Gamma Tau wish to an- brought us to the so-called present times nounce that Norman Davis, '36, and and thus into the problem, "The Recog- Raymond Shipley, '36, have been ac- nition of Russia". He also touched upon e cpted into the fraternity. the political machinery, the religious The annual smoker of this fraternity life, and cultural foundation. Factors was held Monday, November 27, with a which cause the difficulties in under- large number of prospective members Here's a real Christmas presenr l Only Will hers be the tlirill of a life- standing the Russian were considered. present. ten cents a day buys this genuine Remington Portable typewriter. Sim- time when she opens her gift Irving- Webster Literary Society is ple to operate yet does the finest from you 7 It's here-the present glad to welcome into its circle the fol- work. Full set of keys with large and that will fill her eyes with joy I small letters. A splendid gift for an lowing meir: Needham, Pate, Kiefer, LE CERCLE FRANCAIS imaginative growing child - equally It's one of these new beautiful Elgin s, See them in ALL the new fine for mother or dad. See it-try and W arman. Mackenzie's it for yourself. $29.50 cash. Special models-with the surprisingly The regular meeting of Le Cercle Christmas terms as low as $3 down, , low prices. F'ra was held Tuesday evening, N 0- $3 a month for the balance. Carrying case free. But hurry! The illustrated watch strap TRI BETA v embor 21. Miss Lucille Brok talked Easy Terms! above comes in a natural gold about Le Theatre Libre as an introduc- Pharmacy filled case. $25.00 '. Dr. F. 'V. Appel, of St. John's Col- tion to the development of the drama lege, spoke on "Population and the ill the latter part of the nineteenth cen- Bonsack Bros. COLUMBIA Standard of Living" in Room 22, No- tury. The life of Annie Bieque was 22 W. Main Street JEWE-LRY- CO. vember 28. briefly discussed. DRUG-SODA THOUGHTS AT RANDOM those Hcxagenia Biliuiata (May flies) LUNCHEONETTE ~::;::;::~YmNhYh~ thet flit about the north pole for Prof. Benniughof .... fur "Doctor Ward" one (Coutinued f'rom Page 2) Automatic budget ballancer-with mint Item ;-" J olm Olsh" wuz elected tu the attnched .... Private Booths o.ffice ov Prezident 0'1' the Janitors Local "Prof. Speir" wantz a nue car; San· 441; he iz a very fast wurking young ta JOU bettur bTillg him one with rat- 1lir!lilIi!l~r!l fnr W~r NrlU 'rur ~ lUan considuring thet he haz just bin ad· tIes in it so he wunt miss thet Durant vanced frum watchman to janitor ov Mc- .... we kant think QV anything else-if We Welcome I Daniel Hall .... "Bosey Bmger" haz bin you kan, bring it along "ith ya .... giv Western Maryland Students hollering "SCRA:1I" ill hiz sleeap-thet our regards tu lUissus Sandy clauze 'n . 7t:~~~ iz ,Yat "Suitcase Fleagle" told. us .... all the littul sandy clauzes .... 'n now thet Santa Clauze iz going tu ures truly, ~""·J'rIY'.Y.·"""""·rl' •..-.JI.""'.·.·.·.""""""'''''·rl'rI''''Yrl'rI'''.·r!'Q''·rI'.·.·''' vizit us heal' iz wat we rote too him;- "Hazel" 'n "Hazelnut." ~~~~~~~ ~v VIVi VI ~ deer Santa CIauze, 110\Ythet our l\lttur iz ritten we hav no ~ i we hay bin awful gud this year 'n we mr·~- durt fur you a11s so we will doze Early Showing of Christmas Gifts- hope you dunt furgit us. we want too with the same old line-a mary chris·mas I~Coffmall's m Select yours NOW new outfits fur each ov us; a durby fur 'n a happy nue year .... o Q , 'Hazelnut" 'n a littul blew bonnet fur Use our convenient Lay-a-way plan-a small deposit , 'Hazel' , .... a nue mirror fur "Blanch will reserve any article until wanted. Nichols" tu replace the one she "ore ~ For Useful ~~ CASSELL'S out last weak .... a nu address buk full ov J. David Baile .... too pare of stilts fur "Birely" and <15 51 E. Main St., "Baer" a diamond engagement fur UEverything Electrical" ~ m WESTMINSTER, MD. "Latluop" six Hollywood diets tn be distributed amullg the co-eds .... forty ISchool Aut(lgraph Bocks m shaving outfits tu be distributed among i ~ the men (Q) by "Dean Miller"- 'n fur ~:~ Scrap Books I> hiz truble include one rubbur one fur (f> _~ ~~ him .... one "Ida Duphorne Doll" two $I~ 5 Y n·· ~ ke,ap "Joe Lipsky" frum turning intu a ~i~ ear lanes ~ ham burger- 'n dieing of ham burgeritis I .... six cases of palmoli,e and camay I Book Ends soa p mixed tu restore ilJe youthful m ~ bea euty in sum 0'1' our guaTdians on the ~ hill. ... oh, we almost furgot bring your SI! Books worth reading ~ 9! sissors along, an' give' "Bob Holder" a ~ ~. (,) haircut, 'n if you havunt the time a i Beautiful Selection of
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