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SPEECH RECITAL BASKETBALL GAME FRIDAY, JANUARY 12 WITH BUCKNELL 7:30 P. M. FRIDAY, JANUARY 12 SMITH HALL AT LEWISBURG Vol. II~ No.6 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. January 11, 1934 ADMINISTRATION MAKES LITERARY SOCIETY PLANS Workers Construct Picnic Grounds CHANGES IN AWARDING Passing in Review NEW POLICY TO REGAIN on the Campus UnderC. W. A. Plan GRADUATION HONORS By BRADYO. BRYSON FORMER DISTINCTION N. R. A. Expenditures Twenty-Five Men Work To Con- tinue Work Of Beautification New Regulations Go Into Effect Republicans in. the newly convened Irving- Webster Group Will Give Beginning With Class Of '35 congress have already begun a sharp Keys To Honorary Members STAGE WILL BE BUILT and pointed attack on Roosevelt's re- REGISTRATION NECESSARY covery program. The sore spot seems A change in the policy of the Irving- It may come as a surprise to most of to be expenses. Backed up by the Na- Webster literary society to make the you, but Western Maryland College is The statement concerning comprehen- tional Economy League; the G. O. P. organization more an honorary one than sive examinations on page 35 of the seems to be determined to force the hitherto, was announced this week by helping the Roosevelt plan to a consid- catalog has been changed to read: its president, Roland E. Sliker. The erable extent. Under the auspices of issue of economy to the front. the C. W. A. the government is paying Beginning with the class of 1935, stu- General Julurson and the leaders of change, it is hoped, will insure the so- the salaries of men who can work dents who are candidates for gradua- the NRA so far had successfully avert- ciety the distinctive positon it formerly where the materials are provided ana tion honors will be requested to make ell any puhlicity on the money question held. the has been done.' Twenty- application for these honors and take but with the publication of the national A key has been designed that will be five men, of Carroll County are, at pres- comprehensive exarniua tions, a prelim- budget and the convening of Congress awarded to members who have done ent, working on Western Maryland Col- inary near the close of the junior year the inevitable financial scrutiny was meritorious work within the club. Mem- lege campus. If you haven't seen them, and a final: near the close of the senior unavoidable. bership will continue to be open to all it's because you haven't looked in the year, both examinations to be in the And a lot of money has been spent on men, but the key will be worn only by P.aul H. Myers righ t place. field of the student's major interest and emergency operations. Moreover, Pres- those who have merited it. time Some its related fields. ident Roosevelt has asked for $7,000,- Efforts were made to :find some na- from Mr. Beard ago the college area purchased the woods beyond The regulation on page 69 of the 000,000 to cover emergency expenditures tional society or fraternity in other col- CAPTAINS ARE CHOSEN Hoffa Field. If you've been over there catalog covering graduation Cum Laude for the rest of the current fiscal year leges with, a like purpose of rewarding iu the day time, you've probably seen and Summa Cum Laude has been and added that he would need an addi- literary merit within the institution, FOR BOXING AND SOCCER l these 25 men at work. They are en- changed to read: tional $3,000,000,000 the following year. but as far as is known, this will be the gaged in land scraping and to be speci- Beginning with the class of 1933, a Republican comments ranged from only society of such honorary character. Paul H. "Buddy" Myers and Jannay flc, there is to arise from that spot; a student "iII be graduated Summa Cum "Shocking", "staggering", and "an orgy The present officers will continue to Randall, better known as "Jay" have picnic ground. Laude who receives grade A in forty of spending" to "inevitable bankrupt- serv e. They are R. Sliker, president; been selected as captains of the varsity A natural amphitheater lies between per cent of the semester hours complet- cy". At the present rate the national John R. Jaeger, vice-president; Lora boxing and soccer for the seasons of the woods and the apple orchard. Here ed for graduation, grade B in forty per debt will be double in five years, shoot- Ou tt'en, secretary and treasurer; Donald 1934. Bnddy and Jannay are typical the men are going to construct a small cent, and who passes with distinction ing np from sixteen to thirty-two billion 'I'schudi, critic; John Manspeaker, ser- of Western Maryland captains of the stage and plant evergreens. This -place the comprehensive examinations as men- dollars between 1930 to 1935. geant at arms. past, both of them 'having determina- commands a lovely view and when final- tioned on page 35 of this catalog, pro- However, I think ten billion dollars Membership in the Irving-Webster tion, the will to win, and leadership ly completed will add much to the set- vided he has made application for this is a relatively cheap price for prosperi- has been steadily increasing, approxi- characteristics. ting of our campus. However, it will honor not later than October 10 of his ty. To cut down on the president's mately :fifty-:five men are now on its Myers, a 115 pounder as a freshman, probably not be ready for use until the junior year. A student will be gradu- plan to an extent that would seriously roll of which forty are active members. hats had the disadvantage of so many spring of 1935. The only disadvantage ated Cum Laude, who receives grade hamper recovery activity inevitably The meetings are creating more and Western Maryland lightweights in ad- attached to this natural theater is its A in twenty per cent of the number of means a less rapid return of prosperity. more i.nterest and the society seems des- ding weight each year, making it neces- distance from the college. hours completed for graduation, grade This Republican economy movement tined to attain its once powerful and sary for him to either reduce to fight. B in sixty per cent, and who passes with is, to my mind, simply a feint at re- envious position again. Meetings are ing weight in a lower class 01' to :fight Besides this special work the men are credit the comprehensive examinations ducing taxes in order to gain greater held every other Saturday night in in the weight class above. Buddy continuing the work of landscaping the as mentioned on page 35 of this eata. strength with the public. Alumni Hall and all men are cordially started his career as a boxer under tl\e campus that was begun tlli. summer. leg, provided he has registered for this N. R. A. Permanent invited to attend. tutelage of "Dick" Harlow in his fresh- 'Western Maryland College is not the honor not later than October 10 of hils man year here. In his sophomore he only sharer of C. W. A.'s plans. Men junior year. President Roosevelt in his opening fought regularly as a 125 pounder. Last are at work excavating a foundation address to Congress definitely stated for a high school in Westminster, and This idea of registering for graduate that the N. R. A. is to become a perma- DR. BERTHOLF INITIATES year he alternated between the 125 and honors and working definitely toward nent institution in American govern- 135 pound classes, fighting only in a they are grading the road leading to the them is a step forward. This proced- ment. He intends that reorganization BIOLOGY CONFERENCE minority of the contests. But this sea- high school. Several other projects are ure, while in vogue in many other col- of a most basic nature shall be accorn- son, Bud has the necessary weight to also under way ill Carroll County. leges, has never been tried at Western plished before his recovery plan is com- make him a full-fledged 135 poujrder. The C. W. A. has allowed specific Maryland College. Upon a cursory ex- pleted and that there shall be created Dr, L. M. Bertholf has formulated a Since his first appearance on the \ves- numhers of men for each community, amination, the plan may seem rather a permanent feature similar to his pres- 'plan for a conference of many notables tern Maryland squad, the' new Terror un'a.--there are about 575 available in useless, but a more careful study will ent in dustrial organization. in the scientific world to be held tenta- leader has been a willing worker. It Carroll County. These men are paid lead to approval. The whole scheme is tively March 10, 17 or 24 at Western was this willingness to work that de- by the government at the rate of 45 characterized by its extreme flexivility. Of course the federal government Maryland College. The meeting will veloped ~uddy from a novice in to one cents an hour for a 30-hour week. The Purposely, this has becn made a part of won't continue to arbitrarily control in- celebrate a decade of progress in gen- of the most polished and finished box- term of employment is three months. the system. Great emphasis is placed dustry. Boards of trade will be organ- eral biology. ers on the team. His el ection to the upon the work that the individual stu- ized and codes drawn up so that control Tlle program will include a morning captaincy is a just reward for his splen- dents will do under the personal super- will be distant though final. did service. his DEBATORS PICK TEAMS vision of his major profressor. The I wonder what the National Economy session, luncheon, and afternoon session, Jay Randall, like Bud, began final list given at the close of the senior League and the Republicans will have tea, dinner, and an evening session. The career as a freshman. As center half- FOR FORENSIC SEASON year will include not only the broad to say if the enormous expenses remain sessions will consist of a series of ad- back on the Terror soccer team he has general field of the student's knowledge permanent also t dresses on the great progress in many played three seasons with the varsity. but will in addition, test some piece of Repeal Liquor phases' of science. Some of the topics He has the happy faculty of being co- Debating is getting to be serious busi- specific work that the student has him- which will be discussed are: A decade operative. It is such a spirit which is ness as evidenced by the way college self accomplished. It has been predicted that within six of advance in our knowledge of amoeba, necessary as leader of such team play representatives have been deeply en- months the hectic liquor conditions wil as is necessary in soccer games. Like grossed in the preparation of prelimi- The creation of a board of review to have settled down to normalcy. This a decade of advance in our knowledge be known as a committee on Junior and is probably true but in the meantime of Hydra, a decade of advance in our Myers, Jay is a :fighter to the very end, nary speeches for the coming season. Senior examinations will serve to ob- the liquor-buying public seems to be knowledge of algae, and the use of Myers and RandaR will succeed Ber- The question "Resolved that the essen- viate any difficulty and this board will taking a beating. these in elementary biology courses, a nie Kaplan and John Speicher as cap- tial features of the N. 1. R. A. be adopt- act in all matters relating to the axami- decade of advance in our knowledge of tains of their respective teams. Bernie ed as a permanent policy of the United nations. Prices are outrageously high, even will again be with the boxing team, but States Government", has necessitated though this is easily explainable. But, Chesapeake Bay forms and their use i!l "Spike", a 'senior, will be lost to the much study and research. Being in ef- In conclusion it might be noted that what is worse, the. quality is by analy- elementary biology courses, aims and 1934 harriers. fect at the present time, it has been es- the senior comprehensive examination sis undeniably vile. Imitation whis- problems of teaching biology in high pecially necessary for the debaters to that was to be given to the present se- kies and blends are being sold as schools, and aims and problems of THE GOLD BUG STAFFF keep their material up-to-date. nior class will not be given. straight whiskies to the ignorant pub- teaching college biology. MOVES INTO NEW ROOM Following the trend in most colleges lic and, of course, are being found to Dr. Bertholf, in promoting this con- the men are using the Oregon plan in "Gold SENIOR SPEECH STUDENTS be lacking the desired kept bootlegging ference has consulted colleges, and from nounces staff its new room is now locat- all but encounter, debate. be on the Ameri- Bug" the "kick". The of an- That, the Cedar one scientists that will Crest of this has All and ap- leading schools WILL PRESENT RECITAL alive. Moreover, and it will continue until pealed to them for suggestions. All who ed in the basement of the library build- can plan; each team having a ten-min- may and ing be reached stairs the by ute constructive speech and a stx.minute the realize retailers manufacturers think neces~ity of coming down to normal. have heard one, of the plan amazed it is an it just to the right of the main entrance. rebuttal. The Oregon plan uses a ten- are excellent and that The win tel' season of recitals and There has been no regular quarters minute speech for both sides followed plays at 'Yestel'll Maryland is being had not been conceived before. for the paper since the old room oppo- by cross examinations. Try-outs for ushered in by the senior speech recital and an informal reading in Room 22, Those who are expected to speak at site MacDaniel Hall has been incorpor- the men's teams were held Monday, in Smith Hall Friday, January 11, at Science Hall. The program will con- the conference are. Dr. F. W. Appel, St. ated in the College Hill. The staff wel- January 8. Messrs. Sliker and Jones 7.30 o'clock. These recitals are a part sist of the following numbers: John's; Dr. S. O. Mast, J. H. U.; Mrs. comes this new arrangement with pleas- were selected for the negative team, of the classroom exercises of Miss Es- 1. The Widdy's Mite-Lotheroh- G. F_ Papenfuss, J. H. U.; Mr. P. S. ure. while Messrs. Holder and Fleming will ther Smith's senior speech students. Helen Whitcraft. Conger, Carnegie Institute; Dr, Kaih- The new quarters afford good lighting uphold the affirmative. The alternate This is the :first of three formal recitals 2. The Twelve Pound Note--James leen Carpenter, Washington College; facilities, two large tables, with plenty of the negative will be :filled by Mr. to be given in Smith Hall this season. l'vI. Barrie--Esther Righter. Dr. R. V. Truitt, U. of M.; Dr. E. N. of room for :filing cabinets and other Gisriel; the affirmative by Mr. Whit- There will also be three informal reci- 3. The Five Fugitives-G. K. Ches- Corey, U. of M.; Mr. M. E. Burdette, necessaries. tington. Professors Hurt and Wills, ta~s given sometime in the spring. As terton-William Kesmodel. Gaithersburg; L Helen Coggins, Balti- who judged the try-out exercises, have well as being an instructive part of 4. King John, Act III Scene 1- more; H. McLain, Annapolis. NOTICE given much assistance in the working classroom activity, they afford practi- Shakespeare-Anna F. Seward. Dr. Bertholf will be assisted during up of briefs. The men are also fortu- cal experience in giving formal read- the sessions by Beta Beta Beta, the na- The Aloha staff wishes to announce nate in having W. A_ Rnsh, formerly of ings. Originating some years ago, this 5. Wurzel Flummery-A. A. Milne- tional honary biological fraternity of that the fraternity, sorority, military Adrian 'and of Ohio State, now at the procedure hats become so enrooted that Ra thlyn Mellor. Western Mary land College. and faculty pictures will be taken next Seminary, as all informal coach and ad- it rightly has a place among the cus- 6. Sham-Frank G. Thompkins- The expenses of the conference can Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan, visor. The aiIirmative team, represent- tomary activities of the College. During William J. Wright. probably be borne by a charge of not uary 15, 16 and 17, in Mission Parlor. ell by Messrs. Sliker and Holder, will the year, each senior speech student All students and friend·s of the COl-imore than $2.50, including both lunch- Everyone is reqnested to wat~h for leave for Cedar Crest College; Thursday, gives one formal recital in Smith Hall lege are cordia ly invited. eOll and dinner. schedules posted on the bulletin boards. (Continued on Page Four)
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